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Triplets For The Mountain Man: A Mountain Man's Secret Baby Romance

Page 18

by K. C. Crowne

  This was it, I was convinced of it.

  She rode me to another orgasm, her body shaking and twitching, her pussy milking me until I couldn’t control it anymore.

  I exploded inside of her, my cock throbbing as the pleasure coursed through my body. There was nothing like coming together - I stared into her eyes, watched as her face contorted into a look of pleasure, as I filled her with my seed. It was the most intimate feeling in the world and I never wanted it to end.

  Felicity collapsed on top of me, her breathing heavy. She rested her head in the crook of my neck and I held her close to me, still buried inside of her, even as my own orgasm ended. I just held her like that, never wanting to let her go.

  She lifted her head and I kissed her face - staring at her forehead, then her nose, both cheeks and finally her lips.

  A sound came from the baby monitor next to us.

  A soft, muffled cry.

  Felicity chuckled. “Perfect timing, I guess.”

  “Yes,” I said, kissing her again before helping her stand up. “I’m just happy we had a few minutes to ourselves.”

  “Me too,” she said, throwing her leggings back on.

  Another cry came through the monitor. Once one of them was awake, it wouldn’t be long for the others. I was having second thoughts about putting them all in the same room, but Felicity and I both thought they belonged together. At least for now. They were used to being close to each other, it was hard to separate them.

  I got up and finished getting dressed. We’d need all hands on deck for this. A third cry hurried us both along.

  As we stepped into the nursery, a cacophony of crying awaited us. To some people, it might be r stressful. But to me, I was grateful for that sound.

  I almost didn’t get my perfect little family.

  I was just thankful they were alive and well enough to cry. That little Evie finally began eating on her own. A.J was the loudest of all of them, and he was the biggest too. He was a pound heavier than his little sister, Evie. Genny was somewhere in between the two of them.

  “I’ll grab Evie,” Felicity said.

  Evie still needed some more nudging to eat sometimes, so we took turns with her.

  I went for A.J and Genny. I could take two at once. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to hold both of them at the same time one day, but for now, they were so little, it was a breeze. We had a setup, thanks to Rosa and Nicole helping us, that allowed us to feed all three at the same time. Two carriers that we could set them in and all we’d have to do was hold the bottles. Evie, of course, got personal attention. Felicity fed her personally, sitting in the rocking chair in the corner.

  I sat on the floor with A.J and Genny in their carriers, holding a bottle to each of them.

  We certainly had our hands full, but as Felicity looked up at me and smiled, I knew that we wouldn’t have it any other way.


  Felicity - A Year Later

  “Wow, this looks amazing,” Elle said as she stepped into the restaurant. It was currently empty, but it wouldn’t be for long. We’d invited VIPs from all over the state, and even some as far as New York City and Paris - people I’d gone to school with, and chefs I’d worked with. It was going to be a big deal for me. The biggest thing I’d ever done since graduating culinary school.

  This was our grand opening, and Elle, the mayor of Liberty, was going to be giving a speech, so she got to come inside before the madness of the actual opening.

  I had to admit, the place looked better than I ever could have imagined. I’d worked with a designer and Abe had hired contractors. It hadn’t been easy to manage while raising three babies, but somehow, we made it work.

  And today was the day I was going to showcase it to the world.

  The barn was the perfect location; Abe had been correct about that. I’d kept as much of the original woodwork as possible, including the beams overhead and the big, barn doors that slid aside to separate a private banquet room from the main dining room. Of course, all the equipment was new - we had only the highest quality of cooktops and appliances. Abe made sure of it.

  The dining room was decked out in tables that matched the woodwork from the barn, with leather chairs. We’d tried to reclaim as much of it as possible. There was a loft area with additional seating overlooking the rest of the dining room. We’d decorated in soft, earthy tones. We kept it simple, but classy, while paying homage to the history of the building and the town of Liberty. A giant chandelier hung from the high ceiling, illuminated the room.

  It was everything I could have dreamt of and more.

  “I’m so glad that the developers didn’t destroy this,” Elle said, running a hand along the knotted wood support beam in the middle of the floor.

  “Me too,” I said. “It’s worrying how greedy they can be.”

  “Tell me about it,” Elle said, rolling her eyes. “I’ve had my hands full dealing with them, but I think we’ve finally pushed them all out. Thanks to working with the governor, of course.”

  Elle had worked with state legislatures and the governor to protect the lands around Liberty. There could be no drilling, so even if developers wanted to buy up property here, they wouldn’t be able to drill or mine for the lithium in our soil. Once that was passed, developers went elsewhere. Our little town was useless to them now.

  And I was glad about that.

  I checked the time. It was only about ten minutes until the doors would open to the public. Where was Abe, I wondered?

  He had stayed behind with the babies. Rose and Nicole where there to watch them this evening. We so rarely left them, but this was a special occasion. Still, Abe seemed hesitant. Was something wrong, I wondered, or was he just being paranoid?

  I checked my messages. Nothing from him,

  I sent him a quick text.

  Where are you?

  I didn’t even have to wait for a response though, because Abe came in through the door that very second. I put my phone away and rushed into his arms. He lifted me up off the ground and kissed me as I giggled like a little girl. He always managed to make me feel that way.

  “You look nice,” I said, taking note of his suit. It was rare to see Abe in a real, actual suit, and damn, it was a sight to behold. His suit was tailored for his body too, fitting him perfectly, showing off every inch of his muscular physique and making me drool.

  “You look even better,” he said with a wink, putting me back down on my feet.

  I blushed and then swirled around, my sapphire cocktail dress flaring out around my legs. Yes, I felt a bit like a princess. All of my dreams had come true, and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Why thank you,” I said. “I wanted to look my best, considering all the VIPs coming out tonight.”

  “Well trust me, you look amazing, baby.”

  His eyes moved over my body, and I could tell he was thinking some very naughty thoughts. My panties grew wet just thinking about it. But now wasn’t the time for sneaking off and having our way with each other - we’d have to save that later

  “Alright you two,” Elle said, chuckling from the other side of the room. “I think these doors are about to be opened.”

  “Ooh, let me check in the kitchen really quickly, make sure everything is ready.”

  I hurried to the back, where Allison and Gavin were working hard. They had their own staff beneath them too. Gavin would go back to the diner after today, picking up a few shifts here and there. Allison would be the one running this kitchen when I wasn’t here personally. She’d come a long way in the last year, and she was one of the best chefs in the state, I would swear by it.

  Allison was beaming proudly when I asked her if she was ready.

  “Ready as ever, boss.”

  “We’ve got it under control,” Gavin said.

  I gave them a thumbs up. “I knew I could count on the two of you. The doors are opening, are we ready with the appetizer trays?”

  A group of four servers showed off their trays with a m
yriad of hors d'oeuvres.

  Confident that everything was in order, I headed back to the front. Elle had wandered off somewhere, but Abe was standing at the doors, waiting for me. I grinned so big, my cheeks hurt as I walked toward him.

  “Ready to open those doors?” I asked him.

  “One second,” he said, his tone serious.

  “What’s wrong? Is it the kids? Evie having reflux again, do you think we need to--”

  “Nothing is wrong,” he said with a chuckle. “In fact, everything is perfect.”

  Before I knew what was happening, Abe dropped down to one knee in front of me. I covered my mouth, stifling the cry that came from my throat. He held out a ring box, opened it up and showcased the biggest, most brilliant diamond I’d ever seen.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered to myself. “Is this really happening?”

  “It is,” Abe said with a nervous laugh. “And please tell me that was a good holy shit.”

  “Oh yes, I mean. Of course it was… Wow… I have no words.”

  “Well just answer me maybe? Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” I said before the words had finished leaving his mouth.

  He slipped the massive rock onto my finger then lifted me up off the ground, kissing me deeply.

  “Please tell me you like it,” he said.

  “The ring?”

  Everything,” he said. “The ring, the restaurant, everything. I did it all for you, and I want to make sure it’s perfect.”

  “It’s everything I’ve dreamt and more,” I said, staring deep into his eyes. “I love it. I love everything, and most of all, I love you.”

  “I love you too. So much.”

  We kissed again, and I almost didn’t hear Allison clearing her throat.

  “Oh yes, sorry. We need to open the doors,” I chuckled. I felt like I was high, walking among the stars. I couldn’t even think straight. I was literally over the moon.

  I stepped back, and Abe took one door, I took the other. Together we slid them open and introduced our restaurant to the world.

  Daddy’s Best Friend (Preview)


  Brace yourself, Elle.

  The sound of footsteps outside my office door grew louder and louder.

  Butterflies fluttered in my belly.

  “Eleanor. Mae. Shaeffer.”

  I recognized the raw and fiery passion in the man’s deep manly voice.

  Jeremiah Jenkins was the mayor of Liberty. Growing up, he insisted I call him Jeremiah, instead of Mr. Jenkins. He was also the man of my very wet dreams ever since I was old enough to dream about men. Too bad he was my late father’s best friend, and far too loyal of a friend to cross the line with me.

  Besides being handsome as sin, he was such an awesome guy. He never spoke to me like I was just a kid but talked to me like I was an adult.

  I loved the sound of my full name escaping the scrumptious lips of my adolescent crush. If it were a song, I’d play that shit on repeat.

  The door to my office swung open. As if seeing things in slow-motion, I watched as the fine man sauntered in.

  Hot dddddamn!

  Tall, built, and insanely handsome but now with a few light patches of grey on his head. It made him look even sexier than I remembered. How was that even possible?

  His gaze had a kind of intensity. It was almost as if his striking blue eyes could touch me and I felt that touch everywhere on my body.

  On my arms.

  My legs.

  My neck.

  And especially on my nipples and in between my thighs.

  I felt moisture gather at my center and soak the thin fabric of my panties. Even at the age of twenty-eight, my body was responding to him like a hormonal virgin. What was wrong with me? The man was old enough to be my father and I still felt this way about him, even years later.

  Get it together, Elle.

  Sure, I’d been turned on by other men in the past, but none of them had ever made me feel as hot and bothered as Jeremiah was doing at that very moment. Only a few minutes around him and he already had the strongest effect on me.

  My cheeks warmed and flushed a bright red as I pressed my thighs together to find some relief.

  Needing something to focus on other than the striking blue of his gaze, I cleared my throat and sorted the documents on my desk.

  It was highly unlikely he felt the same way about me. While he was now a single dad, he always had plenty of grown and established women flocking for his affection.

  “Yes?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow. “And it’s nice to see you again too, Jeremiah. It’s been awhile. Over five years? You’re looking good. Keeping in shape, I see?”

  He scowled at me, but he was still as handsome as he’d ever been. It was hard not to squirm in my seat. Without breaking our eye contact, he took a deep breath and then opened those perfect lips.

  “Young lady, do you know what you’ve done?”

  Young lady.

  My thighs rubbed together involuntarily, building pressure between my legs.

  A shiver ran down my spine at the way he spoke, and I couldn’t help but smile. The closer he got, the stronger the scent of his delicious cologne became.

  I pulled a deep breath through my mouth and grew a bit taller in my spine. My new posture made my large boobs stick out a bit and, I could see Jeremiah forcing his gaze away from my ample cleavage.

  I smiled.

  Thank you Victoria Secret push-up bra.

  His brow furrowed, the dark brows pushing together. Jeremiah might have a little more grey around the temples, but his hair was still as brown as I remembered it, and silky smooth. He wore it short as he always had because he couldn’t be bothered to style it.

  There was also a little silver sprinkled through his trimmed brown beard. His face looked younger than his forty-five years, even with the scowl.

  That facial expression reminded me of the time he had to pick me up from a party, the one time in high school I’d decided to try alcohol. He was the reason I never touched the stuff again.

  He threw a copy of the latest Liberty Leader on my desk. His face was plastered on the front, no less gorgeous in black and white than it was in color. The by-line on the article was, of course, my name. Eleanor Shaeffer.

  My friends called me Elle. Jeremiah used to too, unless he was angry. And right now, he was very angry.

  “Look I know this must have come as a surprise, but everything I wrote about you is positive and accurate. Why are you angry?”

  “The fact that it’s been well over five years since I’ve even seen you and our first interaction is after you’ve written an article on my personal life without my consent. How should I feel?”

  “You make it sound like I painted you in a bad light.”

  “You know what I mean. This is all so out of character for you.”

  I leaned forward in amazement. “I left you several messages to approve the article but your staff never got back to me, even after I provided deadlines of its publication. The town wants to know their mayor, and I wrote what I knew. With the upcoming election, it’s important to draw attention away from all the false drama in the news about you. I thought I had a realistic perspective that others might appreciate. It’s my duty as a friend and a citizen of this town.”

  “You wrote about my daughters.”

  “I mentioned you have two little girls, but that’s it. Beside the fact that you’re a single dad. I mean, none of that is false, is it?”

  His gaze narrowed on me, and he leaned closer.

  “You’re no longer a kid, Elle. We’re in the real world and if I let myself get concerned about all the allegations about me then I probably shouldn’t be a mayor anyway. Life isn’t fair and we just need to focus on what we can control. You’re better off not wasting your time, or mine.”

  He was back to calling me Elle, that was a good sign.

  It made me sad to think about how jaded he must have become since the last time I’d seen him. Pe
rhaps all the drama from the office had really gotten to him – and that coupled with his being a single dad to twins could make anyone feel fed-up.

  On the good side, the scent of him was the same as when I was younger. Musky and natural, but delightful to my nostrils.

  I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled the scent, taken back to a different time.

  A time when my dad was alive.

  Of BBQs on our back patio.

  Flaunting my shapely bikini body around Jeremiah at the poolside.

  I knew he had a distinct appreciation for curvaceous women. Compared to my classmates in school, I leaned on the side of curvy and voluptuous and I always loved that about my body.

  When it came to Jeremiah, I didn’t think twice about flaunting my curves. I yearned for his attention like a giddy little school girl.

  Much to my disappointment, Jeremiah was always a gentleman. He never came even close to crossing the taboo line I yearned for him to cross. No matter how hard I tried, and boy did I try.

  “Are you even listening to me?”

  “Yes,” I lied.

  “Then what did I say?” He stared down at me with such a serious expression on his face that I burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Just that you remind me of my dad right now,” I said, wiping the tear from my eye from laughing so hard. “So serious. So mad. You look like you’re ready to burst a blood vessel or something.”

  He stared at me stone faced. He was always composed. Collected. I loved that about him. His composure was a galaxy away from the manners of all the immature boys I grew up around.

  “I am mad.”

  “But why, Jeremiah?” My chair made a scratching sound as I scooted back from my desk. I stood up, but even standing, he still towered over me. He was at least a foot taller than me, but I didn’t let that phase me. He had never scared me before, and I wasn’t about to let him get to me now either. “You’ve always taught me to focus on the positive. It was all good, all very positive.”

  “When I’m ready to share my personal life in the media I want it by my terms, Elle.” He placed his hands on the desk and leaned across.


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