The Story of Civilization

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The Story of Civilization Page 105

by Will Durant

  STRONG, E., Art in Ancient Rome, N. Y., 1928. 2V.

  SUETONIUS, Works, Loeb Library. 2V.

  * SUMNER, W. G., Folkways, Boston, 1906.

  War and Other Essays, Yale U.P., 1911.

  SYME, R., The Roman Revolution, Oxford, 1939.

  SYMONDS, J. A., Studies of the Greek Poets, London, 1920.

  XXI TACITUS, Annals, Loeb Library.

  XXII Histories, Loeb Library.

  Works, tr. Murphy, London, 1830.

  TAINE, H., Essai sur Tite Live, Paris, 1874.

  Modern Regime, N. Y., 1890. 2V.

  TALMUD, Babylonian, tr., London, 1935f. 24V.

  TARN, W. W., Hellenistic Civilization, London, 1927.

  TAYLOR, H., Cicero, Chicago, 1916.

  TERENCE, Comedies, London, 1898.

  TERTULLIAN, Apologeticus, etc., Loeb Library.

  THIERRY, A., Histoire de la Gaule sous l’administration romaine, Paris, 1840. 3V

  THOMPSON, SIR E., Introduction to Greek and Latin Paleography, Oxford, 1912.

  THORNDIKE, L., History of Magic and Experimental Science, N. Y., 1929. 2V.

  THUCYDIDES, History of the Peloponnesian War, Everyman Library.

  TIBULLUS, Poems, cf. Catullus.

  TOUTAIN, J., Economic Life of the Ancient World, N. Y., 1930.

  TOYNBEE, A. J., A Study of History, Oxford, 1935. 3V.

  TRENCH, R., Plutarch, London, 1874.

  UEBERWEG, F., History of Philosophy, N. Y., 1871. 2V.

  USHER, A., History of Mechanical Inventions, N. Y., 1929.

  VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Factorum et dictorum, Berlin, 1854.

  VARRO, M., Rerum rusticarum, Loeb Library.

  XXIII VIRGIL, Poems, Loeb Library. 2V.

  VITRUVIUS, De architectura, Loeb Library.

  VOGELSTEIN, H., Rome, Phila., 1940.

  VOLTAIRE, Philosophical Dictionary, N. Y., 1901.

  WARD, C. O., The Ancient Lowly, Chicago, 1907. 2V.

  WATSON, P. B., Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, N. Y., 1884.

  WEIGALL, A., The Paganism in Our Christianity, N. Y., 1928.

  WEISE, O., Language and Character of the Roman People, London, 1909.

  WESTERMARCK, E., Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, London. 1917. 2V.

  WHITE, E. L., Why Rome Fell, N. Y., 1927.

  WICKHOFF, F., Roman Art, London, 1900.

  WILLIAMS, H., History of Science, N. Y., 1909. 5V.

  WINCKELMANN, J., History of Ancient Art, Boston, 1880. 2V.

  WRIGHT, F., History of Later Greek Literature, N. Y., 1932.

  ZEITLIN, S., The Jews, Phila., 1936.

  The Pharisees and the Gospels, N. Y., 1938.


  I am indebted for this index to the careful scholarship of Mr. Arnold Canell.—W. D.


  Abeona, 59

  abortion, 211, 222, 313, 363-364, 396-397, 479, 505, 598, 666

  About Nature, see Physeos, Peri

  Abraham, 626, 662

  absentee landlordism, 77, 233, 311, 631

  Abstinents, 605

  Abtolim, Jewish rabbi (fl. 1st century B.C.), 538

  Ab Urbe Condita (Livy), 250-252

  Academic, see Platonic

  Academica (Cicero), 163*

  Academy, Plato’s, 421, 489, 495, 497

  Acca Larentia (Lupa), nurse of Romulus and Remus, 12

  Accius, tragic dramatist (170-? B.C..), 98

  Achaea, 216, 424, 482

  Achaean League, 86

  Achaemenids, 507, 528, 529, 641

  Acheron, 147, 238, 389

  Achillas, Egyptian general (fl. 1st century B.C..), 187

  Achilleid (Statius), 316

  Achilles, 37, 100, 353, 354, 381

  Acropolis, 487

  Acta Diurna, 172, 382, 435, 447

  Acta Senatus, 435

  Acte, Claudia, mistress of Nero (1st century), 277, 284

  acting, in Etruria, 18;

  in Rome, 18, 73-74, 83, 99, 223, 265-266, 278-279, 283, 378-379, 428

  Actium (naval battle, 31 B.C..), 128, 139, 207, 208, 217, 218, 219, 241, 358, 434, 442, 465, 482

  Acts of the Apostles, The, 403, 554, 556, 573, 575-595

  Acts of the Martyrs, 648, 652

  Adam, 588-589, 509

  Addison, Joseph, English essayist and poet (1672-1719), 304

  Adelphi (Terence), 101

  Aden (anc. Adena), 325, 508

  Adige (anc. Athesis), 454

  administration, of Caesar, 190-194;

  of Augustus, 215-217;

  of Claudius, 270-271;

  of Nero, 275-276;

  of Vespasian, 287-288;

  of Domitian, 291;

  under the Principate, 293, 328, 330, 344, 391, 434;

  of Trajan, 409, 441;

  of Hadrian, 414-416, 419-420;

  of Antoninus Pius, 422-424;

  of Commodus, 447-448;

  of Alexander Severus, 626-627;

  of Gallienus, 629;

  of Diocletian, 639-645;

  of Constantine, 664;

  monarchic, 668-669

  Adonis, 256, 523, 553, 595

  Adoptionists, 605

  Ad Pisones (Horace), 249

  Adramyttium, 518

  Adria (anc. Hadria, or Atria), 11, 414

  Adrian of Tyre, Greek rhetorician (ca. 112 ca. 192), 488-489

  Adrianople (anc. Adrianopolis), 483, 655, 670

  Adriatic Sea, 37, 47, 50, 157, 183, 184, 203, 207, 232, 324, 325, 414, 455, 480, 496, 602

  Aduatici, 175

  adultery, 69, 134-135, 144, 157, (Caesar’s) 168-169, 202, 211, 222-224, 229, 230-232, 248, 253, 255, 272-273, 274, 279, 290, 293, 297-298, 302, 312, 363, 369-370, 396, 424, 430, 438, 479, 485, 495, 529, 562, 599, 618, 621, 622

  Adversus Haereses (Irenaeus), 612

  Aebutia, lex, 401

  Aedes Vestae, 359

  aediles, 22, 28, 29*, 74, 82, 99, 328, 336, 369

  Aedui, 174-175, 177

  Aegatean (Aegadean) Isles, 45

  Aegean Sea, 139, 157, 429, 514, 592, 602, 630

  Aelia Capitolina, see Jerusalem

  Aelianus, Claudius, historian (fl. 2nd century), 442

  Aelius, see Aristides, Publius Aelius

  Aelius, Pons, 422

  Aemilia, stepdaughter of Sulla and wife of Pompey (fl. 1st century B.C..), 134

  Aemilian (Marcus Julius Aemilius Aemilianus), Roman emperor (?-253), 629

  Aemilian Way, 78

  Aemilii, Roman clan, 21, 364

  Aemilius, Pons, 340, 438

  Aeneas, 12, 61, 98, 148, 167, 237, 239-241, 382, 456

  Aeneid (Virgil), 225, 239-244, 254, 456

  Aenesidemus of Cnossus, Greek Skeptic (1st century), 494

  Aequi, 36

  aerarium, 220

  Aeschines, Athenian orator (389-314 B.C..), 95

  Aeschylus, Greek dramatist (525-456 B.C..), 258

  Aesculapius, 62, 75, 311, 487, 526

  Aesopus, Claudius, tragic actor (fl. 1st century B.C..), 133, 160, 378

  Aethiopica (Heliodorus), 636-637

  Aetna, 265

  Aetolian League, 85

  Afranius, politician (?-46 B.C..), 129, 185

  Africa, 38, 39, 40, 53, 54, 78, 85, 105, 106-107, 111, 112, 119, 123, 138, 183, 189, 190, 203, 216, 237, 246, 297, 308, 313, 320, 322, 326, 328-329, 336, 346, 347, 356, 366, 413, 417, 418, 431, 441, 442, 455, 464-466, 468, 470, 475, 499, 513, 523, 602, 603, 606, 613, 618, 621, 628, 631, 633, 636, 658, 659, 669-670

  Africanus, Sextus Julius, Christian historian (?-232), 555

  Against Apion (Josephus), 500, 546

  Against Catiline (Cicero), 142

  Against Celsus (Origen), 606, 615

  agape, 386, 597-598

  Agathocles, Tyrant of Syracuse (361?-289 B.C..), 42

  ager publicus, 76, 113-114, 116, 121, 171, 287, 320, 336

  Aglibol, 511

  Agnus Dei, 578-579

  Agricola, Cnaeus Julius, governor (37-93), 288, 291, 433-434, 435-436, 476
  Agricola (Tacitus), 433-434, 435-436

  agriculture, Carthaginian, 39-40, 42;

  under Rome, 54, 76-77, 103-104, (agrarian revolt) 111-127, 190, 192, 211, 235, 237-239, 311, 319-321, 338, 348, 410-411, 448, 464, 473, 474, 476, 478, 483, 498, 522, 528-529, 535, 631-633, 644, 665, 668, 671

  Agrigentum (Girgenti), 52, 112, 464

  Agrippa, King of Chalcis (30-100), 586-587

  Agrippa, Herod, King of the Jews (reigned 41-44), 543

  Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, general (63-12 B.C..), 205, 207, 212, 214, 215, 219-220, 230-232, 263*, 308, 340, 359, 375, 420, 474

  Agrippa, Baths of, 290, 340, 359, 375

  Agrippina, wife of Germanicus (?-33 A.D.), 262-265, 273

  Agrippina the Younger, mother of Nero (?-59), 263*, 272, 273-275, 277, 279, 280, 302, 479

  Ahenobarbi, Domitii, Roman family, 274

  Ahenobarbus, Cnaeus Domitius, father of Nero (fl. 1st century), 273, 274, 282, 334

  Ahriman, 524

  Ahura-Mazda, 524, 529

  Aisne (anc. Axona), 175

  Akiba ben Joseph, Jewish rabbi (40-138), 547-549

  Alalia, battle of (535 B.C..), 7

  Alaric, King of the Visigoths (376?-410), 670

  Alba Longa, 11, 12, 241, 344

  Alban hills, 77, 82

  Albania, in Asia, 413

  Alban poetry contest, 316

  Albinus, procurator of Judea (fl. 1st century), 543

  Albinus, Clodius, rival of Septimius Severus for emperorship (?-192), 621

  Alcaeus, Greek lyric poet (620-580 B.C..), 247

  Alcibiades, Athenian politician and general (450-404 B.C.), 147

  Alciphron, Greek letter writer (fl. 180), 488

  Alcmaeon, 278

  Alcmena, 93, 100

  Alcon, surgeon (fl. 1st century), 312

  Aldobrandini, Villa, 454*

  “Aldobrandin” Wedding, 354

  Alemanni, 175, 627, 629, 638

  Alesia (Alise Ste.-Reine), 177

  Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (356-323 B.C..), 28, 37, 39, 169, 194, 208, 218, 226, 302, 413, 500, 557*, 623, 636, 641

  Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria (fl. 4th century), 658-660, 662

  Alexander, son of Herod the Great (?-6 B.C..), 534

  Alexander of Abonoteichus, Greek worker of miracles (fl. 1st century), 525-526

  Alexander Severus (Marcus Alexianus Bassi-anus Aurelius Severus Alexander), Roman emperor (208?-235), 375, 623, 625-627, 628, 634, 635, 645, 650

  Alexander Severus, Baths of, 375

  Alexandria, 93, 155, 158, 159, 186, 187-188, 190, 204, 206, 207, 211, 218, 234, 253, 266, 280, 291, 299, 312, 323, 325, 326, 329, 331, 339, 347, 352, 355, 356, 368, 374, 378, 380, 386, 389, 419, 431, 465, 494, 498-506, 508, 516, 521-522, 544, 545, 546, 604, 608, 611, 613, 615, 623, 626, 630, 634, 635, 650, 658-659, 660*, 666

  Alexandria, library of, 188, 291, 516, 635

  Alexandria, Museum of, 415, 419

  Alexandria Issi (Alexandretta), 513

  Alexandrian style, 361

  Alexandria Troas, 516, 583, 602

  Alfieri, Vittorio, Count, Italian dramatist (1749-1803), 3

  algebra, 633-634

  Alighieri, Dante, Italian poet (1265-1321), 8, 240, 243, 422, 437, 671

  alimenta, 407, 411, 427, 461, 666

  Allia (battle, 390 B.C..), 36

  alphabet, Latin, 73, 269

  Alps, 3, 5, 6, 11, 36, 47, 48-49, 53, 87, 118, 119, 137, 175, 178, 324, 429, 454, 474, 602, 628, 640, 654, 670

  Altamira, 468

  Altar of the Augustan Peace, see Ara Pacis Augustae

  Altinum, 461

  Amasea (Amasia), 520

  Amastris (Amasra), 157, 520

  Ambarvalia (Feast of the Arval Brotherhood), 59, 66

  Ambiani, 175, 471*

  Ambracia (Arta), 92

  Ambracian Gulf (Gulf of Arta), 207

  America, 132, 307, 352

  America, Latin, 671

  American Revolution, 192, 670

  Amhaarez, 562

  Amicitia, De (Cicero), 163*

  Amiens (anc. Samarobriva, later Ambiani), 471*

  Amisus (Samsun), 520

  Amiternum, 455

  Ammianus Marcellinus, historian (fl. 4th century), 322*, 365, 380, 402, 471, 504

  Amores (Ovid), 254

  amphitheaters, 82, 90, 111, 133, 277, 355, 359-361, 362, 378, 383-387, 410, 454, 455, 456, 459, 460-461, 465, 466, 474, 508, 512, 532, 612-613, 648, 649, 653

  Amphitryon (Plautus), 100

  Ampurias (anc. Emporium), 47

  amulets, 60, 62, 373

  Amulius, legendary usurper to the throne of Latium (8th century B.C..), 12

  Amulius, painter (fl. 1st century), 352

  Amyot, Jacques, French savant, and Bishop of Auxerre (1513-1593), 637

  Anabasis of Alexander (Flavian), 520

  Anacreon, Greek lyric poet (560?-475? B.C..), 158, 235, 247, 509

  Analogy, On (Caesar), 162

  Anastasius I, Roman Pope (?-401), 615

  ancestor worship, 56, 59, 83-84, 226

  Anchises, 240-241, 382

  Ancona, 410

  Ancus Marcius, fourth King of Rome (fl. 7th century B.C..), 14

  Ancyra (Angora), 513

  Andrew, apostle, 563

  Andria (Terence), 101

  Androcles, slave (dates uncertain), 385

  Andromeda, 256

  anesthetics, 313, 505

  Anger, On (Seneca), 302

  Anglo-Saxon, 477

  Anicetus, Roman Pope (ca. 157-ca. 168), 617

  Anicetus, courtier of Nero (fl. 1st century B.C..), 279

  Anima, De (Tertullian), 613

  animals, feeling for, in Lucretius, 147;

  in Virgil, 238;

  Pliny on, 310;

  Hadrian’s, 414

  animism, 60

  Anio, 22

  Anio Novus Aqueduct, 270

  Anna, daughter of Phanuel, 542

  Annales (Ennius), 98, 164

  Annales (Tacitus), 434-437, 442

  Anna Perenna, 65

  Annas, priest (in the Bible), 571

  Annona, 388

  Annunciation, 558

  Anthony, Saint, Egyptian founder of monachism (251-356?), 445, 657

  anthropology, Lucretius on, 152-153

  Antibes (anc. Antipolis), 78, 474

  Anti-Cato (Caesar), 195

  Antichrist, 575, 593

  Antigonus, King of Judea (fl. 43 B.C..), 531

  Anti-Lebanon Mountains, 511

  Antinoöpolis, 419

  Antinoüs, Greek favorite of Hadrian (?-122), 419, 442, 523

  Antioch (Antakia), 54, 205, 280, 329, 413, 418, 428, 495, 504, 534, 546, 576, 582-583, 585, 588, 602, 608, 611, 623, 626, 629, 635, 650

  Antioch (in Pisidia), 582

  Antiochus III the Great, King of Syria (reigned 223-187 B.C..), 55, 86, 88, 91, 528

  Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria (200?-164 B.C..), 107, 418, 487, 534, 540

  Antiochus of Ascalon, Greek Platonic philosopher (fl. 1st century B.C..), 489

  Antipater, son of Herod the Great (?-4 B.C..), 534-535

  Antipater the Idumean, father of Herod and procurator of Judea (?-43 B.C..), 531

  Antiquities of the Jews, The (Josephus), 546, 554

  anti-Semitism, 546, 595

  Antium (Anzio), 280, 340, 453

  Antonia, mother of Germanicus and Claudius (1st century B.C..-1st century A.D.), 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 274, 371

  Antonines, 324, 392, 405, 411, 437, 442, 449, 516, 620

  Antoninus Pius (Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionius Arrius Antoninus Pius), Roman emperor (86-161), 345, 368, 392, 395, 396, 398, 408, 421-425, 426, 427, 428, 430, 444, 511, 549, 611, 648

  Antoninus, Wall of, 476

  Antonius, governor (fl. ca. 190), 605

  Antonius, Lucius, governor (fl. 1st century B.C..), 204-205

  Antonius, Marcus (Mark Antony), Roman general (83-30 B.C..), 70, 155, 160, 161, 169, 181,
185, 188, 191, 195-208, 211, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 239, 261, 265, 268, 273, 274, 309, 312, 329, 371, 372, 373, 412, 413, 418, 448, 482, 512, 516, 531, 583, 640

  Antonius, Marcus, Roman general, father of Antony (fl. 1st century B.C..), 144, 160

  Antonius Primus, general of Vespasian (fl. 1st century), 285, 301

  Antyllus, ophthalmologist (fl. 1st century), 505

  Anubis, 390

  Apamea, 512, 514, 629

  Apamea Celaenae, 513

  Apelles, Greek painter (fl. 330 B.C..), 352, 355

  Apennines, 3, 11, 50, 121, 141, 236, 253, 270, 344

  Aphrodite, 512, 516

  Aphrodite, Temple of (Jerusalem), 663

  Aphrodite Pandemos, Temple of, 487

  Apicata, divorced wife of Sejanus (?-31 A.D.), 264

  Apicius, famous epicure (fl. reign of Tiberius), 376-377

  Apion, Greek grammarian (fl. 1st century), 546

  apocalypse, 540-542, 564-570, 575, 590-591, 592-595, 605, 616

  Apocolocyntosis or Pumpkinification (Seneca), 275, 350

  Apocrypha, 539-540, 559, 575*

  Apollinaris Sidonius, Caius Sollius, Saint, bishop and poet (430?-482?), 473

  Apollo, 8, 62, 64, 236-237, 240, 280, 351, 358, 381, 458, 513

  Apollo the Healer, 62

  Apollo, Temple of, 358

  Apollo, Temple of (Pompeii), 459

  Apollo the Healer, Temple of, 62

  Apollo Belvedere, 349, 453

  Apollodorus, Greek architect (fl. reign of Trajan), 411, 421

  Apollodorus, attendant of Cleopatra (1st century B.C..), 187

  Apollonia (near Valona), 200, 480, 482

  Apollonia (in Palestine), 508

  Apollonius of Athens, Greek sculptor in Rome (fl. ca. birth of Christ), 349

  Apollonius of Rhodes, Greek poet and grammarian (fl. 222-181 B.C..), 241

  Apollonius of Tyana, Greek philosopher (fl. 1st century), 515, 526, 622, 626

  Apollonius, Life of (Philostratus), 526, 622

  Apollonius Molo of Alabanda, Greek rhetorician (fl. 1st century B.C..), 141, 514

  Apollo of Veii, 10

  Apollo Room, 132

  Apologeticus (Tertullian), 612

  Apologia (Apuleius), 467

  “Apologies,” 611

  apostles, 556, 557, 563-565, 567, 571, 572, 575-595

  Appian (Appianus), historian (fl. 2nd century), 189, 196, 197, 424, 442, 471, 518, 519

  Appian Aqueduct, 29, 81, 340

  Appian Way (via Appia), 29, 77-78, 138, 340, 617

  Apuleius, satirist and philosopher (fl. 2nd century), 155, 299, 402, 442, 465, 466-468, 485, 487, 525, 612, 636, 637

  Apulia, 50, 53, 112, 139, 244, 455

  Aquae Aureliae (Baden-Baden), 480

  Aquae Salis (Bath), 477

  Aquae Sextiae (Aix), battle in 102 B.C.., 119


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