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The Searching Soul

Page 15

by Ronald Zastre

  “Good, I’m talking to the right guy. There is a file that is turned over to a new President by the former one. It is called ‘For the Presidents Eyes Only’. I can’t elaborate on what the file is about, but I can tell you there is something in there that might cover what happened with Donald. What I’m about to show you is absolutely confidential.”

  “Isn’t everyone telling you, it solved itself?”

  “They’ve tried, but I’m a political and I know a whitewash. I’m pretty good at them myself.”

  “So you’re not buying it.”

  “Carl, Albert Einstein knew that space travel was imminent and he had some concerns. He authored a paper outlining his concerns and recommendations and apparently he was taken seriously because in 1938, the final draft was placed in this special folder. I was enthralled with the implications when I first read it, but it didn’t pertain at the time!” The President paused and leaned forward. “Until now!”

  “Einstein predicted Donald?”

  “Not exactly, but as I said, he was concerned about what could happen once we ventured into space. He wondered if man had a soul, and if he did, he figured that soul would likely be some part of our electromagnetic make-up. His belief’s were strictly scientific, based on an electromagnetic field for every living thing. We now know that every living thing ‘has’ an electromagnetic field. He figured that when an organism dies, that field is quickly dissolved by the greater magnetic field of the planet.”

  “I’ve never heard of this before. I had no idea he did any speculating in this area.”

  “He didn’t want to discourage space travel. He felt it was a necessary progression so he stayed out of developmental issues. He was a theorist, not a working scientist. He knew the atomic bomb was possible. He also knew that it was not a good thing, that it would be used to destroy, but he surmised that the technology could be used to benefit us.

  “Can you tell me more about what had him so concerned?”

  “I can do better than that. I can let you read what he was thinking,” the President said, handing Carl a sheet of paper.

  “Sir, I thought it was for your eyes only.”

  “I am at liberty to act as I see fit. This might pertain to our present situation.”

  Carl started to read.

  “Good Lord!” Carl exclaimed after reading for a moment.

  “I wouldn’t take you to be a praying man, Carl.”

  “I’m not normally, but I’m praying this isn’t true.”

  “It could make things difficult for you?”

  “Difficult, more like impossible!”

  Carl read more.

  “Oh man, no wonder!” he exclaimed again and put the paper down in his lap. “Do you know what this implies?”

  “I’m not as dumb as I look Carl.”

  “But Mr. President, if this thing has any validity, do you know what it means to the space program?”

  “I certainly do.”

  “I can’t go back to the Agency with this.”

  “Of course not because they’re the ones I’m worried about. Tough one huh? I let you read this, but understand Mr. Boroughs.” The President leaned forward. “What you just read is between you and I, only. And just in case you were not convinced of your precarious position with the Agency, I would suggest you start looking for a new job.”

  “New job? Now that I’m the only one privy to this. How about a new planet? What the hell do I do now . . . Sir?”

  “Mr. Boroughs, I expect you to look at this situation carefully and do the best you can. And Mr. Boroughs, again, this folder does not exist. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir! Mr. President, this could be the end of our space program and our biggest future industries.”

  “I’m counting on you to not let that happen.”

  “That damn Winston is on the right track, this confirms it.”

  “Yes, besides being a pain in the ass to the space program, he seems to be in the know.”

  “I’ve been in contact with Mr. Adams on a number of things pertaining to this problem and—”

  “Then you have confided in Winston Adams concerning this matter?” interrupted the President.

  “Yes, Sir, well no, actually he has confided in me. He has some incredible insight on this matter.”

  “What made you think you could do that?”

  “I was just poking around, and like I said, he came to me. Winston’s a public figure and he is stirring up a lot of shit. I didn’t think he would just go away. It was my job, Sir.”

  “Oh, chill out Carl. Of course it’s within your prerogative. You say that Mr. Adams has some insight on this situation?”

  “Mr. Adams is a very interesting individual, with some exceptional abilities, but until I saw this report, I was inclined to think that he might be out in right field.”

  “And now?”

  “This is what he has been trying to explain to me.”


  “Yeah, trying, because he said he’s not sure what’s going on, but it had something to do with dying in space.” Carl held the paper up to the President.

  “I see, and what would you propose?”

  “That he be privy to this report.”

  “Out of the question, Carl. This is information so sensitive it cannot be released. Winston will just have to believe what you tell him.”

  “Am I to believe it’s okay, if I verbally relay this to Winston?”

  “You can discuss the information with anyone you want, but understand it did not come from me, or this office. I don’t have to impress upon you the consequences of that mistake.”

  “How do I make it credible?”

  “Carl, it’s just a theory, treat it as such.”

  “But the name Einstein gives it validity.”

  “But, does it corroborate what Winston thinks?”

  “Yeah, it certainly does.”

  “Well, then, I’ve heard this Einstein fellow was rather sharp, and someone thinking in the same direction would have to be equally sharp, correct?”

  “Your point Mr. President?”

  “My point is, Carl, if Winston is as sharp as you say, he will not be interested in the source so much as the content. Let’s have him propose this theory as his own, which it is.”

  “Makes sense.”

  Chapter 48

  CARL AND WINSTON WERE WALKING - along a river, hidden by the trees and other vegetation.

  “Winston, what I have to say is just speculation. I can tell you it was the opinion of someone, someone very important, someone that should be taken serious, I can’t tell you who, but it may fit with what you’re proposing.


  “Dammit Winston, stop that shit. You don’t have to impress me anymore, I believe, I believe.”

  “Sorry, I was so used to us being adversaries, it’s just a natural reaction.”

  “So now you actually trust me?”

  “Carl . . . we need each other.”

  “Yes, we do Winston. Einstein wondered about a man’s soul. He believed a gravitational web holds the Universe together. All matter produces a disruption in that web. He concluded that a living thing had an electromagnetic control system, the nerve impulses that control it’s functions. It would have a greater influence on the gravitational web than a non living thing, per mass. The more complex the electromagnetic system, the greater the influence, etc. He wondered about that electromagnetic influence and how it would dissipate when the living organism died and the field quit working. It would certainly be absorbed by the field around it. But what if it was in a weakened field, an organism evolved to operate in the field where it originated, in this case on Earth. Move it into a weaker field, in this case an orbit, then release it. What would happen? Essentially, what is the status of that field immediately after the organism dies?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Winston, I can tell you it does raise some questions in my mind? I could never come up w
ith something like this on my own, but I’m just smart enough to see the direction this is going. And if it has any validity, the ramifications if it is true?”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “The truth Winston, just what we agreed on. You know something. Tell me what it is you know and we’ll go from there, deal?”

  “Why should I trust you?”

  “Because there is no one else.”

  Winston didn’t answer immediately, thinking something out. “We are going to be dealing with a religious issue here.”

  “Revelations!” Carl was miffed. “This is a God thing?”

  “No, no, but the people involved are going to make it look that way. It’s their best defense. Remember, religion is deep seated in all our cultures and anything that is not entirely understood is simply explained that way.

  Carl looked at Winston. “Now you explain!”

  Winston took a deep breath. “Do people believe in God, really truly believe? I don’t think so. Especially those that align themselves with an established religion. It’s the herd mentality as we are very social animals. We are dependent on each other. We can’t survive alone, logistically or mentally. So people find it hard to admit if they really don’t believe because they are afraid of the group’s scorn. We are also dependent upon leadership within our groups. It is imperative that the group has leaders otherwise it would be nothing more than a mob. How do you control the mob? You create fear, or awe. In the case of religion, the fear of eternal damnation, the fear of Hell. Just the possibility that it may exist makes most people tremble and lie to themselves and everybody else. Deny the truth, believe the ones that say follow me, I have spoken to God and He tells me this is the way.”

  “I still don’t understand.”

  “Einstein was right. He was exactly on the money Carl. I don’t fully understand exactly how it works, but I can assure you it is not a God thing. What is happening is not to be feared, it is knowledge. It will allow us to expand our horizons. You still feel that you want to go on?

  “Curiosity killed the cat!”

  “Can you accept possibly being the cat . . . Little Dink?”

  “I’ve got nowhere else to go.”

  “Okay, this is what we need to do Carl. It is going to sound insane at first, but it’s the only way.

  Chapter 49

  CARL HAD REQUESTED ANOTHER MEETING - with the President and they were meeting for the second time, again in the limo.

  “Mr. President, you gave me this problem. You just dumped it in my lap and I came through. I may be expendable and I have to accept that, but you have to help us make this happen.”

  “I’ll do what I can, but I will not admit to anything. I can’t. I’m sure you can appreciate what it would do to this office?”

  “I don’t care about your office, that’s your problem. My problem is getting Winston on that flight. I don’t know what will happen, but he says it’s our only hope.”

  “Tell Winston, he is going to have to blackmail his way onto that flight. It’s the only way I can suggest they take him. If he can shake them up enough, they will accept. Anything to keep him quiet.

  Chapter 50

  “THANK YOU FOR COMING -” The Reverend Robyn O’Connell said with a soft confident voice. He was sitting in his studio and he was just on the air. His television show had not really gotten off the ground, yet, but this broadcast, he was hoping, would elevate his ratings.


  Mac, & Spencer were in Mac’s office, waiting for the show, speculating about what kind of disaster they might witness.

  “That idiot Ackerman, I can’t believe he got pulled into something so convoluted,” Mac growled.

  “Yeah, his ego is way beyond controlable,” Spencer observed. “Nothing good can come from this Mac,” he added.

  “Thanks Spence,” Mac groused, “I’m worried enough as it is.”


  O’Connell had invited Winston Adams who had a considerable following with his prime time news report and his continued interest in the space shuttle and it’s new notoriety. This show was to be entirely about the possible arrival of entities now using the space program to infiltrate Earth. One tabloid had claimed; ‘The Devil was making Scotty beam him down’.

  Sitting close to Winston’s left was Reverend Hollsworth. O’Connell had invited him because he also had a large following. Hollsworth still contended that the Entity that was knocking on the door was good old Lucifer.

  Henry Ackerman was sitting on Winston’s right, representing The Space Agency who was accused of bringing the problem down. It was not clear what O’Connell was trying to gain or how he planned to do it. It was more than likely just a shot in the dark, but just winging it had worked out more than once.


  Mac sat chewing his cuticles, watching, waiting for the shoe to drop.


  “Astronaut Ackerman,” O’Connell made sure everyone was keyed to the topic, “you have just returned from the latest shuttle mission. In your opinion, what if anything has happened?”

  “We are completing our missions as planned.”

  “Is there any reason for you going on your ‘third straight’ mission shortly? Isn’t that unusual?”

  “We are implementing a new policy.”

  “For what reason?” Robyn asked.

  “That’s what I’d like to know?” Hollsworth sprang forward. He had cleaned up somewhat, but still wore the old black clothes.

  O’Connell held up his hand, trying to silence Hollsworth. “Isn’t this unusual, to go back to back, and then you’re going back again, one mission after the next?”

  “I told you—”

  “It’s his plan!” Hollsworth shouted. “Each time he goes, the Devil gets stronger.”

  “Are you a spiritual Man?” O’Connell asked Ackerman as he held up his hand, again to quiet Hollsworth.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “What type of religious experience do you think these missions give you?”


  “Oh, oh,” Mac said, sitting forward.


  Ackerman sat thinking out his response. “I get a personnel satisfaction from the peace I feel because I’m much closer to Him up there.”

  “It’s the Dev—” Hollsworth cut in.

  “Please!” O’Connell cut him off with. “You’ll get your chance.” And again sticking his hand in Hollsworth’s direction.

  “Do you feel the presence of our Lord?” O’Connell hadn’t even taken his eyes off Ackerman.

  “Yes,” Ackerman looked thrilled with the direction the subject was going. “Oh yes, I more than just feel him, up there I am a part of his soul.”


  “Oh no!” Mac shouted, slamming his hand down on the top of his desk. “That stupid, shit for brains!”

  “Ouch,” Spencer added.


  “The Lord has a Soul?” O’Connell was on a roll because things were going his way.

  “Of course he does. We are made in his image, and we certainly have one,” Ackerman said with total conviction.

  “When did you discover this?” Winston asked, and O’Connell didn’t object.

  Hollsworth was interested in his answer also.

  “I’ve always suspected it,” Ackerman sounded assured.

  “But you sound certain now. When did this happen?” Winston pressed.

  “When you’re floating high above this world, things can become so clear.” Ackerman was elated.

  “Did the Donald’s mishap have anything to do with your transformation?” Winston whipped the question at Ackerman.

  “Transformation?” Ackerman’s face showed caution.

  “Yes, transformation,” Winston prompted, “you said you found the answers up there.”

  “Yes, I did, up there it became clear to me.”

  “Because of Donald.” Winston stated.

  “Oh, y—” Ackerman’s gleeful look suddenly went blank. He seem
ed to shake his head once and looked at Winston, his face changing to a scowl. “It’s not Donald, I’m the—”

  “The one what?” Winston pounced on Ackerman’s wavering.

  “See, he’s the One,” Hollsworth shouted, “he’s the One we need to fear.”

  “Are you saying you represent evil, or do you represent salvation?” O’Connell sprang in.

  “I’m not evil!” Ackerman shouted. “You’re all putting words in my mouth.”

  “Then you are on the side of the Lord.” Robyn O’Connell pointed at Ackerman, “You have to be one or the other.”

  “The world is moving into a new chapter, one of peace and tranquillity,” Ackerman said.

  “And how is this coming about?” O’Connell asked. He was almost giddy.

  “Through understanding,” Ackerman said proudly, “We’ve had an event that will make all the difference in all our lives, and Donald’s sacrifice will be that difference.”


  “Boy, oh, boy, oh boy!” Carl laughed, also watching the show. “Talk about stepping into it.” He was sitting in a lonely bar drinking by himself, the bartender, Bart, watching with him. Bart was a little annoyed that Carl had insisted on watching this garbage, but the twenty Carl had slipped him made the difference.


  “It was Donald?” O’Connell asked, kind of holding his breath. “He might have died so we could experience the Rapture?” O’Connell added, still expectant of something even more extraordinary than what had come out so far.

  “Donald opened the door,” Ackerman said calmly.


  Mac in his office had a stricken look on his face.


  Carl in the bar had a small smile growing on his.


  “Are you saying that Donald wasn’t an accident?” O’Connell leaped at the chance to skewer the space program.

  “I’m saying that Donald was a unique development. I sensed it when we went to get him.”


  Mac jumped out of his chair and kicked it across his office. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, but it would attract attention and that was exactly what he didn’t need right now.

  Spencer watched him closely.


  “Is that a yes or a no?” O’Connell asked.

  “Everything will become much clearer,” Ackerman said sitting back.

  “When, when will it become clear?” O’Connell pushed.

  Ackerman didn’t say anything, and continual prodding by O’Connell didn’t budge him. After three tries, O’Connell finally decided to hear from Hollsworth who was steaming from Robyn’s snubbing him.


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