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The Raven and the Witchhunter

Page 3

by H. M. Gooden

  Vanessa exhaled. "I did think about that, but you were my back-up plan. Maybe I should listen better. Anyway, it was fine. We came back here and talked. It was weird, Cat," Vanessa said, pausing. "I don't know how to describe her. She was attractive and seemed nice, but when she spoke, I kept finding myself captivated by her words. I mean, I wish I had half that ability when it comes to acting! I'd be super famous already."

  "What was she saying that captivated you so much?" Cat asked.

  "She told me a story about a woman, that's pretty much it. She said Evelyn sent her to me for our mutual benefit. The woman she spoke of is apparently driven by her desire to stay young and beautiful forever. I thought she was talking about me at first, but she assured me I wasn't that shallow."

  Cat smirked and Vanessa looked balefully at her.

  "Well, that was nice of her at least, don't you think?" Cat said, through stifled laughter.

  "Yeah, yeah, just shut it. Anyway, she left pretty abruptly and said she'd come back today when you were home. I guess she could tell I didn't completely believe her. I mean, after listening to her story and all, I guess I did kind of wonder if she was telling me a story about herself," said Vanessa, pausing before she softly added, "and when she touched my hand, I felt a tingle, or something. It was...different."

  Cat sat up, alert. "A tingle? Like...a power kind of tingle?"

  "I don't know. It was powerful, but I don't know if it was magic or something else. It went away when she let go. Actually, she decided to leave right after that happened."

  "Hmm, that's interesting," said Cat, looking at her watch. "It's almost nine now. You said she'd be here around ten?"

  Vanessa nodded.

  "Well, okay then," said Cat. "I'll go get showered and dressed. I'm looking forward to meeting your mysterious lady." Cat got up, threw the remote down on the couch then gave her sister a big smile as she ran toward the bathroom. "Dibs!" she shouted, as she shut the door behind her.

  Vanessa groaned and sat down. With only one bathroom, that meant she'd have to wait to finish getting ready.

  VANESSA FOUND HERSELF counting the minutes after she managed to wrangle the bathroom away from Cat. While her family joked that Vanessa always spent forever primping, Cat had greatly extended her time getting ready since moving in with Vanessa. She couldn't help but wonder if there was someone Cat was interested in at school, but figured she'd tell her in her own time, if and when she wanted to. At least today she'd been quick, not making much effort with her appearance in preparation to see a strange woman in her own house. That had given Vanessa plenty of time for herself. She'd paid more attention to her makeup than usual, trying to highlight her eyes. She wasn't sure why, but chalked it up to wanting to look more impressive. She always felt more confident with a full face of makeup and this situation, for some reason, was creating an unusual amount of insecurity for her.

  But even with the short amount of time, both girls were ready long before ten. They sat on the couch waiting and half-watching TV until finally, the doorbell rang. Vanessa jumped up to answer it, causing her sister to look at her oddly.

  "What?" Vanessa said, crossing her arms.

  Cat shrugged and held her hands up. "Nothing. Go ahead. I'll wait here until you call for me."

  Vanessa nodded and went to open the door. Her heart rate increased, just like it had the day before. There, as expected, was the mysterious Emma Jane.

  "Hey, come in," Vanessa stepped back and held the door for her as Emma Jane glided into the room, not using the cane at all.

  "Thank you for having me. Did you speak with your sister?"

  Emma Jane's warm voice filled the kitchen again, causing Vanessa to unexpectedly relax.

  "Yes, she's just in the living room. Do you want to sit in there today? We have a nice view from there."

  Vanessa stopped talking, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Oh, God, I'm sorry. That was so stupid of me."

  Emma Jane laughed, a deep rippling sound that relieved Vanessa's embarrassment.

  "Don't worry about it. Really. I'd love to sit in there. You can make it up to me with some of that hot chocolate you promised. I've been thinking about it ever since I left."

  Vanessa smiled, relieved that her faux pas was brushed off so easily. "Of course. If you just walk straight ahead, the couch is on the left side of the wall."

  Vanessa raised her voice. "Cat? I'm sending Emma Jane in to sit with you while I get her a drink."

  Emma Jane smiled, pulling out her cane. "I can manage fine from here if you want to make the hot chocolate."

  She moved gracefully, although she used the cane to navigate through the archway into the living area this time.

  Vanessa turned the kettle on and got the hot chocolate out, then moved to watch the introductions.

  "Hi. I'm Cat, Vanessa's sister."

  Cat stood up from her seat on the couch and moved closer to Emma Jane, holding out her hand before looking at Vanessa and drawing it back, realizing she likely couldn't see it.

  "Hello, Cat. Thank you for having me in your house. Evelyn has told me a lot about you." Emma Jane easily found her hand, which was now almost back at Cat's side and shook it, leaving Cat standing there with a puzzled look.

  "That's somewhat concerning. Don't believe everything she says. She likes to exaggerate sometimes. Unfortunately, she didn't tell me anything about you, so I'm in the dark about why you're here, other than what you told Vanessa last night." Cat moved to sit back on the cozy u-shaped couch. "Please, sit down. I'd like to hear more."

  Emma Jane moved smoothly to the corner of the couch and sat down, retracting her cane and putting it into her purse. She took off her glasses and looked at Cat. Vanessa could tell from her sister's expression she hadn't been expecting what she saw in front of her.

  "Why don't we start with introductions first? My name is Emma Jane Cooper and I'm a hunter, so to speak. You've probably noticed I don't see the world in the same way as you do. As I explained to Vanessa yesterday, I can see in my own fashion, which is often more accurate." Emma Jane smiled at Cat, who nodded.

  "I think I understand. I can see auras, which you probably know after speaking with Evelyn. When I do that though, I don't see the world normally. It seems to be an either-or situation for me," said Cat, chuckling lightly. "I've sort of taken to calling it aura-vision in my head, but I'm sure there's a better way to describe it."

  Emma Jane nodded. "Yes, I think that would be similar to how I see. I told Vanessa last night I can see things how they really are, which I imagine you do as well, when you're viewing the auras of others around you. But, I can also see the hidden monsters and angels, which helps me with my tracking."

  "You say you hunt and track," said Cat. "What exactly are you hunting? I can see auras and recognize patterns of light and dark, but I can't tell exactly what's up with someone most of the time. Does that mean if you see someone, you can do that? And what do you mean by monsters and angels?" Cat had leaned forward to listen, her elbow on her knee and one hand supporting her face as she waited for Emma Jane to reply.

  "Yes, I can. I can tell if someone has lightness or darkness within, but I can also tell what that darkness is, such as if it's a witch, or soul thief, or something else. I don't mean monsters and angels in a literal sense."

  "Wait, what did you say?" Vanessa entered the room, carrying the hot chocolate carefully before setting it down beside Emma Jane on the coffee table.

  "I said I can tell what the darkness is."

  "When you say soul thief, do you mean people that suck souls out?" Vanessa asked. Emma Jane nodded and Vanessa looked at Cat.

  "Humph. All this time we've been lamely calling them dark ones or soul suckers. Soul thief is way better. "

  Cat laughed. "I totally agree. Okay, from now on, soul thief it is. Now back to Emma Jane. What is it you're tracking that you need our help with?"

  Vanessa sat down in the middle of the u-bend of the couch, between Emma Jane and Cat, and wai
ted for Emma Jane to reply.

  Emma Jane moved her cloudy, swirling gaze between the two girls, lingering on Vanessa for a moment before finally replying. "I've been tracking a woman, the woman I told you about last night, Vanessa." Emma Jane waited for Vanessa to nod, then continued. "Her trail took me to Los Angeles before it went cold. My sources then led me to Evelyn here in San Francisco, who helped me with some information. Apparently, Evelyn had had a dream involving you, Vanessa, and felt that I should come here. She believed that we'd be able to help each other."

  Vanessa leaned closer to Emma Jane. "What was the dream about?" Vanessa knew that Evelyn had powerful dreams of both the past and the future and wasn't so sure that she liked being the subject of one of them.

  Emma Jane shrugged. "She wouldn't tell me everything, but I could see that it bothered her. She did tell me you'd be in danger with or without my presence, but that if we worked together, we'd stand a better chance at containing this evil force."

  Emma Jane turned her head to look in Cat's general direction. "Cat, last night I left to give Vanessa time to process what I'd told her, but also because she wasn't sure if I was someone who could be trusted. I know that you're able to see past appearances, into the heart of the matter, so to speak. I'd like to know what you think about me, based on your 'aura-vision', as well as your knowledge of people."

  Cat looked at Vanessa, who felt sheepish. Vanessa's cheeks became uncomfortably hot as Cat examined her impassively, then turned back to look at Emma Jane, tilting her head and staring for a minute before she finally answered Emma Jane's question.

  "I don't see the darkness I associate with what you call soul thieves on you, but I also haven't seen an aura like yours before. It's incredibly hard for me to read. If anything, Vanessa, I'd say Emma Jane's aura reminds me of a cloud during a thunderstorm, with flashes of lightning on a purple and blue background."

  Emma Jane's face lit up at the description. "Oh, I like that! Like a prairie storm perhaps?"

  Cat nodded and wrinkled her nose. "Yes, that would fit."

  Emma Jane's face glowed with happiness. "I've never heard myself described like that before, but I love it. Thank you, Cat. It brings back pleasant memories."

  Cat nodded in acknowledgement.

  Emma Jane switched her attention back to Vanessa. "Vanessa, do you feel a little better about me? Are you more comfortable?"

  "It's nice to know that my sister doesn't see you as an axe-murderer, yes," Vanessa answered, glibly. She was hiding the fact that she still felt unsettled about Emma Jane being in her house, on the couch beside her. She wasn't sure what it was but it felt as though they had some kind of connection. While she wasn't able to see the future, something deep inside told her that Emma Jane would be very important in her life and that her life was going to change, in some as of yet unknown way.

  "Can you tell us more about the woman you're hunting right now?" Cat asked, oblivious to Vanessa's inner turmoil.

  "Of course. This woman, as I told Vanessa yesterday, has been obsessed with staying young and beautiful for centuries already. As a direct result of her unrelenting hunger, she's caused the death of thousands of women."

  "Thousands?" Vanessa whispered, stunned.

  Emma Jane nodded solemnly. "Thousands. I've been tracking her for a few years now. She's very elusive and quite skilled at disappearing. I'm not sure how many victims she goes through in a year, but I've seen her go through scores in a place before moving on," Emma Jane paused and shook her head, qualifying her statement. "Well, deaths that fit her usual pattern at least, as it's been hard for me to definitively prove it's always her work. By the time I've arrived in the area, she's gone again."

  "So why are you here now?" Vanessa asked, confusion wrinkling her brow. "Does that mean there've been deaths nearby?"

  Emma Jane leaned closer to Vanessa, looking at her so intently that Vanessa felt as though she was staring into her soul. "No, that's what's different. I showed up too late in Los Angeles, but when I got lucky and found Evelyn, I believe I've arrived in time to stop her from killing her new targets, with your help."

  Emma glanced at Cat briefly. "With both of you helping, I think we can stop her."

  Vanessa leaned back on the couch, turning her head to look at her sister. "What do you think? Is it time to start working a new case?"

  Cat smiled. "Of course. If Evelyn sent her to us for help, we'll help. What do you need us to do, Emma Jane?"

  "Evelyn told me the first place we need to go is to a place near here, a house. She thinks the target is a woman named Eloise Miller."

  Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "What? Did you just say Eloise Miller?"

  Cat looked at Vanessa in surprise. "Do you know her?"

  Vanessa slowly nodded. "Yes...she works with me on set. She's one of the newer actresses and has only been there a few weeks. I think she said she was from Iowa. Or maybe Indiana?" Vanessa wrinkled her nose, then brushed the uncertainty away. "Either way, I know where she lives. I picked her up last week to take her to a party."

  Emma Jane nodded in a businesslike fashion. "Perfect. That will speed things up. If you're ready, I'd like to go there immediately. While these things are hard to pinpoint to a specific time, I'd much rather show up too early and prevent anything from happening than walk in after the fact."

  Vanessa was worried. If this evil woman was after people she knew, that made things much worse than potentially having a witch looking for her. Knowing someone she'd hung out with was in danger was scary and made the situation instantly more real.

  "Let me get my coat, then I'm ready. Cat? Can you come?"

  Cat grimaced. "I can if I absolutely need to. I promised my study buddy I'd meet them at the library at twelve, but I can cancel if you think you'll need me. I'm completely free this evening, if you want to wait?"

  Emma Jane shook her head. "No, I don't think I'll need you this time. Go to your meeting and we'll call if we need your help. I'd like to have both of you for tonight though, just in case."

  Cat nodded. "Sounds good."

  Vanessa noticed a look of relief cross her sister's face.

  Hmm, interesting. I wonder who this study buddy is.

  Vanessa turned back to Emma Jane. "Did you want to drive? I have a car," Vanessa offered.

  "That would be great. Since you already know where we're going, I'll leave directions up to you."

  "What time are you planning on being back today, Cat?" Vanessa asked. "Just in case I need to start worrying."

  "I should be done by late afternoon," Cat answered, with a half-shrug. "It's not like I've set a specific time limit or anything."

  "Okay, let's get Chinese for six o'clock here. We can review what we've found then."

  Vanessa and Emma Jane got up and Cat looked at Vanessa with concern.

  "Be safe, okay? I can come if you need me, just text and I'll be there as soon as I can."

  Vanessa waved away her concern. "I'm sure we'll be just fine."


  The car slowed to a stop outside a nondescript brown bungalow in a quiet neighborhood. Vanessa had only visited once before, but remembered the location easily as it happened to be right beside a park with a playground. The sounds of children shrieking and laughing were loud even through closed windows, causing Vanessa to smile. She couldn't help but think of Mai's large and unexpected brood of loud dragon babies and imagine how busy they were keeping her friend these days. Darn her for leaving Vanessa and getting herself a fairy-tale ending.

  "This is it," said Vanessa. "At least, this is where Eloise was staying the last time I picked her up. I think she said she was renting the basement from her aunt."

  "Vanessa," said Emma Jane, as she turned her head and placed her hand lightly on Vanessa's arm. "I know you're very capable of defending yourself, but do not allow yourself to be touched by anyone that we come across. You won't know her by sight and will not be able to protect yourself."

  Vanessa looked at the hand on her sleeve
, then back up at Emma Jane. "I'll be fine. It's not like I won't be able to tell if someone is trying to touch me."

  Emma Jane shook her head. "No, you won't. This woman is very devious. She may even be someone you think you know. Just be careful and follow my lead, okay? I don't want you to come to any harm."

  Vanessa sighed, her exasperation at being treated like a child evident in her snarky response. "Fine. I'll follow you and be super careful."

  They exited the car and Vanessa waited for Emma Jane to go first, feeling somewhat foolish. Not only was she experienced at defending herself, she felt strange following a blind woman up a sidewalk and the stairs to a strange house. Then she wondered if that was her just being able-ist around her new acquaintance. Telling herself to be patient, Vanessa sighed again, following as meekly behind Emma Jane as she could.

  Emma Jane rang the doorbell and waited a few moments. When no one answered, Vanessa noticed Emma Jane's head tilt to the side, as though she was listening to something, before she turned the door handle. The door swung open easily, without impediment. Vanessa’s heart sank. That wasn't good. No one she knew left their door unlocked, no matter which neighborhood they lived in.

  The entryway was quiet and dark with no sign of life or movement. As they entered the kitchen, Vanessa noticed leftovers on the counter. She knew they were leftovers because it was only eleven in the morning and the food on the counter consisted of extremely wrinkled and dried out ribs and fries.

  "There's old food on the counter," Vanessa whispered, unsure if Emma Jane could see it.

  Emma Jane nodded. "Not a good start. Which way is her room?"

  Vanessa pointed to her left. "Over this way, I think. I was only here once."

  Still whispering, Vanessa felt her sense of foreboding increase. The unlocked house and leftovers made her think something bad had already happened and Emma Jane's reaction wasn’t making her feel any better. It was as if Emma Jane had somehow grown larger. She stood taller than she had when they'd first entered the house. Her high cheekbones seemed sharper, while her eyes were focused on something Vanessa couldn't see.


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