Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2) Page 11

by Sheridan Anne

  Colton laughs under his breath. “Geez, if you’re impressed by this, you should see my dick.”

  I roll my eyes and glance across at him, struggling to look away from the books on the shelves. How is it that men always have a one-track mind? “I’ve seen your dick,” I remind him, “and although it’s impressive, it’s got nothing on this.”

  “Yeah, just wait till you see it in action.”

  I scoff as I start walking toward the books. “Pretty confident for a guy who practically runs out of the room every time he kisses me.”

  A low groan comes from behind me as I reach the shelf and run my finger over the titles, taking it all in only to find all of my favorite authors and I realize that maybe I do have a little something in common with the bitch twins after all. “Are you trying to pull some wicked Beauty and The Beast bullshit on me, Mr. Carrington, because it’s not going to work.”

  I look back over my shoulder and laugh at his blank expression. “Please tell me that you understand that reference.”

  He shakes his head.

  Bless his sweet heart. “I meant that … you know what, don’t worry,” I say, letting out a sigh and focusing back on the books. I take a few steps, scanning over the titles and figuring out what I haven’t had a chance to read yet, and honestly, it’s quite a lot. “How could I have forgotten there was a library up here? Your dad mentioned it on my first day.”

  “I know,” he murmurs, his voice not so far away anymore. “If I knew you actually liked to read, I probably would have brought you up here sooner.”

  “Right,” I laugh. “For some reason, I can’t picture you having done that before now.”

  A soft chuckle comes from behind me and my warmth spreads through me at the sound and the rare carefree moment between us. “You’re right. I would have had Maryne send you up here to clean so you could have claimed that you found it on your own.”

  I turn around and meet his eyes, stopping as I find him staring right back at me, but not just at my face, right down into my soul. “You would have done that?” I question, lowering my voice, afraid of how it might break.

  He nods and slowly takes a step toward me, making the butterflies turn into murderous little bitches, making me feel as though I could throw up. His voice is low and velvety and has me wanting so much more. “I don’t want to hurt you anymore, Jade,” he murmurs. “But you were right after the funeral. You are my outlet and hurting you makes me feel something, feel part of me that I thought didn’t exist.”

  I take a hesitant step toward him. “I told you it’s okay.”

  “It’s not,” he says shaking his head. “I shouldn’t be hurting you. I shouldn’t be constantly trying to push you away. I should be holding on and doing everything in my power not to lose you because you’re fucking worth it, Jade. I’ve never met anyone like you. You’re so fucking strong and the fact that you’re still standing here, willing to allow me to fuck you up just to make me feel something proves that.”

  “You’ve only ever hurt me with words, Colton, but your actions have always spoken so much louder.”

  He swallows and I see the fear in his eyes, not knowing what the hell is happening between us, and truthfully, I feel it too. This whole relationship is on a level of fucked-up that I’ve never experienced before and I honestly don’t know what any of it means.

  He steps into me and takes my waist, pulling me the rest of the way into his chest. His eyes meet mine, heated, wild, and desperate. His tongue slips out and runs over his bottom lip and I instantly become hypnotized. “Maybe I don’t need to hurt you to make me feel.”

  My heart races and before I can say a word or even begin working out what the hell he just meant by that comment, his lips are pressing down on mine and completely destroying me.

  My hands slide up his toned arms until they're wrapping around his neck and holding him tight. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and I welcome it like my next breath.

  I’m falling hard. Too fucking hard. Colton Carrington is going to destroy me and I’m going to let him.

  I need to pull away before I allow him the power to truly hurt me because once I hand my heart over, I don’t know if I’ll ever get it back. Yet I can’t stop. I can’t pull away. I can’t force myself to let go. I need him like nothing I’ve ever needed before.

  His fingers brush my skin like a caress and my knees instantly go weak. He takes hold of my jaw and tilts my head, opening my neck for him to take. His lips move from mine and he sets every nerve ending on fire as they trail down below my ear.

  Colton’s thumb brushes over my lips as his other hand trails down my body, claiming every curve until his fingers are flirting with the waistband of my shorts just above my ass. Getting no objection from me, his hand slips inside my pants and he grabs my ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

  I press my ass back into his hand, needing more and he obliges just as I knew he would. My shorts are pushed down and I step out of them before he pulls my shirt over my head, leaving me completely naked and free to do with as he pleases.

  Needing to feel his body on mine, I go to reach for his shirt but his hand drops from my jaw and he’s lifting me before I even know what’s going on.

  My ass is pushed back onto a high shelf and I find myself sitting among the books. My tits are at Colton’s eye level and he’s quick to pay them all the attention in the world while my pussy begs to be touched.

  I grab his tank and finally pull it over his head, showing off that perfect sun-kissed skin that I’ve been dying to sink my teeth into.

  Colton’s fingers trail down my body, leaving a wake of goosebumps and has me sucking in a breath as the anticipation builds.

  I feel as though I’ve been waiting forever to feel his touch and finally, it’s happening.

  My fingers curl into his hair as his fingers find my clit. He groans low and I feel the vibration against my nipple, sending an electrical pulse right down to my center.

  His thumb rubs slow torturous circles over my clit as his fingers begin to explore, finding my center and pushing up into me. I scoot my ass closer to the edge, desperate to get as close to him as possible.

  His tongue trails over my nipple and I arch my back, pressing my tits against him.

  Fuck, I’d give anything to feel his cock buried deep inside me.

  Colton pulls back and raises his head so his lips are back on mine. He kisses me deeply, and just when I think I’m about to get exactly what I’ve been craving, he drops to his knees between my thighs and throws my legs over his shoulder.

  I suck in a gasp, watching as his eyes blaze with need.

  Holy fuck. This is going to be good. If Nic doesn’t kill me, then I’m sure this will.

  Colton licks his lips and everything south of the border clenches. His eyes are filled with desire, but it’s the excitement promising the time of my life that really gets me.

  He doesn't hold back.

  His tongue runs over my clit and I thread my fingers through his hair once again, desperately needing to hold on. His tongue really starts to move. Teasing. Tasting. Taunting.

  A thrill shoots through me knowing that at any moment, one of the many staff members could walk through the door and watch as my pussy is eaten like never before, but I don’t care. If they want to walk in right now, then let them come. I won’t be stopping for anything, not until I’ve had the full Carrington experience. Hell, if Harrison was to walk in right now, the bastard would just have to close his eyes.

  I can’t help but look down and watch the show playing out before me. His tongue moves like a snake and I’m completely mesmerized. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen, so tantalizingly sexy. I can’t fucking wait to repay this favor.

  Colton adds two thick fingers to the mix and pushes them up into me and a low groan pulls from deep within me. I tighten my grip in his hair and I feel his proud smile against my clit.

  He pulls them out before slamming them back in and rocking my world. “Fuck,” I grunt, a
s his fingers rub against my G-spot, hitting it over and over again but it’s his tongue that’s the real star of this show.

  He pushes me to the edge and I feel my orgasm creeping up on me.

  Just a little more.

  Reading my body like a book, he gives me exactly what I need and within moments, I'm coming hard around his fingers. His tongue is relentless and doesn’t stop teasing me until I’ve completely ridden out my orgasm, only then does he release my legs and straighten up.

  He stands before me as I struggle to catch my breath. His eyes are dark and I can only imagine what he has in store for me now, but not before I get to taste his velvety skin on my tongue.

  Colton makes a show of licking his lips as his eyes bore heavily into mine, making me more than ready to go again. I reach for him and he instantly steps back into me, keeping his hands on my body.

  He lifts me off the shelf and as he steadies me on my feet, his lips come down on mine, letting me taste myself.

  I slip my hand down between us and into the front of his low-hanging sweatpants. My fingers curl around his hard cock and the way he groans tells me that he’s already close to the edge. My hand pumps up and down and he pulls me into him, resting his chin above my head. “I’m going to fucking regret this but I have to go.”

  I shake my head, not even close to wanting him to leave. My thumb circles over the tip of his hard cock and I feel him shudder beneath my touch. “You’re not going anywhere until I’m through with you.”

  He lets out a pained moan and I know it’s certainly not from what I’m doing, but from the decision he’s struggling to make. I look up through my lashes, knowing the exact effect that I’m having on him. “Fair’s fair, Carrington,” I whisper, biting down on my bottom lip.

  He brushes his thumb over my mouth, releasing my bottom lip. “You’re going to be the fucking death of me.” And just like that, I drop down to my knees, pulling his sweatpants down as I go.

  His cock springs free and I have no choice but to grab it with both hands. Colton leans forward bracing himself against the bookshelf and looking down as I run my fingers over his velvety skin, teasing him just as he did to me.

  I won’t be able to resist long though. I’ve never been so fucking hungry in my life.

  I run my tongue over my lips and watch as his eyes darken as I lean into him. I take him in my mouth and it’s just as good as I thought it was going to be. I feel him in the back of my throat but I take him deeper because a man like Colton Carrington deserves the fucking best.

  I start moving up and down his impressive length, swirling my tongue over his tip every chance I get. His hand curls into the back of my hair, gripping it tightly as he moves inside my mouth. He grunts low and I continue to work him until I push him over the edge and feel him coming in the back of my throat.

  I swallow everything he has on offer and as I raise to my feet, he looks at me as though he just found an angel among demons.

  Chapter 11

  My phone blares to life and I look down to find it buzzing against the cushion of the most comfortable egg chair I’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting in.

  Holy shit. It’s already after seven in the morning and I’m still sitting up here in the library after Colton rocked my world with a massive pile of books by my side. This is easily my favorite place in this whole mansion and I’m kind of pissed that it’s taken me so long to discover it. I guess that speaks for how big this place really is, and how little I know about it.

  I’m still reeling from Colton this morning. I’m kinda in shock while kinda not surprised, but kinda want to do it again. I can’t say I’ve ever had a secret library world-rocking before and I was down for round two if he hadn’t scurried out of here like his ass was on fire.

  The phone continues to demand my undivided attention and I scoop it up with a yawn, feeling like an idiot for not having gone to bed the second I was finished with Colton.

  “Are you kidding me?” I laugh as I put my phone to my ear. “I didn’t realize you knew what seven o’clock in the morning was.”

  “Look who's talking,” Nic says. “What are you doing up? It’s Saturday morning. Shouldn’t you be sleeping in?”

  “Wait. You called me at this ungodly hour even though you thought I’d be enjoying the one day a week I get to sleep in?”

  “Please,” he scoffs. “You sleep in every day. I’ve never met another chick who can just roll out of bed and be ready for the day in the three seconds that it takes you, but you avoided my question. Why are you awake? Are you working early today? Is there another one of those bullshit parties that I need to come and chaperone?”

  I roll my eyes and slip a bookmark into the page I was reading before peeling myself out of the egg-chair. I’ll have to come back after I’ve slept for a bit and continue exploring this room. I wonder if I could convince Harrison to help me get this chair down the elevator and into the pool house? Nah, that’s a long shot. I’ll have to do it myself. After all, it’s better to ask forgiveness than to be denied permission. Hmm, I bet I could talk Charlie into helping me.

  “No,” I say, striding over to the elevator and pressing the call button. “There’s no party that I’m being forced to work at. I just haven’t gone to bed yet.”

  “What? Why the hell not? What have you been doing all night … who have you been doing all night?”

  “Seriously?” I grumble with yet another eye roll. “I’ve been reading all night. I discovered this place has a fully stocked library.”

  “Reading?” he grunts, clearly not believing me as the ding for the elevator sounds.

  I step into it with a groan. “Yes, you overprotective, possessive douche canoe. I’ve been reading, and in case you wanted to know, I actually enjoyed this one so you can go right ahead and pull your head out of your ass and stop questioning every little thing I say.”

  “Jesus. Calm down, O. I was just asking. What’s got your panties in such a twist this morning?”

  Geez, let’s see. It could be a number of things. The ending of that book is one, but then there’s also the image of squeezing Colton's head between my thighs as I came harder than I’ve ever come before. He ran out of here like his ass was on fire, and now Nic is questioning everything I say. Yeah, I have every right to have my panties in a twist, but it’s not as though I’m about to start explaining that list to him.

  “Nothing,” I tell him, riding down in the elevator to the ground floor. “I’m just tired. I don’t think I’m working today so I was just about to go back to the pool house and catch a few hours of sleep.”

  “Wait … you stayed in that fucking house with Carrington all night? I thought you said you were reading.”

  “Oh, my God, Nic. Chill the fuck out. You’re so fucking impossible. I just told you that I was reading in the fucking Library. Where they keep all the goddamn books.” I hit the bottom level and the doors quickly slide open. “So no, I wasn’t bouncing up and down on Colton’s dick if that’s what you’re really asking.”

  I step out of the elevator and raise my eyes only to come to a stop.

  Get fucked. How is this my morning?

  Colton stares back at me with a raised questioning brow and the amusement on his face grinds on my nerves. His body shines with a thin sheen of sweat, and damn it, he looks just as delicious as the first day I showed up here.

  He’s clearly been working out in the home gym and it shows by the way his arms seem to bulge more than usual. My mouth waters but Nic’s voice in my ear has me snapping out of it. “Alright, alright,” he says, defensively. “So you were reading all night.”

  “Good. I'm glad we got that cleared up,” I tell him. “But what about our talk the other night? I thought you were going to back off?”

  Colton takes a step toward me and reaches for the phone. “Who are you talking to?”

  I flinch out of his reach and tighten my grip on my phone just in case. “None of your goddamn business.”

  “Is that him?” Nic
practically roars. “You’re fucking with him right now?”

  For fuck’s sake.

  “Fuck you,” I say into the phone before looking back at Colton. “And fuck you too.”

  I end the call before he has a chance to fight back and storm down the hall, barging past Colton before he can do anything about it either. “Woah,” Colton laughs at my back, following behind. “What’s up with you?”


  “This isn’t because I didn’t stay and cuddle?”

  My mouth drops open and I spin around to glare at him. “Seriously? You’re that shallow that everything has to be about you? Screw you.”

  His hands fly up in defense. “Okay,” he laughs, far too entertained for my liking. “So, it’s not me then. I have to admit, that’s a nice change.”

  “You know what?” I seethe, “It can be you too.”

  “What?” he demands as I turn and start storming away again. “I didn't do anything except rock your world. You know you’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.”

  Damn him. If he didn’t give me the best orgasm I’ve ever experienced, I'd be in his face saying something about that comment, yet a part of me really hopes it’s true. I can’t even begin to imagine the number of girls he’s eaten his way through and made scream.

  I stop in the hallway and spin around. “What is even going on here? You’re giving me whiplash. Do we hate each other? Are we secretly something more? Do you wanna fuck? Or are we just continuing to get on each other’s nerves only to end up giving in to desires that neither of us understand? What is this, Colton? I need a little definition because I’m so fucking lost right now.”

  His brows raise and I watch as he truly starts thinking about it. “I ...uhhh”

  “Yeah,” I scoff, turning and walking away again. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Hey,” he says, continuing to follow me. “That’s not fair. It’s not as though you have any fucking idea what this is either. How am I supposed to know?”

  “I don’t know, but it seems like you’re the one always calling the shots around here. So why don’t you leave me alone until you figure it the hell out.”


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