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Spell Crafting With Playing Cards

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by Liz Yetter

  5 of Hearts

  Use this card to end a relationship.

  To End a Relationship

  When it is time to bring a relationship to an end, cast this simple spell.

  Take the 5 of Hearts and write your name on the top of the card’s face. Write the other person’s name on the bottom of the card’s face. Cut the card in half with scissors so that your names are on separate pieces of the card.

  Place both parts of the card in front of you, your name card on the right and the other person’s name card on the left. Place your right hand over your name card and say, “I part in peace and take leave of this relationship.” Place your left hand over the other person’s name card and say, “[Person’s Name], part in peace and take leave of this relationship.” Hide the two cards in separate areas of the house or your home for three days. Afterwards, run each card under cold water for a brief moment to cleanse them and dispose of the cards in any way you see fit.

  4 of Hearts

  The card for finding your life's passion.

  Finding Your Life’s Passion

  When you are unsure as to what you want to do with your life and just about everything you have tried out left you feeling unsatisfied and wanting “more”, use this spell to find what it is you’re missing.

  Take the 4 of Hearts and set it on a table. To the right of the card, set a small glass of drinking water. To the left of the card, set a small orange. Sit in front of your arrangement. Pick up the glass of water and, while holding it, say, “I cleanse myself of the past. I clear the way to new beginnings.” Drink the glass of water. Hold the orange, a fruit that symbolizes creativity and energy, and say, “I eat this fruit and find a new way. Within me is the answer to finding my life’s passion.” Eat the orange. After you have eaten the orange, place your hands, palms down, on each side of the card. Looking at the card, say, “Show to me, draw it out, What my life’s passion is to be about.” Carry this card with you, in your wallet or purse or a pocket. It will serve to show you what it is you should be doing with your life.

  3 of Hearts

  Use this card to recover from a bad relationship.

  Get Over It

  Sometimes it is difficult getting over a relationship, especially if you still carry strong feelings for that other person. Deep down you know, though, that it is time to let go and move on. That is how this spell will help you.

  Hold the 3 of Hearts card over a trash bin or bag. Say to it, “Now is the time to let [name of person] go. I free myself from regret and woe. I bid goodbye and start anew. I am free to start on a path that’s true.” Drop the card into the trash and walk away.

  2 of Hearts

  To attract a new lover. While the King and Queen of Hearts cards are best for attracting a person to marry, the 2 of Hearts is best for attracting a sexual partner. That’s not saying that the relationship won’t last or won’t end up in marriage, but this card draws in a quick fix when you need a bedroom partner.

  Attract a Lover

  On the night of the New Moon, place the 2 of Hearts on a table and a small red (white will also work and you can use a birthday candle to reduce burning time) candle above the card. Light the red candle and say, “I burn within for a love to come. I brighten the thought of a lover’s way. Come to me, come to me, come to me now. Come to me now and tonight you will stay.” Put three drops of the candle wax onto the card. Allow the candle to burn down and out. When it does, hide the card in a sexual place, such as under your mattress or in your underwear drawer. Whenever you need a new lover, get the same card out and renew the spell.


  Meaning of the Diamond

  In symbolism, the diamond has long been associated with wealth and power. Among the Tantric Buddhists, diamonds represent the conquering force of the spirit and light. In parts of Europe, diamonds were believed to drive off evil forces and ghosts. It was also believed that a single diamond would attract more diamonds, thus expanding one’s wealth.

  In cards, the diamond symbolizes business, work, and money. The ruling planet is Jupiter.

  Simple Diamond Spell to Attract Coins

  I am one of those nuts that collects pennies, but this simple spell can be used to collect other types of coins, as well.

  Cut a diamond shape out of a green sheet of paper or felt. I like the diamond to be the length of my hand, but you can make it smaller if you need to. Place the cut out diamond someplace where it won’t be disturbed, such as on a countertop or a dresser. Place the type of coin you want to attract onto the center of the diamond. Say, “One begets two, Two begets more, Attract more pennies [nickels, dimes, ect.] by the score.” Leave the diamond shape and the coin in place to continue to attract more coins.

  Ace of Diamonds

  Used to draw in large sums of money.

  To Get a Large Check

  First, print off a blank check. You can find one online by typing “blank check” into a search engine. Fill the check out to yourself: Pay to the order of [your name] and fill in the amount you want to receive. If you know who you want this money to come from, such as if you publish books on Kindle, then fill out that information as well. Otherwise, leave it blank. Take the Ace of Diamonds and your made up check and place them in an envelope. Seal the envelope and write your name and address on the back as if you were going to mail it to yourself. Hold the envelope in your power hand (most likely the hand you write with) and say, “Large sums to come, Money great with little wait, To fill my pockets and the bank.” Put the envelope in a safe place, preferably in a bill drawer or tucked inside your checkbook.

  King of Diamonds

  This card helps protect your money from outside influences and burglary.

  To Protect Your Bank Account from Unauthorized Withdrawals

  I have had several unauthorized withdrawals from my former bank account in recent years and have since closed the old account, started a new one, and cast this spell to add an extra layer of protection.

  Hold the King of Diamonds, a formidable and dependable King, in your right hand. Say, “Stand over and watch. Protect what is mine. Stand firm and keep out, False makers you outshine.” Place this card in with your bank files or tuck him into your checkbook.

  Queen of Diamonds

  Use this card to give yourself a boost in determination and success in business.

  End Your Procrastination and Start Your Business

  At noon, when the sun is shining, place the Queen of Diamonds on a table face up. Above it place a small, white candle. Light the candle and say, “By the light of the day, By the light of the fire, I will make my way, And begin my business today. I will reach my goals. I will make it so. The Queen watches over me, And makes it so.” Allow the candle to burn down and out. Take the card and display it in your work area.

  Jack of Diamonds

  This card represents what is holding you back from financial and business success. It is best to destroy this card to symbolize the destruction of what is holding you back.

  Remove Blockage to Your Goal

  Take the Jack of Diamonds card outdoors, preferably to a fire pit or to a spot where it will be safe to burn the card. Hold the card in front of you and say, “An end to all blocks, Nothing to stop, The way to my goal, Is in reach within fold.” Burn the card and you burn away the blockage to your goal.

  10 of Diamonds

  This card represents a new business opportunity.

  To Open Up a New Business Opportunity

  On the night of the New Moon, remove the 10 of Diamonds from the deck and place it, face up, on a table before you. Place your left hand on top of the card and say, “By the light of the Maiden Moon, By the magic that dwells within me, New opportunities are coming soon, Let them be shown to me.” Hide the card in your work area, office, purse, or wallet. It will help you see the new opportunities surrounding you.

  9 of Diamonds

  Represents the start of a new business.

  New Business Blessing
  On a bright, sunny morning, take the 9 of Diamonds outside or, if you don’t have privacy outside, stand in a sunny window. Hold the card up to the sun with your power hand and say, “Oh Sun of light, Burning bright, Shrugging off the dark of night, Bless my business, And send your might, To succeed is my delight.” Take a moment and close your eyes. Feel the Sun sending strength, willpower, and blessings down to you. Feel the card absorbing these gifts and becoming infused with the energy from the Sun. When you are finished, place the card in your work area where you can see it.

  8 of Diamonds

  This card brings about financial success.

  Online Business Success

  If you are working on creating an online income, whether it be by blogging, publishing books or articles, or selling photographs or crafts, this spell will help bring about financial success.

  On a sunny morning go outside or stand in an East facing window, take the 8 of Diamonds and hold it in your power hand up to the East, the direction of the rising Sun. Say, “Lord and Lady of the morning Sun, Bless the writing (crafts/photographs/blogging, etc.) I have done. Shine your brightness on whatever I do, And bring rewards for the work I have done.” Close your eyes and feel the energy of the Sun and the Morning entering the card. Feel the vibrations travelling down your arm and into your being, filling you with bright, clear energy. When you feel that the card has been fully charged, set it where you work, such as on your desk, under your keyboard, or on the wall.

  7 of Diamonds

  This card represents your bills and financial burdens.

  Rot Away Your Bills

  For this spell you will need to take the 7 of Diamonds outside to be buried. You can perform this spell after noon when the Sun is in its decline or at night during the waning Moon (when the Moon is getting smaller). Dig a small pit and place the card face down in the dirt. Say over it, “As you rot away, My bills will also rot away. Little by little they turn to dirt and vanish from existence.” Cover the card with dirt and walk away.

  6 of Diamonds

  Used to bring about financial security in the home.

  Protect the Home’s Finances

  During financially uncertain times, it is best to work a bit of protective magic to protect what is yours.

  Set the 6 of Diamonds on the floor of your office or wherever you do your finances. With the pointer finger of your power hand, draw a protective circle around the card. Say, “In times of darkness, You come to light. Protect what is mine, Protect all in sight.” Hide the card within your home, preferably in the same room you cast the spell.

  5 of Diamonds

  Helps you make positive financial decisions.

  To Put Away the Urge to Buy Unneeded Things

  We have all fallen into the trap where when we get a bit of money, our first instinct is to go out and spend it on something that is not really needed. This spell helps to curb that urge to spend unwisely.

  For this spell you will need a small envelope and a strand of your hair. Take the 5 of Diamonds and the strand of your hair and put them into the envelope. Seal the envelope. Place it before you on a table and say, “The time to make the right choices is now. I place my spending urges away. No longer will I make unwise decisions. Jupiter, give me strength and guidance.” Place the envelope away in a drawer in your office desk or place it in your pants drawer so that you are not tempted to spend by the seat of your pants (on a whim).

  4 of Diamonds

  Use to help you reach financial and business goals.

  Saving for a Down Payment

  Saving for a down payment on a house can be hard to do, unless you remain focused on your goal. This spell helps bring your goal to focus and gives you a magical boost.

  Cut out a picture of the house you want to buy or a house similar to what you want to buy from a real estate magazine. Hold that picture in your right hand and the 4 of Diamonds in your left hand. Stand, facing the sun, and say, “Sunshine, Be thine, I capture your rays, And the many ways, To get what I need, To succeed, A house of mine.” Close your eyes and picture yourself paying the down payment on a house. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face and the energy traveling down your body and into both the picture and the card. When you are finished, put the picture and the card into an envelope. On a slip of paper, write the amount of money you need to save and put it into the envelope. Seal the envelope, write a large dollar sign on the back of it, and tuck it away someplace safe.

  3 of Diamonds

  This card represents inheritance and the transfer of money.

  Finding Money

  While I don’t believe in wishing for an inheritance because that would mean that someone would have to die, it never hurts to “inherit” money from a lucky find. Before cleaning out a house, garage, barn, or even before going on a simple walk, cast this quick and easy spell.

  Hold the 3 of Diamonds before you with your power hand. Say to it, “Treasure I seek, Money I seek, Make the finding a founding, Of pleasurable things.” Tuck the card into your pocket and head out. You can use this card over and over again for the same purpose, recasting this little spell each time to make it more powerful.

  2 of Diamonds

  Use this card to draw in a small sum of money to pay off a small bill.

  Draw Money to the Front Door

  When you need to bring in some quick cash to pay off a small bill or to take shopping, cast this simple spell.

  Take the 2 of Diamonds and 3 mint leaves (if you don’t have fresh mint, you can use 3 small pinches of dried crushed mint instead) to your front door. Place the mint and the card, face up, under your doormat. Stand on the doormat and say, “Money come, Cash on the run, Come to my door, Run in on the floor, Fill up my pockets, Green bursting rockets, Money to spend, And Money to Send.” Renew the spell ever three days or whenever you need extra cash.


  Meaning of the Club

  A wood club often represents brute force in symbology, which makes one wonder how the club in cards has come to symbolize creativity and fame. When we turn to Celtic mythology, we see that the club could destroy as well as create life. It is this creative power that we focus on when working with the club cards.

  In cards, the club symbolizes fame, creativity, money, and power. The ruling planet for clubs is Uranus.

  Ace of Clubs

  This card brings a person success in all creative endeavors, from acting and writing to blogging and making videos.

  For Blogging Success

  On the night of the New Moon, set the Ace of Clubs on a table. Place a small orange candle above it. Light the candle and say, “I charm this card to bring me success. To bring fame and money, More, not less. To help me create, A blog that is great. Charmed, to be sure, I am blessed for more.” Allow the candle to burn down and out. Keep the card in your work area.

  King of Clubs

  Use this card to give you courage in what you plan to do.

  For the Courage to Get Up On Stage

  Stand in front of a mirror and hold the King of Clubs before you so that it is facing the mirror. Say, “Courage I seek, Make me strong, not weak. Strength comes to me, And helps me succeed.” Keep the card on your person when you get up on stage. This card can be used again for this spell.

  Queen of Clubs

  This is a card you use when you want to manipulate social situations to better your success.

  To Shine and Be Noticed

  Tired of being the wallflower? Tired of not being noticed? This spell will make you shine in a crowd.

  At noon on a sunny day, stand outside or at a window where you can see the sun. Hold the Queen of Clubs in your power hand up to the Sun. “Lend your light, O blessed Sun, So that I might sine as One. Charm the Queen, She charms me, And together we charm all who we see.” Stand for a moment, with eyes closed, and feel the radiant Sun send its energy and power down into both you and the card. When you are finished, tuck the card in your pocket, purse, or wallet. When you need to shine, touch the
card for a moment and let the Queen’s sun energy pass into you.

  Jack of Clubs

  Use this card when you are searching for a creative work partner.

  Calling a Creative Partner

  Sit at a table with the Jack of Clubs on your right and a small, white candle on your left. Light the candle and say, “I light you to seek, For me to meet, A partner to create, A help to make.” Blow out the candle and, with the Jack of Clubs, fan the smoke and say, “Seek out, seek out, and draw to me, A creative partner to work side by side happily.” Keep the Jack of Cards out on the table or someplace safe until your creative partner is found. This card can be used again for the same spell.

  10 of Clubs

  Inspires creative ideas.

  Creative Inspiration Meditation

  When you need inspiration for a painting, book, or anything else, turn to this little meditation.

  Take the 10 of Clubs and find a quiet place to lie down for about 5 minutes. Lie on your back and place the card face down on your solar plexus. Close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. Relax and let your thoughts flow freely. Continue this basic meditation for about 5 minutes or for as long as you desire. This card, like some semi-precious stones, will stimulate your creative center. Inspiration may come to you immediately or it will come to you shortly after you are finished with this exercise.


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