On The Right Side

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On The Right Side Page 30

by Tom Sears

  Liberals know they have to walk and talk like a conservative and pretend to support conservative values in order to have any chance of winning an election.

  Unfortunately this has worked for them in the past, and I worry that too many voters will actually believe all the sound bites (libs have resorted to some of the most blatantly false and misleading campaign ads, worse than ever before) and false promises (lies?) rather than judge the candidates by their records during their term(s) in office.

  Just look at all the lies and fake promises their grand role model made during his campaign. Enough so that 68 percent of voters in the 18 to 25 age group and 69 percent of the voters in the 26 to 30 group swallowed all the lies in 2008. I can guarantee you that these groups won’t fall for the lies again in this and the next election coming in 2012.

  Just listen and watch all the Democrats scurry away from Pelosi, Reid and the grand deceiver of them all, Barack Obama. Boy oh boy, they are really huffing and puffing and declaring their independence from these radical leftists while their past shows them supporting all their leaders’ failed policies for the last two years.

  They can’t run away from the fact that most were in favor of cap and trade, a much liberalized immigration policy, and they voted for the non- stimulating stimulus bill ($787 billion which took unemployment from under 8 percent to now well over 9.5 percent), the disastrous Obamacare health plan and other unpopular, foolish Obama proposals.

  Talk about liberal candidates rebranding themselves. The only thing they can’t hide are the hole marks left from the nose ring that Pelosi, Reid and Obama had them on a leash with, and they will willingly put this ring back on and be water boys once again soon after the election.

  You can run, RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) and Democrats, but you can’t hide any longer. The day of reckoning is upon you, and none of the big three will or can help you in your travails.

  Obama’s coat tails? Where are they? As a matter of fact where is the coat? Obama is simply bad news. Why do you think Democrat candidates are avoiding him like the plague and not asking him to campaign in their district? Every time he does their candidate loses.

  It must be frustrating for Barack. All he ever really had going for him was his campaigning skills, and he doesn’t even have these any more.

  By the way, thanks to all of you who asked for a copy of the tape and timeline showing the Bush Administration’s innocence with the home foreclosure disaster as they repeatedly warned Congress about Fannie and Freddie while Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd staunchly defended them.

  Predictably, not one request for these two items came from a lefty liberal. These people have only one thing going for them; they are ridiculously loud yet vacuous. Instead of even considering what the truth might be, they continue to harangue people with their lies, distortions, snobbery and condescension.

  They could have easily asked to see the same proof other people asked to see, but instead they felt more comfortable with their heads in the sand, raising up once and a while (too often actually) to spout their nonsense. They also are about to become even more insignificant than they are already and they are afraid.

  Keep moving forward conservatives. We and the country are winning and are On The Right Side.

  Polls Show Tough Day Coming Soon For Democrats

  It’s hard to believe that there are only seven days left until the upcoming watershed election takes place. Only a month ago it was believed to be an uphill struggle just to capture 39 House seats and flush Nancy Pelosi. Now, poll after poll estimates that Democrats could lose between 80 to 102 seats. Also, the Senate is now in play where just a short time ago that was also considered an impossible event. Could it be possible to also unseat Harry Reid?

  Every two years I have an election night get-together party at my home with a few friends, and some students who belong to the College Republican Club on campus. It was a rather depressing time back in 2008 but this time it’s going to be entirely different. It is a good thing I have a late class on Wednesday as I’m going to savor every last moment this time.

  But please don’t become complacent yet. Keep on talking to as many people as you can between now and the Nov. 2.

  What we have been doing so far is having impressive results as indicated in the first paragraph. It also helps that Obama is constantly shooting himself in the foot. His approval rating has dropped another 4 points in a recent Reuters-Ipsos poll, a new low, and this also happened over only a one month period. It simply shows that sane, logical people are starting to see through all the smoke and mirrors.

  You should be ashamed of yourself if you don’t make the effort and get out to vote this time. This election is too important for you not to. Even though it looks like it will be a landslide of epic proportions, if people just assume it will happen automatically and enough voters lazily decide to sit this one out, they could be sorely mistaken and all those hard fought efforts could be for nil. To all you conservatives and independents out there, please, please vote.

  Obama has certainly lost his rock star status in two short years. Have you noticed that the cameras don’t show the size of the groups he reads to anymore? It must be tough for his ego to handle. Yet he will always have a handful of delusional individuals who will be blindly loyal to him. They remind me of the teens and preteens, who screamed with delight when Elvis shook his hips or when the Beatles first came to America and these teenagers, screamed, swooned, and fainted.

  There are actually people out there who think that he has accomplished many good things and that ObamaCare is really one of those things. They are still talking about the impossible to measure “saved jobs” or that his socialist agenda has actually softened the effects of the recession when just the opposite is true. We would have been in recovery long before this time if his incompetence wasn’t allowed to create the policies he has pushed through Congress.

  Also, you have people out there resorting to plain and simple lies. We now hear that there are all these secret billionaires out there that actually created, and are presently training, all the Tea Party members and their events. These people will never be reached and are best ignored. They do, however, push more and more independents to the conservative side of center.

  I guess it is hard for them to explain away is why none of the Democrats in trouble are running on Obama’s record or policies. Also, I wonder why the rock star or his right hand man hasn’t been invited to campaign with these same incumbents who are in trouble. It’s getting harder and harder to distinguish between Barack and the bumbling Joe Biden.

  Maybe some of you ought to Google a few columns and see if you can explain away these facts. One of them is “Why Texas Has the Jobs,” a Rich Lowry piece. If you want to read about how ObamaCare is already having disastrous results you should read Sally Pipes’ column, “Killing our Choices.” If you want to read about yet another Obama lie uncovered (by himself actually) read Jonah Goldberg’s “A Shovel-Unready Prez.”

  As to the people with the ridiculous conspiracy theories and the same, old, tired lies of privatizing Social Security and the like, those individuals are too far gone. Just ignore them.

  Only seven more days before we turn our attention to 2012. I’m looking

  forward to a new challenge

  Libs Can’t Spin Election Results Into Victory

  Not a bad Tuesday. Not bad at all. Historic gains for conservatives and disastrous results for the liberals. Sure, there were some disappointments but all we have to do is come up with better candidates next time.

  Now remember, the libs are certainly going to try to spin these election results positively so as to save face. This will be quite amusing to watch. They will probably focus on the Senate and call it a positive that we “only” gained 6 Senate seats. Before they gloat too loudly over that “victory,” I think it would be best for them to remember that only a third of the Senate seats were up for election this year. In 2012, only 10 Republican seats will be on the slate
with only one truly vulnerable. On the other hand, the Democrats have 23 seats up for re-election with at least 10 senators vulnerable. Anybody want to take bets on who wins the Senate next time?

  And speaking of the Senate, even though the Republicans hold 46 seats, do you really think the senators coming up for re-election will continue to drink Obama’s Kool- Aid? All we need is for five Democrats to see the light and realize what happened to a lot of their colleagues when they followed their Dear Leader and master ideologue. We might get more positive legislation passed than we thought possible after all.

  Hey libs, do you still think this Tea Party thing is just an angry, racist, small fringe element and inconsequential? I hope you secular progressives keep thinking that way. We have been awakened; we easily have the numbers, and will no longer be the silent majority.

  You Republicans have been given a second chance. Don’t blow it this time. You say you realized the error of your ways, but you only have two years to prove it. If you lied to us to get elected then you will be flushed along with more liberals and Obama in two short years.

  All you have to do is continue to listen to the voice of the people who put you in power, legislate accordingly, and you will see success similar to 2010 happen in 2012. You have been derisively labeled “the party of no,” and it seems people are ok with that. Just be ethical, moral, and hold true to conservative principles, and the liberals won’t get another chance to ruin the country.

  As unbelievable as it seems, Obama still can’t grasp the concept that this election rejected him. Instead of seeing his policies have been terrible failures, he still thinks the only problem was that people were too stupid to know what was really good for them and he only did a poor job in communicating. You can now add arrogance and a condescending attitude to his inexperience and incompetence. But that’s ok Barack. Please just keep thinking that way and we will only have to put up with you for two more years.

  Do you honestly think Obama will actually concede and let the Republicans in on the decision making? Even though the Republicans have had plenty of good, alternative ideas, they haven’t even been allowed to be a part of the discussions. Barack isn’t going to change his stripes, so all you can hope for is to block his socialist agenda, stopping him and his liberal cronies dead in their tracks. You know that anything the party recommends that comes close to a conservative agenda will be rejected and vetoed by the temporary occupant of the White House.

  As shown by last week the people are fine with that. All we have to do is stop Obama from further ruining this country and in two years we can begin to move the country forward with a positive agenda.

  And can you believe this Nancy Pelosi? She doesn’t think all that happened to her party had a thing to do with her. She is actually going to run for the minority leadership position. If the House Democrats are going to allow her to continue to be their leader then they are dumber that I thought.

  On the other hand it won’t be a bad thing for us. You run, girl, and you Democrats run along right behind her. You still haven’t learned from the painful results and you are going to be “shellacked” again. Don’t forget to keep the Kool-Aid handy. However, you still have time to see the light and get “On The Right Side.”

  How Will GOP Deliver All Of Its Promised Cuts?

  People are constantly coming up to me and saying, “Now that you conservatives have the reins, how are you going to come through with all the cuts you promised? It’s easy to get elected by saying you’re going to cut spending, shrink the federal government, and balance the budget, so let’s hear the plan.”

  I sometimes wonder if these people are simply liberals who are being snide because they have just suffered embarrassing, historic losses (thank you Democrat congressmen for not learning anything and re-electing Pelosi as your Minority Leader) or rather people who really want to know how we are going to go about accomplishing these goals. Actually, I’m sure it is some of both.

  I hope these individuals asking me this question are intelligent enough to realize that it is a process, a mind set, and it certainly isn’t going to be accomplished overnight. It is also going to involve short-term pain. Pain always accompanies a healing process. Everyone has to share in the sacrifices.

  Therein lies the problem. Give a liberal a dollar and then later ask for a dime back and he will squeal like a stuck piglet. All they want to do is climb back and continue suckling on the teat of the federal sow and think of a reason to ask for another dollar.

  Another thing to emphasize is that Congress can’t be trusted. Before there is even any talk of raising taxes (which really shouldn’t be necessary), Congress must come through with the spending cuts. Remember when the Democrat controlled Congress promised President George H. W. Bush that if he would allow increased taxes Congress would match that with spending cuts? He made the mistake of trusting them.

  The next thing to remember is that it was originally intended for most of the power to belong to the states. States should assume the responsibility for the well being of its citizens. The federal government should keep its nose out of about 90 percent of what it is doing and what the Constitution gives it no authority to do.

  Lastly, the starting point is to go from a general strategy to specific actions. How about starting with no new spending, no new programs, no new bureaucracies, and no new government jobs.

  Sorry Michelle, your new anti-obesity initiative shouldn’t even see the light of day. How many times must one repeat that that is an example of a power that belongs to the individual states. Should I say it more slowly? However, in this case common sense dictates that this particular responsibility falls on the parent.

  There are a lot of good areas to explore. The libs love to take an idea and pooh-pooh it as not being a drop in the bucket. For example, when it is suggested to eliminate earmarks the libs will remind you that it will ONLY save $14 billion. You mention a federal program that no one has ever heard of and they say that will ONLY be a $5 billion savings.

  Aren’t they intelligent enough to realize that all these ONLY amounts start adding up to something big in pretty short order? You have to look at it as a process, a series of steps, and not just one huge leap. Remember how they use the same strategy of not deporting illegal aliens? They say it can never be done. There are just too many. When they ask how can it possibly be done, the answer is pretty simple…..one illegal at a time.

  Then they bring up and try to impact peoples’ emotions. They begin to talk about our responsibility to the poor. Any American knows that there has to be a safety net for the unfortunate, and it is most certainly our responsibility to care for these people. Don’t forget to throw in the word “temporary,” however.

  You read all the time about third generation welfare recipients. These people have no concept of the word “work.” How long is long enough? One year, two years, more? As I mentioned above, at some time the person has to be removed from the government teat and stand on his or her own two feet. If you want to see real poverty come with me to Romania, Bulgaria, Albania or any other third world country.

  The next column will look at the U.S. Government Deficit Reduction Commission and their preliminary report. There are a lot of good ideas listed in this report. However, listen carefully. I can hear the squealing beginning already.

  If We Cheat On Taxes, Will IRS Censure Us?

  It’s hard to believe that my previous column represented my 5th full year of writing for The Daily Star. That’s around 120 columns (I missed a few times), 100,000 words, hundreds of supporters and a bunch of ticked off secular progressives.

  It is impossible to run out of ideas, and there are a lot of topics I still want to write about but haven’t yet had the chance. I must admit, however, that the submission deadline has been creeping up on me faster and faster, and I find myself procrastinating more and more.

  But back to the latest news. This time it involves that crook Charlie Rangel, just the latest of a string of dishonest Democrats bringing
embarrassment to their colleagues. He was just censured by his fellow House colleagues when in all actuality he should have been expelled from Congress and then prosecuted for all his brazenly intentional misdeeds that took place over many years.

  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could commit all kinds of ethical lapses and cheat on our taxes like Rangel did and only have to stand before an IRS panel and be chastised for a half hour or so? Also, after this “censure” we could go on and pretend nothing had happened while we suffered no further consequences.

  My, what an actor Charlie has been over the last week or so. First he was all smiles and not worrying one bit about what was going to happen to him. After all, Nancy Pelosi, that old self-proclaimed swamp cleaner, was going to continue to ignore the facts for a little while longer. All his misdeeds were going on under her surgically perfected nose and she hadn’t done a thing about it for the last four years so why should she start now?

  She also stalled the ethics hearings on Rangel for over 60 days so that he would not be a distracting and embarrassing element during the then upcoming 2010 elections. After this, all of a sudden, the push was on to have the hearings take place as soon as possible before a Republican was appointed head of the ethics committee.

  Alas, it was to no avail. He tried everything from talking about his heroism from 60 years ago (as a matter of fact, he kept bringing this up until people were beginning to get nauseous), then he kept shrugging it off as if it was no big deal. He tried the brazen approach when he chastised the committee for not giving him enough time to prepare (the investigation had been going on for over two years) and not giving his entire 60 year record the appropriate respect.

  After the bluster strategy, he tried the whining approach and then even turned on the tears to see if that gained him any sympathy.


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