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Douluo Dalu - Volume 47 - Untitled Volume

Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao

As the Spirit Empire’s most important stronghold, the moat in front of Jialing Pass was of course very deep. Sixty jin of sandbags thrown in naturally didn’t count for anything. But, as four cavalry legions, a full forty thousand men, took turns to throw sandbags into the moat, the effect appeared immediately. Even though it couldn’t pack the entire moat full, filling a few wide passages wasn’t a problem.

  Commanded by marshal Ge Long’s signal flags, the Heaven Dou army split neatly. After the cavalry completed their task, they immediately retreated to both sides, and the heavy infantry began to cross the river.

  Right now the majority of the people on top of the Jialing Pass walls were the Spirit Empire’s spirit master legions. Repelling those enemy powers notwithstanding, a pass guarded by spirit masters was admittedly secure as a vault, but it also had a weakness. Spirit master attack abilities all had fixed ranges. Even rank sixty and rank seventy spirit masters found it very difficult to project their attacks very far. Spirit abilities like Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Meteor Shower were after all extremely rare. Even Dai Mubao’s White Tiger Meteor Shower only had a range of a hundred meters. Therefore, these spirit masters could only helplessly watch the moat being filled it. Right now they were less useful than common archer squads.

  Sonorous metal noise resounded in the Heaven Dou army. The few legions furthest ahead slowly moved aside, leaving only six heavy infantry legions like a shield in front. Behind them, special warriors appeared one after another with stern faces and holding long black boxes. They had once created unprecedented glory on this battlefield, using the power of ordinary humans to annihilate practically an entire ten thousand man Spirit Empire spirit master legion. Indeed, they were the extension of Tang San’s Tang Sect, the Tang Army, the army equipped with the Godly Zhuge Crossbow that could make lower level spirit masters die trembling.

  And together with the Tang Army also came the Heaven Dou Army’s one and only spirit master legion, and furthest in front were the Tang Sect four hall disciples.

  Riding alongside Xue Beng’s tall mount, Marshal Ge Long sent down the orders, and soldiers next to him raised a yellow signal flag. Seeing this flag, two detachments on the front of the Heaven Dou spirit master legion moved. These two detachments only had three hundred men in total, but they were formed entirely from Tang Sect disciples. They were made each from one hundred fifty Defense Hall disciples as well as one hundred fifty Strength Hall disciples. Standing furthest ahead were the two hall masters, Tai Tan and Niu Gao.

  Tai Tan and Niu Gao’s eyes were burning with excitement, not for battle, but rather for the sect master high in the sky that had finally returned at the critical juncture.

  Not so long ago, their four single attribute clans had left the Clear Sky School like stray dogs, practically any sect in the spirit master world could humiliate them. Until the day Tang San appeared, founding the Tang Sect, gathering them together again. Even now, when Tai Tan, Niu Gao and the others recalled their former circumstances, they couldn’t help rejoicing. Back then Tang San had moved them with strength, but in fact, they had actually gambled on using Tang San as an opportunity to regather the four into one great sect. They had never expected the Tang Sect to one day reach such a position.

  Ever since the first battle at Jialing Pass, the Tang Sect had established themselves as unique in the million man army. Even the Heaven Dou Empire spirit legion would be suppressed a bit by the Tang Army. As long as you mentioned the Tang Sect, mentioned the Tang Army, nobody wouldn’t give their approval.

  Even if it was before the battle, the Tang Sect already counted as the number one great sect in Heaven Dou City. With imperial support, their position was even above the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. And all this was because of Tang San. King Lan Hao, Imperial Tutor, Tang Sect master. If there initially were some chancellors that objected to Tang Sect receiving so many distinctions, then after the start of this war, everyone were already relieved.

  Tang San had returned, returned moments before today’s battle began, and he had already become a god. A god! As rank eighty something Spirit Douluo level powers, Tai Tan and the others of course knew the theory of rank one hundred becoming gods, but this theory to their minds was like a legend. Tang San had turned this legend to reality. Even back when the four single attribute clans followed the Clear Sky School, even if the Clear Sky School was recognized as the world’s number one sect, they still had no god level power. Now these Tang Sect elders and hall masters could raise their eyebrows and exhale. Tai Tan and Niu Gao’s excitement also stemmed from this.

  Altogether three hundred disciples of the two halls, Defense Hall disciples in front, Strength Hall disciples in the back. Tai Tan and Niu Gao had the best relationship, to the point the Strength Hall and Defense Hall disciples also cooperated best. They didn’t just simply advance, even though they only had three hundred people, their appearance shook both armies.

  One hundred fifty Defense Hall disciples, each had already expanded from releasing their spirits, the Plate Armored Giant Rhino’s defensive power was completely displayed. At the same time, each hand held a five meter tall and two meters wide, fully one meter thick giant tower shield. Even if these shields were all forged by the disciples of the Strength Hall using special alloys and weren’t all that heavy for their extraordinary defensive strength, it still weighed several thousand jin. When each person held two such tower shields, they were like a mobile rampart. The Defense Hall disciples were tall themselves, and with these things included, one hundred fifty people, three hundred tower shields, formed the most solid defensive line possible. In fact, each of these astoundingly heavy shields would need at least ten of the most elite heavy infantry to move.

  Without a doubt, with these special tower shields from the Strength Hall, the Defense Hall disciples’ defensive power had reached an unprecedented level. Even for high level spirit masters, breaking their defense still definitely wouldn’t be easy. As for bow and arrow, heavy crossbows and such attacks, could basically be ignored.

  Even more valiant were still those behind. Even though the Defense Hall disciples had great strength, they focused their strength on defense, the true force came after.

  One hundred fifty Strength Hall disciples, divided into four units of more than forty men. They weren’t noticable before moving out of the army formation, but now that they did, with a simultaneous roar, each unit of more than forty men simultaneously used force, and giant battering rams appeared.

  Under ordinary circumstances, siege hammers would be carried by special vehicles, but these were brought out entirely with human strength. Only, as long as these siege weapons were closely observed, it would be obvious why they had to be wielded by people, and moreover carried by more than forty Strength Hall disciples.

  These battering rams were made from thousand year Ironwood, covered by a layer of iron plating, and the front third was completely made from iron essence. The entire battering ram was a hundred meters long, more than five meters in diameter. Was Tang San’s Seagod Trident heavy? Each of these battering rams weighed the equivalent of five Seagod Tridents, reaching a full five hundred thousand jin. Even in the spirit master world, maybe the Strength Clan was the only group that could use such terrifying battering rams by cultivating purely strength. What siege vehicle could carry such weight?

  These four battering rams still weren’t fully completed when the Heaven Dou army first set out, and had only been brought half a month ago. It had to be carried onto the battlefield by the Strength Hall disciples themselves, otherwise, if it was left to ordinary soldiers, there was no telling how many men it would take to move these four big fellows.

  As the four battering rams were shouldered by the Strength Hall disciples, formally appearing on the battlefield, the defending Spirit Empire spirit masters on top of the walls were stupefied. These things, were they movable with human strength?

  The Strength Hall disciples used facts to prove that these really were true battering rams.

  The D
efense Hall disciples quickly spread out, separating to the sides of the Strength Hall disciples. Raising the tower shields above their heads, they sheltered the Strength Hall disciples completely within. As for the parts of the battering rams that stuck out, they basically needed no protection. If you have the skill, come break them! Even though these things weren’t made from the best materials, was that five hundred thousand jin weight so easy to destroy? In fact, ironwood itself not only didn’t weigh less than steel, it was even more solid. If not for the Heaven Dou Empire possessing a province that produced such ironwood, even with the full backing of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Tang Sect still wouldn’t have been able to create these things.

  For these four battering rams, the Heaven Dou Empire had summoned ten thousand blacksmiths under the Strength Hall’s command. These things were to be heavy and strong, there was no need for details, ordinary blacksmiths were enough.

  With the tower shields held high, these three hundred people immediately split into four units, stepping onto the sand filling the moat, swiftly charging towards Jialing Pass. Meanwhile, the Tang Army as well as the Heaven Dou spirit master legion also moved simultaneously, launching a tidal wave of attacks at the top of the walls. They were clearly screening the attack on the walls by those three hundred Tang Sect disciples.

  Of course, the Heaven Dou army’s attack didn’t just consist of this. Among the infantry, a full six archery legions moved up to the moat under protection of the heavy infantry, drawing bows and nocking arrows. Besides the powers of both sides just now fighting fiercely on top of the walls, sixty thousand arrows began to indiscriminately blanket the top of Jialing Pass as well as the inside of the walls.

  Even back when Tang San attacked Bibi Dong, the Heaven Dou Army still didn’t act so fiercely. Xue Beng didn’t know if Tang San could return for today’s battle, therefore, he had brought out all the trump cards of the Heaven Dou Empire. A million troops, how would they be so easily resisted? The Heaven Dou Empire had existed on the Douluo Continent for many years, and their resources were extremely deep, how could a recently founded nation like the Spirit Empire compare to this? In the past the Heaven Dou Empire had given all the kingdoms and duchies free rein mainly to give Spirit Hall face. That’s why they didn’t deal with them. Until this moment, when the colossal empire revealed their robust strength.

  The battle was practically ignited at this moment, the entire battlefield fiery. Countless arrows fell from the sky. To spirit masters, one arrow of course wasn’t anything, but they couldn’t withstand the constant indiscriminate rain! Harming them was very difficult, but it was enough to disturb them. Moreover, even more arrows rained down inside the walls, and the unprepared Spirit Empire soldiers were immediately hit, large numbers of soldiers falling like scythed wheat. By the time they had tidied up their formations to deal with the rain of arrows, there were already several thousand casualties.

  Chapter 326: Nine Treasure Invincible Divine Light

  The Heaven Dou Empire’s million man army suddenly erupted with immense fighting power, especially the way they cooperated as entire divisions were dispatched, moving a million troops without any disorder, everything neat and tidy.

  This was the atmosphere of a great nation, something a temporarily assembled nation like the Spirit Empire couldn’t compare to. The Spirit Empire was established entirely by relying on Spirit Hall’s formidable strength and influence, as well as controlling more than sixty percent of all the spirit masters on the continent, through coercion and enticement. And then those kingdoms and duchies that felt danger from the two great empires and had no choice but to adhere to the Spirit Empire. Without a doubt, in terms of spirit masters, if the Heaven Dou Empire didn’t produce a Tang San, they basically wouldn’t even stand a speck of a chance. Even if the Clear Sky Clan came out it would in no way be enough to make up the difference.

  Tang San’s greatest influence on the Heaven Dou Empire wasn’t his personal strength, but rather his Tang Sect hidden weapons, using Tang Sect hidden weapon equipment to truly turn the Tang Army into a deadly threat to the Spirit Empire. If the difference in spirit masters was described as enormous, then the ratio of soldiers between both sides was even larger, but this time completely in reverse. The Heaven Dou Army’s mood was strict, appropriately dispatched, and had even higher morale. As orders came, it moved as freely as the arm moves the finger. As long as the Spirit Empire’s spirit master legions couldn’t start them off at a major advantage, then it was impossible for their ordinary armies to compete with the Heaven Dou Empire. It was difficult to defend even with this Jialing Pass in the way.

  Whether Qian Renxue or second priest Golden Crocodile Douluo, they were after all no army commanders. Their personal strength was as high as could be, but when it came to unifying the army, they had no special talent. To them it seemed that Jialing Pass’ defenses were so tight, even if the Heaven Dou Empire wanted to break through, they would still be bound to a siege battle, first passing the walls, and even if they wanted to attack the gates, their spirit masters could attack from atop the walls.

  When the battle just started this really was the case, the Heaven Dou Empire’s powers directly chose to attack the top of the walls. But, the actions of the Tang Sect Strength and Defense Hall disciples, immediately made the spirit masters on the walls panic. Everyone knew that if the gates were breached, then the defenders inside Jialing Pass would be directly faced with the unrelenting, unhesitating all out assault of a million troops. Spirit masters had limited spirit power, even if they killed with all their strength, how many could they kill? Killing ordinary soldiers was still easy, but to killing those heavily armored troops still had to be done through rather strong spirit abilities.

  Originally the Spirit Empire’s spirit masters and soldiers were very confident in their reforged solid gates. These were up to five meters thick solid iron gates, weighing at least a hundred thousand jin. But, as they saw the battering rams carried by the Tang Sect disciples, their confidence was completely swept away. It was the first time they saw such enormous battering rams, and nobody could be sure how many strikes these gates could suffer.

  The joint attack of the Tang Sect and Heaven Dou Empire spirit master legion was even more intense. The effect of the Heaven Dou Empire spirit master legion was mainly to defend the Tang Army, positioned just far enough from the top of the walls that none of the numerous enemy spirit masters’ attacks could reach. Only a small number of spirit masters specializing in long range attacks could pour strikes down in torrents. The Heaven Dou Empire spirit masters might be much fewer, but defending from attacks at such a distance still wasn’t a problem. After all, the Spirit Empire’s strongest spirit masters were all busy fighting the Shrek Six Devils and the Heaven Dou Empire spirit master powers headed by the Tang brothers.

  Spirit masters couldn’t attack extremely far, but the Tang Army soldiers’ specially made Godly Zhuge Crossbows had no such restriction. In order to maximize the power and minimize the material requirements, under Tai Tan’s charge, these Godly Zhuge Crossbows’ mechanisms were made way larger than the original. While the materials were a bit lacking, the attack power had instead increased. After all, the size of the encasing let the mechanism be made even larger, and the same for the crossbow bolts. Their attack range wasn’t as far as bow and arrow, but within four hundred meters the Godly Zhuge Crossbow maintained its terrifying killing power.

  Ten thousand Tang Army soldiers only launched one volley, but the ten thousand Spirit Empire spirit masters atop the walls had to cower down, and even instantly suffered large casualties. Even though the effect couldn’t be as large as last time with the flying mushroom sausage, suppressing the spirit masters on the walls was no problem.

  On the battlefield, sometimes the outcome wasn’t decided entirely by strength. Morale and attitude were also extremely important. The Tang Army once left an extremely “profound” impression on the Spirit Empire’s spirit masters, and even though the spirit masters on th
e walls hadn’t all experienced those circumstances, the story had already spread from one to ten and from ten to a hundred in the spirit master legions. Now that they faced the Tang Army for real, their hearts were already filled with fear, and nobody wanted to bear the brunt of the attack. One after another they retreated from the top of the walls. Who could then stop the assault of the Tang Sect disciples?

  The attacks of a handful of spirit masters was basically no threat to the Defense Hall disciples. With the tower shields they wielded plus their exceptionally sturdy physique, they easily escorted the Strength Hall disciples with the battering rams up to the walls of Jialing Pass.

  Violent explosive sounds reverberated practically as one. The Strength Hall disciples started their charge when they were still twenty meters from the gates, their strength fully focused on their four limbs, sprinting full tilt, releasing the strongest possible impact force with the battering rams on their shoulders.

  The conical ram heavily impacted those iron gates. With this attack, even the Strength Hall disciples with their terrifying strength staggered back from the shock, and a few rather weaker disciples had the skin between their fingers split. But, their attack wasn’t for nothing, the gates already showed giant dents, and the surrounding rock revealed massive cracks.

  Five hundred thousand jin really was too terrifying. Even just one of these was breathtaking.

  “Hold the gates! Spirit master legions, attack! Soldiers below the walls, support the gates!”

  Golden Crocodile Douluo had just managed to crawl out of the wall, but the shaking from four heavy battering ram strikes knocked him to the ground again. The Hell White Tiger’s attack power was truly terrifying, under the effect of Erect Gold Fly, they made this hundred year old Douluo’s body suffer unprecedentedly heavy injuries. With difficulty gathering his breath to crawl up, his loud roar made him vomit another few mouthfuls of blood.


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