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A True Hero: A Story of the Days of William Penn

Page 17

by William Henry Giles Kingston


  The Indian chief, applying a leathern bottle to Wenlock's mouth, pouredsome water down his throat. It greatly revived him.

  "I see white skin want food," said the chief. Saying this, he produceda cake of Indian corn, which Wenlock eagerly devoured.

  "Now, come; I will take you with me," said Taminent, in more perfectEnglish than Wenlock had expected to hear; and, supporting him in hisarms, the chief led him along a path into which they quickly entered.After going some distance, an open space amid the trees appeared, andwithin it a collection of tall birch-bark wigwams of a conical shape. Anumber of women were seated in front of the huts, while children wereplaying about. On one side, the ground had been turned up, evidentlyfor the reception of Indian corn or other seed, while stretched betweenpoles were the skins of animals, the bodies of others being hung up overfires to dry in the smoke. As soon as the chief was seen, the womenrose from their seats, and a number of men came out of the tents towelcome him. He introduced Wenlock in a few words, which the latter didnot understand.

  "Come," said the chief, "wigwam ready. You rest;" and leading him to anunoccupied hut, he pointed to the interior, the floor of which wascovered with a number of handsomely-woven mats. On one side was a pileof small twigs and leaves. This was spread out, and a mat placed on thetop of it. The chief then made signs to Wenlock that he should restthere. He seemed well-pleased when Wenlock threw himself down on thecouch.

  "There; you rest," he said. "No harm come to white skin;" and, coveringhim with a mat, he retired, drawing a curtain across the entrance of thewigwam. Wenlock slept soundly for some hours, feeling perfectly secureunder the protection of the chief. On awaking, he found that it wasalready dark, but the sounds of voices outside the wigwam showed himthat the Indians had not yet retired to rest. On drawing aside thecurtain, he saw several fires lighted, over which women were presidingwith pots and spits, on which birds and small animals were being cooked.Close to the entrance a warrior was seated on a mat, as if keepingguard. No sooner did he observe Wenlock, than he rose up and ran off,apparently to inform the chief that his guest was awake. Taminent soonafter appeared, and invited Wenlock to take his seat on the ground.Immediately several women came up with various dishes of roast andboiled food, with cakes of maize. Pure water, poured from a skinbottle, was their only beverage. Happily the fire-water had not yetbeen introduced among the red men,--that fearful poison which hasdestroyed thousands and tens of thousands of their race. While thechief and his guest were seated at their repast, an Indian came up tothem, and addressed the former, who, in return, apparently gave somedirections. Wenlock observed the Indians employed in making a couple ofrough litters, with which a party of them started away. In a short timethey returned, bearing between them a couple of persons, who werebrought up and placed near the fire. Wenlock at once recognised thefeatures of Ford, while in the other man he discovered one of the seamenof the _Amity_, who had been connected with Ford's plot to burn theship. They were both in an exhausted state; indeed, it seemed toWenlock that Ford especially could scarcely recover. He at oncesuspected that they had been by some means lost in the forest, and weresuffering from exhaustion, as he had been. The Indian chief, takingupon himself the office of doctor, poured some water down their throats,and then gave them a small quantity of food. Both somewhat revived.The seaman, indeed, in a short time was able to sit up. To Wenlock'squestions, however, as to how he had come into that condition, he wouldmake no reply, except saying, while he pointed to his companion--

  "He took me; he will tell you all about it. I came as his servant, anda pretty mess he led me into."

  Wenlock then begged that Ford might be placed on the couch he hadoccupied, feeling sure that perfect rest was what he most of all nowrequired. He explained to the chief, also, that a little food at a timewas more likely to restore him than a large quantity taken at once. Thetwo men were accordingly carried into the wigwam, while some of theIndians brought in a further supply of leaves and mats, to make a bedfor Wenlock. The chief then signified to him that three squaws wouldsit up and prepare food, that he might give it to his countrymen as hethought fit. Night was drawing on, when the loud barking of dogsannounced that some stranger was approaching the camp.

  "Hallo! I am glad I have found some living men at last," exclaimed avoice which Wenlock thought sounded very like that of old Rullock. "Ipray thee, friends, call in your beasts, or maybe they will be taking amouthful out of my legs, seeing that there is but little covering tothem--thanks to the bushes. Hallo! I say, friends, red men!"

  The Indians, who had lain down in their wigwams, now got up, and hurriedforth to meet the newcomer, followed by Wenlock, who had no longer anydoubt as to who he was. A torch, lighted at one of the fires, whichwere not yet extinguished, was carried by one of the Indians, who at thesame time, called in the dogs. Its light fell on Wenlock's countenance.The old man started.

  "Hurrah!" he exclaimed. "Verily, I am truly glad to see thee alive andwell, friend Christison. I have a long yarn to spin into thine ear, butit is as well that our red friends shall not hear it. They might nothold the white skins in quite as much respect as they now do."

  "Thou art right, friend Rullock. Hold thy peace about it now," saidWenlock. "I am glad to see thee, and thou wilt receive a hearty welcomefrom our red brothers in this encampment. There are two white men alsohere;" and Wenlock told him the way in which Jonas Ford and hiscompanion had been brought into the camp.

  "Ah, verily! the scoundrels would only have got their deserts if theyhad been left in the woods," answered the old sailor, who did his bestto speak in Quaker fashion, but did not always succeed. "Hark thee,friend Christison. Those two villains had formed a plot to follow thee;and if they had found thee alone and unprepared, to have put thee todeath."

  "Impossible!" answered Wenlock. "Ford is a weak, cowardly young man;but I do not think that he would be willingly guilty of such a crime."

  "I tell thee, I overheard them plotting to murder thee!" persisted theold man. "I had thoughts of getting some one as my companion to goafter them, but as you had gone, and they were just setting out, Ithought I might be too late; so taking my well-tried musket, andtrusting that my old legs would carry me as well as their young ones, Iset out in their track, hoping to come up with them before they couldovertake you."

  "I thank thee heartily, friend Rullock; but they are fellow-creatures,and I will try to soften Ford's heart by heaping `coals of fire upon hishead.' They will see you, and guess what your coming means; but we willsay nothing about it, and only for prudence sake keep an eye on theirproceedings. When you see them both almost on the point of death, youwill feel inclined to have compassion on them."

  "I shall be inclined to think that a certain person, who is nameless,has been baulked of his prey," answered the old sailor. "However, it'snot for me to lay hands on them, villains though they are; but I hopethat thou wilt bring them up before. Colonel Markham, or Master Pennwhen he comes out."

  "That would not be the best way of heaping coals of fire on theirheads," answered Wenlock. "No, no; if they had evil intentions againstme, they have been frustrated; and God will look after me in future, asHe has done heretofore."

  The chief, who was among those risen, received the old sailor with greatkindness, and ordering some food to be prepared for him, told him thathe was to consider himself a brother, and rest assured that he would betreated as such as long as he chose to remain with them.

  Rullock, having gone through a good deal of fatigue, soon fell asleepafter his supper, and left Wenlock the chief charge of attending to theother two white men. By the morning, Ford was considerably better. Hiscompanion, who was still stronger, wished to persuade him to return tothe settlement, but it was very evident that he would be unable toperform such a journey.

  "Be at rest, friends," said Wenlock to them. "Whatever might have beenthe cause of thy coming out into the forest, be not anxious about it. Iwill trea
t thee as if thou wert my dearest brother. More, surely, thoucanst not desire."

  "O Christison, I am very different from thee," answered Ford, for amoment some better feeling rising in his bosom. Cowardice, however, andwant of confidence in others, made him very quickly add: "I harbour noill-will against any man. I had been anxious to see something of thecountry, and finding that thou hadst started, I wished to join thee.Thou canst not suppose that I should ever harbour any other feeling thanaffection and regard for thee."

  The day was drawing on, and most of the Indians had gone forth to hunt,or to tend some cultivated ground in another part of the forest, when amessenger arrived, bringing the information to Taminent, that the whitechief was coming to his camp. On hearing this, Taminent and theprincipal men retired to their wigwams, and in a short time came forthdressed in full Indian costume, with feathers in their hair, theircheeks painted, and their dress ornamented with a variety of devices.

  Wenlock had not seen Colonel Markham before leaving England, butfortunately had with him his letter of introduction. In a short time afine, dignified-looking man, in military undress, attended by severalpersons, was seen through an open glade of the forest approaching theencampment. He advanced with free and easy steps, and saluted Taminent,who received him in a dignified manner. As soon as the first ceremonieswere over, Wenlock presented his letter.

  "I am truly glad to see you," said Colonel Markham, "and I trust yourpatron and my good cousin will soon arrive and take the command of thecolony."

  "It is reported in Upland and the other settlements that his ship is onthe way, and will soon be here," said Wenlock.

  "I am glad to hear it," said the colonel; "and indeed, I am on my wayback, hoping to meet him. But, tell me, who is that pale young man andthe two seamen I have observed in the camp."

  "They were endeavouring to make their way through the forest, and lostit, as I did," answered Wenlock.

  "He speaks truly," said Ford, who crawled up to where the colonel andWenlock were standing. "I wished to join my friend, that I might,without delay, receive my directions from thee, Colonel Markham,"said Ford, "and well-nigh lost my life in the service of myfellow-creatures."

  "Well; I doubt not, when Governor Penn arrives due attention will bepaid to the merits of all men in the colony," said the colonel. "For myown part, I do not interfere in such matters."

  Colonel Markham having spent the remainder of the day at the camp, andrested there during the night, the Englishmen sleeping as securely as ifthey were in their own country, the whole party set forth for thesettlements.


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