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The Story of Civilization

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by Will Durant

dowry, in Etruria, 7;

  in Rome, 57, 68, 69, 89, 134, 141, 167, 223, 230, 370, 396, 440

  drainage, 81, 103, 193, 326, 410, 454, 461, 466, 473, 511, 631, 639

  drama, 74-75, 97-102, 235, 255, 269, 277, 301-302, 307, 314, 378-379, 461;

  Horace on, 249

  drawings, in Varro’s Imagines, 159

  dream analysis, 388, 485, 507, 525, 621

  “Dream of Scipio” (Cicero), 165

  Drepana (Trapani), battle in 249 B.C.., 45

  Drews, Arthur, German philosopher (1865-1935), 554

  drinking, in Etruria, 7;

  in Carthage, 41;

  under Rome, 65, 71, 88-89, 94, 123, 196, 199, 200, 204, 220, 247, 263, 267, 269, 297-298, 320, 324, 334, 342, 354, 372, 377, 408, 423, 447, 458, 512, 562, 599;

  in Gaul, 471;

  in Germany, 478;

  in Parthia, 529

  drugs, 310, 312-313, 329, 342, 505, 506-507

  Druids, 472, 473, 479

  Drunken Satyr, 459

  Drusi, Roman family, 122

  Drusilla, sister of Caligula (?-38 A.D.), 266

  Drusus, Marcus Livius, statesman (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 117, 121

  Drusus, Marcus Livius, statesman, son of preceding (?-91 B.C..), 121-122

  Drusus Caesar, son of Tiberius (?-23), 263, 264

  Drusus Senior, Nero Claudius, general, stepson of Augustus, (38-9 B.C..), 217, 229, 230, 248, 259, 261, 269, 299, 323, 371

  Dryden, John, English poet and dramatist (1631-1700), 239, 671

  Duchesne, Louis Marie Olivier, French Roman Catholic prelate and scholar (1843-1922), 658

  Dura, 602

  Dura-Europus, 512, 529

  Dürer, Albrecht, German painter and engraver (1471-1528), 580

  Duties, On (Panaetius), 97

  dyeing, 322-323, 329, 331, 342, 373, 471, 510

  Dyrrhachium (Durazzo), 184-185, 480, 482, 602


  East, the, 78, 86, 94, 95, 121, 124, 125, 129, 138, 139, 147, 154, 157, 161, 170, 171, 178, 186, 188, 195, 203, 204, 206, 208, 213, 226, 251, 253, 262, 292, 320, 323, 329, 330, 331, 335, 364, 373, 378, 389, 406, 410, 413, 419, 420, 442, 455, 463, 471, 482, 507, 511-512, 524, 525, 564, 576, 603, 605, 616-617, 621, 622, 629, 630, 638, 639, 644, 651, 655, 659, 666, 670, 671

  Easter, 617, 647, 660*, 664

  Ebionim, 577

  Eboracum, see York Ebro (anc. Iberus), 47, 48, 215, 469

  Eburones, 176

  Ecbatana (Hamadan), 528

  Ecclesiastes, 540

  Ecclesiastical History (Eusebius), 649*, 663

  Ecclesiasticus, 539

  Eclogues (Virgil), 205, 236, 243

  Ecnomus (naval battle off, 256 B.C..), 44

  Eden, Garden of, 614

  Edessa (in Greece), 483

  Edessa (Urfa), 513, 602, 604, 629

  Edictum de Pretiis (Diocletian), 642-643

  Edom, 530

  education, Etruscan, 7;

  Carthaginian, 48;

  Athenian, 487-488;

  Roman, 70, 72, 75, 90, 95, 137, 141, 217, 259, 265, 314, 367-368, 424, 440, 477, 509, 511, 513, 661, 671

  education, state, 287, 368, 424, 461, 466, 476, 661, 671

  effeminacy, 132, 215, 251, 438, 442

  Egeria, 13, 63, 365*

  Egnatia, Via, 324, 482, 602

  Egypt, 5, 6, 8, 10, 71, 77, 91, 92*, 107, 159, 168, 170, 186-188, 193, 203, 204, 206, 207-208, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 225, 233, 247, 266, 284, 301, 308, 313, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 329, 331, 336, 342, 347*, 349, 352, 355, 357, 359, 364-365, 366, 374, 381, 389, 390, 413, 424, 429, 431, 437, 482, 483, 484, 487, 495, 498-507, 508, 514, 523, 525, 526, 530, 532, 548, 559, 588, 595, 602, 606, 613, 623, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 638, 639, 641, 653, 655, 657, 658, 671

  Egyptian, 187, 630

  Egyptian Tales (Heliodorus), see Aethiopica

  Eighth Legion, 182

  Elagabal, 621, 625, 626

  Elagabalus (Marcus Varius Avitus Bassianus Aurelius Antoninus Heliogabalus), Roman emperor (205?-222), 390, 622, 623-625, 626, 639

  Elba, 6, 322

  Elbe (anc. Albis), 217, 432

  Elders (presbyteri), 579, 582, 586

  Elea, see Velia Eleusinian mysteries, 418, 487, 525

  Eleusis, 431, 487, 525, 606

  Elijah, Jewish prophet, 574

  Elis, 482

  Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, 560

  Elizabethan Age, 258, 510

  Elysian Fields, 84, 241

  emancipation, 57, 112, 221-222, 335, 363, 365, 384, 398, 631

  emasculation, 94, 157, 282, 200, 385, 512, 515, 523, 567, 580, 613, 614, 615, 625, 666

  embalming, 282

  Emerita (Mérida), 470

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, American essayist, poet, and philosopher (1803-1882), 307, 367

  Emesa, 621, 623, 625, 638, 639

  emetics, 377

  emigration, 117, 118, 482, 487

  Emmaus (Kuloniyeh), 535, 573

  Empedocles, Greek philosopher (500-430? B.C..), 148, 153

  emperor-worship, see deification emphyteusis, 416

  Empire, growth of, 87, 95, 107, 108, 177-178, 206, 217-218, 248

  Emporiae, 470

  Emporium, 339, 342

  Encheiridion, of Epictetus (Arrian), 490*, 494

  Encolpius, 297-298

  Encratites, 605

  Engadi, 537

  engineering, Etruscan, 6, 18;

  Roman, 75, 81, 176, 193, 219-220, 266-267, 270, 326-328, 356, 359-361, 410, 418-421, 464, 465, 470, 473, 474, 480, 511, 635

  England, 249*, 258, 302, 346, 406, 475, 535

  English, 671

  English Channel, 176, 470, 475, 476

  engraving, 278, 346

  Enna (Castrogiovanni), 112

  Enneads (Plotinus), 608-611

  Ennius, Quintus, poet and dramatist (239-169 B.C..), 67, 97-98, 148, 155, 159, 164, 234, 241, 315, 442, 667

  Enoch, 574;

  Book of, 540, 541, 559, 564, 593

  Entellus, 382

  Epaphroditus, freedman of Nero (fl. 1st century), 284, 292, 490

  Ephesians, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the, 587*

  Ephesus (Ayasoluk), 204, 312, 329, 417-418, 504, 513, 515, 518, 546, 577, 585, 592, 602, 603, 630

  Epicharis, conspirator (?-65), 371

  epic poetry, 74, 98, 239-244, 278, 296, 316, 317

  Epictetus, Stoic philosopher (60?-120?), 295, 301, 307, 415, 424, 425, 482, 486, 490-494, 520, 611

  Epicureanism, 95, 131, 132, 148, 154, 164, 236, 249, 304, 370, 432, 485, 489-490, 491, 496, 602, 671

  epicureanism, 68, 98, 147, 154, 215, 230, 244, 247, 253, 260, 276, 279, 282, 285, 286, 300, 304, 373, 388, 456, 487, 522, 540-541

  Epicurus, Greek philosopher (342?-270 B.C..), 95, 132, 148, 149, 153, 154*, 250, 304, 305, 307, 346, 388, 490

  Epidaurus, 62, 124, 139, 482, 487, 563

  epigram, 135, 155, 160, 174, 234, 247, 290, 295-296, 302, 316-318, 369, 389, 398, 436, 437, 509-510

  Epiphanius, Christian writer (fl. 4th century), 616

  Epirus, 37, 38, 112, 131, 184, 482

  Epistles (Horace), 248-249

  Epistolae Morales (Seneca), 304

  Epodes (Horace), 246

  equites (equestrians), 15, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 32, 80, 121, 126, 139, 142, 191, 286, 332-333, 363-364, 384, 433, 440, 622, 633

  Eratosthenes, Greek geometer and astronomer (276?-195? B.C..), 521

  Eretria, 483

  Ergotimus, Greek potter, 9

  Eros, 353

  Eros, 461

  erosion, 339, 487, 665

  Esdraela, 535

  espionage, Hannibal’s, 48

  Eshmun, 41, 42

  Esperanto, 671

  Esquiline, 12*, 215, 253, 312, 340, 342, 354

  essay, 241, 304, 671;

  Cicero, 163-166;

  Seneca, 302-304;

  Plutarch, 485-486

  Essay on Criticism (Pope), 249* Essenes, 537-538, 559, 560, 562, 568, 577, 597

tesian winds, 325

  ethics, of Lucretius, 148-154;

  of Zeno, 196;

  of Marcus Aurelius, 444-446;

  of Epictetus, 491-494;

  Jewish, 548, 591, 618;

  of Christ, 566-567, 602, 618, 667

  Ethiopia, 188, 217, 328, 364, 366, 500, 546

  Etna, Mt., 418

  Etruria (or Tuscia), 3-18, 35, 36, 37, 50, 51, 64, 73, 112, 113, 139, 143-144, 269, 339, 350, 440, 454, 601

  Etruscan Federation, 5-6, 17*

  Etruscans, 5-18, 35, 36, 37, 52, 122

  Etruscan style, see Tuscan style

  Euboea, 73, 310, 357, 483, 519

  eucharist, see communion Eucopion, slave, 334

  Eudoxus of Cnidus, Greek astronomer (409?-353? B.C..), 165

  Euhemerus, Greek mythologist (fl. 300 B.C..), 98

  Eumenes II, King of Pergamum (reigned 197-159 B.C..), 516

  Eunapius, Greek sophist and historian (fl. end of 4th century), 636* Eunoe, Queen of Numidia (1st century B.C..), 168

  Eunuch, The (Terence), 101

  eunuchs, 329, 334, 363, 515, 624, 640, 666

  Eunus, Sicilian slave leader (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 112

  Euphrates, Greek Stoic philosopher (?-138), 422

  Euphrates, 178, 194, 217, 414, 495, 511, 512, 513, 627

  Euripides, Athenian dramatist (480-406 B.C..), 98, 154, 178, 258, 302, 513

  Europe, 78, 86, 95, 132, 154, 166, 178, 308, 320, 322, 324, 421, 475, 478, 497, 507, 524, 583, 640, 641, 653, 655, 664, 670

  Eurydice, 94, 256

  Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea, ecclesiastical historian (260?-340?), 501, 592, 649*, 651, 654, 657, 659-660, 662-663

  Euxine Sea, see Black Sea evil eye, 60

  evolution, Lucretius on, 150-153

  excommunication, among Jews, 547;

  Church, 554, 605, 618

  Exodus, 567

  expansion, see Empire, growth of Ex Ponto (Ovid), 257-258

  extreme unction, 600


  Fabia, third wife of Ovid (fl. 1st century), 256, 257, 258

  Fabian strategy, 50, 185

  Fabii, Roman clan, 21, 76, 255, 364

  Fabius (Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Cunctator), general and dictator (?-203 B.C..), 50, 68

  Fabius Pictor, Caius, painter (fl. 303 B.C..), 82, 352

  Fabius Pictor, Quintus, general and historian (fl. end of 3rd century B.C..), 71, 73

  Fabricius, Pons, 327

  Fabulina, 59

  factories, 321-323, 333, 342, 477, 498, 642, 644

  fairs, 78, 328

  Faith, 358;

  Temple of, 358

  Falernian wine, 456

  family, in Etruria, 7;

  in Germany, 479;

  in early Rome, 56-59, 67, 72, 88, 91;

  in the later Republic, 134, 147;

  under the Principate, 222-225, 300, 321, 334, 348, 363-364, 366, 371, 441;

  under the monarchy, 656

  family name (cognomen), 56-57

  Fannia, wife of Helvidius Priscus (1st century), 371, 441

  Far East, 84, 529

  Farnese Bull, 634

  Farnese Hercules (Glycon), 349, 634

  Farnese Juno, 349

  Farnese Palace, 351

  Fasti (Ovid), 256-257

  Fate, 242, 304

  father, the (paterfamilias), in the Republic, 56, 57, 59, 68-69, 226;

  under the Principate and Empire, 395

  Fathers of the Church, 308, 524, 603, 611-615

  Fato, De (Cicero), 163*

  Faunus, 59, 65

  Fausta, second wife of Constantine I (4th century), 663-664

  Faustina Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius (2nd century), 423, 427, 430

  Faustina Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius (?-175), 423, 425, 427-428, 430, 442

  Faventia (Faenze), 455

  Favorinus of Gaul, philosopher at Hadrian’s court (fl. 2nd century), 367, 415

  feasting, Etruscan, 6, 7;

  Carthaginian, 41;

  under Rome, 65-66, 68, 69, 71, 82, 88-89, 90, 132, 133, 147, 186, 190, 202, 223, 245, 266, 276, 285, 296, 297-298, 334, 335, 372, 376-377, 386, 461, 476, 515, 562, 624

  Feast of Tabernacles, 65

  Febris, 75

  februa, 67

  Felix, Antonius, procurator of Judea (fl. 1st century A.D.), 271, 543, 586

  Feralia, 65

  feriae (holy days), 65

  Ferrara (anc. Forum Alieni), 454

  Ferrero, Guglielmo, Italian historian (b. 1872), 273*

  fertility, 56, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 159, 193, 212, 221-222, 224-225, 232, 363-366, 431, 449, 479, 480-481, 515, 525, 545, 666

  fertilizers, 76, 320-321

  festivals, 59, 63, 65-67, 71, 74, 76, 98, 223, 225-226, 239, 256, 334, 335, 347, 377-379, 381, 390, 423, 461, 484, 512, 515, 523, 542-543, 579, 598, 672

  Festus, procurator of Judea (fl. 62), 543, 586

  fetiales, 63

  fetishism, 60

  feudalism, 631*

  Fidenae (Castel Giubileo), 11

  Field of Mars, 65, 128, 143, 173, 192, 232, 280, 291, 308, 340, 348, 360, 362, 365, 390

  Figaro, 101

  Fimbria, Caius Flavius, politician and general (?-84B.C..), 124-125

  finance, 190, 192-193, 330-332, 336, 411

  Finibus, De (Cicero), 163*, 165

  fire brigade, Crassus’, 131

  first name (praenomen), 56-57

  First Principles (Origen), see Peri Archon

  fisci 221*

  fiscus 221-222

  fishing, 321, 336, 423, 470, 483, 515, 520, 563, 573

  Flaccus, Avillius, governor (fl. 1st century), 500-501

  Flaccus, Lucius Valerius, consul (?-86 B.C..), 124

  Flaccus, Valerius, senator (fl. 3rd century B.C..), 102

  flaggelation, 354

  flamines, 63

  Flaminian Way, 78, 455

  Flaminius, Caius, political leader (?-217 B.C..), 47, 49, 78, 340

  Flaminius, Titus Quinctius, general (fl. 200 B.C..), 85, 96, 382

  Flanders, 174

  Flaubert, Gustave, French novelist (1821-1880), 239

  Flaviales, 291-292

  Flavian Amphitheater, see Colosseum

  Flavian Dynasty, 285-293, 351, 407, 412, 442

  fleet, see navy

  floods, 159, 193, 339, 365, 429, 649

  Flora (goddess), 65, 381

  Flora, courtesan (fl. 1st century B.C..), 138-139

  Floralia, 65, 378, 381

  Florence (anc. Florentia), 9, 348*, 454

  Florus, Lucius Annaeus, historian (fl. 1st century), 473

  Florus, procurator of Judea (fl. 1st century), 543-544

  flute, 379-381

  Fontana dei Trevi, 327*

  food, in the Roman army, 34;

  in Carthage, 40, 41;

  under Rome, 38, 54, 70-71, 76, 88-89, 133, 215, 227, 245, 247, 298, 320-321, 328-330, 373, 376-377, 636

  forgery, in art, 342

  Formiae (Formia), 162, 202

  Fornax, 59

  Forth, 476;

  Firth of, 476

  Fortuna Primigenia, Temple of, 454

  Fortuna Virilis, Temple of, 358

  Fortune (Fortuna), 358, 388, 424, 655

  Fortune, Temple of, 340, 358

  fortunetelling, see soothsaying

  Forum, 23, 24, 27, 47, 64, 66, 72, 79, 84, 89, 115, 123, 125, 126, 136, 141, 146, 160, 161, 166, 169, 179, 189, 192, 198, 199, 202, 228, 231, 239, 280, 284, 340, 341, 342, 352, 358, 362, 378, 393, 394, 402, 421, 423, 427*, 429, 635

  Forum Boarium, 340, 342, 358

  Forum Holitorium, 342

  Forum Iulii (Fréjus), 474

  Forum Iulium, 192, 341

  Forum Piscatorium, 342

  Forum Traianum, 411

  forums, 464, 466, 473, 477

  fountains, 343-345, 348, 384, 515

  Fourth Gospel, see John, Gospel of Saint Fracastaro, Girolamo, Italian astronomer, poet, and physician (1483-1553), 154 />
  Fragonard, Jean Honoré, French painter and engraver (1732-1806), 351

  France, 174-175, 234, 302, 369, 406, 470-475484, 671

  Francis, Saint, Italian founder of Franciscan order (1182-1226), 455

  François Vase, 9

  Franks, 175, 629, 653

  Frascati, 454*

  Frazer, Sir James George, Scottish anthropologist (1854-1940, 588*

  free cities, 462, 474, 482

  freedmen, status of, 270, 271, 287, 290, 292, 298, 333, 334, 338, 415, 543, 620, 639

  French, 73, 295, 475, 637

  French civilization, 177-178, 470, 475

  French Revolution, 192, 641, 670

  frescoes, in Etruria, 10;

  in Pompeii, 74, 352-354;

  under Rome, 82, 338, 352-354, 372, 512;

  Christian, 601

  Freya, 479

  friendship, Cicero on, 165-166;

  Horace on, 247, 250;

  in Rome, 441

  From Jesus to Paul (Klausner), 557*

  From the Pontus (Ovid), see Ex Ponto

  Frontinus, Sextus Julius, engineer and statesman (fl. 1st century), 327-328

  Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, rhetorician (110?-180?), 108, 302, 315, 417, 425, 430, 442, 443, 466

  frumentaria, lex, 116

  Fucinus, Lake (Lago di Celano), 193, 270, 326, 410

  fuels, 76, 77, 322-323, 343, 477

  Fufia Caninia, lex, 222, 398

  Fulvia, wife of Antony (?-40 B.C.), 202, 204-205, 206, 208

  Fulvius, general (fl. 3rd century B.C..), 92

  Fulvius, Aulus, conspirator (1st century B.C..), 395

  Funck-Brentano, Frantz, French historian (b. 1862), 475

  Fundamentalism, 592

  funeral rites, 83-84, 98, 101, 157, 180, 190, 199, 232, 282, 335, 378, 379, 381-382, 568, 601

  furniture, 88, 92, 133, 303, 345-346, 352, 373, 459, 532


  Gabinian Law, 139-140

  Gabinius, Aulus, politician (?-48 B.C..), 139, 172, 174, 186, 211

  Gabriel, 289

  Gadara (Katra), 297, 509, 530, 535

  Gades (Cádiz), 40, 133, 169, 252, 325, 469, 470, 514

  Gaiseric, King of the Vandals (fl. 429-455), 670

  Gaius, jurist (fl. 2nd century), 392, 394, 396, 397, 399, 401, 405

  Galatia (Anatolia), 86, 218, 513, 578, 583, 585, 630

  Galatians, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to, 554, 571*, 585, 587*

  Galba (Servius Sulpicius Galba), Roman emperor (3 B.C..-A.D. 69), 283-285, 323, 434, 436

  Galba, Servius Sulpicius, statesman (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 87

  Galen (Claudius Galenus), Greek physician (130-200?), 313, 334, 375, 428, 430, 505-507, 513, 516, 599

  Galerius (Caius Galerius Valerius Maxi-mianus), Roman emperor (ca. 250-311), 635, 640-641, 644, 651, 652, 653, 654, 662


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