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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

Page 16

by Sheridan Anne

  “Well, shit.”

  “Yeah. Vincent and his sons aren’t exactly known for doing things by the law. They’ve targeted all of dad’s other businesses, trying to take him down from the outside, but the Carrington’s are untouchable.”

  “What does ‘take him down’ actually mean?”

  “They lit an office building on fire, killing four people. They’ve planted spies. They’ve tried to plant evidence and have our businesses raided, even our home has been bugged at one point. They’ve wanted dad out of the picture for years but every effort has failed.”

  “So, I guess it wasn’t such a stretch to assume it was them?”

  “Nope. They’re probably cheering that the old man is gone, hoping that I’m going to be an easier target. It's no secret around here that I wasn’t exactly Dad’s biggest fan. They’re probably hoping that I’ll use this as my final fuck you to my father.”

  I shake my head. “They've got another thing coming,” I tell him. “After what I saw in that meeting on Saturday morning, they’re going to be sorely disappointed.”

  “Damn straight. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I grin down at him, adoring his confidence. “You know, it’s kinda sexy when—”

  A loud buzzer cuts me off and our eyes widen for a fraction before Colton jumps into action. He practically throws me off him and I scramble to my feet before hurrying after him into the office which holds all the surveillance equipment. “What alarm is that?” I call over the noise, hoping it doesn’t wake mom. Where the hell is his security team?

  “It’s the front gate,” he says, looking up at the twenty monitors before him until he finds the right one. “Someone just entered an unauthorized code.”

  “What?” I demand, my eyes widening as I watch the monitor with the front gate currently letting a driver through. “So, why the hell did it open?”

  He shakes his head, putting an end to the buzzer. “I’ve got no fucking clue.”

  “Okay, but do you recognize the car?”

  “Nope,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out into the hallway and leading me in the direction of the front door. “But we’re about to find out.”

  We reach the foyer in record time and Colton instantly hits the front door, tearing it open and ready to face down the threat. He doesn’t cower behind the door nor does he try to peek through a window first, just throws himself headfirst out the door, ready to be a man and handle what’s coming for him. Honestly, I don’t know if I should be terrified for him, or if I should be grabbing him by the balls, throwing him down and riding him until the sun comes up. There’s nothing more attractive than a man who stands up and protects what’s his, and damn it, Colton has done that over and over again, even when the thing he’s protecting isn’t his to protect.

  I stand at his side, having dealt with more than my fair share of uninvited party crashers, and stare ahead as a black Audi comes to a screeching stop at the bottom of the stairs. The suddenness of it has me flinching, but not Colton. He stands tall.

  I can’t help but think of the story Colton had just finished telling me about the threat from the DeCarlo family and I find comfort in the fact that there are sixty-six steps between us and the black Audi. If guns are involved though, we’re fucked. I have Nic’s gun in my underwear drawer back in the pool house, but I highly doubt they’re going to wait a second for me to run back and grab it.

  The car door flies open and I suck in a breath just moments before a stiletto boot drops down against the driveway.

  The fuck? It’s a woman.

  “That’s not your mom’s car, is it?”

  Colton shakes his head and we watch with bated breath until the woman finally steps out of the car, and confuses the ever-loving shit out of us both.

  Jacqueline Vanderbilt.

  What the hell is she doing here late on a Tuesday night?

  Colton’s body relaxes a bit and I follow his lead but I don’t relax entirely. He may not see her as a threat, but I’ve seen the devilish side of a woman and I know for a fact that bitches be crazy. Hell, I can be one of them myself.

  She starts making her way up the stairs and as she finally reaches the top and steps right in front of Colton, my claws come out.

  “What do you think you’re doing here?” Colton spits. “You sure as hell weren’t invited.”

  “Oh, no?” she says, slipping a piece of paper from out of her bag and pressing it into Colton’s chest. “You should be welcoming me home, after all, I am your new mommy.”

  What. The. Actual. Fuck?

  Colton stares at her, completely horrified as I tear the paper out of his hands. “It’s a marriage certificate,” I murmur, scanning over the names.

  He shakes his head. “No. There’s no way. Dad knows better than to get himself hitched.”

  I hold the paper up. “It’s right here,” I say, showing him the proof.

  “Why do you think he was taking off to the Maldives for two weeks? We were celebrating our honeymoon.”

  Honeymoon? Well damn. He couldn’t have been that fond of her if a billionaire could only afford to splurge two weeks on his new bride. If I were to marry a Daddy Warbucks, I’d want at least a six month round the world complete tour and that’s at a minimum. Something isn’t adding up here.

  Colton’s jaw clenches and he refuses to take his eyes from Jacqueline for even a second. She smirks, her sick little plan clearly working. Hell, maybe we have a new suspect to add to the ‘who did it’ list. “Here’s how it’s going to go,” she starts, her smirk twisting into a wicked grin. “You’re going to march that toned ass of yours inside and you’re going to give me a nice, thick slice of that inheritance that I know is coming your way and if you don’t, I will go to the press and tell them how the billionaire heir is refusing his father’s widow what she is legally owed. I didn’t suck that old bastard’s dick for nothing.”

  “You’re fucking lying,” he spits.

  “You want to test that?” she questions with a laugh. “But don’t worry, I’m not stupid. I know how these things work. I’ll give you some time to get your finances in order.”

  With that, she turns on her black stiletto boots and starts marching her way back down the stairs, but stops when she gets halfway down. “Don’t be a stranger, son. The clock is ticking.”

  Chapter 15

  I walk through the door after another interesting day of learning about the ins and outs of Bellevue Springs Private. The more time I spend there, the more the girls' perfect attitudes begin slipping away to reveal their true bitchy nature.

  Gotta love a spoiled rich girl with her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

  Yesterday was more about getting to know the school and my classes, but today was all about the girls. To them, I was still the shiny new toy and the Colton cloud that hung over my head just seemed to get bigger by the second, but to me, they were complicated little puzzles that needed to be worked out.

  Once I figured out the first girl, the rest followed suit. Watching best friends stab each other in the back—all while smiling—was pretty damn funny. I’ll be sure not to make the same mistake. Everyone at Bellevue Springs Private will be held at arm's length. I’m not interested in having one of those preppy bitches stab me in the back just for a little fun during her day.

  It won’t be long until they realize that they won’t be able to get to Colton through me and when that happens, all hell is going to break loose. I’m going to be public enemy number one but to be perfectly honest, I’m kinda excited about it. In the short month that I've lived in Bellevue Springs so much has happened. All I need is one of those bitches to try to tear me down, I have no patience, and a shitload of pent-up aggression. I'm already close to exploding, and when I do, a bitch is going to get fucked-up.

  I get halfway through the foyer before Colton’s loud, booming voice tears through the mansion—considering the size of this place, that's pretty damn impressive. “THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY,” he booms.

  Damn. I guess he’s still in that meeting with the team of thirty lawyers who all piled in here first thing this morning.

  I can’t imagine what it would be like walking in Colton’s shoes. He's surrounded by corporate wolves, with the weight of the world on his shoulders—growing heavier with each step—all of them watching and waiting for him to fuck it up. It’s not fair. He's only eighteen and never asked for this shit, and despite the fact that he’s flown through it and dominated so far, he’s also suffocating. Colton won’t be able to handle all of this bullshit for much longer, it’s not physically possible. I mean, the amount of stress he must be under … damn. I can’t even imagine.

  Making my way through the house, I have no choice but to pass the formal dining hall that Colton is using for his meeting. Last night Colton had mentioned meeting with his lawyers after Jacqueline claimed she was married to his father. I just assumed that it was going to be in the same board room I'd prepared once before. When thirty lawyers showed up, I realized Colton had called in the whole calvary—the board room was not going to cut it.

  I can’t help but peek through the open door as I pass, finding Colton standing at the head of the table, head dropped between his shoulders. He's looking over the mess before him—all the strength and confidence from over the weekend completely gone now. He looks helplessly at the papers flying around the table and back to the lawyers that are trying desperately to speak over one another.

  Jacqueline Vanderbilt coming in here with no pre-nup could potentially take it all. We should have seen this coming. What kind of twenty-something-year-old blonde goddess spends her time choking on old dick when she should be out on some rich dude’s fancy yacht, sipping champagne and fucking until the sun comes up? Obviously, she’s a gold digger to the most epic standard, but why accept an informal wedding with absolutely no hype? Is she that desperate for the cash?

  I quickly pass the formal dining hall, sure as hell that Colton wouldn’t want me looking in on this. For them to have spent all day on this and still not have an answer, it’s not good.

  What the hell was Charles thinking getting hitched to his girlfriend like that? Hell, the last time I’d heard about it, he couldn’t even remember the name of the girl who was on her knees sucking him dry. It just doesn’t make sense. Why would he do it? I know Colton had a rough relationship with his father, but surely he would have let him know that he was about to bring a new mommy into the house.

  Charles doesn’t strike me as the type to make spur of the moment decisions like that. He was always calculated, he thought through and evaluated every single risk before leaping. Marrying some bimbo because she gives good head doesn’t exactly sit right. The guy had been training his son day in and day out to run his business so that one day, he’ll be able to take over. A guy who is that dedicated to ensuring the future of his legacy doesn’t just accidentally fall into a marriage. Something more is going on here.

  “Right,” Colton says, his voice fading as I make my way farther down the hall. “Someone get me the credentials of the fucker who signed off on this. I want to know everything about him, every marriage he’s signed off on, every time he’s slipped up, and every fucking time he takes a shit during the day.”

  Well, damn. Colton is pushing every angle to get this shit sorted out and I don’t blame him. I can’t even imagine what would happen if all of this was taken away from him. Having someone like Jacqueline Vanderbilt in charge would be a disaster. She’d destroy it all within seconds and Carrington Incorporated would be back in the hands of the Decarlo family in the blink of an eye.

  I tune the meeting out and get my ass into the staff quarters because the best thing I can do for Colton right now is stay out of the way. Hell, the majority of the words those lawyers were throwing around in there completely went over my head. I’m way out of my element here.

  As usual, I drop down at any available table and get stuck into my homework. I know this was Charles’ rule and he’s not exactly around to enforce it anymore, but what it comes down to is my need to graduate. He might have been a ruthless dick, but he was right about one thing–education is important. And it shows in the way Colton can stand in that room and run that meeting like a boss, completely understanding everything that’s been said. Hell, maybe if I had put that much dedication into my education over the years, I'd have a better chance at … well, everything.

  After an hour of suffering through my math homework, my brain is fried and I decide it’s probably best to put it away for another day. I still don’t understand this bullshit, but every day it gets a little easier.

  With homework mostly out of the way, I hurry back into the pool house and as I’m stripping out of my school uniform, a thought occurs to me. Charles Carrington was a greedy man. He wouldn't go and get married like that, and this time I don’t mean it as a confused statement, but a fact. What if he didn’t actually get married? What if this is all some kind of sham and Jacqueline forged the paperwork to cash in?

  I pull on a pair of high waisted shorts, tug a black crop over my head, and fish through my bra for my phone that’s been stashed in there all day.

  It rings twice before Nic’s handsome face appears on my screen. “Facetime?” he questions with an exaggerated gasp. “What did I do to receive this honor?”

  I roll my eyes but can’t help smiling at the idiot. “I missed you,” I tell him, my lips pulling into a goofy as fuck grin. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “I know, babe, but it’s just been a week.”

  I let out a heavy sigh and focus on the way his eyes soften as he watches me through the screen. “A week is too long.”

  A scoff comes from the background before the phone is wrestled out of Nic’s hands and Sebastian’s face appears. “What the fuck is this?” Sebastian demands. “Nic gets a Facetime call and all I get is an occasional text message when you remember to actually send one.”

  “Shut up,” I laugh. “You know I love you too. Shit has been a little crazy here.”

  “Yeah right, you’ve probably just been distracted by the new boyfriend of yours.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “I’ll believe that wh–”

  The phone is stolen right back and I hear Sebastian’s objections in the background before the screen drops to the ground and I hear the familiar sound of Nic’s heavy punch slamming into Sebastian’s flawless skin. A loud, pissed off groan sails through my speakers before Nic picks up the phone and his face re-appears. “So, what’s up, O? You never Facetime. Is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing wrong with me exactly,” I say with a cringe, wondering how he’s going to feel about me asking to help when it comes to Carrington business. Hell, Colton’s probably going to be pissed when he finds out I was talking to outsiders about something that’s clearly a family matter.

  “Spit it out, babe. I’m about to go on a run.”


  “Do you remember the crying bitch from Charles’ funeral?”

  “Yeah, the same one who was sucking his dick at that party?”

  “Yeah, that’s her. She kinda showed up here late last night claiming that she’d married Charles in secret and is wanting, well, I don’t exactly know what she wants but it doesn’t seem right to me. Something fishy is going on and I was wondering how easy it is to forge a marriage certificate and have a room full of thirty lawyers completely stumped?”

  Nic scrunches his face. “Come on, babe. I really don’t think I should be getting involved in this shit.”

  “Please. I just … I don’t need you to get involved but can you at least look at the certificate and tell if it’s fake or not?”

  Nic groans and he stares at me for a long moment before finally giving in. “Fine. Go and get your mom and dad’s marriage certificate and make it quick. I’ve only got ten minutes to spare.”

; “On it,” I beam, hurrying into mom’s room and pulling down the box she keeps in the top of her closet that is filled with all our important things. I rifle through it, skipping over my birth certificate and dad’s death certificate before finally finding a copy of their marriage license and the original marriage certificate.

  “Got it,” I announce, holding it up to the phone so he can see.

  “Good, now go and get the one you think is fake.”

  My eyes bug out of my head. “You want me to go into that room and take the one thing they’re all fretting over?”

  Nic stares at me as though he’s looking at some kind of stranger. “Fuck me, O. I knew moving away was going to change you but I didn’t think you were going to lose those steel balls that you’ve always had. That’s a real fucking shame.”

  “Hey,” I snap. “My balls are still hanging right where I left them.”

  “Then what are you waiting for? Go and march that sweet ass in there and take what you need just like I always taught you to.”

  Fuck. He’s right.

  I pull up my big girl panties and get the fuck over it. If I’m right, he’ll learn to forgive me and if I’m wrong, then screw him because I was at least trying, which seems like a lot more than what his very expensive lawyers are doing.

  I march out of the pool house and don’t stop until I'm storming my way through the massive door of the formal dining room. All eyes fall to mine and the noisy room becomes silent.

  Colton watches me through narrowed eyes and I can tell that he’s only moments away from telling me to fuck off out of here.

  “I need the marriage certificate,” I say, keeping my chin high and demanding respect.

  A few scoffs come from the lawyers and I’m instantly dismissed until Colton notices the phone in my hand and the other marriage certificate. “Give it to her,” he roars, making at least fifteen of the fuckers jump.


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