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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

Page 13

by Sheridan Anne

  He leans back in his chair and watches me as though I'm the most entertaining creature he’s ever come across. “I told you I was going to sort it out.”

  “Are you serious?” I screech, throwing my hands up and somehow avoiding spilling my coffee all over my brand new expensive private girl uniform. “Do you not remember the part where I specifically asked you not to do anything?”

  His face scrunches as though he’s actually thinking about what we’d discussed during the extremely early hours of Saturday morning. Though to be fair, I can’t exactly be accountable for remembering shit people tell me in the middle of the night. “You see, I remember a lot of things from that conversation,” he starts. “But nothing about you being a whiny bitch. I must have forgotten that part after you showed me what you could do with your tongue.”

  “Fuck you. You’re such an ass,” I tell him, wondering how he somehow pulled a smile out of me despite calling me a whiny bitch, but I have to admit, that’s not the only reaction he manages to get out of me. Need shoots through my veins and a flash of desperation comes over me as I recall the feel of his heavy cock inside my mouth. I quickly file the thought away for later. If I want to give him a verbal smackdown, then I need to keep my mind out of the gutter, no matter how badly I want it there.

  Colton shrugs his shoulders as though being called an ass isn’t anything new, and honestly, it probably isn’t. “What are you going to do about it?”

  I square my shoulders and step right up to the front of his desk. “You need to undo it. I’d prefer to go to the public school.”

  His lips pull into a grin. “No.”

  “No?” I demand. “What the hell do you mean no?”

  “I mean just that. No. I’m not going to fix it. You’re going to BSP now.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I must have missed the part where it became your decision and you were handed the right to decide what’s best for my future. Just fill me in on how that happened.”

  “Okay,” he says, his grin stretching wider. “Appease me. Tell me how the hell you think it’s going to work with you going to a public school? You do realize that the closest public school is a forty-five-minute drive from here?”

  Shit. Forty-five minutes? I didn’t exactly know that.

  “I have a driver’s license. I’m not completely useless.”

  “That’s great. Do you have a car?”

  My face falls. I should have thought that one through before throwing it out there like that. “You know I don’t have a car.”

  “So, assuming you’re too proud to let me buy you one, what’s your next genius plan?”


  “Come on, now,” he laughs. “Now you’re just making a mockery. You know busses don’t come out this way, and you can bet your sweet ass that I’m not about to let you walk that far every day.”

  “Let?” I demand.

  “Seriously. That's what you want to argue about right now? You know damn well I’m not going to watch you walk out the door every day knowing it’ll take you at least three hours to get to school, and I know you’re not stupid enough to assume that I’m going to drive you. You have no other options. Despite the size of the balls you think you have, you can’t go to BSA, so your only option is BSP.”

  My shoulders sag in defeat. He's right. I have no other option. If I want to finish school and graduate, then I have to go to BSP and put up with the bitchy girls. It’s only another five months. I can do it. Hell, I put up with the boys for a month, the girls should be a piece of cake.

  I drop down onto the chair opposite his desk, the same one I’ve sat in time and time again when barging in on Charles, and somehow being extended the time in his day to listen to my fucked up problems. I look up at the man who is quickly becoming a massive part of my life. “I really have no other options?”

  He shakes his head. “Not unless you’d prefer to drop out.”

  “No,” I say, my defeat starting to get the best of me. “I want to make something of myself.”

  Pride shines through Colton's eyes and it makes everything tingle within me. He goes to say something when a moronic dipshit comes flying through the door and ruins whatever moment we were about to have.

  “Yo,” Charlie says, barging through the door and making himself comfortable in the seat beside me. He looks up and down my body before his brows pinch. “What’s going on? What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “Oh, you didn’t hear?” I question, laying the sarcasm on thick. “I'm going to BSP now.”

  His face scrunches as Colton scoffs. “Fuck off, Charlie. You know damn well that she goes to BSP now. Stop stirring shit.”

  I narrow my eyes at Charlie and fall against the backrest of the chair. “You’re such an ass,” I tell him, holding up the mug in my hand. “You’re so freaking lucky that I’m halfway through my coffee otherwise your head would be shoved so far up Colton’s ass that he’d have to birth you just to get you out.”

  Colton’s face twists with discomfort as Charlie pulls back. “That bad, huh?”

  “That freaking bad.”

  “Damn. You’re not even a little excited?”

  I wave my hand around my face. “Do I look excited?”

  Colton grins. “Who would know? Are you even capable of getting a smile past that resting bitch face of yours?”

  I pick up a notepad and launch it across his office, scowling as he catches it with a laugh. “Why don’t you try being a decent human being and we’ll see?”

  His eyes sparkle with the challenge but I’d be a fool to assume he’s just going to miraculously learn how to become a decent person overnight. Though, I know he’s pretty good at pretending.

  “Well,” Charlie says, his eyes focusing on my new uniform. “If it counts for anything, you look fucking hot. All you need is a lollipop and your hair in pigtails and you’ll look like one of the girls from those sexy schoolgirl porns.”

  My glare sharpens on him. “You did not just tell me that I look like a fucking whore.”

  His eyes bug out of his head as he looks back at me. “No. I didn’t, at least, I don’t think I did.”

  Colton laughs, watching as his friend grows more uncomfortable by the second. “Ahh, yeah. You kinda did.”

  “Fuck, babe. I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to say that you look good.”

  “Yeah, yeah. We get your point,” Colton says, clearly having enough of hearing what his friend thinks about me in uniform, though watching the jealousy creep into his eyes is a little entertaining. I could push the matter but I don’t exactly want to start another war while things are just starting to get good.

  “What are you doing here anyway? I didn’t realize that you knew the clock started before 9 am.”

  Charlie looks across at Colton. “Thought I’d just check in and remind this bastard that at some point, he’s going to have to actually turn up at school. Can’t be a fucking CEO if you can’t finish high school. I doubt those board members are going to put up with him long if he doesn’t even look like he’s attempting to get a college degree.”

  My brow arches as I meet Colton’s eyes only to find him mere seconds away from telling Charlie to fuck off. “It’s fine, bro, but stop acting as though you’re here checking up on my well-being when it’s damn clear that you’re hoping to give Jade a ride to school.”

  Charlie has the audacity to actually look bashful and the fire that burns in Coltons eyes is nearly enough to have Charlie dead on the spot. He looks at me with a grin. “I mean, he’s not wrong.”

  “You realize that Milo picks me up every day, right?”


  I nod and Charlie quickly pulls out his phone, presses a few buttons, and puts it to his ear. “Yo, Milo,” he says a moment later. “I’ve got Ocean today.” There’s a short pause before he says a quick goodbye and turns back to me. “Looks like you’ll be needing that ride after all.”

  “So, you’re just assuming that I’m going to allow pricks
like yourselves to make decisions on my behalf? What if I wanted to walk today? What if I have an aversion to cherry red Ferraris? What if I don’t want some guy dropping me off at my new school just so he can shake his dick in front of the whole female student body?”

  Charlie’s eyes glisten with laughter. “What if I just wanted to shake my dick in front of you?”

  The need to look at Colton shoots through me but I resist. “Then I’d be under a moral obligation to say been there, done that.”

  Charlie’s face falls. “No. Don’t wound me like that.”

  “Alright,” Colton says, sitting up in his chair. “Get the fuck out of here before your bullshit chatter makes her late for school.”

  Charlie laughs. “You suddenly care if she makes it to school on time?” Colton’s eyes flash to mine and this time, Charlie doesn’t miss a thing. “Wait. You do care,” he says, looking between us both. “There’s something … what’s going on here? How are you two sitting in the same room without blood splattered over the wall? Did something happen? Is something going on between you two?”

  I scoff as Colton laughs. “In her fucking dreams.”

  I glare at Colton and this time it’s as real as it comes. “Speak for yourself. You’re the one who’s had a boner for me since the second you saw me.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Like you can talk. Everywhere I go, you’re right there with those fucking eyes on me. I see you. You can’t fucking stop. You want to, but you can’t.”

  My eyes narrow. Do I need to remind him that he’s always the one who comes to me? He’s the one who led me up to the library and he’s the one who couldn’t resist kissing me. I mean, I've had a few slip-ups of my own where I go seeking him out, but it’s usually done in a fit of rage after he’s done something to get under my skin.

  “Okaaaay,” Charlie says, standing and offering me his hand. “I’m going to get you out of here before this bullshit goes somewhere none of us want it to go.” I reluctantly take his hand and he pulls me to my feet. “If you behave, I might even stop by Starbucks and get you a proper coffee.”

  Well, shit. That cheered me right up.

  “What are you waiting for?” I question, smiling up at him. “Lead the way.”

  Charlie grins like he’s just won the lottery, but then, I guess winning the lottery wouldn’t be as exciting to these guys as it would be to me. I let him pull me along and as we step through the door, I can't help but glance back at Colton who's staring at the way Charlie holds my hand.

  His eyes raise and meet mine and a million messages pass between us but as his lips lift into a secretive grin and he winks, I die.

  He speaks right to my soul and everything clenches within me. It’s as though he just became the pussy whisperer.

  Good lord. I’ve never seen anything so attractive.

  I stop walking, needing a moment to recover, and with Colton out of view, I fall against the wall, trying to catch my breath. I fight the need to run back in there and straddle his waist while giving him everything I've got.

  “Woah, babe. Are you okay?” Charlie asks, looking back at my struggle in a panic.

  “Oh, ummm … yeah.” Shit. “Just a little dizzy is all. I haven’t had a chance to eat anything yet. It’s probably just that.”

  Charlie beams back at me with excitement sparkling in his eyes. “Well, I guess I get to feed you as well. It can be a date.”

  I let out a heavy sigh.

  Fuck me.

  Twenty minutes later, Charlie pulls away from Starbucks and as we get closer to Bellevue Spring Private, he grows quiet. As a general rule, Charlie Bryant is never quiet.

  “Spit it out, Charlie,” I say as I try to stop dying over the fact that I’m in a Ferrari right now. I mean, wow. It’s got nothing on the Veneno but I’m never going to get bored of this shit.

  He looks across at me and scrunches his face before turning back to the road. “It’s nothing.”

  “Charlie. We’re going to pull up at BSP in less than three minutes so you have until then to get whatever answers you’re looking for, otherwise, it’s going to be stewing on your mind all day.”

  “Fuck,” he sighs. “I hate when you’re right.”

  “Get used to it, Hot Sauce, I usually am.”

  He rolls his eyes but I can’t help but notice the grin that spreads wide across his face at being called Hot Sauce, and truth be told, watching him like that makes me want to do it again and again. I wonder what other bullshit names I can come up with that’ll make him blush.

  “Stop it,” he laughs. “If you insist on having a nickname for me, it’s going to be Wild Stallion.”

  “Wild Stallion,” I say, testing the words on my lips and watching as his eyes heat with excitement. “I don’t know. I think I prefer Hot Sauce.”

  He shakes his head as though he’s never been so offended in his life before taking a deep breath and glancing back at me. “Don’t hate me, okay?”

  My mood plummets and I narrow my eyes on him. “What did you do?”

  “No, it’s not like that. I just have to ask you something and I want you to be real with me.”

  I catch his eyes and it all becomes too obvious. He's giving me that same look that he had during the masquerade party when he was watching me and Colton dance so I start preparing my answer before he gets a chance to let the words fly.

  “I just … are you and Colton a thing? Are you fucking him?”

  Okay, that’s not exactly what I was thinking he was going to ask but at least we’re in the same ballpark. Once the shock wears off, I stare at him blankly. “Excuse me?”

  He cringes. “I warned you not to hate me.”

  I let out a sigh and decide to be real with him. “No, we’re not fucking,” I tell him, grazing straight over the other things that we may or may not be doing. “But how is that any of your business?”

  “Because you’re my business.”

  “I’m really not, Charlie. We hooked up once.”

  He looks away. “You like him though?”

  Now I look away, not wanting to discuss this with him. Hell, I hardly wanted to discuss it with my boys. “I might.”

  “Would I be overstepping a line if I asked you to keep your legs closed for a while?”

  Okay, how can I not stare at him now? “You wouldn’t be just overstepping the line, Charlie. You’d be fucking bounding over it and pissing on everything as you went.”

  He cringes and falls silent.

  “Just ask me what it is you want to ask?” I challenge as he approaches the front of the school.

  Charlie lets out a sigh and pulls up out the front before putting his car in park and turning to look at me. “I want to be with you, Ocean. Having one random fuck on my friend’s couch isn’t enough for me. I want more. I want to see you every fucking day and it damn near kills me seeing you getting closer to Colton. I’ve been holding back because I see it in him. He looks at you like you’re his fucking sun, moon, and the whole damn sky, but if he’s going to keep pushing you away and not make a move, then I’m not going to keep holding back.”

  I stare at him, not expecting him to have been so forward. “I … I don’t even know what to say to that. You know I like you. Apart from Milo, you’re probably the nicest person I’ve met in Bellevue Springs. But we just fucked once. It was for fun.”

  “I know,” he says. “But can’t it be more than just fun? I know you’ve got something happening with Milo, but come on, be real, babe. It’s clear that’s just some cover-up to keep Colton off your back. You don’t belong with him.”

  “And what? Am I supposed to belong with you?”

  “I know a trap when I see one, Ocean. I’m not about to tell you where you belong only to have it blow up in my face because you’re the only person who can decide where you belong, but if you want an honest answer, then yeah, I think you belong with me.”

  “You don’t Charlie. I’m just the first girl who isn’t interested in all the shiny things you could offe
r me. I’m the one who could piss off mommy and daddy while also rocking your world. We aren’t a forever thing. We were just having a little fun.”

  He sits back and I expect him to be disappointed but he flashes a blinding smile my way. “I think you’re wrong,” he says, almost like a challenge. “And I’m going to prove it.”

  “Oh, geez. Dare I ask how you’re going to do that?”

  “You can ask but I’m not going to tell you.”

  “Why? Because you haven’t figured it out yet?”

  His cocky grin fades away and is replaced with a guilty one. “Maybe. Now hurry up and get out of my car. I’m not being the reason that you’re late for your first day.”

  I can’t help but lean over and press a kiss to his cheek. “You can go ahead and try to win me over,” I tell him. “My answer is always going to be no, but it’s going to be fun watching you try.”

  Charlie rolls his eyes as I scoop my coffee out of the cup holder. “Fuck off, babe.”

  I laugh and let myself out of his Ferrari and start making my way into the school, noticing how he doesn’t drive away until I step through the front gates.

  I let out a heavy breath. It’s one thing dealing with Colton and Charlie first thing in the morning, but walking into this school is going to be something entirely different.

  The school is big. Maybe even bigger than BSA but I try not to let that intimidate me. I’ve got this. If I survived through an all-boys school then surely I can make it through this too.

  There are girls everywhere and they instantly start staring. The whispers come next and while they’re bitchy, they’re not catcalls about wanting to fuck or comments on my tits, pussy, or ass, and because of that, I find myself falling right into place.

  “Ocean! Hey,” a voice calls out.

  I spin around, not having expected to know anyone here, and dread instantly floods me. It’s the girl from the boat and from Colton’s party and I still haven’t figured out her damn name. She crashes into me, throwing her arms around my waist and pulling me in for a quick hug. “I didn’t know you were coming here now. How are you?”


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