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Mr. Big Mistake (Kinda Cocky Book 2)

Page 3

by J. P. Comeau

  “And, I guess what they want to try and do is ask if you’re willing to…”

  Roxy wiggled her eyebrows. “Offer up your expertise in the matter.”

  I smiled curtly. “You can kill me now. I’m good.”

  Clint’s eye twitched. “My expertise.”

  I sighed. “It’s stupid. I know it is. And the girls really seem to think--.”

  Karina leaned forward. “It’s no strings attached. No dating, no togetherness. Just two people, enjoying one another while one of the parties learns the ropes. So to speak.”

  Clint nodded slowly. “Uh-huh.”

  I swallowed hard. “So, yeah. There it is. My most embarrassing trait, out there for someone to judge.”

  “Not embarrassing at all.” He shrugged.

  I paused. “It’s not?”

  He shook his head. “No. It’s not.”

  “Oh. Well. Thanks.”

  The girls relinquished me and pushed me forward a little bit more. And I stood so close to Clint that I felt his body heat radiating against my own.

  Damn, I can see his muscles through his clothes.

  The navy shirt he had on clung to his physique, showcasing the chiseled lines of his chest. As my eyes continued roaming his body, I noticed the dark-wash jeans he had on. They sat against his thighs, allowing me to trace the outline of them with my curious stare. He had long legs on him. Long, powerful legs. And as my eyes slowly trickled up his arms, I saw veins bulging from his forearms. I watched them pulse, and some small part of me wondered what they might feel like against my tongue.

  Get it together, Kelly.

  “What’s your name?” Clint asked.

  My eyes snapped up to his. “Kelly. It’s Kelly.”

  He nodded. “Kelly. That’s a nice name. If you’re comfortable with this arrangement, I’m down.”

  I blinked. “What?”

  I heard the girls chattering and dancing around behind me as I swallowed hard.

  “You’d--you’ll do it?”

  He nodded. “I’ll offer up my services. I’ll give you the night to think about it, and when we wind things down, I’ll come find you. If you’re still down, we’ll have a drink and head back to my place.”

  I didn’t know what to say. “O--okay. Yeah. That--that sounds great. Thank--thanks. Yeah.”

  “No problem.”

  He turned and walked away from me, and my eyes couldn’t resist. They dropped to his ass, and I had to swallow back a moan of my own. The man was stacked in all the best ways, and he had just agreed to sleep with me. Which meant my fingertips would know what the lines of his body felt like. My tongue would intimately get to know the crevices of his body.

  It filled me with heat as his cologne swirled around my head.

  Where the hell have I smelled that scent before?

  “Oh. My. God,” Roxy squealed.

  “You did it!” Karina exclaimed.

  The two of them grabbed my arms and ripped me back to the leather chair while they chittered excitedly around me.

  “This is going to be one hell of a night,” Karina said.

  “You know I’m going to want all of the details, right?” Roxy asked.

  “Maybe he can teach you some things, too. I mean, there’s so much more to sex than just penetration.”

  “She’s right. There’s spanking and teasing. Edging and bondage.”

  “There’s also anal play, which is fabulous. And dual oral? Oh, man. You’re definitely going to have to try that. Have you ever given a blowjob before? It’ll be much better your first time around with flavored lube. The taste of a man can be jarring at first. Also, condoms. Make sure you have them. Wait, are you on birth control? Never mind, the first thing you’ll want to try out of the box is sitting on his face. I think that’s something you’ll--.”

  “Girl. Are you fucking kidding me?” Roxy asked.

  I looked up at Karina with wide eyes. “If you were trying to keep yours and Zane’s sex life on the down-low, you have officially failed that test.”

  Karina blushed furiously. “Just don’t tell him, okay?”

  Roxy squealed so loud I thought the roof would burst off the club.

  “I’m asking you for all of the details later. But, right now? We focus on Kelly.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Lucky me.”

  The girls continued to talk over me as I plastered on the best smile I could. But, the truth of the matter was that I was panicking. Hardcore, hands down, flat-out panicking. My hands trembled so much I tucked them between my legs. I felt the hairs on the nape of my neck standing on end as if there were danger afoot. My eyes locked with one of the exit signs, and I wondered if I could slip away. If I could silently get myself out of the scenario and flag myself a cab to go home.

  Then, that scent passed by me again.

  I looked up, expecting to see Clint. But instead, I saw Brenden, and it clicked. That cologne. That scent. I knew exactly where I had smelled it before.

  Clint was wearing his brother’s cologne.

  The smell of home.

  I watched Brenden walk over to Zane and Clint as they stood off to the side by the balcony. With a drink in his hand, he brought it to his lips as Zane talked their ears off about something. Clint was stoic the entire time. Not once did he crack a smile or chuckle, or really even move. It was as if he were a statue.

  Not Brenden, though.

  His laughter filled my ears and brightened my heart. The movements of his body were entrancing, and I found myself staring at him. My fake smile slowly melted into a real one, and my cheeks began to hurt. The only time I ever smiled so much that it hurt was when I was around Brenden. It had been like that back in college, and it was still true to this day.

  If I had to choose someone to do it with, I’d do it with him.

  But, I knew my feelings would get in the way. Which would only lead to heartache, with the kind of player Brenden had become.

  You’re about to sleep with his brother.

  The thought terrified me. What would Brenden think of that? My hands began trembling more, and I squeezed my thighs to get them to stop. A cold chill washed over me, and I started shivering. I needed a coat, even though my feet were sweating. My body felt out of control. I felt out of control. And as the girls started giving me a pep talk that I hardly paid attention to, only one thing crossed my mind.

  It’s not like Brenden cares about you anyway.

  I sighed. “I need a drink.”

  Roxy squeezed my shoulder. “One glass of liquid courage coming right up, beautiful.”



  I clapped Clint on the back. “Chattin’ up the girls already, I see.”

  “Can you leave the man alone for a second?” Zane sighed.

  “I did that when I went to get another whiskey. He’s had time to deal,” I told them both, sipping my drink.

  Clint shook his head. “More like they were chatting me up.”

  Zane quirked an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “What the hell does that mean?” He had my attention.

  “They want me to take Kelly’s virginity.”

  I almost choked on my drink. “Come again?”

  Zane’s jaw dropped. “Uh, what now?”

  “Yep. Apparently, the girl’s got a dating issue because she’s a virgin. So, they’ve requested ‘my services.’”

  “You’re kidding.” Zane chuckled.

  I stumbled over my words. “What, uh--what--did you… they… who asked again?”

  Clint looked over at me. “You good? You seemed more shocked than I am.”

  I didn’t know what to say. “Kelly just doesn’t seem like that kind of girl, you know?”

  “She doesn’t strike you as a virgin? Because I practically see it blaring over her head in neon colors,” Zane scoffed.

  I waved my hand at him. “No, no, no. Not that. I mean, pointlessly eliciting sex. This has Roxy written all over it. Karina, too.”

  Zane narrowed his
eyes. “Karina’s a bit classier than that.”

  “That’s what you think,” Clint murmured.

  Zane’s lips parted in shock. “She’s in on it, too?”

  “They all are.”

  “And what did you say?” I asked.

  “I told her I’d grab her at the end of the night and see how she felt about things by then. You know, away from the pressure of the girls. Poor thing looked like she was about to melt into a puddle on the floor.”

  Zane snickered. “Those girls can get themselves into anything, can’t they?”

  I didn’t think it was funny. Not one fucking bit. In fact, I was irritated as hell at the idea. Kelly, sleeping with my fucking brother? He’d tear her to shreds. I knew the stories. I heard the kind of shit he was up to whenever he was a teenager. He’d chew her up and spit her back out without a second thought. I couldn't let my brother sleep with her. I couldn't let him hurt her.

  Especially since I was the one who wanted to experience that with Kelly

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” I said.

  Zane rubbed the back of his neck. “I figured you’d feel that way.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  Clint chuckled. “Simmer down, girls.”

  I shot him a look. “You keep your sense of humor out of this.”

  Clint’s eyes grew hard. “You watch that mouth of yours.”

  Zane polished off his drink. “Look, if this is something Kelly wants, you really can’t stop her. She’s her own woman, you know. And this is really none of your business. He had your chance in college, and you never got it done.”

  I ignored him. “Clint, just leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't know what she wants. And besides Zane’s right, she’s been crushing on me for years. It’s going to make things very, very awkward for her.”

  Clint nodded. “And if she feels that way in a couple of hours, I’m sure she’ll let me know.”

  “Mmm, I don’t think she will. Kelly isn’t that kind of girl. She’s a people pleaser. She’ll do whatever it takes to make someone happy.”

  Clint shrugged. “Then, like Zane said, it’s none of your business in the first place.”

  I gripped my glass so hard I thought it was going to shatter.

  “And why do you care anyway?” Zane asked.

  “That’s a good question,” Clint pointed out.

  I scoffed. “Why the hell do I care about a good friend’s reputation? Gee, I wonder.”

  Zane shook his head. “There is more. I’ve never seen you step up to the plate for someone like this. You’re always in it for yourself.”

  “Wow. Thanks.”

  Clint clapped my back. “He’s right. You’ve always been selfish, and even more so when it comes to women. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you didn’t like this because you want to be in my position.”

  Zane’s eyes bulged. “Do you want to be in Clint’s position?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fuck you both.”

  Clint grinned. “Ditto.”

  “Look, you don’t want to settle down with anyone anyway. So, stop getting butthurt over stupid shit,” Zane told me.

  I stared him down. “I’m fine, all right? Forget I ever said anything.”

  “What did you say again?” Clint asked.

  Zane’s head fell back in laughter as I glared at Clint. He had the cheekiest grin on his face, and I wanted to smack it right off. I restrained myself, though. Instead, I turned on my heels and walked away from them. I walked away from the asinine adventure, and from the teasing conversation, I knew it would continue if I didn’t remove myself from the situation.

  And I found my gaze lingering on Kelly.

  Her slender features were framed with that long blonde hair of hers. Softly curled to accent the roundness of her cheeks, her blue doe eyes looked two ticks shy of panicked as I passed by her. She had her hands tucked between a pair of delicious thighs I’d dreamt about for months back in college. The diamond earrings her father had gotten her as a graduation present sparkled against her precious earlobes as I made my way for the stairs. I resisted the urge to peek back at her as I carried my empty glass back to the bar. The soft jazz music wafted over the heads of the patrons in Club Verona. The lights slowly moved back and forth. Side to side. Creating a mesmerizing pattern that could soothe even the most tumultuous of souls.

  “Another drink?” the bartender asked.

  I looked up at Clint and saw him staring at the band as an idea occurred to me.

  “Two, please,” I said.

  “What’ll it be?”

  I grinned. “Two fingers of whiskey on the rocks and the strongest mixed drink you’ve got for men on the menu.”

  “Coming right up.”

  I carried the first round of drinks up the stairs and handed the mixed cocktail to Clint. He stared down at it before his eyes moved back to me, and I held up my hands. The plan had to work. I had to get him as wasted as possible so he couldn't even move, much less be coordinated enough to sleep with Kelly.

  And after sipping the drink, I watched him tip it up.

  “See? I told you this place has excellent drink selections,” I said.

  I kept feeding him drinks while Zane shook his head at me. Clint accepted them, one after another, until his speech began to slur, and the balcony railing became his only hope for standing up. Six drinks in and the man couldn't stand up straight. Zane had to drop his drink in order to catch Clint before he fell to the floor when he tried to move towards Kelly!

  Mission accomplished.

  “Uh, hi guys. Um, Clint?”

  I heard Kelly’s voice behind me, and I turned around.

  “Hey there,” I said.

  She nodded without looking at me. “Hey, Brenden. Clint, are you all right?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I just--.”

  He hiccuped, and the moment couldn't have been more perfect. I felt Zane glaring at me, but I shrugged it off. I had postponed the ridiculous idea, which I hope turned into an indefinite thing. Surely, a good night’s sleep for all of us would bleed some common sense into these idiots.

  “I take it tonight is off the table, then?” Kelly asked.

  I hated how distraught she sounded.

  Clint leaned against Zane. “I’ll get up with you later. You have my word.”

  I leaned forward. “I’ll make sure he gets your number if that’s what you really want in the morning. Okay?”

  Kelly gave me a funny look. “Yeah. Thanks. I think. Um, Clint? You need help getting home?”

  I rushed over to his side. “Already on it. Come on, big brother. Looks like you can’t hold your alcohol anymore.”

  Clint lowered his voice. “If you want her so badly, just fucking tell her.”

  I ignored his comment. “Everyone! I have to get Clint back to his place. You guys have a wonderful rest of your evening, though. Okay?”

  I looked back over at Kelly, and she had a look on her face I couldn't explain. It almost seemed as if she were bummed. But, there was a mixture of something else in there I couldn't put my finger on. I didn’t care how she felt, though. It couldn't happen. Everyone remembered their first. Hell, even I did, and I tore through women on a weekly basis. The first is always important. The first sets a standard. It sets precedence.

  And she deserved better than Clint.

  Zane pressed his lips to my ear. “If this is what she wants, you won’t be able to stop her. Don’t be that person.”

  I put on my best smile. “Have a good evening, brother of mine.”

  Clint and I stumbled down the stairs and out into the parking lot. It didn’t take much to get him home. But, getting him into his condo was a completely different story. He was half-asleep on me by the time I flopped him down onto his couch. And when I took a glance around his rented space, my heart sank into my chest.

  The place was devoid of any character, or happiness, or passion, or delight.

  “Oh, Clint,” I wh

  His honking snores filled the room as I stood on the scuffed, unforgiving hardwood floors. The painted white brick of the walls would’ve been a nice touch if the wooden beams of the ceiling didn’t look so shoddy. I assumed I was standing in the living room, but I wasn’t sure. Because there was a half-way blown-up air mattress in the corner and some dirty dishes on top of the rickety coffee table. His couch had various rips and tears in it. I counted six cardboard boxes of stuff and five different suitcases.

  That was it, though.

  That was all Clint had to show for the life he had lived.

  “You deserve better, too, brother,” I whispered.

  I backed out of his place and closed the door behind me. While the automatic part of me wanted to lock the door, the realistic part of me knew I didn’t need to. If someone came trumpeting through that door that didn’t need to be there, Clint was trained to kill first and ask questions later. He could take care of himself. Whether or not that was a good thing, I didn’t know.

  But, he could.

  I made my way downstairs and flopped behind the wheel of my car. I sat there, staring at the white brick facade of the building my older brother lived in. His words from the club echoed off the corners of my mind. They rattled around as I cranked the engine of my Audi convertible and haunted me as I raced back to my own condo. They followed me up the elevator to the top floor and obscured the panoramic view I had of Vegas up on my hilltop. I raced into the kitchen and poured myself another drink. I chugged it back, hoping to erase the stern truth behind Clint’s words. The drunker I became, though, the louder those words screamed.

  And I started screaming back.

  If you want her so badly, just fucking tell her.

  “I can’t just blurt it out!”

  If you want her so badly, just fucking tell her.

  “That’s not how it works, Clint!”

  If you want her so badly, just fucking tell her.

  “Damn it, Clint. Shut the hell up!”

  If you want her so badly, just fucking tell her.

  “I can’t just bang her and leave her like I do with other chicks I want. She’s different! And she’s better than you.”

  I flopped down onto the floor as my empty glass rolled away from my outstretched hand.


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