Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2020 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design: Covers by Aura

  Photographer: Valua Vitaly

  Proofreading: Danielle Stansbury

  Editing: Heather Fox

  Editing & Formatting: Sheridan Anne


  To my amazing Street team. We’re only a new bunch but you guys already mean so much to me. You keep me motivated and give me all the love in the world to keep going.

  To Danielle, my PA. I still don’t know how you do it! You came into my life like a tornado and now I can’t even remember how I survived without you before.

  Special mention – Deanna Murphy. Your mind is sickly twisted in the best way. She offered a suggestion that helped to shape a particular scene in Chapter 7 which I am now crazy in love with! THANK YOU!!!!!


  Rape. Death. Injustice.

  Bellevue Springs is not the place I thought it was going to be.

  Meeting Colton Carrington has changed my life but the jury is still out on how he changed it. Good … bad? I guess I’ll find out. I live in a dark world, but he was a darkness that was welcomed, a darkness that I certainly wasn’t prepared for.

  Missing people. A dead billionaire. Gang war. Sexism.

  When does it end?

  Nic is bearing down on me. He wants me back in Breakers Flats where he can protect me, but I can’t walk away, not now that the secrets are finally starting to spill. People aren’t who they say they are and being careful in a rich man’s world becomes more important than ever before.

  Will I survive this or am I destined to fail?

  All I know is that death has never come so close and for the first time in my life … I’m f*cking terrified.

  WARNING: Rejects Paradise is a Young Adult / New Adult Dark High School Bully Romance series. It features dark themes and mature content.





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Rejects Paradise Series Playlist

  Barbie B*tch - Rejects Paradise (Book 3)

  Author Biography

  Other Series by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  A heavy bang has my head whipping around to the door of the pool house to find Eli standing proud with a grin across his face. Penis balloons get shoved through the door and fly to the ceiling revealing the penis shaped hat on his head and pant’s down around his ankles with his dick staring back at me.

  My eyes bug out of my head, but the shock coursing through my veins has me unable to find words. Eli strides through the door with his cock hanging low and in one easy swoop, he starts windmilling it around with his fists pumping into the sky.


  What the fuck kind of bullshit have I invited into my life? And why can’t I take my eyes off his swinging dick?

  It circles at least five full rotations before he reels that monster in and I manage to tear my gaze away. “What the hell are you doing?” I screech, pulling back as he starts racing toward me.

  He launches himself across the room and I scramble away but he’s too quick. Eli’s strong grip curls around my ankle and he drags me back to him before curling me into his warm arms and suffocating me with love. “Get your dirty dick away from me, you skank ass whore.”

  His groin wriggles against my thigh. “No can do, sweet cheeks,” he laughs proudly, his excited grin becoming infectious. “This dick is as clean as they come. Come on, have a good look. I might even let you touch it.”

  “NO. God, no. Get it away from me.”

  Eli laughs and finally relents, releasing his strong grip and allowing me to right myself on the couch. He awkwardly gets back to his feet with his jeans hanging around his ankles, and as he goes to bend to hoist them back up Officer Langston steps out of the bathroom and comes to a startling stop.

  Eli’s eyes bug out of his head and his pants are torn up his legs so damn fast that I start to worry about the likelihood of his dick getting caught in his zipper. I roll my eyes, watching him die of embarrassment as the penis hat swiftly falls from his head.

  Langston’s eyes narrow and flick between me and Eli, instantly assuming something else is going on here. Embarrassment floods through me even though it shouldn’t, and I'm left with bright red cheeks as the officer makes his way back toward the couch.

  Eli doesn’t care for my embarrassment as protecting me from a threat will always come first. He steps in front of me, blocking me from the cop and knowing damn well that when there’s a cop in a room with someone from Breakers Flats, it’s not good news. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Eli,” I hiss as Langston’s hand hovers above the gun at his hip, clearly recognizing the massive black widow spider tattoo on his neck as the mark for his gang. For fuck’s sake. I love my boys but they have a way of making matters so much worse. Sometimes it’s a gift and other times, like this, it’s a nightmare. “Sit your stubborn ass down. Officer Langston was just taking my statement.”

  “Your statement?” Eli gasps, spinning around to glare at me. “The fuck, Ocean? You know better than to talk to the cops about your shit. Nic said we’ll handle it.”

  I clench my jaw, silently begging him to keep his fucking mouth shut but Officer Langston has a death wish and provokes him. “What’s a Black Widow doing in my town? You must be lost, boy.”

  Eli spins back around, looking as though he just stepped right out of hell. “Boy?” he says, demanding respect. “I’m not your boy. I’m your worst fucking nightmare, and if anyone is lost around here, it’s you.”

  “Black Widow’s are not welcome here.”

  Eli takes a step forward, showing that he’s not about to back down. “Black Widows have been running this fucking town since you were in diapers, boy,” Eli spits, making my brows furrow and a million questions flow through my mind.

  Langston looks around Eli and catches my eyes. “Is he bothering you, ma’am?”

  I go to reply but Eli steps aside, blocking his view and making me wonder how this turned into some twisted pissing contest. “She’s fine.”

  Langton’s hand flinches at his hip and I let out a frustrated groan before flying to my feet and throwing myself in front of Eli. My arms stretch out wide, blocking as much of his large body as I possibly can. "Okay," I say, hating the fact that this isn't the first time I've had to do this.
It's not even the second or third time that I've had to put myself between one of my boys and a cop. “There’s clearly been a misunderstanding. Eli is a friend and is more than welcome to barge in here with his pants down whenever the hell he sees fit.” I spin around and glare at my friend. “As for you, you need to shut the fuck up and sit your ass down. He’s here taking my statement because Charles Carrington was killed this morning … or last night. I don’t know.”

  Eli’s brows shoot up into his hairline. “The fuck? Daddy Warbucks is dead?” I nod and he laughs. “No shit. Who would have known? I’m not surprised though. That fucker was a hard ass. He had it coming.”

  Langston takes a step toward us, his eyes narrowed suspiciously on Eli. “Where were you during the early hours of this morning?”

  For fuck’s sake.

  I groan and turn to face Langston again. “He was home in Breakers Flats.”

  Langston doesn’t move his glare from Eli and it’s as though I’m invisible—not that I’m surprised. Before Eli showed up, Langston was respectful and questioned me as if I was hurting over Charles’ death. Now that he’s seen my connection to Eli that respect has flown straight out the window and it doesn’t sit well with me.

  “Actually,” Eli says with a tone in his voice that has me cringing. “I was sinking deep into Harlow Burberry’s pussy all night long. She can verify my story.”

  I look back up at Eli. “Who the fuck is Harlow Burberry?”

  He shrugs his shoulder. “I don’t know. I met her at Pony Girl’s last night. She was a fucking rocket, babe. You should have seen the way she moved.”

  “Okay,” Officer Langston says, less than impressed. “I think I’ve heard enough.”

  With that, he excuses himself and walks out the door, heading back to the main house while most likely disregarding my whole statement. The words of a poor girl from Breakers Flats won’t be as valuable as someone born and bred in Bellevue Springs.

  I put it to the back of my mind. It’s nothing worth crying over, it’s just the way things have always been for us and we’re more than used to it. So, I focus on a much bigger issue. “You hooked up with a stripper last night?” I demand, smacking a hand over Eli’s chest. “No wonder you got syphilis, you dirty man-whore. You’re disgusting.”

  “Chill out,” he says, catching my hand before I get a chance to smack him again. “I didn’t fuck anyone last night. I wasn’t even in Breakers Flats last night, I was here, but it’s not like I was about to let that fucker know.”

  “Sorry,” I grumble, shaking my head. “I knew that. It’s just been a weird day … and night.”

  “Yeah, I bet,” he says, his voice taking on a more serious tone. Something I’m not exactly used to when it comes to Eli. “So, the old man is really dead?”

  “Yeah,” I say, glancing away, not wanting him to see the emotion building within my eyes. “He was stabbed right through the chest with a silver dagger.”

  “A silver dagger?” Eli demands, taking my chin and forcing my eyes back to his. “Your father was killed just like that.”

  “I know.” I tear my chin free and drop down onto the couch. “Trust me, I fucking know. It’s all I’ve been able to think about all morning, but that’s not the worst part.”

  His brows furrow, focusing heavily as he sits down beside me. “How could it get worse? You were fucking raped last night, the dickhead is on the fucking run, and now Carrington is dead.”

  “The dagger,” I told him. “I swear, it was the exact same one that killed my dad. It has the same design on the hilt.”

  “Nah.” Eli shakes his head and drops his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into his side. “That’s not possible, babe. Maybe you saw it wrong. You’ve had a lot on your mind, and I don’t blame you after the night you had. That fucker drugged you. You’re thinking too much into this.”

  “It was the same fucking dagger, Eli,” I snap, not appreciating being questioned. “I fucking know it. I was the one who walked into that room and saw it sticking out of my father’s chest. The image is burned into my mind. It. Was. The. Same. Fucking. Dagger.”

  “Come on, Ocean. That dagger was taken and put in an evidence locker. This has to be a coincidence.”

  “Stop talking down at me,” I demand, recognizing his tone as the one he uses when trying to reel Kairo in, knowing he’s about to kick someone’s ass. “I’m telling you, Eli. This is connected. I don’t know how or why, I just know it. I feel it in my gut. Whoever did this has something to do with my father’s death.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh and meets my eyes. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. I feel it.”

  Eli studies me for a moment before finally nodding and slipping his hand into his pocket. “Alright, babe. I’ll call Nic and get him back here. We’ll sort it out.”

  “No,” I rush out. “Don’t call him. It’s not smart for you guys to be hanging around here with all the cops crawling around. Nic is already a gray area seeing as though he spent most of the night here. I can’t have you guys going down for this. You need to stay away.”

  “Seriously?” He laughs. “There’s a fucking rapist with a boner for you running around, and now a murderer who may or may not be the same guy who killed your father. We’re not about to let you out of our sight until this is straightened out.”

  I let out a sigh and look up at him. There’s no point trying to fight it. The boys will have it their way no matter what I say or how I feel about it because where they are concerned, all that matters is my safety. I might as well accept it and make the most of the protection detail that’s going to be following me around like a bad smell.

  “So,” I say, wanting to change the topic. “What are you even doing here? Nic will castrate you if he found out you dropped out of the Jude search to come and rub your dick all over me.”

  “It’s fine, babe,” he says with a mischievous grin. “Half the fucking Widows are out there searching for the fucker. They’ll be alright if I take two minutes to check up on my girl. Besides, what they don’t know won’t hurt.”

  “But that’s the thing. You walked in here thinking you would just be celebrating your STD-free dick, but now that you have more information, you have no choice but to call Nic, and then you’ll be dead.”

  Eli’s face falls and his eyes slowly come back to mine. “Fuck,” he sighs. “I didn’t think about that, but I guess if I’m going to go down I might as well enjoy myself.”

  My eyes narrow in suspicion. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I, uhh … might have made a quick stop on my way here.”

  The penis balloons float behind his head and I eye them warily. “Why does that make me so nervous?”

  His brows bounce excitedly as he strides back toward the front door. “Have you ever walked into an adult store?” he asks, leaning out the door and grabbing a bag. His head reappears and the grin on his face is nearly enough to have me running for the hills. “It’s fucking wild, babe. I wanted to cheer you up with a ‘syphilis free party’ and went fucking nuts.”

  Eli laughs at his little nut pun and I roll my eyes as he collects his penis hat and fixes it back on his head before dropping the bag on the coffee table. He’s quick to start rifling through it, and I watch as a rainbow of suction cup rubber dildos are stuck down on the coffee table. Next penis-shaped straws are pulled out, penis confetti, and naturally, a bunch of penis-shaped candies.

  I stare in wonder, having absolutely no idea how his little brain decided that surrounding me with penises was somehow a good idea after the night I’ve had, but when I see his dorky little smile, it somehow makes me feel a million times better. Though, that mood instantly goes crashing down when he pulls out a penis shirt for me to wear and then tops it off with a crown, declaring me a ‘cock dominator.’

  For some reason, unknown to me, I let the idiot stay. He drops down beside me with a bottle of tequila, and I find myself grateful for the distraction.

  I don’t kno
w how my four boys always manage to be there for me exactly when I need them, but somehow, they do and that’s one of the main reasons that I love them so damn much.

  “So,” he says, leaning back into the couch and propping his foot up onto the cock-filled coffee table. His eyes meet mine and before he says another word, it becomes far too clear what he’s about to ask. I prepare myself for the worst, knowing I won’t make it through this without breaking. “No bullshit, O. How are you really doing?”

  I press my lips into a tight line and kick his feet off the coffee table, knowing that even though Mom is inside the Carrington mansion right now, she’ll somehow know that someone has their feet on her table.

  “Honestly,” I start, taking the ridiculous crown off my head and looking down at it. “Not great. Every time I close my eyes, I remember the feeling of not being able to stand properly and calling out for help. I was so scared, Eli. I’ve never felt anything like it. He just grabbed me and I was defenseless.” Tears start welling in my eyes but I try not to break. “He took me upstairs and tore my dress and …”

  “Shhhhh,” he soothes, shuffling over on the couch and pulling me into his chest. “Don’t tell me the details. I don’t want you reliving it.”

  The tears finally fall and I squish my face into his chest as his arms protectively wrap around me, holding me tight. “How am I ever supposed to forget?”

  I feel him shake his head, lost deep in thought. “I don’t know, babe. I wish I had a proper answer for you. I’d do anything to be able to take that pain away for you, but someday, somehow, you’re going to wake up and realize that you survived. He does not control you, he does not own you, and he sure as hell did not ruin you. You, Oceania Munroe, are a fucking queen. You’re beautiful and if I wasn’t so in love with being a whore, I know I would have fought Nic tooth and nail until you were mine. Jude may have left you with a scar, but a scar is a story that is only ever going to make you stronger.”

  “It doesn’t feel that way.”

  “I know,” he tells me, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. “But it will.”


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