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Wolf Tracks: Tales of the Were (Grizzly Cove Book 17)

Page 11

by Bianca D’Arc

  She’d had a bad experience with a university professor she’d dated for a while when she was in her twenties. He’d been an out-and-out snob and had made fun of those without the advanced degrees he had undertaken. Eventually, his attitude had poisoned their relationship because Helen was a farm girl at heart. The things she knew about were of the land and of magic. They weren’t learned in ivory towers or from hoity-toity profs with high opinions of their own intelligence.

  He’d seen her more as arm candy than a living, breathing, thinking person. He’d liked the way she looked next to him at faculty events—a pretty blonde foil to his dark good looks—but he never really valued her as her own person. Once she realized that, she’d broken up with him. It had hurt, but she knew she’d been better off without him. After that, she found it easier to just stay on the farm and only mingle with people who knew farm life and could appreciate both her and her family’s background. Not that anybody like that really knew about their magic.

  That was a whole other problem. Being one of the heirs of a long-standing family legacy of magic wasn’t exactly something she could explain to the average farmer in rural Pennsylvania. No, she had to keep that—and her healing ability—under wraps for the most part, though she did sometimes act as a midwife for the local Amish and Mennonite community when there was great need. For the most part, the groups handled births among themselves. Most babies were born at home, the way their great-grandparents had been born at home.

  Only if there were bad complications did they call for Helen, and she was usually able to pull off a miracle by giving of her own energy. Not that they realized it. Or, if they did, they didn’t really speak of such things. They just blessed her for helping and sent her home in a buggy with payment in produce or dairy goods.

  They were good, hardworking people, and she was glad to help save lives when that sort of thing happened, but sometimes, she despaired of the fact that they wouldn’t allow the advances of modern medicine to prevent some of the problems before they happened. Leaving everything up to the Divine was not always the best answer. Helen was more of the belief that the Divine—whether you called it God, Goddess, or whatever—had blessed people with the ability to help themselves. Denying the existence of science, and especially medicine, was just silly.

  It was their religion. Helen tried not to be too judgmental. Live and let live was her philosophy. Only when religious belief endangered health and wellbeing did she really begin to question it.

  But being here, in Big Wolf, was a blessed relief. She knew most shifters believed the way she did—in the Goddess, the Mother of All—and they were so rudely healthy, there was precious little tug on her gift. She felt almost…normal. For the first time since her gift had risen in her early teen years.

  Then, there was Jim. Sexy, smoldering, sumptuous Jim. A more intriguing man she had never met. A more interesting fellow she couldn’t even imagine. With every bit she learned about him, she wanted to know more, until she’d explored his every secret thought and desire.

  That was the crux of it, right there. Desire. Never had she felt so drawn to a man. Even her nerdy professor hadn’t lit her fire with his most suave seduction the way a simple smile from Jim did. All he had to do was look at her, and she was instantly rapt. Ready for whatever he might say, whatever he might want.

  She feared she’d be the easiest woman in history if Jim simply asked her to sleep with him. She’d say yes in a heartbeat and suspected she’d never have any regrets. She was beginning to think that her only regret would be if she never made love to him.

  They finished dessert, splitting the last two of the variety of small cakes that had been on the plate. Then, Jim paid the bill, and they headed back up Main Street toward the B&B. Jim was holding the bags from their shopping spree earlier as they strolled along. The town had a festive vibe at night. It was welcoming and friendly, and people nodded to Jim as they passed on the street.

  Helen watched the way the others interacted with each other. There was a certain distance in the way they dealt with Jim, but there was definitely respect and a bit of admiration—especially from the unaccompanied females. Helen felt like putting her arm around Jim, or making some other overt sign of possession, but she didn’t dare. She didn’t own him. They’d only kissed.

  Sure, if she had her way, they’d be doing a whole lot more than that in the not-too-distant future, but right now, she had no claim on him at all. Even if they had been intimate, she didn’t think Jim was the kind of man any woman could hold onto if he didn’t want to be held. She’d learned a bit about shifters and their mates. She knew it was all or nothing for them.

  Either she was Jim’s mate, in which case, they would be together forever. There was no such thing as divorce among shifters. Or she wasn’t. In which case, they could have fun while it lasted, but that was it. Helen wasn’t sure which way she wanted things to go.

  On the one hand, being Jim’s mate was a scary concept because, really, they’d only just met. She was learning more about him as they spent time together, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to make a lifetime commitment to him. On the other hand, being the mate of a man like Jim was like a fantasy. If she could have more days like this—being with him in a place that didn’t draw on her gift every minute—she thought that would be a pretty nice life.

  Whether that was the kind of life Jim could offer was another question. He’d been a Navy SEAL. He still worked dangerous missions on his own, as in this case, or, more typically, with his Uncle Arch, who was supposed to be some kind of super-soldier. She’d met Arch and had been impressed by him. He had spooky eyes that had a way of seeing right through someone, as if he saw more than the average person. She suspected he did.

  She wondered if she was as transparent to Jim. Did he know how much she wanted to jump his bones right now?

  Jim had been feeling some odd vibes from Helen during their meal and now as they strolled back toward the B&B. He wasn’t sure if it was wishful thinking on his part, but he thought maybe Helen might be receptive to another kiss…and maybe a whole lot more.

  That kiss they’d shared the night before had left him wanting so much more, but their day had been filled to the brim with logistics and planning and flying and settling in. They had barely had a chance to breathe, much less anything else, all day. However, the night lay before them, and he wanted with all his heart to see where the darkness might lead them.

  Jim did have one more task he wanted to complete, but not until much later. He planned to go wolf and scout the area around the feed mill, looking for clues. He would do it after midnight, when most folks were asleep, except for the nocturnal hunters, like himself. That left all those hours between now and then for him to savor…perhaps…with Helen. If she was willing.

  Something in her manner and the way she smiled at him made him think maybe she just might be. He’d wait until they were back in their suite, and then, he’d approach her calmly. He didn’t want to frighten her off. He’d be as gentle as he knew how to be, and he’d coax her, if necessary, though he wouldn’t push her past any limit she might want to set. He’d be a gentleman. Even if it killed him.

  They climbed the porch stairs to the B&B, and he opened the door for her, remembering his manners. They didn’t encounter anyone on their way up the stairs to their room, and he unlocked the door to the suite with his key. She had one too, but she was waiting for him to do the honors, so he took charge. He opened the door and let her go in first, turning to close and lock the door behind them. Then, he turned…and she was in his arms.

  Jim wanted to laugh. He hadn’t had to coax her at all. Quiet little Helen had seized what she wanted and had taken the initiative. She plastered her luscious body against his and threw her arms around his neck. It took him only a split second to get with the program and kiss her back.

  He was pleasantly shocked by her aggressive move and wondered if she’d ever done anything like it in her life before. He’d bet she hadn’t. She was enthusi
astic but unpracticed, and he found that entirely enchanting.

  When she pressed him against the closed door and tried to climb him like a tree, he took hold of her legs and let her wrap them around him. She was fire in his arms, and her kiss was a tempestuous mix of desire and need that echoed through his soul. Her scent filled his nostrils and made his inner wolf stand up and take notice.

  He wanted her desperately, and she was giving him every sign that she felt the same. He lifted her in his arms and walked toward the bedrooms at the other end of the suite. Their lips melded and fused, their tongues dueling and playing and driving desire higher with every lingering lick. Her body pressed against him in a need echoed in his own soul. He’d never been so hot for a woman. Not ever.

  Had it been almost dying? Had it been the fact that she’d saved his life? Jim wasn’t going to put a lot of thought into it at the present moment, but he suspected it was really neither of those things. It was Helen. Pure and simple. Delicious, delicate Helen of the immense power and even bigger heart. Helen the innocent. Helen the man-eater. Helen of the Rockets. Helen of the Land. Healer Helen, the purest soul he’d ever had the good fortune to encounter.

  Pure and just a little bit naughty. She bit at his lips while he opened the door to one of the bedrooms. He wasn’t sure exactly which. It didn’t matter. They both had what he most needed at the moment—a big, soft bed.

  As it happened, he’d stumbled into Helen’s room. He realized it when he saw the big ubiquitous bag that seemed to hold everything she’d ever need and then some. It was just as well they’d ended up in her room. He still intended to go prowling later, and she’d probably prefer her own bed and being surrounded by her things. If he did it right, she’d never know when he left, and he’d be able to slip back into bed with her when he got back. He hoped.

  But for now, they had hours to enjoy before duty, once again, called. He planned to make the most of them.

  Helen didn’t know what had come over her. One minute, they’d been walking in the door, and the next, she’d jumped the poor man. Thank goodness he’d responded positively to her rather clumsy overture, not that she’d given him much alternative. Still, he could have put her away and then let her live through the mortification of a very embarrassing rejection. Instead, he’d joined her in the most delicious feast for the senses she’d ever had the pleasure to indulge in.

  He kissed like a dream. Hard and soft, fast and slow. He seemed to know just what she wanted and gave it to her exactly when she needed it. That boded well for the more intimate activities she hoped they would soon be enjoying. Sweet mercy! She didn’t know if she would survive his lovemaking if just kissing the man felt this amazingly good.

  She felt motion and then, he dropped her onto a bed. She hadn’t even realized he’d been carrying her anywhere. She’d been so focused on the feel of his hard body against her and, in particular, between her legs, she hadn’t realized he’d taken the initiative and brought them to a bedroom. Which bedroom, she wondered in one little part of her brain that still had energy to wonder about such things before it was overridden by the more primitive part that was in full control of her body right now.

  The beast of desire that wanted Jim’s possession. His lovemaking. His mastery.

  And if that wasn’t a primitive thought, she didn’t know what was. Helen surprised herself as those thoughts scrolled through her mind. She’d never been one to revel in the dominance of a male, but apparently she was now. Maybe it was this male that lit that primitive fuse in her hindbrain and fired all those seldom-used neurons to life.

  Was it because he was a shifter? Maybe his innate magic rubbed hers in just the right way to evoke this amazingly strong response. Maybe it was just that he was the manliest man she’d ever known. A soldier. A warrior. A deadly man who had killed to defend others. It wasn’t a pretty thought, but it was a true one. She’d known farmers and other upstanding fellows her entire life, but there was something about the danger of Jim. The sharp edge that was part and parcel of his being.

  It could be a shifter thing, but she thought instead, it was a Jim thing. Something about him, in particular, flipped all her switches and created a hunger in her that she’d never experienced before. She had the awesome and somewhat scary thought that after this, she might never be the same.

  That devil may care attitude that only Jim inspired urged her to throw caution to the wind and just enjoy what would come next. Based on his kisses and the way he touched her as he began to undress her, inch by precious inch, she thought they were both going to enjoy it to the max.

  Chapter Eleven

  Helen felt needy and hot as Jim undressed her. She wanted to help, but he gently pushed her hands away when she tried to assist. She met his gaze and found the same fire in her veins glowing in his eyes.

  “Let me savor this, sweetheart,” he said, nipping at her collarbone before he worked his way down her body.

  She lay on her back on the bed, Jim hovering over her as he did what he liked. She was powerless to resist or make any effort to do other than what he suggested. Not that she wanted to change anything. Jim was clearly well acquainted with the female form and how to bring a woman pleasure. She felt a little pang at that thought but decided to be thankful for his knowledge rather than jealous. The ugly green-eyed monster had no business in this bed. She couldn’t be jealous of a man who wasn’t really hers, could she? Not really.

  And, if he did turn out to want something more permanent, she knew shifters didn’t play around. Not after they found their mate. If lightning should strike and they somehow were fated to be together, then she’d have a whole other set of things to think about. For now, she was done with thinking. It was time to just feel.

  She loved the way he touched her. He made her feel special and desirable as he stroked the slinky fabric of her dress up her bare thighs. Packing light meant she didn’t have anything like pantyhose or stockings to wear with the dress. Just some panties and a bra under the soft jersey knit fabric. Jim lifted it up slowly, tantalizing her with each inch of skin revealed. He lowered his head to kiss her knee then worked his way up her inner thigh, nibbling and licking his way upward as the stretchy fabric of the dress moved with his hands, out of the path of his lips.

  She gasped when the fabric passed over her panties, but he didn’t pause there. He went higher, lifting the dress all the way to her midriff. Then, he exposed her lacy bra. She felt the cool air of the room against her skin, along with his heated touch. Everywhere his fingers stroked, they left a trail of fire in their path until she was burning, burning. So bright.

  When he lifted the dress off over her head, she helped, lifting up to assist. She wanted the fabric gone. She wanted her underwear gone, too, but Jim, apparently, had other ideas. He touched her breasts through the lace, tantalizing, torturing, oh, so sweetly. Her nipples hardened, yearning to feel his lips, his fingers, his skin, only to be denied. At least, for now.

  Jim stroked his way down her torso, hooking his fingers into the elastic waistband of her panties. She was glad she’d packed her sexiest underthings for this trip. When she’d filled her bag with odds and ends, she’d told herself that satin and lace was practical because it was less bulky than cotton, but really, she’d had exactly this situation in mind. Even as she packed for her dash to Virginia Beach, she’d had seduction in the back of her mind, though she hadn’t let herself realize it fully until just now.

  Still, the satin and lace felt good against her skin, and Jim certainly seemed to appreciate them. He dragged the elastic down the sides of her hips slowly, his fingers hot and slightly rough against her skin. He had big hands, and just the image of them against her creamy skin, holding the satin underwear, made her steam with desire. He was so masculine juxtaposed against the soft skin of her hips and thighs. A man who wasn’t entirely human, which gave her just a moment’s pause.

  Would he be rough, like the wild animal that lived inside his skin? Or would he give her just the right amount of
untamed passion that would send her into orbit? Somehow, she thought it would probably be the latter. She wasn’t afraid of him. Not in this form or in his wolf form—if she ever got a chance to see it again. He was just…Jim. Steady, solid, sexier-than-anything Jim.

  He lowered her panties an excruciating inch at a time. When she lifted her hips to help him over the curve of her rear, she felt a tiny bit wicked, but in a good way. The motion revealed more of her to his gaze, his hands, and—oh, stars!—his mouth. He slid the panties down her legs, tossing them to the floor quickly, then lowered his mouth to the top of her mound, rubbing his lips downward until his tongue licked out and slid between her lower lips to find the little nub that made her want to scream.

  She managed to keep it to a strangled moan, but she found it impossible to stifle the sounds of her desire altogether. Jim made a sound, something like a dark, masculine chuckle. Apparently, he liked making her almost lose control. It seemed to make him even bolder, his tongue dipping inward as his hands moved her thighs apart.

  The next few minutes passed in a blur of incredible sensations. Helen had never had so much attention paid to her in this way by any man she’d ever bedded. While it was true there hadn’t been many lovers in her past, she wasn’t a shy virgin, either. Still, Jim managed—in the first few minutes of their intimacy—to put all her past lovers to shame. She couldn’t wait to find out what else he had in store.

  He made her come with his mouth once, then again, until she was keening with pleasure. She did her best to keep her volume down, conscious of the fact that they were in a building with other people. Make that other werewolves with exceptional hearing. She would be mortified if everyone in the place heard her cries of pleasure, though she suspected Jim would simply smile smugly.


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