Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2) Page 12

by Sheridan Anne

  “Fuck, Jade. You’re really pissy when you’re tired. What happened to all that ‘hurt me, Colton’ bullshit?”

  My blood boils and I turn the corner but as I go to put this fucker in his place, I run into a wall of suits and expensive cologne. My feet bring me to a startling stop as I stare at the six men who hover in the hallway behind me with Harrison, who looks as though he’s just been railroaded by whoever these men are.

  Colton comes up behind me, stopping with a hand on my waist. His eyes bore into Harrison’s. “What’s going on?”

  “Sir,” Harrison says, bowing his head as a sign of respect for his new boss. “The board of directors for Carrington Incorporated have requested an urgent meeting with you. I did suggest that a formal meeting with a scheduled time and date was more appropriate, however, they declined my request.”

  Colton scoffs and steps out from behind me, raising his chin and squaring his shoulders, looking like the fucking man. “What you mean is that the board of directors, my board of directors decided to welcome themselves uninvited into my home and demand my presence.”

  Oh, shit. Shots fired.

  “Mr. Carrington,” an older gentleman says, standing second from the left with a pissed off scowl etched across his face. “We have granted you a week of grieving out of respect for your father but enough is enough. You are a child and we need to work out how we’re going to run our business from here on out.”

  Colton laughs. “You mean my business.”

  Each one of their expressions darken, and it’s damn clear that these old men don’t appreciate having their futures dictated by an eighteen-year-old high school student who may or may not even want anything to do with this business. For all they know, Colton could be intent on running this shit into the ground.

  An intense silence follows, none of them willing to step-up and challenge Colton. They clearly have an agenda in mind and from the way Colton casually stands beside me, he was expecting this.

  “Alright,” Colton finally says. “We may discuss what is going to happen from here on out. Harrison, please take them through to the formal living area and offer tea or coffee while Oceania prepares the board room.”

  The fuck?

  Harrison nods again. “Yes, sir.”

  With that, he turns on his heel and gestures for the six intimidating men to follow him as Colton waits, watching them go. I remain right by his side until the men are out of sight before turning on him. “Umm … what the fuck was that about?”

  Colton turns and starts heading for the stairs and I follow right behind. “How’s that any of your business?”

  “Well, you just demanded that I prepare a board room that I didn’t even know you had on a day where I’m not scheduled to work and haven’t had even two seconds of sleep, so yeah, if you want me to move, then you better fill me in on some details.”

  Colton reaches the top of the stairs and continues to his bedroom, letting out a heavy sigh. “They’re the board of Carrington Incorporated. Dad’s biggest business. It pulls in almost triple the amount of revenue of any other business in its field.”

  “Okay, so what do they want with you?”

  “They want to intimidate me to hand over control so they can reallocate the way profits are shared.”

  “No shit. So, this is a ploy to line their pockets.”

  “Welcome to my world,” he grumbles, pushing through to his bedroom. “But their pockets are already lined. Thanks to my father, their pockets are overflowing but with bastards like that, it’s never enough.”

  “You don’t think they just don’t want someone a quarter of their age coming in and fucking everything up?”

  Colton stops and steps into his closet, heading for his impressive line of suits while peeling his tank over his head. “Listen up and listen good, Jade. Don’t fucking doubt me. I’m not going to fuck anything up. Believe it or not, I actually know what I’m doing. You don’t grow up with a father like Charles Carrington and not learn how to fuck with a bunch of greedy board members. My father earned this position. Now, are you going to get your ass downstairs and prepare the board room or not? You do work for me, right?”

  I scoff and watch as his eyes slice back to mine. “You listen up and you listen good, Carrington,” I say repeating his words back to him. “I worked for your father, not for you. If you expect this shit to continue, then you’re going to have to make it worth my while. You’re not exactly the kind of boss that I’d willingly work under.”

  He groans. “What do you want?”

  I smirk, leaning against the frame of his closet door, knowing all the cards are in my hands. “I want both mine and mom’s base rates doubled.”

  Colton scoffs. “No way. Your mom already receives a high rate.

  “And she deserves every cent, wouldn’t you agree? I know you’ve seen how hard she works. She busted her ass for your dad and now she’s doing the same for you. Not to mention that you’ve never once said thank you or even given her a smile.”

  Colton pulls a grey suit from the line and my face scrunches at his choice. He lets out a sigh. “Fine. Anything else?”

  “Yeah, you can double Maryne’s as well. She’s a badass bitch and has put up with your shit for too long.”

  “You realize no other housekeeper or staff member in all of Bellevue Springs makes that kind of money?”

  “I know,” I say. “But the maids all talk and I know that Milo’s housekeeper earns a better rate than my mom and has better hours. Oh, and has a boss who isn’t an ass and because of that, your dad got a bad rep of being a stingy bastard. You don’t want that to be you, do you?”

  Colton groans as I step into his closet and pull out a new suit before taking the other out of his hands. “What are you saying, Jade?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not saying anything, just subtly suggesting that a review of the complete staff wages is probably in order, and considering the whole damn world knows what kind of status and money you have, I’d suggest an increase for everyone. After all, appreciative workers result in a better job done. Though, I'd consider leaving Harrison’s right where it is. He could use a few hits to his ego, but I’ll leave that to your discretion.”

  “The fuck?” he grunts. “You want me to give the whole staff an increase? Do you have any idea how many people work here?”

  “I do, and I also know that you probably make enough money per second to cover it.”

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “No, that’s exactly the point.”

  He lets out a groan. “You know what? Don’t worry about it. I'll call Maryne in early to set up the board room.”

  I suck in a breath. “You know damn well that she has her niece's dance recital this morning and that she’s been looking forward to it all week.”

  “Fine. Your mom will do it.”

  “You’re going to get her out of bed on the one day she’s had off in nearly three weeks. I know she’ll do it but I’ll be kicking your ass if you even tried it.”

  A frustrated huff pulls from within him as he watches me go around his closet, picking out a button-down shirt, shoes, cufflinks, and a Rolex. I lay it all out for him, knowing damn well that he’s going to look like a fucking treat. “Fine,” he finally says. “I’ll have my accountant do a complete review and have her adjust yours, Maryne’s, and Maria’s rates to reflect a permanent doubled rate.”

  A beaming smile rips across my face and I step up into Colton’s warm body and press a kiss to his cheek, watching as his eyes soften. “Thank you,” I whisper. “You have no idea what kind of difference that’s going to make in my mom’s life.”

  “Just hurry up and get your ass in that boardroom. I don’t want to keep those fuckers waiting.”

  “Maybe you should keep them waiting,” I suggest. “Pissed off men have a way of fucking up when they think someone doesn’t value their importance. But just a word of advice, don’t be such a pushover in there. I just got exactly what I wanted without
even batting an eyelash when I would have done it for free had you just said please.”

  His expression hardens once again and I step away from him. I get to the door of his closet and look back. “Oh, and maybe take a shower and brush your teeth. You smell like shit.”

  He walks toward me and without warning, drops his lips to mine. “I’ll shower but I’m not brushing my teeth. I want to keep your sweet taste on my lips all fucking day.”

  Heat floods me and he steps past me, knowing damn well that he just got the last word without even trying, leaving me completely shook. I guess we both got a little something out of this meeting.

  Colton disappears into his bathroom, leaving the door wide open as he loses his pants. I tear my eyes away from his smirking reflection in the mirror that showcases every part of his perfectly toned and hard body and stick to my part of the deal.

  I fly out of his room and as I’m dashing down the stairs, I find Harrison walking up them. “The board members are seated in the formal living space,” he informs me. “Please offer them a beverage before starting in the boardroom.”

  I roll my eyes, both of us knowing damn well that Colton had asked Harrison to take care of the tea and coffee. “Alright,” I say, also knowing that I’m about to shuffle that job off to one of the maids. “Where’s the board room and what exactly entails setting it up for a meeting with the board members?”

  For once, Harrison is straight with me and leaves all the bullshit behind, knowing how important this meeting is going to be. If Colton fucks this up, then he could lose everything that his father had worked towards.

  I get right on it and half an hour later, Harrison is leading the board members into the room while I quickly finish up. They all take their seats, leaving the head of the table empty for Colton.

  A smug grin stretches over my face, knowing that having Colton in that seat is going to grate on their nerves the whole way through the meeting.

  Colton strides in a moment later looking like fucking fire. My mouth waters as he wears the suit I’d picked out for him like a fucking boss. He walks right up to his seat and looks around the men sitting before him. “Gentlemen,” he says, not bullshitting around.

  Colton takes his seat, his eyes briefly flicking across to me as I fill seven glasses of water and begin handing them around the table. “Let’s get this meeting underway.”

  One of the men scoff and I can’t help but notice how similar this man looks to Charlie. “I think not,” he says. “We will wait until your incompetent help has completed her tasks, but if you ask me, she should have been finished ages ago.” he looks at me. “Are you not aware that my time means money? If I’m going to be wasting my time on a girl like you, you better be making it worth my time.”

  Fucking bastard. I don’t give a shit who he is. After what happened with Jude, no one in this world will get away with sexualizing me.

  I give him a pleasant smile as Colton’s eyes darken at the way he addressed me. “I apologize,” I say, reaching for a glass of water to place down in front of him and accidentally spilling it all over the bastard. “Oh, no,” I gasp, hurrying for a napkin to mop up the spilled water. “How clumsy of me.”

  The big version of Charlie flies up out of his chair and the men around him scurry to save the paperwork laid out on the table. “OUT NOW, YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL,” he hollers, raising his hand.

  It flies toward my face but Colton is there a second later, catching his hand and holding it out like a steel vice. “Touch her and I will end you. I don’t give a shit that your son is my best friend.” He looks around at all the men. “That goes for all of you. Oceania is mine to deal with how I see fit. If I say she remains in this damn room, then she remains. Is that understood?”

  They all nod and I watch in amazement as these executive businessmen fold to his will like little bitches. Colton looks back to Charlie’s father with an intense stare that demands respect and has everything south of my border clenching. “Now, I suggest you sit your ass down so I can get this bullshit excuse of a meeting underway.”

  He narrows his eyes at Colton and after a moment of hesitation, he finally relents and takes his seat.

  Colton turns and starts walking back toward the head of the table and as he does, his eyes come to mine and man is he pissed, but there’s also a hint of amusement. My arousal is as clear as day and I know he sees it which only makes his eyes flame with need.

  ‘Stay’ he mouths as he passes me.

  My back straightens. Stay? What the fuck? Why the hell would he want me to stay? It’s not as though I can offer anything to this meeting. I don’t even know what Carrington Incorporated is or what it does—nor do I care to. There must be another reason he wants me to stay, so I keep myself looking busy for as long as possible.

  Colton reaches the head of the table and instead of taking a seat, he leans over it. He presses his knuckles against the hardwood and stares down at his board members, refusing to remain on the same level as them. “Let’s keep this short and sweet,” he starts, the authority in his tone having me nearly dropping to my knees and ready to submit to his every wish. “You’re all here assuming that I’ve spent the last week mourning my father’s death, claiming that you’ve waited out of respect for my father, but you’re going to listen and you’re going to listen well.”

  There’s a short pause where his eyes flick to my grin when he uses those exact words. His disloyal subjects stare, patiently waiting to hear whatever Colton has to say and damn it, I’m waiting with bated breath as well. I know Harrison is standing just outside the door listening just as intently, all of us dying to see if our boy has what it takes to truly dominate in this world.

  I stop what I’m doing and give him my full attention, listening to every last word.

  “You underestimated me. My father spent every spare second he had training me for this exact position. I know every damn business deal he made, every fucked up decision, and every deal made on the side. I know dollar amounts, I know every dodgy lie told to get those deals across the line, including every last thing you bastards have done over the years to keep your positions.” he slowly looks around the table, pointing out each one. “Embezzlement. Fraud. Child labor. Prostitutes. Affairs. Perjury. Not one of your hands are clean. Charles Carrington appointed me to be his sole heir to continue what he built, what his father grew, and what my great-grandfather started from the ground up. This business has been in Carrington hands for over a hundred years and I’d be damned to let it go to a bunch of pricks like you.

  “You made a mistake assuming that I've spent the last week devastated by the loss of Charles Carrington. I haven’t. My father was a bastard and he will rot in hell, but that doesn’t mean that I’m about to allow you bastards to come into my home and railroad me out of here. I’m in charge now and things are going to be done my way. If you don’t like it, then you can leave. So, tell me,” he says, dropping into his chair and relaxing back into it. “Are we going to have a problem here?”

  The men look around, each of them equally as unsure as the next. The one who had been accused of fraud clears his throat. “No, Mr. Carrington. There are no problems here.”

  “Good. Now, as Roderick pointed out, time is money and if you’re all done wasting mine, we need to work out how we’re going to move forward.”

  Well damn.

  Colton Carrington is a fucking boss and I don’t think I’ve ever had so much respect for him.

  Chapter 12

  I stare down at the Bellevue Springs Private uniform on my bed with a few too many questions running through my head, each of them demanding attention and giving me the worst migraine in history.

  One. Where the fuck did it come from?

  Two. Who the hell actually decided that I’ll be going to that school today?

  Three. Where the hell is Colton Carrington so I can kick his stupid ass?

  For me to have a uniform would mean that the fees have been paid. For the fees to be paid, it had to have c
ome from one very rich eighteen-year-old, and I don’t know how I feel about that.

  It’s one thing for Charles to pay my fees for BSA, but Colton? I don’t know. It’s weird. Demeaning almost. There’s no way in hell mom and I would be able to afford to pay him back, like ever. It’s insane. What kind of shitty investment is that on his part? I hope he’s not running his father’s businesses like that otherwise he can wave goodbye to those billions that keep him toasty warm at night.

  Realizing that I don’t have much choice, I get myself dressed and look at myself in the full-length mirror. I hate it. It’s similar to my old uniform with the blouse and pleated skirt. But instead of the soft grey that complimented my skin, the skirt is an off-pink with a weird checkered pattern and no damn pockets. What school uniform doesn’t come equipped with pockets? Where am I supposed to hide my phone?

  I check the time and realize that I should probably get a move on. I’m not exactly sure what time this school starts but if I take my first day at BSA into consideration when Colton had driven by the girl’s school and we’d seen them all just arriving, I’d say we’re working on a similar schedule.

  I walk into the main house and stop by the staff quarters to grab something to take for lunch and find myself smiling as I bump into Maryne who holds out a packed lunch all ready for me to take. “Thank you,” I murmur, truly appreciating how wonderful she’s been to me and mom since the very second we showed up here.

  Maryne nods and gets back to work as though she didn’t just soften my stone-cold heart. I laugh it off and make myself a coffee before deciding on one more stop.

  I walk through the house, sipping on my too-hot coffee and wishing I had time to go back and add a little more milk to the mix.

  I grab hold of the door handle and throw it open to find Colton sitting behind his father’s desk, staring at his computer screen. He raises a brow as I walk in and before he has a chance to get a word out, I hit him with it.

  “What the fuck is this?” I demand, gesturing down my body at the ridiculous, pocketless uniform. “I told you I didn’t want you getting involved.”


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