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Page 5

by Evangeline Anderson

  But how to find her?

  Closing his eyes, Garron inhaled deeply, letting his incredibly sensitive sense of smell do what his eyes could not—pick out the girl he was seeking. He found the faint strain of lovely, feminine scent and followed it blindly, turning until he knew which direction it was coming from. He took one step forward and then another. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in front of a couch which held two puppets.

  Both had lovely full figures, which was nice since Garron preferred a female that wasn’t too skinny. One of them had carefully styled hair that was a strange reddish shade of blonde and wide blue eyes which came up to meet his when he stopped in front of her.

  “Yes, warrior?” she asked in a high, mechanical voice. “How may I service you?”

  Garron frowned and leaned down to sniff her. He withdrew, his nostrils wrinkling, when the faint scent of oil and metal met his nose.

  Not her.

  So it must be the other puppet—a short, plump girl with pale, porcelain skin and long reddish brown hair that fell in a thick curtain around her face. Garron couldn’t see what color her eyes were because she was still staring down, apparently concentrating on the book in her lap.

  “You,” he said roughly, tapping her on the shoulder.

  The puppet flinched—or seemed to. It must have been a glitch in her programming that caused it because Garron had never seen one react that way. Slowly, she looked up.

  “Y-yes, warrior?” Her voice was a soft, lovely alto that made his cock surge. “What…what can I do for you?”

  Garron stared at her. Her eyes…why did they look familiar? They were dark pools, fringed thickly with black lashes and filled with some emotion. Was it…fear? But that was impossible—Pairing Puppets didn’t feel. Probably it was a trick of the light. Or maybe a different kind of programming.

  He leaned closer and inhaled, drawing her scent deep into his lungs. Yes, this was her all right—the girl the delicious aroma was coming from. The scent was so complex—he could even smell notes of uncertainty in it. Was this more Kindred technology at work? Maybe a way to make the warrior feel like he was pursuing the girl instead of the other way around? If so, it was working. He felt his cock harden even more in his trousers and the forbidden urges surged to the forefront of his mind.

  “Stand up,” Garron commanded the puppet, his voice hoarse with need. “Let me look at you.”

  The girl set her book aside with hands that seemed to shake. Slowly, she rose, displaying herself for him, just as he had commanded.

  Garron sucked in a breath at her beauty. She had full breasts and wide, curving hips that filled out the black lace dress she wore nicely. Her long, thick hair trailed down her back like silk and her soft, pink, kissable mouth trembled almost like a real girl’s.

  But it was her scent as much as her appearance that drew him. There wasn’t even a hint of the oil and metal stink the other Pairing Puppets always had. Her lovely feminine aroma bewitched him completely until he almost felt like the girl was seducing him, though she did nothing but stand there, looking down at her hands and biting her lush lower lip in a way that was distractingly erotic…and distinctly un-puppetlike.

  Though he found them enticing, her mannerisms bothered him. Garron frowned, trying to think past the bewitching scent. She didn’t smell like a puppet and she didn’t seem to react like one either. Why was that?

  “Who are you?” he demanded, staring at her. “What are you?”

  “Just…just a P-pairing P-puppet, warrior,” the girl stuttered, her pale cheeks going bright red. “I am…I am new here.”

  “A new model, you mean?” Garron demanded.

  She nodded eagerly. “Yes! A…a prototype. I…have not been here long.”

  That explains it. The sweet, fresh scent, the Puppet’s seeming modesty… it all made sense now. Not that Garron wanted to spend much time thinking about it. He had finally found a Pairing Puppet he could bear to use—in fact, he found he couldn’t wait to use her.

  But not just use… he wanted to caress every inch of the creamy, pale skin he could see under her thin black lace gown. Wanted to stroke the soft waterfall of silky hair away from her delicate features and decipher the color of those bewitching, dark eyes. Wanted to raise her skirt and stroke and scent and most of all taste her sweet sex…that most forbidden activity that his people, the Rai’ku, considered taboo and illicit…

  All the things you wish you could have done with Nella, whispered the voice of guilt in his head. Garron pushed it away with some difficulty.

  “I want you,” he told the Puppet thickly. “No, I need you. Now.”

  “Oh, I…” The puppet blushed even redder, if that was possible and tried to take a step back. “Perhaps another model, warrior. I am…still so new.”

  “No,” Garron growled, his lust and her sweet scent overcoming his inhibitions and even his guilt. “You. I must have you. Come.” He reached out a hand for her and in a moment, the Pairing Puppet put her hand in his obediently.

  “My…I have a room upstairs,” she said hesitantly.

  But a quick encounter wasn’t what Garron had in mind. He needed to take his time, to explore the hidden urges he’d been suppressing for years. And he needed to take her someplace private, just in case his dr’gin came out at last.

  “No.” He shook his head firmly. “I need you to come with me.”

  “I…but I…” She shook her head, her big, dark eyes wide with what honestly looked like fear.

  Garron frowned. “Aren’t you programmed to serve?”

  “Of…of course I am.” She cleared her throat. “I’m just…I mean, forgive me, warrior.”

  Abruptly the fear in her eyes got to him. Even though he knew it was a simulated emotion, he couldn’t help reacting to it.

  “Hey…” He turned and cupped her cheek, lifting her chin to make her meet his eyes. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said softly. “I just want…I just need to…I need a release. That’s all.” And in that moment, he really meant it. Though he had felt his blood boiling and the beast within him growing closer to the surface, for some reason just being near this little Pairing Puppet seemed to cool him down. His need was just as strong but as he touched her, he found that his blood no longer boiled until he felt he might explode.

  I can do this, he told himself. I can take her without hurting her. I can appease the dr’gin within and not let it out. I’m sure of it. As long as I can touch her…as long as I can taste her, I’ll be all right.

  The girl—no puppet, she’s only a puppet, he reminded himself—stared at him, wide eyed and trembling for a long moment. Then, slowly, she nodded her head.

  “All right. I…I’ll come with you.”

  “Good.” Garron knew he would have been within his rights to pick her up and carry her off by force. She was, after all, just a mechanical puppet, built to ease the needs of the unmated Kindred aboard the ship. But he didn’t like to treat a female like that—not even an artificial one. “Come,” he told her, tugging gently at her hand.

  After a moment, she followed him.

  Chapter Seven

  Oh my God, are you crazy? What are you doing? Are you actually going with him? The little voice in Tess’s head was screaming and yet somehow she felt powerless to do anything but let the big Kindred who had picked her lead her along the narrow streets of the Unmated Males area. Other Kindred went about their business, walking to and fro, talking and arguing and laughing—none of them seemed to notice that she was being taken away to who knows where to do who knows what with a strange man.

  Of course they don’t notice—it’s no big deal because they think you’re a freaking Pairing Puppet! the little voice yelled. And don’t kid yourself with all this ‘going who knows where to do who knows what’ crap! You know exactly where you’re going and what you’re going to be expected to do once you get there.

  Yes, that was true enough. There had been hunger in his brilliant turquoise eyes when the big Kindred looke

d at her. No, not just hunger—he looked like he was starving and he thought Tess was the one who could finally satiate his appetite. There was no doubt what he was going to want to do the minute they got back to his room. Just the memory of that hot look sent a shiver through Tess’s entire body.

  How long had it been since anyone had stared at her like that? She’d been with Pierce for so long it was hard to remember if one of the two guys she’d dated before him had ever wanted her as badly as the big warrior seemed to. Pierce himself, of course, had just taken her for granted—she had never been allowed to deny him or to take pleasure from their relations so sex had become a mechanical act—just another chore to be done in order to keep her husband happy. To keep him from “punishing” her.

  And now, here was this Kindred—a big, handsome, muscular warrior with spiky black hair and the most flat out gorgeous eyes Tess had ever seen—saying that he needed her. He had even chosen her specifically over every other girl in the room. True, she was the only real one there but he didn’t know that. He could have had Blondie or one of the puppets shaped like Barbie with a tiny wasp waist, legs up to her ears and big E cup boobs. Instead he had chosen, short, plump Tess. Why?

  It doesn’t matter why. And it doesn’t matter that he chose you out of everyone else. You can’t just go with him and let him…let him do whatever he wants.

  Tess nibbled her lower lip indecisively. Should she run? But that would alert the big Kindred that she wasn’t who—or rather what—she’d claimed to be. That, in turn, could bring her to the attention of the other Kindred. And if they found out she was hiding out on the Mother Ship illegally she could get into a lot of trouble. Not to mention she’d be deported back to Earth where Pierce would probably find her within twenty-four hours.

  But are you seriously going to have sex with him, just to avoid getting into trouble? the little voice demanded. I mean, honestly Tess—is it worth it? You don’t even know him!

  Tess knew the little voice was right. She couldn’t just go have sex with a stranger—no matter how gorgeous he was. But how could she get away without arousing his suspicion?

  As she was wavering uncertainly, the big Kindred turned down another narrow street that was more like an alley and stopped in front of a sliding metal door which had been painted green.

  “This is my room,” he rumbled, his deep voice sending a shiver through Tess’s entire body.

  Before she could respond in any way, the green metal panel slid open and he stepped inside, pulling her along with him.

  Tess felt like her heart had jumped into her throat when the green door slid silently into place behind them. Okay, it’s okay. You’re going to think of a way out of this. Take it easy, she told herself frantically. Trying to still her racing pulse, she looked around and saw what looked like an efficiency apartment.

  It was bachelor neat with a kitchenette in one corner and a small study desk in another. The third corner held a large, comfortable armchair and, to Tess’s surprise, a small collection of the same old-fashioned books that were available back at the Pairing House.

  But when she turned to the fourth corner her heart, which had begun to slow, started racing again. There was a huge bed, neatly made up with a dark blue coverlet and several thick pillows arranged against the headboard.

  Oh my God, the bed—that’s his bed, yammered the little voice inside her head. And holy crap, Tess—he’s already undressing!

  Indeed, he was. Tess fought to keep her emotions from showing on her face as the big warrior unbuttoned his royal blue uniform shirt and shrugged it off his massive shoulders. She watched, her mouth dry, as the broad planes of his muscular chest were revealed. He had smooth, tan skin and his shoulders were fully twice as broad as hers. He threw the shirt carelessly on the bed and his big hands dropped to his belt.

  Not that it looks like he needs a belt to hold those trousers up, the little voice in Tess’s head pointed out. They’re tight enough to stay up with no help at all—especially in the crotch!

  It was true. Though she tried not to look, she couldn’t help seeing the absolutely massive bulge in the tight black leather trousers. Geeze, is he smuggling a python in his pants or is he just happy to see me? She had a feeling she was about to find out. He was already starting to unbuckle his belt and any minute his ginormous trouser snake was going to come popping out and she, Tess, was going to have to deal with it.

  Time to make a decision, the little voice said. Are you going to stay here and actually have sex with a guy who looks big enough to literally split you in two or are you going to blow your cover and make a run for it?

  Tess had absolutely no idea. Her heart was racing faster and faster, pumping so hard she could feel it shaking her entire body. Her mouth was dry with fear and her palms were damp. She watched, frozen to the spot, as the warrior’s large, well formed hands unbuckled his belt.

  What am I going to do? Oh, God—what am I going to do?

  But when the belt was unbuckled, he made no move to open his trousers. Instead he motioned to Tess.

  “Come here.” His voice was deep with need but soft…almost coaxing.

  “Why?” Tess blurted out before she realized it was a very un-robotic thing to say.

  He frowned. “Not going to hurt you, little one. I just need to hold you before…”

  Before what? Tess wanted to ask but she was already pushing the limit of what a Pairing Puppet would do and say. Even though she had the big Kindred convinced she was a new prototype, he was going to get suspicious if she kept questioning everything he said and refusing to obey orders.

  “Come here,” he said again and Tess found herself taking a step forward.

  Are you crazy? Don’t go! Run! the little voice screamed. But she took another step toward him anyway. Maybe it was the soft way he spoke to her in that deep, rumbling baritone voice. Or maybe it was the way he’d called her “little one” but she found herself unable to turn away, unable to run.

  The warrior took one long stride towards her and suddenly Tess found herself enfolded in his arms. She stiffened at first as he drew her to him, wrapping those long, muscular arms around her shivering shoulders and pulling her close to his broad chest. He was so tall she barely came up to his pecs and so big she felt completely surrounded by his large form.

  Danger, shouted the little voice in her head. Get away, get out, he’s going to hurt you!

  Except, the big Kindred didn’t seem to want to do anything of the kind. In fact, it seemed like he just wanted to…hold her.

  Well this is weird, Tess thought after a minute as he held her close. Weird but also…kind of nice.

  It was nice. As they just stood there and the warrior didn’t try to do anything sexual, Tess found herself relaxing. When was the last time she’d been hugged like this? Maybe back when she and Pierce were dating but her ex had never been much of a snuggler. He seemed to think that sex was the only expression of physical affection that really counted. Everything else was stupid girly crap and completely unnecessary.

  The Kindred warrior who was holding her didn’t seem to feel that way. In fact, he seemed to really be enjoying just being close to her. At least, if the way he was running his big, warm hands up and down her back, stroking her spine and caressing her hair was any indication, he did.

  Against her better judgment, Tess found herself melting against him. She didn’t know him—had never seen him before today. And yet…there was something strangely familiar about this man. His arms around her were comforting and his broad, hard chest against her cheek felt warm and good. Tess could hear his heartbeat, even and slow. Also, being this close to him she couldn’t help noticing that he smelled absolutely amazing.

  God, what is that scent? Some kind of alien aftershave? But the warm, rich aroma wasn’t like any aftershave or cologne Tess had ever smelled. There was nothing artificial about it —it was just a warm, clean musk that was dark and spicy and somehow completely masculine. Like someone managed to bottle the basic male e
ssence or something, Tess thought dreamily. They should call it Ode de Hunk or Essence of Hottie or something like that…

  The warrior pulled her even closer and lowered his head to bury his face in her hair.

  “Gods, you smell good,” he rumbled in her ear, his warm breath caressing the sensitive side of her neck. “And you feel good in my arms.” He sighed deeply, his broad chest expanding with the gesture. “I’m so glad I found you before it was too late. My blood was boiling but you…you sooth it, little one.”

  I do? How? We haven’t even done anything yet.

  Almost as though he’d heard her thoughts, the big warrior pulled back a little and looked down into her eyes.

  “Come,” he growled softly. Keeping an arm around her shoulders, he led her the few short steps to the bed.

  Oh my God! Okay, here we go…

  Tess’s heart, which had almost slowed down to normal, started pounding again and she felt her entire body go tense. Was he done cuddling now? Was he going to turn mean? Strip off her clothing and throw her on the bed and—

  But the big Kindred simply sat down on the side of the big bed and pulled Tess between his legs. She stood there stiffly, facing him, uncertain of what he wanted.

  “Closer,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms again. He was so tall they were almost face to face, even with him sitting and her standing but he ducked his head and pressed his cheek to her chest, just above her cleavage.

  Now what? Tess thought. But his gesture tugged at her heart somehow. It was almost as though the big warrior was asking for comfort, even though he didn’t say it out loud. Without meaning to, she found she was carding her fingers through his thick, black spiky hair and humming softly. His cheek against her chest was slightly rough with stubble but Tess found she didn’t mind—she liked the scratchy sensation and the warmth of his skin against hers.

  She had the strangest feeling she knew him from somewhere but that was crazy—she’d never seen him before in her life, she was sure of it. After all, it wasn’t like he was someone you could forget. With his huge, muscular physique and those pure, deep turquoise eyes fringed with inky black lashes, he would stand out anywhere.


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