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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 8

by Ambere Sabo

  He’s still at the counter cutting limes when I walk in, but he turns when he hears me come up behind him. He hasn’t gotten the tequila down yet, so I walk up next to him. Brushing up against him, I reach up and grab the bottle.

  I feel the heat of his gaze on my lower body. My shirt rises just enough so he can see the little lacy, boy shorts I have on. Little does he know, I have on the matching red bra too.

  I didn’t know if he’d come in tonight, but I sure as shit hoped so. I grab two shot glasses and walk over to the table. He’s still staring when I sit down, and I can’t help but smile knowing I have his attention.

  “Need some help with the limes, Venom?” I ask with a laugh, bringing him out of his lust-filled haze.

  He blinks a few times before responding, “Uh no, this should be enough.” He puts the knife in the sink and walks over to the table.

  Grabbing the salt shaker, I lick my hand, keeping my eyes on him the whole time. I sprinkle the salt and hand it to him. Filling the shot glasses while watching him do the same to his hand. I give him his drink before raising mine to make a toast, “To riding fast and hard.” He clinks his shot to mine His pupils dilate as he watches me lick the salt from my hand and shoot back the tequila.

  He slams his back before reaching over and grabbing the back of my head pulling my face to his. “I was right when I said you were going to be a mountain of trouble, wasn’t I?” he whispers, looking me in the eyes before taking my mouth in a demanding kiss.

  I open my mouth to allow him entrance and whimper when his grip tightens on my hair. It’s just short of painful. Standing from his chair, he hoists me up to take me with him. I wrap my legs around his waist as he stalks out of the kitchen. His reaction to me presses up against my center.

  He has me in the bedroom faster than imaginable. Shutting the door with a kick of his foot, he spins and presses my back against the wall. Wrapping my legs tighter around his waist, we continue to assault each other with our tongues. With one arm he holds me under my ass while the other hand grips the hem of my sleep shirt. He breaks the kiss long enough to pull my shirt up over my head.

  Seeing my matching bra, his eyes sparkle. “The best kind of trouble,” is his only response before he latches on to my peaked nipple through the lace, causing me to cry out in pleasure. He gives both nipples the same attention before catching my mouth in a searing kiss. Then he walks over and tosses me on the bed.

  He yanks his shirt over his head with one quick motion. I drink in the view of him while he makes quick work of removing his belt and jeans. His body is fucking amazing—abs for days, arms strong enough to toss me around and his chest piece is really fucking beautiful. I’ve seen the ink on his arms and neck, but never what’s under his clothes, and damn if it isn’t sexy as fuck. And damn, his cock—I can see why the name Venom stuck.

  He draws me out of my appraisal as he tells me, “I’m not sure how long I can make this last, Reine. It’ll be fast and hard, but I can promise you that you’ll get yours. I’ve been jacking off for weeks at the thought of being inside of you. But I can promise you round two will be so much better.” His voice is a guttural growl, filled with need, that sends shivers down my spine.

  Knowing that I’ve gotten to him as much as he has me, and seeing his cock standing at full attention has me soaked. “Between the porn and amount of batteries I’ve gone through this month, I can assure you I understand,” I admit with a wicked grin.

  With that he fumbles in his wallet for a condom and then he’s over to me in a single step, pulling me to the edge of the bed before ripping my boy shorts from my body. He runs his hand up my thigh grabbing my ass before checking to make sure I’m ready for him. He slips a finger easily inside me. “Christ you’re so wet for me, baby.”

  It's the only warning I get before he slams into me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he does exactly as he promised. His strokes are almost punishing, but fuck if they don’t feel amazing. Setting a steady pace, he thrusts in and out, deeply. He rounds his hips, hitting my clit with each pump. We’re not three minutes into the best sex I may have ever had, and I’m seeing fucking stars. He continues to hit my g-spot as I ride out an orgasm to measure all future orgasms against.

  Just as I start to come down from the ecstasy of my release, he leans down claiming my mouth. I know he’s trying to get his release, so I tilt my hips up just a bit to change the angle. The friction has me climaxing again. I tighten around his cock, pulling his release from him. His body jerks and trembles as he finishes. With a sigh, he collapses onto me.

  My body is still shaking from the best sex I think I have ever had as he watches me ride out the aftershocks. He slowly pulls out of me, then walks out of the room. Returning with a damp washcloth, he gently cleans between my thighs. As he wipes my still sensitive clit, I moan, eliciting a chuckle from him. He tosses the washcloth onto the bedside table.

  “Porn and batteries huh?” he teases.

  Ugh! Why did I tell him that? I groan as I cover my face.

  He rubs my arm. “Don’t, Reine. Don’t hide from me. I think it’s sexy as fuck that you were watching porn while thinking about me. I don’t think I’ve ever had a chick tell me that before, but damn if it didn’t turn me on.”

  “Just because they didn’t tell you, doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening,” I say slipping my hand from my face.

  “That so?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Any girl who tells you she doesn’t watch porn is full of shit or a nun. Though, I really wouldn’t be surprised if they watched porn too. I don’t know how else they get through the whole celibacy bull shit,” I ramble.

  He bursts out laughing, and I get to see the first real smile on Venom’s face. And fuck me if it doesn’t light up the whole room. He looks at me with tears in his eyes, “You’re something else Reine McIntosh, you know that?” he says still laughing.

  Something about my real name on his lips does something to me. My name is special to me—it’s something my mama gave me. Normally when someone uses it, my blood tends to boil. But Venom, I think I like him using it. He’s the only person left that can get away with calling me by my real name. I give Havoc shit for using it, but fuck if I don’t love it coming out of Venom’s mouth.

  “Get some rest, Reine. I want you well-rested for round two,” he says with a smirk, and fuck if I’m not turned on again.

  Chapter 13


  I spent the rest of the weekend with Reine, either at Blue Bells watching her or at the cottage inside of her. I swear she likes to fuck more than I do, and that’s saying something.

  Dash came over this morning to keep an eye on her so I could go talk to Prez about The Reapers. I think Dash has got a thing for one of the dancers, so he was more than happy to come chill at Blue Bells. Said Cessy was going to be his wing man. I stopped listening after that. As long as he isn’t after my girl, I don’t give a fuck what they talk about.

  I don’t know when I started thinking of her as my girl, but I’d say I’m pretty fucked when it comes to that little spitfire. As I walk into the club, I almost run right into Havoc. Damn, I don’t know how he’s going to feel about all of this, and I really don’t want to find out right now. “Hey brother, I haven’t seen you much this weekend,” he says. He looks like he’s thinking about hitting me.

  “Uh yeah. I’ve been helping Cessy with some repairs at Blue Bells,” I tell him. It’s not a total lie.

  I did attempt to replace the shelves behind the bar when she had to go in while Blue Bells was closed yesterday to do inventory. Granted I didn’t get very far before I took her on top of the bar, but she didn’t play fair. I may have to make her wear dresses to work more often, because fuck, watching her dip two fingers into her pussy while she watched me work was hot as hell. The mirror behind the shelves gave me an unobstructed view of her pleasuring herself. It wasn’t long before I replaced her fingers with my dick.

  Just thinking about it makes me hard. Fuck, I need to clear
my head before Havoc realizes I’m turned the fuck on right now.

  “Well, if you’re here to see Prez, he’s not here right now. He had to deal with a fuck-up at the shop. Have a drink with me?” he asks turning toward the bar.

  Fuck, Havoc never drinks this early. Fuck it, might as well get this over with. I adjust myself in my jeans then follow him. “Sure, why not.”

  Grabbing a couple beers from the fridge, he offers me one. He knows how I like my tequila. This is a test. He knows I won’t drink tequila if I’m riding out anytime soon. If I accept the beer, he knows that I don’t plan on sticking around for long. I take it, pop the tab and drain a long swallow. Havoc sits on the stool next to me. Before he can get a word out, I ask a question that’s been driving me crazy for weeks.

  “Why aren’t you in The Reapers?”

  My outburst catches him off guard, and he visibly tenses. Fuck, maybe I should’ve just let him do the talking.

  “They were never the club for me. The only reason I even became a prospect in the first place was because my old man expected it, and I was a legacy,” he offers with a shrug.

  “That’s right” My memory kicks in. “Wrecker’s your old man, right? How’d he take you becoming a Son?” I ask, continuing to put my fucking foot in my mouth.

  At the mention of his old man, he clenches his fist, the beer can making a crinkling sound within his grip. “He disowned me. I didn’t give a fuck though because it meant I was free of him. I never looked back. He may have stepped down as VP not long after Hawk took over as Prez, but he lives and breathes that club. Some shit went down that I couldn’t turn a blind eye to, so I left.”

  “You and Cessy stayed close though,” I say trying to shift to a subject that won’t get me clocked. I already know he has one hell of a right hook. Hell, I’d rather talk about the girl that has me all twisted up than continue to piss him off by talking about his old man.

  He relaxes at the mention of Cessy. Thank fuck. “Cessy’s good people,” he starts, taking a sip of his beer. “We grew up together, and after she came to live at the clubhouse, we were all each other had most days. She even kept me from killing my old man a time or two.”

  I can picture my little spitfire, talking this big lug down from going after his old man. I chuckle at the image in my mind.

  “After I left the club, she watched out for Lilly. And I thank God for that every day.”

  I raise a brow at that. Who the fuck is Lilly?

  “Lilly is my sister,” he offers before I can ask. “Cess kept an eye out for her whenever she came to the clubhouse to see our old man. She helped her with her homework, made sure she ate and was taken care of when I couldn’t be there to do it myself.”

  “How the fuck did I not know you had a sister?” I question.

  He barks out a raucous laugh at that.

  “Why would I want anyone to know that I have a kid sister? She stays out of club life, thank fuck, and I plan to keep it that way.”

  I’m still in shock that I don’t know something so huge about my brother. “She’s in Austin at UT for school. Wants to be a nurse or some shit like that. She’ll do it too she’s real fucking smart,” he tells me with pride.

  Holy fuck. How did I not know he has a sister? Shit, I can’t say that I blame him for not wanting her in the club life either. Females in some clubs are treated as nothing more than pieces of ass.

  I’m not saying the Sons are perfect when it comes to female relations. Don’t get me wrong—we have our fair share of club whores, but they only do what they want, and they are taken care of. Rodeo would have any one of the brothers’ asses if they ever hurt a female.

  “Well, your secret's safe with me, brother. I don’t know nothing about any sister,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Thanks for that,” he says with a nod.

  “Lil actually gave Cessy her nickname.”

  “No shit. How’s that?” I ask.

  “The older members of the crew, as you know, didn’t take too kindly to Cessy showing up at the clubhouse. They felt like it was all her fault they were missing out on some of the money options they were used to. They couldn’t see past their asses when it came to the law coming down on them.”

  “Yeah, the green totally blinds some people.”

  “They all thought they were fucking untouchable. They started calling her Princess as an insult. Like she was some spoiled little shit, coming in and screwing with their business. But she wanted nothing to do with club life and was far from spoiled.”

  Damn, I’ve called her Princess before. I felt terrible thinking about how that nickname must make her feel.

  “She fucking hated that they called her that. Lil was about eleven the first time she called her Princess. Going on about how awesome it was that she was the club Princess. Cess lost her shit on Lil and made her cry. She took out all her anger for the members on Lil and felt like crap about it after.”

  I finish the last swallow of my beer, picturing Cessy tired of being teased and losing her shit on little girl. “That’s tough for both girls.”

  “Yeah, it was,” Havoc agrees taking a sip of his beer. “When she went to apologize, Lil asked her why she got so mad. She just didn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to be a princess. So Cess explained that they weren’t being nice when they called her that. That they were just being dicks because they didn’t like her.”

  Laughing he continues, “Lil had never heard Cess cuss before that. The look on her face was hilarious. She thought about what Cess had told her. After a few minutes, she told Cess that we would call her Cessy instead of Princess, but that if that’s what they wanted to call her, she should own it. That the only reason it bothered her was because she let it, and the more she let it bother her, the more power she gave them. If she took that power from them, they couldn’t hurt her anymore.”

  Damn, Havoc’s little sister sounds pretty bad ass.

  “Two things happened that day. One, I realized my sister was smarter than I would ever be, thank God for that,” he trails off.

  “And the second?” I question.

  “The Reapers’ Princess was born that day,” he grows silent. I let him have his moment before deciding it’s time to get this the fuck over with. My beer is done, and I am ready to get back.

  “I know you didn’t ask me to have a beer with you to tell me about a nickname. What’s on your mind brother?” I ask him.

  “Don’t make me have to kill you,” he deadpans.

  “The fuck, man?” I exclaim.

  “Just don’t hurt her, Venom. She’s family to me. But I’ve seen the way she looks at you, and I ain’t stupid. Cess always gets what she sets her mind to, but I will hurt a motherfucker for her with no questions asked.”

  I nod, completely understanding. “I hear you.”

  “If I could go back and take her with me when I left The Reapers, I would. I can’t change the past, but I can make sure she’s taken care of now. I will do whatever it takes to make that happen, you got me?”

  Well, shit.

  Chapter 14


  As I pull up to Havoc’s mama’s house, I’m not sure what to expect from this day. I’ve been spending Thanksgiving here for as long as I can remember. But I know Havoc talked to Venom about our relationship status, and I’m not sure if he’s pleased with me right now. Not that it’s any of his damn business who I fuck, but it’s not like I want to fight with him about it today either. I know Vic won’t appreciate it if I get into it with her son over Thanksgiving dinner.

  I park my bike next to Havoc’s before heading up the stairs to the front door. The house is a lot like Mama’s cottage only bigger. It’s a cheery, yellow color with a wrap-around porch and a gorgeous bay window. Looking at it now, makes realize that I really need to paint the cottage. Mama would kill me if she saw how I had let it go.

  I don’t even knock on the front door before Lil flings it open and runs out to give me a hug. I squeeze her tightly. Damn, I
’ve missed this girl. I need to go see her at UT more often. She’s not just like a sister to me, but she’s the best damn friend a girl could ask for. We always have one hell of a time on 6th Street, but we don’t tell Havoc about that. He would flip his shit. To him, she’s still his baby sister.

  Linking our arms, we walk inside. The aroma of a homecooked meal slams into me as soon as we cross the threshold. My stomach makes its irritation known about me skipping breakfast.

  “I thought I heard you pull up, Reine. How’s my pretty girl holding up?” Havoc's mama asks me from the kitchen with a smile.

  “Hey, Vic. I’m doing pretty good. Happy to have the week off from Blue Bells, and even happier to have some of your key lime pie! It smells fantastic in here.” I exclaim. Victoria, or Vic as everyone calls her, makes the best pie on the fucking planet. I don’t care how full I am, it’s a fucking sin to turn down ANY of her baked goods. But the key lime pie is my all-time favorite.

  Laughing, she walks over to me and winks. “I made an extra one just for you. Though I’ll have to make Lil bring it by the cottage since someone decided to ride their bike today.”

  I did that shit on purpose. I'll gain twenty pounds if I take home all the leftovers I know she’ll try to give me. However, if I had known she made me an extra pie, I might have just risked the extra time in the gym.

  “Sorry Vic, I went to visit Mama and Pops before I came over today. I wasn’t really thinking straight, I guess.”

  She gives me a sad knowing smile before pulling me in for a squeeze. She holds me for an extra moment before letting me go.

  “Well, she is always more important, pretty girl. Now, Havoc’s in the back room. Will you go grab him for me, so we can get to eating,” she says changing the subject.

  Vic was Mama’s best friend for as long as I can remember. Mama told me she was the sister God knew she needed, but neither one of their parents could’ve handled them both, so he made them best friends instead.


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