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Page 20


“Sounds like someone needs their cock sucked.”

  My eyes sparked at the offer, expecting Tegan but watching Lilliana stroll in. She had on short shorts and a skintight belly shirt without a bra. My dick responded as I mentally berated myself. I hated that there was a part of me I wasn’t able to control. I loved Tegan, and every inch of me belonged to her.

  “What do you want, Lilliana?” I asked harshly.

  She strutted over and pivoted on the edge of my desk, grabbing a pencil and sliding it between her lips. “I haven’t seen you in a while. I miss our time together. I miss your dick.”

  I stood, my forehead creased with anger, and cleared my throat. “What is this? You’re clearly aware I’m with someone else. I’m sure you’ve heard all about it.”

  “Yeah, I heard the rumors, but can she suck you off like I can? I know she used to do porn, but now she’s an old, fat cow. You always told me I had the best mouth and the tightest pussy. Maybe I wanted to remind you how good it was. How good we were. Bring you back to your senses,” she cooed as she licked a ring around the pencil.

  I scoffed, snatching the pencil from her mouth. “Never going to happen. Please leave. I don’t want you here. Shouldn’t you be teaching a spin class?”

  She grinned. “I’m at lunch, and what I feel like eating is your thick cock.”

  Lilliana pushed off the desk and stood in front of me, catching my zipper between her thumb and index finger and starting to pull it. She managed to get it halfway down before I grabbed her and pushed her back.

  “Don’t you understand I don’t want this? I don’t want you. Please leave. You’re pissing me off.” I was livid. I couldn’t believe her behavior. What the fuck was this?

  She still was close enough to touch me, and her eyes focused on my partially unzipped pants.

  “I don’t believe a word you say. It’s obvious you want me. I mean, look at how hard you are,” she stated, her tone victorious.

  “You think because you made me hard, I want you? You evidently have not read statistics on men my age. We get erections all day and night without cause. However, since I’ve been sleeping with Tegan, I suppose I have my reasons. She fucks me well. I’m hard because I’m thinking about her.”

  Lilliana’s cheeks raged with redness. I had said too much, and I knew it. This woman was furious.

  “You bastard! I gave you full opportunity to come back to me, but since you’re being so uncooperative, I’m going to screw you like you’ve never been screwed before. I looked the other way while you were fucking other girls, and I even gave in and participated in those swap-a-thons with your boys. But I won’t allow myself to be replaced by some over-the-hill, fat loser.”

  I balled my fists at my sides as my heart began to pound loudly. “Get the fuck out. You’re fired, and, Lilliana, there is nothing you can do to me. You signed an NDA, so if you want to lose your severance package, keep talking,” I roared.

  As I waved her toward the door, I could tell she wanted to continue her banter. A loud slam jarred me into remembering my fly was down. My hand shook as I zipped myself. I placed a hand on each arm of my chair, sitting slowly. It took me about twenty minutes to regain my composure after realizing that Lilliana was probably the spy. I called payroll and requested a termination package for her. She would have a bit of paperwork to sign, and if she wanted VIP’s generous compensation, she would fill it out in utter silence.

  Everything that was happening was caused by my constant womanizing. Lilliana, as intolerable a bitch as she was, did deserve money for her silence, hence the package.

  In the past three years, none of us had experienced an employee’s wrath. Fucking our way through the female staff was bad for business, and with everything going on now, we would have to set new guidelines.

  There were a lot of things to consider, and this nightmare was of my own making. If VIP survived the aftermath of employee scorn, things would have to change and decisions would need to be made. I supposed everything was up to me regarding my future. Tegan’s time here was coming to a close, and I needed to figure out what would happen between us before she left.

  I’d never considered a long-distance relationship. Hell, I’d never considered any relationship. I didn’t have anything to go by. What should I do? What would she expect? We both had the means to fly back and forth. Tegan had a private plane, so we could see each other during the weekends.

  I leaned back in my chair as I shook my head. So for five days a week, I would be alone except for phone calls, video chat, and texting. I’d never been sexually solo. Could I even trust myself?

  If I crossed the line and strayed, the bond between Tegan and me would be broken. I loved and needed her.

  I chuckled at Jasper’s remark about Reese. The man is already planning your wedding. That was a major jump for me—from monogamy to matrimony. I barely had the experience to maintain this relationship, and I felt as if I were walking on glass, always worrying about whether I was doing it right. Could I have her and VIP, and if I couldn’t, which one would be easier to walk away from? I loved both, and now my dreams included her.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I hummed to myself as I navigated the hallway to Kai’s office. Two bags dangled from my hands as I approached a water cooler. I was going to surprise him with lunch. I had finished thirty minutes of riding the bike and walking the treadmill. The truth was I wanted to see him in his element. I’d heard his office was lavish, and if it were anything like his penthouse, maybe we could fool around.

  I giggled.

  A hard-bodied young woman with extremely large silicone breasts slammed the door of his office. She appeared angry. She stopped to get a cup of water at the cooler, then blocked my passage. “Oh, look. I do believe the ocean is missing a whale.”

  What the hell? “I beg your pardon,” I said as I attempted to squeeze by her.

  “You’ll need to lose another fifty pounds to pass me comfortably.”

  I dropped the two bags, placing my hands on my hips. “What the fuck is your problem? I don’t even know you.”

  “My name is Lilliana. I used to fuck your boyfriend until he decided he wanted to ride the Goodyear blimp. And even though we don’t screw anymore, he does enjoy me on my knees. You just missed it… me sucking your man off. It was divine,” she announced as she wiped her mouth on her bare arm.

  My body quivered as she moved past me. I had an urge to grab her by the weave and strangle the bitch. Had Kai betrayed me? It was obvious she was one of the many women he had sex with, and now she was pissed because he’d chosen me.

  Blimp. Whale. Would I ever get past those terms? Would I be enough? Would I always have concerns that he would cheat because he was tempted by someone younger, someone thinner?

  I picked up the bags from the floor and knocked on his door.

  “Go away, Lilliana. I’ve had enough of you.”

  The bags slipped out of my hands as the invisible punch struck my gut. I gagged, bile burning my throat. Tears welled in my eyes as I replayed everything he’d ever said to me. Kai had played me, the overweight woman with a penchant for cupcakes. His kind behavior was only a mask because I had gone through a miscarriage and he felt guilty. He’d already confessed his partners told him to appease me any way possible because they had concerns of possible legal action.

  Ronnie had forced me to come here to lose weight, and I had succeeded. Neither of us considered we’d both fall in love. How stupid I was to ever think someone who looked like Kai Addison would want me.

  Dazed, I made my way back to the room and called Ronnie. I then called Reese and told him I was leaving and needed a ride to the mainland.

  “And, Reese, if you tell anyone, especially Kai, I’ll do what you three fear the most. I will file a lawsuit so public it will burn VIP to ashes.”

  “Wait. What the hell, Tegan? What’s happened? I don’t understand—”

  “All you need to understand is I’m going home. I’m done. I can
’t be here anymore. No more talking about it. Just get the yacht ready. My assistant and I will be there within an hour. And keep your mouth shut. I’m warning you.” My voice shook along with my body as I ended the conversation.

  I gathered my belongings and tossed everything into suitcases, dumping my toiletries into my cosmetics bag.

  “What the fuck is going on? We’re leaving?” Ronnie asked as she rushed in, noticing my luggage strewn everywhere.

  I kept my head down, refusing to let her see me cry. I wouldn’t allow Kai to break me. “I have to go. I get if you need to stay. I know you have Nadia, so if you want to come later, I’ll understand.”

  “Look at me, Tegan.”

  I looked at her with swollen eyes.

  “I knew it. I fucking knew it! What did that bastard do?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Please don’t ask me to rehash it.” I sobbed quietly as I continued to stuff my shoes into my luggage.

  “Nadia will understand. My place is with you, especially right now. I’ll call her and grab my things, and then we’re out of here.”

  I walked back into the bathroom and balanced my arms on the cold marble countertop, staring at myself in the mirror. Christ, at my age, I should have known better. I’d always expected this from Kai. Why was I so surprised? Men were always the same. They sucked the life out of you, taking everything you had and never giving anything in return. I’d allowed myself to be used because I let my guard down and I fell in love.

  “Okay, let’s go. I’m ready,” Ronnie yelled from the living room.

  I called down to the desk to let them know we were checking out and to send a porter to our room. We followed our suitcases as they were rolled down to the boat launch.

  Reese was already there and offered his hand as our luggage was loaded onto the yacht.

  “You’re sure about this?” he asked.

  I nodded. “You didn’t tell anyone, did you?”

  “You asked me not to, and I’ll abide by your wishes. I’m here if you need me. I’m sorry for whatever has happened that has upset you. You look so distraught, Tegan. I hate this. I wish you would confide in me.”

  I scoffed. “And exactly why would I trust you, Reese? You’re a man, and our interactions have been less than congenial. I don’t blame you. It’s not your fault. It’s in your nature.”

  The ride to the mainland was quiet, which gave me time to jot a letter to Kai. I didn’t want him wondering why I left. I told him I was grateful for his help in losing weight and I now knew I could do this without him. I wrote nothing about my devastation. I wouldn’t give him the pleasure of knowing how he put a knife in my back with his betrayal.

  We finally got to the mainland’s dock. I couldn’t wait to board my plane. Thankfully, the airport was only two miles away.

  I folded the letter and pulled an envelope from my purse. “Can you give this to Kai?” I asked Reese as I handed him the note.

  He reluctantly took it, placing it in his shirt pocket. “I’ll miss you, Tegan. I’m glad we met, and I enjoyed seeing a different side of Kai.”

  I acknowledged his words and walked away, my heart heavy with pain and disbelief. I’d always anticipated the end of Kai and me to be tumultuous, but I hadn’t expected it to hurt this much. This was how I knew I loved him, because when my ex-husband and I ended, it was a relief. With Kai, I felt hollow. The man had filled me with such desire and passion it hadn’t left room for anything else, like failure. I had lost so much.


  A child.

  And the man I loved.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Well, crap. Where was she? It was almost three thirty and still no Tegan. I’d tried her room twice and her cell four times. She knew we were supposed to meet after lunch. Boy, after the altercation with Lilliana, I needed some alone time with my woman. I had just sat back on my couch and closed my eyes when I heard a knock on the door. Why would she knock? Tegan had a key.

  Reese greeted me as I opened the door.

  “What do you need? I’m expecting Tegan, so make it quick.”

  Reese’s expression turned sullen as he handed me an envelope. “She’s not coming, Kai. She left.”

  “Wait, what? What is this?” I asked, confused, as I gripped the envelope.

  “Tegan checked out. I took her and Ronnie to the mainland. I’m guessing they’re in the air by now.”

  “She’s gone? I don’t get it. Why the hell didn’t you come to me right away?” I questioned loudly.

  Reese’s voice became shrill. “She threatened to sue us if I said anything. She didn’t want you to know. I have no idea what happened, but I could tell she’d been crying. Kai, what the hell did you do?”

  I swept my hand through my hair. “I swear to you I didn’t do anything. I had that conference call, then you two came by, and then Lilliana showed up. I had lunch at my desk, then worked out for an hour before coming back here to meet her.”

  “What did Lilliana want?”

  “To blow me. I suppose I should tell you I fired her. She was coming on overly aggressive, even though she was well aware of my current relationship status. Her behavior had me wondering if she wasn’t the one who informed Harriet. I warned her that not complying with the NDA would hinder her severance package. I figured money talks and bullshit walks.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I guess the letter will explain why she left. I’m sorry, man, truly.”

  I nodded, closing the door behind me. My hands shook and my heart rate quickened as I ripped open the envelope.

  Dear Kai,

  I always knew this is how we’d end. Somehow, I thought this would happen after my time here had ended. I always assumed being faithful would be quite a struggle for you. I went into this relationship with my eyes wide open. Somehow, I pushed you out of your comfort zone, and you had sex with a much older and heavier woman. I knew it wouldn’t last. Some things aren’t meant to be, and you and I are one of those things. I’m grateful for you helping me accomplish more than I’d ever thought possible. I do love you; I only wish that was enough. I hope you find a woman that will make you happy and give you peace. Of course, I wish it were me. You only need to get out of your own way, because I still believe you are worthy, and eventually you can be that man I know you are.


  I rubbed my eyes as the letter floated to the carpet.

  A struggle. Faithful. Worthy. Love.

  I was all those, and still she left me?

  Retrieving the paper, I reread the letter three times. Was she accusing me of cheating? I was good, but not that good. When would I have found the time? Even though I’d never known a life of monogamy, I loved Tegan and didn’t want anyone else.

  Now I wanted a drink. Tegan had poured all the liquor in the house down the sink, and then she left me. I struggled to understand her words and the hidden messages between the lines. I’d never been heartbroken or felt this kind of pain. Without her, I was dead inside. I felt nothing. She’d gone because I was nothing.

  * * *

  Three Weeks Later…

  “Come on, Kai, let us in. I’m going to send Jasper to get the key from housekeeping. Now open the fucking door,” Reese yelled as he continued pounding on the door.

  “I’d hoped you two would get the hint and leave me the hell alone,” I said as I threw the lock.

  “Christ. It’s been three weeks. You can’t ignore work or us forever. Good God, how long do you plan to wallow? You look like shit. What’s with the beard, and what the fuck is that rancid smell?” Jasper demanded.

  “Yes, do come in and insult me while I’m down,” I retorted as I bowed and gestured them inside.

  Both walked past me, and Reese opened the blinds and the sliding glass door. “How about some fresh air? It’s awful dark and dismal.”

  “Like my soul,” I uttered.

  “Have you been drinking?” Jasper inquired.

  “I wish, but that would
require me getting dressed and boating to the mainland. Yeah, Jasper, I found out that you told the kitchen to cut off all alcoholic beverages. Thanks for that,” I said angrily.

  “You’re welcome. Look at yourself. You’ve allowed some woman to unravel you. You look like hell and smell like arse. You had Kim take over all your clients. No one has seen you in weeks. I’m not going to allow some female to ruin your life,” Jasper stipulated.

  I dropped onto a chair. “You don’t get it. I don’t care about anything—not without her. My entire life was compiled of nothing but inanimate objects and sexual conquests. She made me want more.”

  “But, Kai, VIP was your dream. We just funded it, but it started with your idea. You can’t walk away. What you’re doing affects all of us,” Reese pointed out.

  “Yeah, it was my dream because it was the only thing I cared about. I never thought I’d be more than my club, but Tegan saw past that and had me believe I could be more than that one thing.”

  “Tell him, Jasper.” Reese nudged him.

  “If I must… It appears that Lilliana had a little chat with Tegan and told her a few things. You didn’t allow that twat to give you a blowjob, did you? I’m just asking.”

  What he said woke me up. I knew it! That bitch.

  I had found two bags of food outside my office, but I’d just assumed they belonged to Lilliana. Now it was painfully obvious that Tegan had brought them.

  “Of course I didn’t get a blowjob from Lilliana. I know it’s difficult for you to fathom, Jasper, but I really do love Tegan and would never cheat on her. I have to fix this. I need her to know that anything that bitch said was a lie.”

  “Thank Christ, something’s put a fire under your arse,” Jasper announced. “Now, will you take a shower while I call housekeeping, please?”



  One Month Later…

  It was windy and cold as I left the New York Stock Exchange. I’d visited the city back when I was doing publicity tours for my adult movies, but this was my first time in Manhattan, standing on Wall Street.


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