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Rocked Page 20

by Andrews, Stella

  I am used to this by now. He can’t go anywhere without attracting attention. Mainly from the girls but it doesn’t bother me. We are together and that’s all that counts.

  I smooth down my dress that I wore for the occasion. A white halter neck sundress with black strappy sandals. My hair is newly washed and I have taken great care with my makeup. Silently I pray to the gods of all mothers to make her like me.

  Suddenly, I feel Jax relax and look to where his gaze falls. I don’t mistake his mom as she is a ringer for his sister. She has blonde hair styled in a bob cut and she is wearing a beautiful blue dress. Her smile is radiant and the excitement shines from her eyes.

  She waves us over impatiently and tears spring to my eyes as Jax breaks away and squats down, hugging his mom tightly. She blinks several times and I see her lip tremble. Every set of eyes are focused on the touching scene playing out in front of the packed room.

  Their love is evident and I bite my lip to stop myself from sobbing like a total wreck.

  He whispers something to her and she smiles shakily, nodding. “I love you son.”

  Pulling back, he looks at me with a soft emotional expression and pulls me forward.

  “Mom, meet Emily, my girlfriend. Emily, this is my mom.”

  I hold out my hand shyly and smile but she laughs and pulls me down with her one working arm.

  “Give me a hug, honey. Handshakes are for politicians.”

  Jax rolls his eyes and I giggle as I allow her to envelop me in a sweet perfumed embrace.”

  So, this is what it feels like. It’s hard to believe but I have never been hugged like this. I have no family and any foster parents kept me at arm’s length. I bite back the tears as I realise what I’ve missed out on all these years. A mother’s love is unconditional and lasts forever. Jax and Sammie are so lucky.

  She pulls back and I swear she knows what it meant to me. Her eyes soften and she grins at Jax.

  “You’ve got a good one here, Jax. I’m not sure what you said to Emily to get her agree to be your girlfriend but you did well. Just don’t muck it up.”

  We grin as Jax takes my hand.

  “She’s not going anywhere.”

  His mom smiles and I see the relief in her eyes. It appears that I wasn’t the only one nervous about our visit.

  We spend a good hour talking and I find I absolutely love Jax’s mom. She makes it impossible not to and I envy them their easy relationship.

  After a while, Jax excuses himself to speak to the manager and I smile at his mom.

  “Would you like me to take you anywhere?”

  She grins.

  “We could always go for a spin around the garden. It’s a particular favourite of mine. I just love flowers, don’t you?”

  I nod in agreement. “I do, but I haven’t the faintest idea how to look after them.”

  She smiles and as I start to push her outside, she says brightly.

  “Tell me about yourself, Emily. Do you have any family?”

  “No. I’m an orphan from birth and never managed to find a family who wanted to adopt me. I think I had one in place when I was born but something happened and they were unable to care for me. I’ve just lived from one foster family to another before I became an adult and made my own way.”

  She shakes her head.

  “That’s terrible, honey. I can’t believe they couldn’t find a family who would adore you as their own.”

  I shrug. “I’ve long given up on wishing life was different. You deal with the cards dealt and make the best of them. I am luckier than some. At least I made it through and managed to make my own way.”

  She nods and then waits for a moment before saying softly.

  “You’re a brave girl, Emily. There are many people who have everything in life but still manage to moan and groan. You have a positive approach to life that I love. It’s what has gotten you through a terrible start. However, I am in no doubt it left some scars.”

  I pull up to a pretty garden bench and sit down beside her wheelchair. I look at her wistfully.

  “You’re right, there are many scars. It was tough existing in a world that caters for family life. I envied my schoolfriends their families. I longed for brothers and sisters and a family to moan about along with the rest. Instead, I listened to their stories with envy. I used to imagine that I had a family waiting for me and would invent stories in my head about the perfect life. Christmas and holidays were the hardest. They just magnified the loneliness and I escaped into the fictional world to prevent myself from going mad. Somehow, I got through it and if I have just one wish, it’s to have a family of my own one day. You know the dream. At least two children and a husband I adore. A pretty house with a garden just like this one. I would bake all day and fill my house with happy memories. That’s my dream, some might say it’s no dream at all, but to me it is everything.”

  She looks at me and I see the compassion in her eyes. Then she says sadly.

  “I had that perfect life, Emily. Just as you described. We lived the dream for many amazing years. You’re right it is the perfect life. Then fate played a hand and shattered the dream. My husband was killed and I was broken in mind and body. Sammie and Joshua had their childhood stripped from them overnight. They’ve had their fair share of torment and it has been a difficult road to travel.”

  I smile gently.

  “But they have turned out to be amazing. You must be so proud of them. That is down to you. Despite what happened they still had their mom. They were lucky that you were spared and are a huge part of their life. I would give anything to have a mom even for a day.”

  I watch the tears form in her eyes and laugh softly.

  “Don’t feel sorry for me. I don’t take pity well. Like I said, I have been luckier than most and that is what I hold onto.”

  She smiles sadly. “I try to stay positive for Sammie and Josh, but I have my dark days. I long to be a proper mom to them and be involved in their lives. I miss dancing at Josh’s concert and baking with Sammie. I would love to go shopping with her and help her pick out her home. When they have kids, I wish I could help mind them and enjoy playing with them and spoiling them with treats. I am a burden to them, a reminder of what they have lost, so I try to remain upbeat and carry on. They don’t see the dark side of me that mourns the past and fears the future. But you have inspired me, Emily. You’re right, we don’t all get to live the dream. But at least I still have my children and get to see them happy. That’s all I want, really.”

  Reaching out I grab her hand and squeeze it. “Then we’re both lucky, Mrs Jackson. Two lost souls with something and someone in common. We can be good friends and remind ourselves how lucky we really are.”

  I watch the smile fill her eyes and she says softly.

  “If you don’t mind, Emily, I would rather you didn’t call me Mrs Jackson. That was Nick’s mother and I never really got on with her. I would love it if you could call me, mom.”

  She smiles and my face falls. I can’t speak as the emotion grips me. She squeezes my hand that never left hers. “I hope that you don’t mind. Say if you’d rather not.”

  I choke back the tears and smile.

  “I would love that…Mom.”

  She laughs softly. “What a pair we are. Look at us sitting here, blubbing away. I want to know everything about you, Emily and leave nothing out. I’m a bit nosey like that so you will have to forgive me.”

  I laugh and then reach over and hug her impulsively.

  Her arm holds me close and I whisper, “Thank you, it means so much. You don’t even know how much.”

  She strokes my hair and whispers. “I do, Emily. Believe me I do.”

  By the time Jax returns we are the best of friends. Just before we go, Jax hugs her saying,

  “See you later, mom. The taxi will be here at six. I can’t wait for you to see the show.”

  She smiles happily. “Neither can I, son.”

  I grin and hug her goodbye.

bsp; “Remember, I’ll be there to keep you company. We’ll have a good night.”

  She nods. “The first of many, Emily. You can count on that.”

  Jax puts his arm around me as we head outside and kisses the top of my head.

  “Thanks for that, Emily. Mom loved you, I could tell.”

  I beam up at him.

  “No, thank you for sharing your mom with me. I couldn’t have wished for a better one. If I had a mom I would want her to be just like yours.”

  We head back to the hotel and I think about how far I’ve come in such a short space of time. I have a new job as a PA to the best band in the world and have met the man I want to spend eternity with. I have a new family and they are the best. Scott is no longer part of my life and no threat. He just scuttled back to Washington and has no doubt settled back into his life there with business as usual.

  Then I think of Ashton. Carter sent her father an anonymous tip off naming Donahue. He was confident that her family would follow up on the lead. When you’re a billionaire you have the resources to get things done. I hope so, for Ashton’s sake. I want to think that she will be found safe and well. It doesn’t bear thinking about what may have happened. I wonder where she is now?

  Jax interrupts my thoughts.

  “You know what, Emily? I am feeling quite good about life at the moment.”

  I laugh and gaze at him adoringly. “So am I as it happens. Who’d have thought things would have worked as well as they did. I have you and the guys to thank for that. I would probably still be running if it wasn’t for Eddie giving me that job.”

  Jax reaches over and runs his hand up my leg and under my dress. As he finds my panties he pushes them aside and grins.

  “You do know that since the minute you put that dress on I wanted to tear it off you.”

  I just push his hand away and laugh.

  “Fucking Rock Stars!”

  The End

  Thank you for reading Rocked.

  If you have enjoyed the fantasy world of this novel please would you be so kind as to leave a review on Amazon?

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  where I will add you to my list.

  I do have a Facebook page though where I would love to connect with you.


  Stay healthy and happy and thank you for reading xx

  But what happened to Ashton?

  That’s another story!

  Have you read The Highest Bidder?

  Learn More

  Read On for a taste of

  The Highest Bidder

  I deal in Fantasy and I do it well.

  I am paid a high price for making your dreams come true.

  Do not judge me because if you were me you would do it too.

  These are not fairytales, there is no "Happy Ever After."

  The trouble is what happens when someone else's fantasy turns out to be my nightmare?

  I charge a hefty price but will it end up costing me more than I am willing to pay?

  My whole life is about to change - I'm just not sure I'm ready.

  Chapter One

  The Office

  I take a sip of my coffee whilst I wait for my computer screen to burst into life and wonder what it will be today?

  There is a small part of me that gets nervous as I contemplate what might lie ahead.

  My choice of career is unconventional- not the usual profession worth considering in career's week.

  As I wait a letter on my desk catches my eye, making me smile. Picking it up I glance at the date and wonder if I should go.

  My High School reunion is looming and I'm curious. It's so long ago now, and laughing to myself I wonder what my classmates would think of my chosen career path.

  At school I was a quiet, unassuming student who wasn't worthy of a second look; just blending into the shadows. In fact, I doubt if anyone even remembers me as I got by as best I could.

  I was never popular at school. The usual round of party invites and sleepovers weren't offered my way and the only friends I had were misfits, much the same as me.

  Laughing to myself I realize I would very much enjoy going back there, just to let them see what happened to mousey little Samantha Jackson.

  The screen bursts into life and my company name shines out before me.

  "Fantasm Enterprises."

  The logo of an empty mask fills it, and once again my heart beats rapidly as I wonder what my next job will be.

  I deal in fantasy and charge a hefty price for it. My customers contact me with their fantasies and set their bids. The highest bid wins the day, and my job is to make their dreams come true. If they are unsuccessful one day they can submit again hoping to win the next auction. Let's call it fantasy eBay.

  Clicking on the Inbox I filter to the highest bid. Instantly the form hits the screen and I read with interest the details of my job tomorrow.

  I only work three days a week. Three out in the field, two at the gym, one for maintenance and one day to rest.

  Once again, I smile at the thought of my six-inch heels clicking along the corridors of my High School as I enter the hall as a self-made millionaire. How interesting it would be to tell them how my fortune was made. I am sure that nobody would believe it; I find it hard to get my own head around it sometimes.

  Shaking the delicious thoughts away I concentrate on the job in hand. Reading through the form, I smile and my excitement increases. This is different, I will enjoy this one.

  Chapter Two

  Stop and Search.

  Sitting in my car heading towards the Highway I can't stop the excitement from building.

  I study my reflection in the mirror and scarcely recognize the woman gazing back at me.

  Today my hair is long and dark and is pulled up into a ponytail. Bright red lips pout back at me as the skimpy dress rides up around my thighs, revealing that my underwear is missing.

  Luckily, I can drive in heels, which is a good thing as I am wearing my usual six-inch ones that the clients seem to love so much.

  As I head onto the selected road, I wonder what he will be like.

  The music plays quietly in the background and the heater warms my increasingly hot body. I almost can't wait as the anticipation grows.

  I checked the PayPal account and saw that the $5000 was showing as paid and fleetingly wonder how this guy heard of me?

  All my customers come through recommendation. I don't advertise as my work speaks for itself. The number of bids coming in daily means I have a hungry customer base out there, which never seems to dwindle.

  My thoughts are interrupted as I see the blue lights flashing behind me and hear the sirens. As I speed up the car behind moves faster with me. It doesn't go away so I apply pressure on the accelerator, and soon we are flying.

  Spying the turning ahead I pull sharply off and carry on down a narrower road.

  The sirens flash behind me and seizing my chance; I slam on the brakes and haul the car in sharply. This road is deserted and seeing some trees ahead I brake sharply, cutting off the lights and the engine.

  The headlights of the vehicle behind blind me as I stare into the mirror my heart racing. Hearing the thump of a car door I crouch down low in my seat.

  The door is almost ripped from its hinges, and a strong arm pulls me unceremoniously from the car saying harshly, "Move out of the vehicle and place your hands on the hood."

  I feel myself pressed against the car and my face meets the metal as he roughly pushes me against it. I feel his leg in-between mine as he parts them and in a voice laced with undisguised lust orders, "Spread your legs and put your hands behind you."

  Immediately I feel the cuffs imprisoning my wrists and he pulls my head back by my ponytail and growls. "Looks like I found me a felon that needs punishing. First things first, I need to search you; who knows you may
be concealing a weapon."

  He crouches down and I feel his hands run from my ankles up my legs. They travel to the top of my thighs and I feel my dress being pushed up around my waist. He whispers, "Don't move an inch."

  I hear the tear of the paper as he places a condom on his dick and then I feel him edge his cock closer. He holds it against me and then pushes in hard. I gasp and he growls, "Don't make a sound. This needs to be thorough."

  I feel him moving in and out, slowly at first and then faster and harder. He kicks my legs wider and pushes in deeper. I can feel my excitement as he punishes me relentlessly.

  Suddenly he pulls out and swings me around and I get my first look at him. He is a large man, probably in his fifties. His hair is dark and his eyes heavy with lust.

  He pushes me down onto my knees and growls, "Now I must check that smart mouth of yours. Open it whilst I search."

  He pushes his dick into my mouth and I suck his shaft with my hands cuffed behind my back. He shoves it in quickly and I taste him as he drives faster and faster. As I suck him vigorously I am rewarded by his deep throaty groans. Grabbing my hair, he face fucks me until I don't think my knees will take it anymore. Then he pulls out and lifts me roughly to my feet.

  "I need to search the rest of you. Strip!"

  He releases me so that I can remove my dress. He licks his lips and I watch as his eyes darken with desire. Pulling me roughly around he forces my face onto the hood.

  "Bend over and let me search you properly."

  Once again, I hear the rip of the packet as he sheaths his dick and then spreading me wide he plunders my ass until I am filled.

  He rocks against me and the cold metal of the car rubs against my clit sending me almost over the edge. Suddenly he draws out saying gruffly, "Did you just try to resist arrest?"


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