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The Nantucket Inn

Page 18

by Pamela M. Kelley

  “No. The longer I waited, the harder it was to tell you, so I put it off. I wanted to tell you. I would have soon, I swear. I was just waiting for the right moment.”

  “So, you’re not still unsure about us?” Jeff’s spoon clanged in his empty bowl as he set it on the coffee table.

  “I’m completely sure. And I’m so glad that you know now. Are you excited about the baby?”

  “Of course I am. I was just completely shocked. Especially since the IVF didn’t work. So I wasn’t expecting that we could do it naturally. Did the doctor explain why it happened now?”

  “She said that sometimes that just happens when people stop trying and the pressure is off. So, are we okay now? Will you come home?” Abby needed him to come home. She was so relieved that he knew, finally. But she couldn’t relax until they were okay again.

  “I guess I could come home.” He smiled. “Do you know what we’re having yet?”

  “No, but we can find out in about six weeks. You can come with me then for the ultrasound, if you want to?”

  “I want to.”

  Chapter 19

  Two months later, Mid-June

  * * *

  Jack laughed at the sound of the cash register that came from Kate’s computer. They were heading out to meet Philippe and his newest girlfriend Angela, another model from L.A. He was in town for the long weekend and for the Nantucket Film Festival. Kate was excited to go for the first time. She’d always been away, either at college or working in Boston and had always wanted to go, but it had never worked out. Philippe had VIP tickets to some of the screenings and parties and was excited to introduce her to some of his Hollywood friends, producers and directors that he worked with.

  “How are sales today?” Jack asked as the computer made the ‘ka-ching’ sound again. It made Kate laugh. It still seemed surreal to her that people were actually buying her book online and she’d uploaded it herself, had a cover made, the book edited and booked ads to market it. She pulled up the software that tracked her daily sales.

  Philippe had read the book as he’d promised and had given her several pages of notes on things to fix. It had shaken her at first, and she doubted that the book was good enough and questioned whether she should be writing. But then, she realized what a gift he’d given her—a roadmap on how to make her book better. He’d followed up his email with a phone call where he told her the book was good, really good and just needed some structural tweaks to make it so compelling that readers wouldn’t be able to put it down. She slept on his suggestions and then spent the next week making the changes.

  He read again and gave it the thumbs up, and then she sent it off to an editor that he recommended. Philippe also advised against trying to publish traditionally and suggested that she do it herself so she could get it out there right away. He also asked if she’d let him show it to a few people he knew just to see if there could be any film or TV interest. He stressed that it was a long shot so that she wouldn’t get her hopes up. She agreed and then put it out of her mind as she hadn’t even published the book yet.

  “Oh, it’s still climbing. The ad must be working.”

  “It’s selling more than it did yesterday? That was your highest day ever, right?”

  She nodded. She didn’t really understand it, but for the past two weeks her book suddenly seemed to sprout wings and had been steadily climbing in ranking and sales each day.

  “Maybe it’s word of mouth? People telling their friends to read it? It’s a good book, so that’s not surprising to me.” Jack looked proud, and Kate loved him for it. And she realized that she really did love him. She walked over and gave him a long, deep kiss that took him by surprise.

  “What was that for? I’ll do it again, whatever it was.”

  “Just for supporting me. For believing in me.” She was so comfortable around Jack, and for the first time, she was in a relationship that was easy. She wasn’t on edge or worried about how things were going, she was just enjoying each day that they spent together. Which was almost every day at this point. They’d fallen into a routine of having dinner together most nights, either at his house or at hers and going out on the weekends.

  Kate looked around the living room and at the gorgeous ocean view out the bay window. “I am going to miss this place. But I am grateful that Paige decided to stay longer than usual in Florida.” Paige met a man in Florida, and they were having so much fun that she wasn’t in any hurry to come home, but she’d messaged the day before and said she’d be back before the fourth of July weekend and was bringing her new friend with her.

  “Are you still planning to go to Kristen’s?” Jack asked.

  She nodded. “That’s the plan, for now. Her place is small, but she has a spare bedroom I can use.”

  “What if I have a better suggestion?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why don’t you just move in with me? We’re together all the time, anyway. I know it’s only been a few months, but it feels right to me. What do you think?”

  Kate felt a rush of joy and didn’t hesitate.

  “It hasn’t been long, but I agree. It does feel right. And I like your place much more than Kristen’s.”

  “How about another kiss then to seal the deal.” He pulled her to him and kissed her until she was breathless.

  “Well, we should probably get going.” Kate shut down the computer, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

  Jack drove, and Kate recognized Philippe’s Range Rover when they reached the restaurant where the VIP gathering was happening. It was a cocktail hour followed by a screening of an indie film.

  Philippe came rushing over to them when they walked in. A shorter guy with a goatee and dark glasses was by his side. Philippe seemed more full of energy than usual. Kate wondered if it was because he was surrounded by so many creative people and producers he’d worked with.

  “Kate, Jack I want you to meet a friend of mine, Kurt Murphy. He’s a director. You might know his sister, Kelly Murphy.”

  “I love her movies!” Kelly was a tiny, blonde dynamo with long blond hair, big blue eyes and a sweet, Southern drawl. She was currently the queen of romantic comedies, and Kate knew she was also a big reader and had an Instagram Book Club where she often recommended books that she’d loved. If Kelly were ever to recommend her book, it would skyrocket it more than any ad ever would. But, she knew that wasn’t likely.

  “So, I gave Kurt a copy of your book, and he passed it on to his sister.”

  Kate held her breath.

  Kurt held out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I loved your book.”

  Kate suddenly felt lightheaded. He liked her book!

  “My sister did too. She’s wondering if you would consider optioning it?”

  “See, isn’t this great?” Philippe said.

  “Optioning it?” Kate repeated. She wasn’t entirely sure what he was asking.

  “Yes, she’d like to star in it, with me directing. If that might interest you?”

  Kate reached around and grabbed Jack’s hand. He squeezed it tight, and she tried to focus.

  “I think I would love that.”

  “Good, I’ll have my attorney draw something up, run it by Kelly’s attorney, and then we’ll email it to you for your attorney to look it over. Sound good?”

  “Yes. I need to get an attorney, but it sounds great.”

  Kurt laughed.

  “I have someone I can refer to you. I’ll email you his info,” Philippe said.

  “How about a drink to celebrate?” Kurt said.

  “Yes, please. Chardonnay for me.

  “I’ll have a beer, thanks,” Jack said.

  “I’ll be right back.” Kurt went off to find the bar, and Philippe high-fived both of them.

  “I can’t believe what just happened,” Kate said.

  “Well, it’s fantastic, but I still wouldn’t get your hopes up too high. There’s still a chance it might not happen. Sometimes these projects take a
while to get off the ground, and sometimes they never do. But, Kelly and Kurt have a pretty good track record. It’s worth celebrating.”

  Chapter 20

  “Kate said she has some big news to tell us,” Lisa said as she stirred the pot of tomato sauce and meatballs that was simmering on the stove. It was a quarter to four, and all of her children should be arriving soon for Sunday dinner. Rhett was already sitting at the island sipping a glass of red wine. He took Sundays off, and the restaurant was closed on Mondays so he usually joined them for Sunday dinner.

  Lisa was still enjoying his company, and they’d settled into a comfortable relationship. Neither one of them talked about the future, about what would happen when the restaurant closed for the season. Lisa didn’t want to think about it. She just hoped for the best and trusted that if it was meant to be, things would work out the way that they should.

  “What do you think it is? Something to do with Jack?”

  Lisa turned the heat down to low and poured herself a small glass of wine and joined Rhett at the island.

  “I’m really not sure. I wouldn’t mind if it’s about Jack. I like him. I think they’re good together.” Lisa had been horrified when Kate had pointed out Dylan and his pregnant young girlfriend at Kristen’s art opening. She shuddered at the thought that Kate had almost married him. Better to have her heart broken before marriage than after.

  “I like Jack,” Rhett agreed. “I heard from Gina a little while ago. She’s engaged again.”

  Lisa almost spilled her wine. “To who?”

  He shrugged. “Some guy she said she used to date. He’s older, and they reconnected. She sounds happy.”

  “I hope it works out for her.” Lisa thought about Kristen and how sometimes it wasn’t a good thing when people got back together. She’d had her hopes up for Andrew, the nice young man that owned the art gallery. He and Kristen seemed to have so much in common. But after the art show, Sean called Kristen to let her know he’d filed for divorce finally and that he wanted to see if they could make things work.

  Kristen went back to him since she thought it was what she wanted, him to get divorced. She said she was happy, but Lisa wondered. She never brought him to Sunday dinner the way that Abby brought Jeff and Kate almost always brought Jack. But she knew Sean had a child and often saw him on the weekends. Still, her motherly sense wasn’t sure of Sean.

  “Are you nervous about tomorrow?” Rhett asked. Her bed and breakfast was on the agenda for the Monday night board of selectmen’s meeting, and Lisa was ready for it. She was armed with information and screenshots of her high ratings and repeat bookings from Airbnb.

  “Yes and no. I feel a lot more confident than last time, because things are going so well. But, I don’t trust Violet and the others.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about them. I think the board was just appeasing them last time. Your business hasn’t caused any problems, and there shouldn’t be any reason for them to say no.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Lisa heard footsteps and laughter outside the door as Kate and Jack and Kristen walked in, followed a few minutes later by Abby and Jeff and Chase.

  Once everyone was gathered in the kitchen, Lisa asked Kate to spill her big news.

  “Rhett and I have been trying to figure out what your news could be, and we have run out of ideas.”

  Kate smiled. “I still can’t quite believe it myself. There’s two things, actually. I already updated Kristen that I’m not going to be moving in with her after all.”

  Lisa’s heart skipped a beat. “You’re not going back to Boston?” She’d gotten used to having Kate back on the island.

  “No. I think I might stay here a while longer.” She smiled. “Jack invited me to move in with him.”

  “Oh, that’s marvelous!” Lisa was happy with the news. It hadn’t been long, but she liked Jack and thought he was good for Kate.

  “And my book is doing pretty well. Between the freelancing and the daily book sales, I think I’ll be able to support myself. I haven’t wiped out my savings yet.”

  “That’s even better news. I’m so glad your book is doing well. It’s very good. Sue thought so too!”

  “Thanks, Mom. But the really big news is Jack and I went to the film festival last night and met Kurt Murphy, a friend of Philippe’s. He passed my book onto Kurt, and he liked it. He gave it to his sister, Kelly Murphy, the actress, and she loved it.”

  “Kelly Murphy did? Wow,” Kristen was impressed. Lisa was too though she only had a vague idea who Kelly Murphy was.

  “Anyway, Kelly loved it and wants to option it so she can star in it, and her brother, Kurt can direct. It still might not actually happen. But it could!”

  “A movie? From your book? That’s wonderful honey.” Lisa was so proud of Kate. She’d worked really hard on her book and now someone might make a movie of it. It was incredible.

  “Kate that’s awesome. Congratulations!” Abby said. She looked around the room and nodded at Jeff who looked excited and Lisa suspected that it wasn’t about Kate’s book.

  “We have some news too. We had our ultrasound yesterday, and we found out the sex of the baby.” She looked at Jeff again.

  “It’s a boy!” He said proudly.

  “Well, we have a lot to celebrate tonight. Everyone, help yourself to wine or beer and let’s sit down and eat.”

  The following evening, the entire Hodges family, spouses, significant others and friends all showed up early at the Monday night board of selectmen’s meeting and filled the first and second rows. Lisa noticed that the same people who had protested her bed and breakfast last time were all in attendance.

  The meeting was called to order at seven sharp and after spending an hour going through old and new business, they finally got to the request for approval of her bed and breakfast.

  Tom Barkley, the new chairman looked Lisa’s way as he read from his notes.

  “Next up is the matter of the Beach Plum Cove Inn, owned by Lisa Hodges. She is seeking approval to be recognized as an official bed and breakfast. This would give her the ability to advertise and be listed on the Nantucket island tourist sites. Mrs. Hodges has provided us an accounting of her bookings and ratings and her repeat bookings. We see no reason not to grant this approval. Are there any objections from the floor?

  Lisa groaned as Violet’s hand went flying up.

  “Yes, go ahead and speak,” Tom instructed her.

  Violet stood and looked around the packed room. “I have the same objection that I had before. There’s just no need for another bed and breakfast. It’s a nuisance to the neighborhood.”

  Tom nodded. “You may sit.”

  He looked toward the back of the room and addressed the local sheriff. “Pete, have you had any noise complaints or any complaints at all about Mrs. Hodges business?”

  “No, sir. Only complaint I heard is that she only has four rooms available and my wife’s friend couldn’t get one of ‘em because she was already booked.”

  There was a ripple of laughter in the room, and Lisa relaxed a little.

  Tom turned around and conferred with the other board members. When he turned back, he was smiling as he looked Lisa’s way.

  “Congratulations, Mrs. Hodges, the board approves your home as an official bed and breakfast. And with that, we’re done. Meeting adjourned.”

  “So, that’s it then?” Lisa said to no one in particular. Rhett put his arm around her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “It’s official. You can put up a big sign and advertise however you like now.”

  “I can help you get some brochures printed, and we can update the website and run some Facebook ads.” Kate sounded excited about all the possibilities.

  “Thanks everyone, for coming. I really appreciate your support.” Lisa felt her eyes grow damp as she looked around at her family and friends who had all helped her to make the Beach Plum Cove Inn happen. And she had to laugh at the sheriff’s comment. His wife had called her directly and
asked if there was any way she could squeeze her friend in. As if Lisa could magically conjure up an extra room. Though she wasn’t fully booked all the time, the bookings were pretty steady and had an idea to possibly build an addition with two more rooms.

  Everyone went their separate ways and Lisa and Rhett went home, got two big bowls of ice cream and went out onto the porch to celebrate. It was a beautiful night. They sat side by side on the old swing sofa that Lisa bought when the kids were small. It was soft and comfy and it rocked back and forth. They rocked as they ate their ice cream, and the warm June breezes danced over them. When they finished, Lisa set their bowls on the outside table and snuggled next to Rhett. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “You happy?” he asked.

  She sighed with contentment. Her life was good.

  “Yes, so happy.”

  He leaned in and touched his lips to hers for a quick, sweet kiss. Then he smiled and gently brushed a wayward strand of hair across her cheek.

  “Me too.”

  I hope you enjoyed The Nantucket Inn! The next book in the series will focus more on Kristen and Chase and a mysterious guest that disappears on her way to check in…. If you’d like to receive an email when the next book releases, please

  join my mailing list.

  Have you read Nashville Dreams yet?

  About the Author

  Pamela M. Kelley lives in the historic seaside town of Plymouth, MA near Cape Cod and just south of Boston. She has always been a book worm and still reads often and widely, romance, mysteries, thrillers and cook books. She writes contemporary romance and suspense and you'll probably see food featured and possibly a recipe or two. She is owned by a cute little rescue kitty, Bella.


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