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Silent Sons MC Box Set

Page 43

by Ambere Sabo

  Throwing the box across the room like it burns my hand, I feel sick. Rushing to the bathroom I lose all the BBQ I ate at my party. Everything expels itself from my stomach and when I finally think its over I lay my head on the cold tile floor.

  What does this mean? Before I even have a chance to process what's happening my eyes land on the box nightmares are made of. I see a piece of paper has loosened itself from the top of the box. Crawling over I grab the box and I pull it out. My heart beats a million miles a minute as I unfold it.

  I’m up from the floor before I can even think through what I’m about to do. I throw whatever I can find that’s clean in my duffle bag, and grab the basics from the bathroom. He can come for me all he wants. I won’t fucking be here.

  I know Snoopy will be able to find me the minute the brothers now I’m gone so I reset my phone and hide it between the mattress. If he can find me with it I have no doubt Enterrador can too. Running from the house, still in my pajamas with my bag in hand I get in my car and go.

  I have no clue exactly where the hell I am. I didn’t exactly pick this spot to swerve off the road. All I know is I can see a hotel off of the exit ahead, and that makes this place perfect. Where ever the hell it is.

  Chapter 5


  “Can I come for him now, sir,” she asks excitedly as soon as I pick up the call.

  “Why the hell would I let you have him before I have the girl?” I snap glaring into the phone. How dare she call and ask me this again.

  “But, but,” she stutters.

  “But what?” I interrupt. I don’t have time for this woman's shit. Not when I’m so close to getting what I want. Within the week Lilly will be mine, and there's nothing that damned club can do about it.

  “She’s gone, Sir. No one has seen her since her graduation party,” she explains.

  “What do you mean she’s gone,” I rage into the phone.“How did you let this happen? You were supposed to know where she was at all times.”

  “She came home last night after her party but was gone this morning when her mother went to wake her for breakfast. They think you have her.”

  “I most certainly do not have her,” I scream. Beginning to pace the room, “Did you leave the ring for her?”

  “Yes, sir, just like you instructed.”

  Nodding to myself, at least she did that right. “And?” My question is met with silence.

  “Uh, and what sir.”

  Squeezing the phone in frustration, “Did she like the ring you incompetent woman,” I grit out.

  “Oh, I don’t know sir. She didn’t tell anyone you left it.”

  What? “Than why do they think I have her.”

  “Well...” she says pausing, “because where else would she be, Sir.”

  “I don’t fucking know. Where she is, is your job remember?” I seethe. “Or do you need to be reminded what while happen if Lilly isn’t mine?”

  “No, Sir,” she whimpers.

  Fear for ones loved one is always the best motivator. I learned that long ago. If only she realized she’s in more harm of losing her life than he ever was. Stupid woman.

  “Don’t expect me to hold up my end of this bargain if you can't keep track of one girl.”

  “Please Sir, I tried. I practically live with Lilly at her mothers. I’ve kept eyes on her these last few months. Made sure she received every gift you sent and given you every piece of information I could regarding their plans for her safety. Please don’t hurt him,” she sobs.

  “Find her,” I seethe.

  “Sir, she’s disappeared. What can I do for you here? With her gone, there's no need for me to be here. Please just let me come to him,” she pleads.

  “He will not be in your arms until she is in mine. I don’t care what you have to do, find her,” I scream before hanging up on the damned woman.

  “Fuck,” I scream throwing my phone across the room.

  Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, what have you done.

  Chapter 6


  “He doesn’t have her,” Snoopy hollers as he barrels into church with his laptop clutched to him.

  “What?” Vic asks as her head swings up.

  “Are you sure?” Prez questions, looking hopeful for the first time this morning.

  “How do you know?” Havoc says, pushing off from the wall he’s been holding up for the last hour.

  Snoopy sets the laptop up to project on the wall, pointing to what looks like banking information. “Look, she used her debit card at a gas station in Amarillo. There's no way he would have let her pay for anything, let alone with her own cards. He may think he’s untouchable, but he knows I could find that.”

  “Amarillo,” Vic asks quietly. “Why would she be in Amarillo?”

  “I don’t think she stayed there, ma’am. I think she’s running,” Snoopy explains running a hand through his hair with a sigh. “It looks like she got gas there, here's the surveillance from the station. She’s in her car.”

  The clip on the screen shows my baby girl in her pajamas and without a doubt, she’s pumping gas into her own car. What the hell is she doing?

  “Her car wasn’t home when I got there last night, so I didn’t think anything of it when it was gone this morning,” Vic says. Drawing her brows down, “How did she get her car?”

  “Rose drove it home when she left Blue Bells last night. She only stayed maybe an hour after you left but Baby Girl wasn’t ready to leave yet when she got tired so I told her I would drive her home,” I explain.

  “Wait,” Havoc says putting his hand up. “Can’t you find out where she is from tracking her iPhone?”

  Shaking his head, Snoopy tells us, “No, I’ve already tried that. It's still here, at Vic’s from the GPS. She must have left it in her room or something.”

  “Ma,” Havoc says walking to stand in front of Vic. Kneeling down he gently grabs her shoulders, “did she take anything else with her. Clothes, anything?”

  “I… I don’t know…” She answers, ringing her hands together and looking at the floor. “Her room is a mess, but I just thought it was from her bringing everything home from UT, or from when they took her. I didn’t pay attention to much else after I couldn’t find her. I didn’t even see her phone.”

  Prez looks at me, “Gunner go to Vic’s and see what's missing. You know what she has more than any of us.” He says gesturing at my brothers. “Find her phone if you can. Check her texts, calls, anything. Maybe she let someone know where she was going.”

  I don’t even answer him as I get up from the table and haul ass to my bike. He doesn’t have her. Thank fuck, he doesn’t have her.

  I make record time getting to Vic’s but stop dead in my tracks when I see her door. Enterrador may not have her, but she still isn’t here. We don’t know when she’ll be back or if he’ll find her before we do. I have no doubt if he doesn’t already know she's gone, it won't be long before he does.

  Walking into her room, I understand why Vic thought she was taken. It looks like she tore through boxes to find something before she left. Clothes are tossed everywhere, and that just isn't like my baby girl. She likes clean, to know where everything is. She’d never leave her room like this if something weren’t wrong.

  What the fuck happened baby girl? Why did you run?

  Making my way through the mess, it doesn’t look like she's taken very much clothing. Maybe a week's worth tops. I can’t find her purse so I can assume she took that with her but her phone it’s nowhere she would normally leave it.

  Frustration takes over, and I start tearing through her stuff. The boxes she had at UT. Her luggage and closet. I try calling it, but it must be on silent or something because I hear nothing. Frustration and anger take over as I grab the corner of her mattress tossing it from the frame.


  This can’t be how it ends. It just can’t.

  With my head in my hands, I slide to the floor. And then I see it. Her fucking phone. She must h
ave put it under her mattress between the box spring because it wasn’t there when I checked under her bed. It must have fallen when I tossed the mattress.

  Waiting for it to power on I feel the first glimpse of hope I’ve had all day. Only to have it go to shit when it asks me my language of choice. She factory reset the damn thing. I’m not getting shit off of it but maybe Snoop can.

  Alright, what else can this mess tell me? I know she took some clothes and left her phone but what else is here. Getting up from the floor I check the bathroom. The basics, toothbrush, and paste are gone, a few things from her makeup, I think, but most of it is still in her multiple makeup bags.

  Tearing through her room everything else seems to be here. The only thing I can’t find is the presents that son of a bitch sent here. But why the fuck would she take those with her? Damn it Baby Girl! Why did you run?

  Chapter 7


  I barely remember checking into the hotel or getting to my room for that matter. But I woke up this morning still in the pajamas I wore when I left Ma’s. I must have passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Now I need to figure out exactly where I am so I can decide what my next move is.

  Rolling over I move to get up from the bed. Every muscle in my body protests. Damn near twenty-four hours on the road, and the thought of getting back in my car right now makes my stomach churn. I didn’t think it was possible to be this sore from just sitting. Maybe one more night here isn't such a bad idea.

  Grabbing the keycard on the desk, I may my way out of my room. Room 226, so I'm on the second floor. Heading downstairs I make my way to the front desk. I barely remember any of this from last night. Note to self never let yourself get that exhausted again. I'm lucky I didn’t wreck last night.

  “Hi,” I tell the girl behind the front desk, as she looks up at me. “I’m in room 226 is it possible to stay another night?”

  “Let me see, I think we're almost booked tonight with the festival,” she explains as she begins typing away at her computer.

  “Festival?” I ask, tilting my head to the side.

  “Um hmm,” she says without looking up at me.

  “Looks like you're in luck,” she says looking up at me with a smile. “We still have a few rooms left. Do you want me to charge the card on file?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She charges my card and makes me a new room key. “This weekend is Flagstaffs Hullabaloo festival downtown. It can be a pretty good time if you're looking for something to do.”

  “Um, I'm not sure right now. All I can think about is food,” I tell her as my stomach starts to make itself known.

  “If you’ve got a good appetite head across the street to The Country Host. They know how to do breakfast right,” she says with a smile handing me the key.

  “Thanks! I’ll give it a try.” I tell her as I grab some brochures on Flagstaff, I’m apparently in Northern Arizona. Thank god for hotels and all the junk they have in their lobbies. Asking where I was might have come across as a bit odd.

  Heading back upstairs I change into some capris and a tank top. Throwing my hair in a messy bun before heading back downstairs in search of the only thing that matters right now, food.

  The weather outside is nice. If not a bit chilly for may. I always thought Arizona was mostly desert but this is definitely not the desert. Looking around before I cross the street I can see a few mountains in the distance. It makes for a beautiful view.

  Breakfast is delicious. Not only is the food the epitome of comfort but the staff really makes the place. I can’t help but giggle when my older waitress starts giving the table of boys beside me shit for coming in hung over. They don’t look like they could even be out of high school yet. All she cares about is that they weren't driving when they drank.

  I haven’t seen much of this quiet little city, but if this place is a glimpse of the people here, maybe I can hide here for a bit. Who would even think to look for me here, anyway?

  After a much needed, food baby induced, nap. I start looking through the brochures. Apparently, this is where they first found Pluto and is one of the worlds first dark cities. Whatever the hell that means. I’m also not too far from the grand canyon.

  I was supposed to get to see all of this after I graduated high school. Ma had it all planned out. We were going to head to NOLA to celebrate first. I've loved that city since the first time I laid eyes on it at six years old. Then off to Carlsbad Caverns, the grand canyon, Yosemite, all of it. Instead, I decided to start at UT over the summer and all we had time for was NOLA.

  I always thought I’d have all the time in the world to see things, to travel, to spend time with Ma. I wish more than anything right now I would have taken that trip with her. Made the memories I should’ve.

  Thinking about her now makes my heart hurt. She’s probably worried sick. Leaving a note wasn’t really something I thought about when I left. I need to call and let her know I’m okay, but I need to get a phone first.

  I find myself wandering The Hullabaloo festival. Watching the families with their children. All of them smiling as they mill about getting face paintings, shopping the local vendors, grabbing a beer, just spending time together. For just a moment I’m jealous of the normalcy of it all. I doubt any of them have ever had to worry about being snatched from their home to become someone's bride.

  Grabbing a burger and a beer I find a spot to sit and eat. Completely content to people watch. Making up stories in my head about what they all do for a living, how they live their lives. Long after my food is gone and the sun has started to set I still sit just watching.

  “This seat taken?” draws my attention to my left.

  “Oh, um, no. Go ahead,” I tell the tiny woman in front of me.

  “You here to see The Boombox Bros?” She asks.

  “The who?”

  “The Boombox Bros,” she says pointing at her tank top. “They’re about to perform.”

  “Oh,” I exclaim, understanding dawning on me. “No, I don’t know that I’ve heard of them. I’m not from around here.”

  “Well, you’re missing out. They’re amazing. I’ve never seen them live so this is a treat for me. Getting to see them is the only reason I’m not kicking your ass for running right now,” she casually throws out.

  My heart stops in my chest and breathing just isn't happening. What the fuck did she just say?

  “Come on Lilly how far did you think you’d get before someone found you?” She asks giving me the side eye.

  I don’t even hesitate, I’m up trying to get off of the bench and as far away from here before she can blink. She grabs my wrist, “ If you make me miss this show I will not be pleasant when I find you again. And I will find you again Lilly. There is no question about it. Now, sit. I’m an ally, there's no need for you to run from me.”

  My mind races. Enterrador would never send a woman to come for me. Looking over the small woman, I don’t think in any universe she’d run in his circle. Her light caramel skin tells me shes probably Hispanic, but the vibrant blue hair she’s rockin’ definitely doesn’t scream cartel.

  “Explain,” is the only indication I give that I’m not running.

  She huffs out a breath, “I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’m a hacker Lilly. I’ve been helping Snoopy with information on Enterrador. The only reason the cartel and the Sons don’t know you’re here right now is because I took care of your paper trail. Debit cards are not the way to go if you're trying to stay hidden by the way. Now can you please sit so I can watch the show. I'll explain everything else when its over.”

  I sit back down for one reason only, if she found me once I have no doubt she can do it again. Why did I think this would be as easy as just running away?

  Chapter 8


  “What do you mean she’s just disappeared,” Havoc growls holding Snoop up against the wall by his shirt.

  “Eric you will put him down right now,” Vic scolds as she comes running do
wn the hallway.

  Cessy must have gone to get her because Angel and I aren’t having any luck talking sense into Havoc right now. Everyones been on an emotional rollercoaster since baby girl left two days ago. Havoc leaning more toward rage than anything else.

  “People don’t just disappear Ma,” Havoc tells Vic, still holding onto Snoopy.

  “I know Eric,” she tells him softly, reaching up to put her hand over his. “But this isn’t Snoopys fault, he’s doing all he can to find her. Lilly did this. She ran, you can’t fight everyone in this house until she’s found.”

  Most of my brothers are avoiding Havoc at all costs right now. He took a swing at Prez this morning showing just how unstable he is at the moment. He’s lucky Prez didn’t beat his ass.

  Havoc lets Snoopy go letting his hand fall to his side. Hanging his head, he says “What if he finds her before we do? What if she hasn’t disappeared, but instead Enterrador got to her before I could?”

  I may not be lashing out like Havoc is, but I can't fault him for it right now. I’ve been thinking the same damn thing ever since Snoopy told us her trail went cold. She got gas in Amarillo and then nothing.

  She has to have stopped somewhere to sleep by now but there's no activity on her debit cards, and she didn’t pull any money out of her accounts. Running or not I do not see my baby girl sleeping in her car. No way, no how.

  “If Snoopy can’t find her, son, what makes you think Enterrador can?” Vic asks as she reaches up to turn Havoc's face to hers. “We don’t even know if he knows she’s missing. You can’t keep thinking the worst. None of us can, it won’t do anyone any good, least of all Lilly. Take me to the house, Maribel and I need a few things,” she tells him as she takes his hand and leads him to the door.


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