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Mr. Big Mistake (Kinda Cocky Book 2)

Page 10

by J. P. Comeau

  I swallowed hard. “All right. You ready?”

  “Hit me with it, sweet pea.”

  Please don’t see through my lie. “A bunch of us were joking around the night before with drinks and such. And it ended up with Brenden and me in a little wedding chapel doing a fake marriage ceremony.”

  I heard shuffling on the other end of the line before my father’s voice grew gruff.

  “Name of the chapel,” he said.

  “Pristine Angel, or something like that?”

  “Have you already been to the courthouse to try and get it annulled?”

  “Yes. We saw a Judge Johnson.”

  “What was his verdict?”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “He wants Brenden and I to stay married for a month. To think about whether or not an annulment is what you really want.”

  “Anything else?”

  I paused. “We had to move in together, and we have to submit summaries of how things are going every week to his clerk to look over before we appear in a month.”

  I heard him typing away. “I know Judge Johnson myself. The two of us don’t really get along, but I know his weak spots. I’ve already shot a message off to my attorney. They’ll make sure to get things handled. Did your name get changed on the paperwork?”

  “I--I think so?”

  “What’s this man’s last name?”


  “Right. That’s right. Okay, sweet pea. Is there anything else I should know?”

  Other than the fact that this all started with sex? “No, sir. That’s it.”

  “I’m glad you called, sweetie. I know that’s hard sometimes, especially with how independent you’ve always been. But, I want you to know I’ll have it handled by the end of the week. Okay?”

  I sniffled. “Thank you so much, Daddy. I don’t know why the judge is making us do this.”

  “Some judges feel entitled like they can improve someone’s life by doling out unique punishments that open their eyes, or some such nonsense. You leave this to me, though. If the judge doesn’t want to negotiate, they’ll find something to use. Which will be easy, since you two were under the influence, right?”

  Oh, boy. “I mean, not enough to hinder the idea. I knew what was happening. We just thought we had stressed to the owner of the chapel that this was fake. A dare that was being fulfilled with some friends getting together and blowing off steam. But, the chapel owner must not have heard us, or something like that.”

  “Don’t you worry. I’m placing a call there, too. I’ll keep you updated, sweet pea.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.”

  “Anytime. I gotta go, though. The lawyer is calling. Talk soon.”

  “Talk soon. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I hung up the phone feeling more nervous than ever before. So, I decided to throw myself into work. Hopefully, my father didn’t dig deep enough to figure out the real reason why it all took place. Because I’m pretty sure he’d kill me himself if he ever found out. You know, before killing Brenden.

  “Damn it,” I murmured.

  I opened up my laptop, and there were a plethora of issues I had to deal with on the business end of my life. I set myself up at the desk and worked until the sun set, then eventually crawled into bed. I wasn’t hungry. I was much too anxious to think about food. But, I wasn’t sure if Brenden had gotten back or anything. I knew he was home come morning, though.

  The smell of coffee lifted me from my dream state and ushered me into the kitchen.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  The white granite countertops were speckles with flakes of silver and black. The stainless steel appliances looked like they’d never been touched in all their years of existence. The breakfast nook sat in a little triangular alcove with a window that gazed out over Vegas, and the sun rising streamed through those windows perfectly. I took another giant whiff of the intoxicating scent of dark brew coffee. Then I meandered over to the pot and rummaged around for a mug. And after fixing myself a strong cup, I turned to face the kitchen island.

  Only to find freshly-baked croissants on a silver tray. Still warm from the oven.

  “My God,” I groaned.

  I walked over and plucked one from the stack only for a note to fall at my feet. So, I set the croissant down and picked up the small piece of paper with my name on it.


  I’m genuinely sorry for everything. Including the fighting, we’ve been doing. The things I’m saying out of anger and frustration are things no one ever deserves to have said to them. Or about them, for that matter. I want to make this next month as easy on you as possible, so let me know what I can do if anything.

  In the meantime, I’m having dinner brought to the condo for us tonight. We can eat together, crack jokes, and find our way back to being friends. Like we were before this all began.

  I’ll see you after work,


  A smile drifted across my face before I laid the note down on top of the island. I snatched my croissant up again and went to go sit at the breakfast nook, allowing myself to gaze out over sun-drenched Las Vegas. I took my time sipping my coffee, and I devoured four of those damn croissants before I stopped myself. I couldn't start tacking on weight now. I had to still model my own fashions for the website, which meant I had to fit into those clothes that had already been tailored to me.

  “I’ll have more of you tonight after dinner,” I murmured.

  Then, I topped off my coffee and decided to meander around the condo.

  The hallway from the living room to the kitchen sported two bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. The living room was massive. Easily the size of my entire apartment I shared with Roxy. The floor-to-ceiling tinted windows reminded me of the penthouse Brenden booked for us back when the plan was still a good one. And as I walked toward the thick glass, I let myself drink in the picturesque landscape that stretched on for miles.

  Then, I set my sights for the stairs.

  Slowly, I padded up the black steps. Matte black, to be exact. It contrasted all of the sleek white the condo was adorned with, and it made the staircase a feature design in the entire place. On the far side of the living room, opposite the kitchen, it slowly walked up to a lofted portion of the condo. As I walked down the only upper hallway afforded to me, my jaw hit the floor.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  I only took five or so steps down the hallway before it completely opened up. And it opened up into a massive room that was severed into sections. Glass wrapped around the entire top portion, making the room entirely exposed to Vegas. Not that anyone could see up here anyway, due to its tint. But, still, the view was breathtaking. In the middle of the room sat a massive four-poster bed. I didn’t know how big the damn thing was, but it was much, much bigger than my bed downstairs. Over in the corner sat an ornate, black matte desk. Decked out with a desktop, a computer tower, a printer, a scanner, and all the things a working man could ever need. And directly to my left as I walked into the room was a glass wall completely tinted out in black.

  However, walking around it exposed the massive chunk of the room that had been set aside for the bathroom. And somehow, it was even more exquisite than the one downstairs.

  “What in the world?” I asked.

  The countertops of the double vanity matched mine downstairs. But, that was the only thing that matched. The claw-footed tub sat against the windows, so someone could bathe and stare out over Vegas at the same time. There was a raised portion of flooring at the foot of the tub that carved out a square three people could easily stand inside with elbow room. And above? Another waterfall shower head.

  “This is insane,” I whispered.

  I didn’t know what would come for Brenden and myself. I didn’t know if we’d ever be able to get back to being ‘just friends.’ What I did know, however, was this:

  I was definitely going to enjoy my stay in his luxurious condo.



  Zane wheezed, he laughed so hard. “I still can’t believe you fucked up this royally.”

  I slid down in my office chair. “I hate you.”

  “I mean--holy shit--dude, come on. It just…”

  I rolled my eyes. “You can stop laughing now.”

  He held his stomach. “I’m trying. I really am. Oh, man. I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. Thank you. Holy fuck, I needed that.”

  My voice fell flat. “Glad I could help. And by the way, I don’t find this funny at all.”

  Zane was too busy catching his breath to answer. I was glad he didn’t, either. Because the last thing I needed to admit to anyone was the fact that I’d be living with that smoking hot girl for an entire month that I couldn't even put my hands on.

  But, my brother had always been intuitive. And he called me out anyway.

  “Okay, okay, okay. No long faces. I saw you two at the barbecue at my place. And if you guys’ interactions are any indication of how this month will go? The two of you will still fulfill the actual purpose of all of this. Ten times over.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure.”

  “No. Seriously, Brenden. The two of you were in sync at that party. You just have to get back to that point.”

  I shrugged. “What if I don’t want to get back to that point?”

  “You’ve always been a shit liar, Brenden. Don’t start now.”


  “You have feelings for her, don’t you?”

  I really do. “How are you and Karina?”

  “Diverting the topic? Really? Like it wasn’t obvious?”

  I shrugged. “Don’t care what it is. I’m done talking. How are you and Karina? How’s the pregnancy going?”

  He leaned back against the chair in front of my desk. “It’s… amazing. Really. The way her body morphs and shifts and grows this--this life. I mean, I can’t do that. My body can’t grow things. It can’t grow a damn human, Brenden. And that’s what she’s doing. While still working in H.R.”

  “And keeping up with you.”

  He held his hand out. “Exactly. I mean, there’s nothing about this woman I don’t love. Even if she likes to put up way too much pink in our place.”

  “Awww, you said ‘our.’”

  “I mean, it is our place. We’re going to raise our family there. We’re going to live out our lives there. I’m going to have a life I never thought possible for myself after what happened in that car accident with my first love, and it’s all because of her. It’s all because she didn’t give up on me when I’d given up on myself.”

  “If I didn’t love you so much, I’d barf.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. Because if looks could tell anything, you and Kelly will find your own happy ending.”

  I shook my head. “I need to get back to work.”

  “Never thought I’d hear those words from your mouth.”

  “You know, believe it or not, I actually do work around here. Just because I don’t stay until midnight like you do doesn’t mean--.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. It was a joke.”

  I glared at him. “Well, it’s not funny anymore. Apparently, everyone thinks I’m a fucking screw-up that can’t do anything right.”

  He paused. “Did Kelly tell you that?”

  I picked up my pen. “Not in so many words, but yes.”

  “Brenden, I’m so--.”


  I was glad when Zane stood because I was about to toss him out a window. I was more jealous of him than I’d ever been, and I didn’t have the guts to tell him outright. I was jealous of what he had with Karina. The love they shared. The vulnerability and the passion that was now evident in the way her body kept changing. I wanted that. I wanted a family. I wanted a woman I could work alongside and come home to and curl up with at night. The club nights were tiresome. I’d fucked so many women coming in and out of Vegas for bachelorette parties and birthdays that I didn’t even bother with their names any longer if I ever knew them.

  I wanted something different.

  I wanted something more.

  And I never realized it until I walked Kelly down that aisle.

  “Damn it,” I grumbled.

  Time passed as slowly as it possibly could. But, once five o’clock rolled around, I tore out of my office. I didn’t even bother locking my door. All I wanted to do was get home to see if Kelly got my note. I knew the food was set to arrive right at five, and I hoped Kelly would wait for me. I hoped she wouldn't take what she wanted and shut herself in her room all night. If there was anything I could do to convince her to have dinner with me, I wanted to do it.

  At the very least, I wanted the chance to try.


  I raced out of the elevator and quickly threw open my front door.

  “Kelly, you here?” I asked.

  “In the kitchen!”

  I dropped my shit and left the door hanging wide open as I strode down the hallway.

  “I smell the food. I’m hoping the steaks are still--.”

  “Welcome home, dear.”

  My eyes lingered along her body as she stood in front of my kitchen nook. The food had already been set out: steak and mashed potatoes with various steamed vegetables, a bottle of red wine, and fruit with fresh sweet cream for dessert. But, none of that registered as my eyes drank in the utter perfection that was Kelly Crown.

  “I figured since we’re about to eat and come to a truce, we’d have a nice dinner together. You know, since this definitely wasn’t the kind of takeout I was expecting.”

  I spoke mindlessly. “Not a fan of Chinese food.”

  “Don’t like the calories?”

  My eyes found hers. “Tastes better in China.”

  She giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Kelly, you look…”

  She smiled. “Thank you. You clean up pretty nice yourself.”

  I looked down at my day-worn suit. “Here, let me go change.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t.”

  She caught my hand, and her touch sparked an electrical storm inside my mind.

  “You look wonderful. Come sit and eat with me.”

  She led me over to the table and sat me down. I couldn't get over how beautiful she looked, though. Her hair, softly curled. Her eyes sparkling from amidst the mascara and eyeliner. Her floral summer dress cinched in at her waist and fluttered around her legs, drawing my eye up and down those soft, salacious curves she had. Her cleavage sparkled with shimmering dust, and her earrings caught the rays of the setting sun nicely. Her lips donned a pouty pink that somehow accented her wondrous eyes. And I found myself falling into her.

  Falling for her.

  And I wanted nothing more than to fall against her, too.

  “So, how was your day?” Kelly asked.

  Her voice pulled me from my trance. “Actually, I want you to tell me about your day. If that’s all right.”

  She smiled. “You sure you want to hear about all this boring fashion stuff?”

  I picked up my fork. “I’ve been looking forward all day to hearing about it.”

  “Well, then strap in. Because it’s been a hell of a day.”



  “And… yeah! That was my day.”

  Brenden blinked. “You weren’t joking.”


  “That’s a hell of a day.”

  I sipped my wine. “Uh-huh.”

  “You managed to completely overhaul your website, volley things back and forth between your investor, completely change your fall line for next year, and you went to go pick up the clothes you’re going to be wearing around town for a while? All before I got back?”


  He leaned back. “And I thought my day was insane.”

  I slid my plate off to the side. “Tell me about your day. What happened?”

  He smirked. “It’s nothing like yo

  “I still want to hear about it. Please?”

  He grinned. “Well, since you asked so nicely.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Spit it out.”

  He chuckled. “So, my day started with a fervent teasing and laugh session from Zane.”

  I paused. “From…?”

  “Yep. As in, he came to laugh in my face again about this predicament I’ve caused.”

  I almost choked on my wine. “Oh, my gosh. He didn’t.”

  He nodded. “Yep. He really did. Laughed until he wheezed. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him wheeze before.”

  “I didn’t even know he laughed.”

  Then, Brenden almost choked on his own wine.

  “Warn me before you do that.”

  I batted my eyelashes. “Do what?”

  “Crack a joke that’s going to kill me. I should have some fair warning first.”

  I winked. “Noted.”

  He grinned. “But, after that, work plodded along. Lots of paperwork to wrap up some sales. I had to contact our attorneys about getting the last of Clint’s contract with us set up.”

  “What’s he going to be doing, anyway?”

  “Security for our properties while they’re in the process of being sold. With additional opportunities to make his own business by offering his security services past our sell date.”

  “That’s really nice of you guys to do that for your brother.”

  He lifted his glass. “That man’s given everything he has to this country, and to us. It’s the least we can do.”

  My heart felt warm. “Anything else?”

  He paused. “I thought about you a lot.”


  He nodded. “Yes, you.”


  He set down his wine. “I’m not going to lie, fighting with you is rough. I couldn't stop thinking about how hurt you were yesterday and how much I’ve really fucked this situation up.”

  I reached for his hand. “We’ll get through it, Brenden. So long as we stop trying to rip each other apart.”

  He took it. “I’ll keep that in mind.”


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