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Page 21

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Why don’t you just admit there ain’t no guy?” Fat Chick Wanted demanded. “Then come on with me—I’ll show you a real good time.” Before Tess could turn him down again and get away, he grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers. “See? Isn’t that niiice?” he slurred.

  “Hey!” Her heart began to beat harder. Fat Chick Wanted was falling down drunk but he was also a foot taller and way stronger than her. “Get off me!” she demanded, trying to shake off his hand. “I don’t even know you!”

  “But we’re gonna get to know each other.” He leered at her. “Get to know each other real good, honey.”

  “Raymond? Raymond Jason Calhoun!” An angry, heavy-set woman with improbably bright purple-red hair who looked to be in her fifties came bustling up before Tess could say or do anything. She was wearing a Piggly Wiggly smock and a disapproving scowl on her thickly made-up face.

  “Uh…Miss Tabby?” Fat Chick Wanted didn’t let go of Tess but he did turn quickly to face the angry woman.

  “Raymond, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” the woman demanded. “Didn’t Bob tell you if he caught you in here again harassing the female customers he’d call the law?”

  “I wasn’t harassing her none!” Fat Chick Wanted protested, looking guilty. “We were having a conversation—getting along real nice.” He held up Tess’s hand, which he still had a firm grip on, as though to prove his point. “See?”

  “You stop that and let the nice lady go!” the woman exclaimed. She turned to Tess. “I’m real sorry, Miss. RayJay don’t mean anything by it. He’s just got a thing for fluffy gals like you and me.” She nodded at her own ample physique. “He gets to drinking down at the Sore Elbow and then he comes in here and—”

  “Let go of her. Now.”

  The voice behind Tess was familiar and yet strange at the same time. It was deeper somehow—with more than a hint of an animalistic growl—but the threat in those quiet, menacing tones couldn’t be disguised. Her stomach seemed to drop down to her shoes and she turned her head slowly to see Garron looming over her.

  Now you’ve done it! whispered a panicked little voice in the back of her brain. He’s seen you with another man’s hands on you! You’re in trouble now—so much trouble!

  She tried desperately to drop Fat Chick Wanted’s hand but if anything his grip had tightened as he looked up at Garron.

  “I said let…her…go.” The big Kindred’s voice was definitely a growl now and his eyes were glowing with rage. He seemed to have somehow grown twice as big as he normally was—which made him freaking enormous.

  “Y-you heard the man, RayJay.” The Piggly Wiggly clerk’s voice shook. “Let his lady friend go and step away.”

  No wonder she sounded scared—the enraged Kindred was terrifying to behold. Tess felt her own mouth grow dry with fear as well. A punishment, whispered the little voice in her head. Oh, you’re going to get such a punishment for this…

  “I…I…” Fat Chick Wanted’s hand at last unclasped from Tess’s and he took a faltering step back.

  Apparently this gesture of defeat wasn’t enough for Garron. He stepped forward and grabbed the drunk by the throat. Lifting him with one hand as easily as if he was a doll, he shook the big man until his remaining teeth clicked together in his head.

  “You dare…” he snarled, glaring up at the other man’s face which was now going purple. “You dare to touch my female? She’s mine!” He shook the man again, who made choked, strangling noises. “Mine! Understand? You don’t lay a fucking hand on her. Ever.”

  Tess backed away from the terrifying sight, her heart pounding, her stomach clenched into a sick fist. You’re mine, whispered Pierce’s voice inside her head. Mine, you little slut! Mine to punish, mine to fuck, and I’ll never let you go!

  “Stop it! Stop!” screamed the Piggly Wiggly clerk. “He don’t mean no harm—he’s just drunk! You’re gonna kill him!”

  Her words seemed to fire something in Tess. This scene was going to end badly if she didn’t do something to stop it. Shoving the panic she felt down into a dark corner of her brain, she ran forward and grabbed Garron’s arm.

  “Stop it! Let him down, Garron. Now!”

  At the touch of her fingers on his bicep, the big Kindred seemed to come back to himself somewhat. Some of the rage leaked from his eyes and his big hand—which had been clenched in a death grip around the drunk’s throat—suddenly released.

  With a gasping wheezing sound, Fat Chick Wanted went sprawling into the shelf beside him. Cans of potted meat and Vienna sausages came raining down on his balding head and bounced off his round beer belly. He put a hand to his throat where Tess could see fingerprints already forming.

  Garron’s fingerprints, she thought sickly. And even though the big Kindred had done the violence for her, she couldn’t help the cold, shaky feeling she got seeing the marks of his hand appearing on flesh. Couldn’t help remembering all the times she’d seen similar marks on her own body…

  “I’m so sorry,” she said to the clerk who was kneeling by the gasping drunk, fanning him with her apron.

  “Ya’ll better go.” The woman looked up at her briefly. “I’m not gonna call the law—I can understand why your man got upset. But this…this can’t happen again. I think you’d better go up the road a piece to the Wal-Mart if you want groceries.”

  “Um, of course. Of course we will.” Tess nodded at Garron who was standing there, breathing hard as though he’d just run a race. “Come on. We need to leave.”

  * * * * *

  Garron followed her without comment, stalking stiffly out of the human food store though every bone in his body was screaming that he had to stop—had to go back and finish the male who had been menacing his female. But Tess had told him to leave. We have to go. You can’t kill him. Can’t even challenge him to a Y’grin. That isn’t how they do things on Earth, he told himself. But the tension wouldn’t dissipate.

  Nor would the dr’gin. He had felt getting closer and closer to the surface all day and now it wouldn’t be quiet. It snarled and snapped inside him, coming forward, wanting to take the lead, to take over. Grimly, Garron pushed it down.

  They got into the ancient truck and he stabbed the key into the slot and gave it a vicious twist, causing the engine to roar in protest. Then he slammed the truck into gear and took off, gripping the steering device so tightly he could feel it creaking under his fingers.

  My female—he had his hands on her—tried to hurt her. She’s mine! Mine! The dr’gin roared inside him seconding his rage. He could feel it building to a head, coming to a breaking point.

  Breathe, he ordered himself. Remember your vow. Remember Nella. But the girl he had loved was gone now—a faceless shadow in his memory. All he could see—all he could think of—was Tess.

  It’s because of Tess that you have to calm down. Have to control your emotions! If you let yourself get too angry the dr’gin is going to come out. And then she’ll die. Stop it…just stop it!

  The rage was choking him—threatening to take over. And if he let it… Garron shook his head. He had to get control!

  Desperately, he rolled down the window and took a deep breath and then another. Pure mountain air filled his lungs and the scent of leaves and rocks and dirt and somewhere far off, running water, filled his senses. This world wasn’t all asphalt and fossil fuels and exhaust. There were good things here too—growing things. He could smell them and the scent calmed him.

  It was an uphill battle but little by little, his rage began to recede. At last when they finally reached the cabin, which was in a secluded spot on the side of a mountain, he was able to unclench his fingers from the steering device and start to relax.

  Only then, when they were parked and he had rolled up the window, did he finally turn to face Tess.

  “Tess,” he began and then realized that she was huddled against the passenger door—as far from him as she could get. Her fingers were gripping the door handle and her knuckles were white. Most tel
ling of all, however, was the bitter scent of her fear which filled the cab of the truck now that the window was back up.

  Fresh anger filled him and he had to swallow it down. Of course she was afraid after that bastard had grabbed her and wouldn’t let go!

  “Tess?” he said again, more gently and reached out to touch her arm.

  She flinched away, her eyes wide with fright.

  “Don’t! Please don’t!”

  “Don’t what?” Garron looked at her uncertainly.

  “I didn’t want him to touch me,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself tightly. “He came up to me. I never invited him. I never saw him before. I wouldn’t…I never…so please…please don’t punish me.”

  “Punish you? What are you—?”

  Slowly a horrible realization began to dawn on Garron. Tess wasn’t frightened because of the drunken male who had grabbed her in the food store. No, the only one she was frightened of was…

  Me. She’s scared of me! Scared to fucking death by the look of her.

  Garron felt his heart clench at the thought. He couldn’t bear for her to be frightened of him! Couldn’t stand the fact that she thought he might harm her in any way.

  “Tess,” he said, his voice coming out more roughly than he’d intended. “Tess, please…I would never hurt you.”

  “You marked him.” Her voice was tight with unshed tears. “I saw the prints of your f-fingers on his th-throat.” She shivered. “I can’t…I don’t…”

  “I did it for you.” Garron shook his head. “No, that’s not true,” he said in a low voice. “I did it for me. Because when I saw him touching you I got so angry and all I could think was ‘mine.’ I know that’s not right but I—”

  “Mine. That’s what Pierce used to say.” She was still wrapped in a tense little ball, her arms around herself, her legs crossed tight as though her entire body wanted to ward him off. “He used to say I was his—his property. To punish or fuck or do whatever he wanted with.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way!” Garron protested. “I meant…” Go on, what did you mean? whispered a taunting little voice in his brain. Did you mean you wanted to break your vow? Did you mean you wanted to forget about Nella completely and claim this female as your mate? Or did you mean you wanted to let your dr’gin out to devour her? Or all three? Well?

  “Well?” Tess sat up a little straighter and threw him a sidelong glance.

  “I…I don’t know what I meant,” he said at last, heavily. “I’m sorry. Sorry if I frightened you.”

  He got out of the truck and came around to open her door. Tess hopped out quickly before he could extend a hand to help her. She walked quickly to the cabin and fumbled the key into the lock. She didn’t look back as the two of them entered the cool, dark interior.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she said, without looking at him. “I think I—”

  “Wait.” Garron couldn’t stand for her to leave like this. “Please, Tess…” He put a hand on her shoulder from behind.

  Tess froze at once, her entire body going rigid as though she had turned to stone under his hand.

  “Don’t.” Her voice was soft but her tone was intense—filled with so much fear and betrayal it made him sick. He couldn’t see her face but he didn’t need to—he could hear her panic, could smell her terror. “Don’t…please.”

  Garron let his hand drop to his side.

  “I…I’m sorry,” he muttered, taking a step back. “I shouldn’t have. I…please, Tess, don’t go. Please just stay and talk to me.”

  “I can’t.” A visible shiver went through her. “I just…I need some time. Let me get a shower and we can…can try again. Sorry.”

  And then she fled, walking quickly down the hallway in the middle of the cabin and shutting the door behind her.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  He’s not Pierce. He’s not going to hurt you. Not going to punish you for something that wasn’t your fault, the voice of reason insisted.

  Tess knew it was right but when she closed her eyes she kept seeing those fingerprints forming on the drunk’s neck over and over. And then the image would change to finger-shaped bruises on her own arms and legs…bruises on her belly…

  Stop it! Stop it—don’t think about that! she ordered herself. What good will it do? Just take a shower and try to forget.

  She stepped into the little bathroom where dusty towels still hung on the cheap metal towel rack. Taking one off, she beat out the dust, trying not to choke, and twisted the shower tap to the far left for hot water. When the clouds of steam started rising, she was grateful that Di had continued the payments to keep the cabin’s electric bill up to date. Right now a cold shower just wouldn’t have cut it.

  She stripped down and paused for a moment to look at herself in the oval mirror over the sink. She hadn’t asked Di if her uncle had ever been married but the mirror seemed like a female touch as did a lot of other things in the cabin—like the handmade quilt at the foot of the bed and the scented candles gathering dust on the night table. Whoever the mysterious woman had been, Tess thanked her for her influence. The cabin, while dusty and disused, was in much better shape than she had expected it to be.

  The girl who stared back at her from the silver surface of the oval mirror was pale, her eyes big and frightened. Tess didn’t like seeing herself that way. You look like a victim, whispered a little voice. You act like one too. Why did you run away when all he wanted to do was talk?

  She lifted her chin and twisted around, trying to get a good look at her back. It was completely healed—not so much as a tiny white scar remained from her encounter with Pierce and his belt.

  And that’s because of Garron. He healed you and he didn’t mean to scare you. He’s not Pierce—you need to try to get over the past and move on.

  Yes, but that advice was easier to give than it was to take. She could tell herself all day long that the big Kindred meant her no harm but just seeing him wrap his fingers around that guy’s throat and squeeze like he wanted to choke the life out of him had driven every rational thought out of her mind. All that had been left was her innate, visceral reaction and the fear that she might be next, that her punishment was on the way…

  Have to get over that, Tess told herself sternly as she washed and rinsed her hair with some ancient shampoo that smelled faintly of the ocean. And you have to tell Garron what’s going on. He was trying to defend you. He didn’t know you would freak out like that—cut the guy a break!

  Yes, she would try to. And more than that—she was going to tell Garron the truth. At least, as far as she was able…

  She dried off and made her way to the single bedroom with its rustic bed. In here, the bachelor pad factor was off the charts. Despite the dusty candles and the lace curtains in the single window, the furniture all screamed boys club only. The bedspread was blue and green plaid polyester so cheap it made her itch just to look at it and the headboard and footboard were made of interlocking antlers. A deer head mounted on the wall completed the look.

  Trying not to look at the poor deer’s glassy eyes, Tess reached in her duffel and pulled out another pair of loose yoga pants, a bra and panties, and a t-shirt. It occurred to her, as she dressed, that most of what she had packed were these kinds of clothes. Sexless, baggy, not very flattering. But these clothes had been the only “safe” choices to wear around Pierce. He had even insisted that she buy the scrubs she wore to work a size too big, because he didn’t want other men looking at her body.

  Why am I still dressing like this? I left him months ago. I should have gone out and gotten something sexy to wear like Di suggested.

  But somehow she had kept hanging on to her old clothes—the same way she’d been hanging on to her old fears.

  Tess looked down at herself. Will I ever be able to get rid of them?

  Well, there was no time like the present to start. Take a deep breath, she walked out into the living room. Garron was sitting on the brown and green plaid cou
ch—Di’s uncle had either been Scottish or really into plaid—with his head down and his elbows resting on his knees.

  “Garron?” she said softly. “Can we talk?”

  He looked up slowly. His eyes were glowing a dull blue.

  “If you want to.” His deep voice was quiet.

  “I do.” Tess came and sat beside him. “Look, I’m sorry I freaked out on you back there at the Piggly Wiggly. I just…that whole scene brought back bad memories.”

  “I shouldn’t have done what I did,” he said in a low voice. “I should have realized it would upset you.”

  “You couldn’t know that,” Tess said. “Because you don’t know my past—what…what Pierce did.”

  “I know he hit you.” His face was fierce for a moment, his eyes glowing more brightly.

  “He did. But…it wasn’t just that.”

  “What else?” he asked in a low voice. “Tell me, Tess. Anything that helps me understand. No matter what it is, I want to know.”

  “All right.” Tess pinched the bridge of her nose. “God, this is hard.” She took a deep breath. “Pierce used to get really upset and jealous if he even saw another guy talking to me. And if the guy actually touched me…” She shook her head. “There was this waiter once, when we went out to eat. I think he was just angling for a bigger tip but he kept touching my arm. When we got home that night…”

  She closed her eyes, trying not to remember but unable to push the memory back completely.

  You little slut—you little whore! You liked him, didn’t you? Did you let him fuck you in the lady’s room? Is his cum up inside you right now? Take off your panties you little whore—let me see!


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