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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

Page 25

by Sheridan Anne

  I’ve really missed these guys over the past two weeks. They’re my security blanket and without them, I’ve felt so vulnerable, but at the same time, I can’t stop questioning if they knew about my dad or if it’s even true.

  Kai drives right through to the underground parking and blocks in Nic’s car rather than parking a Ferrari out on the streets of Breakers Flats.

  We get out of the Ferrari and Kai is quick to put on the alarm before he loops his arm over my shoulder and reluctantly hands the keys back. We walk up to Nic’s door and before I get a chance to grab the handle, Kai races forward and throws the door wide, letting it rebound against the drywall.

  Nic’s head snaps up from his phone and his eyes go big. “What the fuck are you doing here?” he questions, kinda shocked but kinda thrilled.

  He drops his phone on the kitchen counter and strides toward me. I meet him in the middle and am instantly captured into his warm arms. “Fucking missed you, O.”

  I pull back and smile up at him. “Missed you too.”

  He drops his lips to mine, just as he always does, but I pull back before he can kiss me, making us both stiffen. His brow furrows and he watches me with confusion. “What the fuck was that?”

  “Nothing,” I say, looking away and stepping back from his hold, only to have him come right with me.

  He leans in toward me, forcing his stare against mine. “Why’d you pull away? You never pull away.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Come on,” I scoff, playing it off. “You shouldn’t be kissing me anymore. We’re not together. Besides, who knows where those lips of yours have been?”

  He doesn’t give in, just continues to stare when a low groan comes from behind the bathroom door. “Ahhh, fuck. Not again.” Sebastion grumbles as I hear the sound of the toilet attempting to flush before he tries again and again. “Fuck me.”

  The door is ripped open and Sebastian comes out shaking his head. “Bro, I fucked up your toilet again,” he says before his head snaps up. He takes one look at me and his eyes widen, horrified by the glimpse he’s just given me into his world. “Fuck. O. What are you doing here?”

  I give him a blank stare. “What is wrong with you two? Can’t a girl just come and chill with her boys every once in a while? What’s with the twenty-one questions?”

  “It’s Carrington, isn’t it?” Nic spits. “You’re together.”

  “What? I’m … we’re…. no.”

  “Are you sure about that?” he questions, “Because you don’t sound too fucking sure.”

  “I …” I cringe. “We’re not together.”

  “Yeah,” Kairo laughs from the living room. “But you’re not not together.”

  I look back over my shoulder and grab the half-filled bottle of soda off the counter and launch it across the room. “Stay the fuck out of this.”

  “What is it, O?” Sebastian cuts in. “Are you really fucking this guy?”

  My glare slices toward him, wishing I had another bottle to throw. “Shut up and go fix the toilet.”

  Nic grabs my waist, his fingers digging in as he holds me a little too tight. His eyes blaze with fire. “Answer the damn question, O. Are you fucking him or not?”

  My brows draw down as anger flares through me. “So what if I am? We already talked about this after Charles' funeral. You said you were okay with it.”

  “I never said I was going to fucking like it.”

  I hear Sebastian draw in a breath through his teeth and groan. “So, what's the fucking issue? Are you threatened by him? Insecure about the fact that he makes me happy and hasn't accidentally fallen into some whore's pussy?”

  His jaw clenches and he tugs hard on my waist, making me fall into him. His eyes are like pools of midnight and his grip is like a vice, bruising and painful. “You're mine,” he roars, anger rolling over him. “You always have been and you always will be. How can you not see that?”

  The fuck? He’s always been overprotective, but possessive? Hell to the mother fucking no. There’s a lot of bullshit that I put up with from my boys but this? No, this is crossing the line.

  I slam my hands against his chest and force myself back. “Fuck you,” I spit. “I'm nobody's and I'm certainly not yours. You fucked us up, Nic. When are you going to realize that? I'm never coming back to you. We were over the second you decided to be unfaithful.”

  "Ahh, shit," Sebastian grumbles under his breath.

  “The fuck it’s over,” Nic spits. “You’re just toying with him. You’ll see. You just need some time to see past the fucking fancy parties and stacks of cash.”

  My hand slaps hard across his face, leaving my hand stinging as the emotions overwhelm me. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I demand. “After the shitty week I’ve had you want to hit me with this? Do you not know me at all? Do you seriously think I’m that fucking shallow to sleep with a man to get ahead in life? Fuck you.”

  I turn and start heading for the door, more than ready to leave this shit behind. And to think I was going to come here to surprise the boys and have a great fucking day. What an epic waste of my time.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Nic demands, stalking right behind me.

  I reach the door and grab hold of the handle, tearing it open as I glare back at the prick. “Back to my sugar daddy so I can suck his dick a few times and hope he’ll reward me with some buckets of cash. Who knows, if I hit it just right, I might even get some diamonds.”

  Kai gets to his feet. “Come on, babe. Don’t go. He just needs a second to cool down.”

  I glare at Kai and pull the edge of my shirt up, showing him the marking on my waist that I have no doubt are burning red from Nic’s tight hold. “What? You want me to stick around so this asshole can try this shit on me again?” I question, watching as both Kai and Sebastian’s eyes go wide. “Hell no. I’ll come back once this bastard has learned how to control his goddamn emotions and learns that I’m not his fucking chew toy.”

  With that, I step out of the door and slam it hard behind me, knowing that Kai is going to get the fight he was looking for after all. I hurry back down the hallway and as I go, I hear the second Kai rushes in to my defense with Sebastian as back up.

  Loud scuffles and the sound of flesh being beaten haunt me until I finally get out of the building and hurry into the Ferrari. The engine kicks over and purrs beneath me and as I hit the gas, I find myself actually happy about getting my ass out of Breakers Flats and heading back to the pretentious town that has caused me nothing but pain.

  Chapter 24

  By the time the Ferrari comes to a stop in the impressive garage, my mood has only managed to calm by a mere fraction. My blood boils and every time I even think about what Nic just said, it somehow gets worse. The whole reason for my visit this morning was to fill the void that not seeing them every day brings, and hell, I was even planning on telling them all about the whole college thing, but no. He fucked that up.

  Who the hell does he think I am? Does he think he can just bark orders to me like he does to his Widows and that I’ll just instantly fall to my knees wanting to grant his every fucking wish?

  Fuck him. I’m not his little puppy dog. He can feel me slipping away and that’s scaring the shit out of him, but that's not my problem. If he didn’t feel the need to wave his dick around, I'd probably be right by his side and Colton wouldn’t even be a blip on my radar.

  He did this. He forced me against him and he has no one to blame but himself. For the past six months, I've rolled over and allowed him to walk all over me. I allowed him to get away with his dick moves and I’ve had enough. I value myself too much to allow him to get away with it. There will be no more slipping into my bed to hold me all night, no more flirty texts, no more little slips-ups that end with his lips on mine. No, that fucker lost me when he cheated and it’s about time he started to realize that.

  I’m sure had I not lost my father the way I did, I probably would have had a little more self-respect and distanced m
yself from him, but after dad’s murder, I needed my boys more than anything and Nic and I just slipped back into those same old roles. But not anymore. I want to be with Colton and if we’re going to have any chance of making this work, then Nic needs to back off, and not just claiming that he’s okay with us, but actually backing the fuck off and letting me explore what we have together.

  I climb out of the Ferrari, still somewhat impressed that I was able to get this bad boy in and out of Breakers Flats in one piece, even if I was only there for less than twenty minutes. That in itself is a huge achievement and Colton should be waiting here for me with a fucking medal.

  Making my way into the mansion, I bypass a bunch of contractors, all working hard to get the mansion back in one piece after the DeCarlo brothers destroyed it.

  I find mom in the kitchen, madly trying to get everything together. She’s been working like crazy trying to keep on top of everything and it makes me feel like a bitch for slipping out this morning. I should have stayed and helped her. What the hell was I thinking?

  I was too busy thinking about what I needed to worry about Mom. God, how unlucky was she to have such a selfish daughter? I need to fix this. I’ll go and return these keys to Colton, let him know I’m back, and then whatever Mom needs, she gets. In fact, I should take over for her and she should get the rest of the day off.

  The second the thought filters through my mind, it’s practically a done deal and some of the anger resting on my shoulders begins to lift.

  I cut through the kitchen and out another door before taking a wild guess that Colton will be in his dad’s office. That’s where he always is these days. Long gone are the hours he’d spend chilling out in the den with the boys. He’s a different man now, one with the weight of the world resting on his capable shoulders and damn, it kinda suits him.

  As I walk down the hall to his office, I find the door open and a smile pulls at the corners of my lips. Charles never had this door open when he was working. It was always closed and I was forced to knock and announce my presence before I barged through here, but not Colton. He’s different. He doesn’t want to cut himself off from the rest of the world like his father did.

  I stop in the doorway and lean against the frame as I look in to find him sitting at his desk, leaning back with the phone to his ear. He notices me the second I appear. “I’m on hold,” he explains. “You’d think these fuckers would know who the hell I am. Hold? What the fuck do they think this is? Fuck me. I’ve never been on hold my entire life.”

  I suck in an appalled gasp, widening my eyes and showing just how horrified I am on his behalf. “Hold?” I shriek. “Call the cops. Call the FBI. Call the fucking SWAT. A crime has been committed.”

  His eyes dance with laughter but his straight face doesn’t break. “Get fucked.”

  A grin slips across my face. “Welcome to the real world, Carrington. This is how the rest of us operate.”

  He shakes his head. “Not when you’re dealing with the future of your business,” he explains. “This deal is going to be the biggest opportunity they will ever get in their lame existence and they put me on fucking hold. It’s a sign of disrespect.”

  “Well, if it’s that big of a deal, then maybe they just needed to shut you up for a moment to do a happy dance.”

  “A happy dance?” he questions. “You think the CEO of a multi-million-dollar empire stopped to do a happy dance?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It’s possible,” I tell him. “After all, he’s just a little multi-million-dollar corporation, and you, well you’re the fucking king in this game. He’s talking with the big dogs now.” A grin slowly starts spreading across his face as I push off the doorframe and start slinking into his office. “If it was me, I’d want to stop to do a happy dance.”

  I walk right around his desk and scoot my ass up onto it before sliding across until I’m sitting right in front of him. He leans back a little further and I hook my leg to the other side of his so I have him trapped between my thighs.

  He presses a few buttons on the phone and the room fills with the soft hold music. The phone is dropped down on his desk and his hands come to stop on my thighs. “So, this happy dance that you’d do,” he starts, his eyes becoming hooded and dark. “What exactly does it entail?”

  I lick my lips, wondering when the hell I turned into such a needy whore but when he talks to me like a fucking boss in one of these delicious suits, I just can’t help myself. He’s so enticing and with those dark eyes that always seem to sparkle with excitement, I’m a fucking goner.

  His hands slide higher on my thighs and everything begins heating within me. “Well, I’d start with—”

  The hold music cuts off and a deep voice rumbles through the office. “Carrington. I need to go over the figures but–”

  Colton reaches forward and ends the call, dropping the room into silence. My eyes bug out of my head and I gape down at him. “Did you just hang up on Mr. Multi-Million-Dollar Empire Man?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Damn right, I did,” he says. “If that fucker thinks he can keep me waiting, then I sure as hell can do the same thing. After all, I am the king of the game, aren’t I?”

  I roll my eyes, holding back a groan. “You may be a fucking king around here but you’re also a cocky fuck,” I tell him with a laugh.

  “Really now?” he questions, slowly standing until he’s hovering over me, pressing in between my legs with his hands coming down on the wooden desk by each of my thighs. He leans into me and I’m forced to lean back against the desk, resting my weight onto my hands. “Tell me, what would a cocky fuck do in this situation?”

  Holy fucking hell.

  His hand slides around until it’s resting against my ass and he slides me to the very edge of the desk until my pussy is pressed right up against the hard column that’s overtaking his suit pants. My legs instantly hook around his waist, drawing him closer and grinding against me. “You tell me,” I murmur. “A cocky fuck is the kind of man to take whatever the hell he wants, however the hell he wants.”

  His brow raises and just like that, his hands are on the button of my jeans. They’re torn down my legs in seconds and before I know it, he’s sinking into me, curling a strong arm around my waist and holding me still so he can freely slam into me over and over again.

  Hearing noises from outside the office, my eyes flick to the open door and we both suck in a breath, but he doesn’t dare stop.

  The brief thought that I was supposed to be asking him something filters through my mind but I can’t quite seem to put my finger on what it was, but what the hell. Does it even really matter right now? I'm sure it’ll come back to me the second he’s finished fucking me into oblivion.

  His cock slams against the deepest parts of heaven, slowly torturing me with pleasure. His lips come down on my neck and he kisses me, slowly working his lips up my jaw until they’re on my own. His tongue slips into my mouth and I welcome it openly until he’s pulling back and meeting my eyes. “Touch yourself. Let me watch you,” he says though it comes out as more of a demand and it has me instantly jumping into action, more than desperate to give him exactly what he wants.

  My fingers press down against my clit and he pulls back ever so slightly to watch the show. His eyes blaze with desire as his glistening cock slides in and out of my pussy. My legs tighten around him. How is it possible for him to take me from zero to a hundred so damn fast?

  My orgasm sneaks up on me and I come hard, my pussy pulsating around him and clenching down on his cock as he refuses to quit moving. I ride out my orgasm and just as I finish, he comes hard with a low growl, dropping his forehead to my shoulder as the intense pleasure slams through him.

  “Holy shit,” he pants, taking three slow breaths before raising his head and pressing his lips to mine. “Fucking you will never get old, Ocean. Do you have any goddamn clue how perfect you are?”

  I bite down on my lip, meeting his eyes as all sorts of emotions tear through me. “Care
ful, Carrington. I warned you about making me fall for you.”

  A proud grin tears across his face. “Is it working yet?”

  I press down on my lips, thinking over my answer. “It’s certainly heading that way,” I tell him, giving him my honest truth. “But there’s still a lot of shit you need to make up for before that could ever happen.”

  A seriousness appears in his eyes and his features begin to sober as he nods. “I know, Jade, but you don’t have to worry about that. I’ll make up for it but it’s going to take time. I don’t see a strong girl like you completely forgiving me overnight.”

  I shake my head, completely agreeing with him. “What happened to the douchebag Colton who liked to sneak into my room and watch me? I miss that guy.”

  “That guy realized that he was being a fucking creep.”

  “Oh,” I laugh. “Good. For a second there, I thought maybe you thought that was fucking normal.”

  “No,” he tells me. “I know it’s not, but when you first got here, you threw me. You came barging in with that boss bitch attitude and perfect little body and I didn’t know how to cope with it so I did stupid fucking things. I wanted to push you away. I wanted you to hate me and then hopefully, I would have done the same, but you kept coming back for more. The torture got you hot, and fucking damn it, Ocean. I loved seeing you like that.”

  My brows furrow as I watch him. “You got off on torturing me?”

  “No,” he laughs. “I got off watching the fire burn in your eyes every time I came near you. You craved it.”

  “You drove me in-fucking-sane.”

  He grins wide. “I still do, only now that fire burns so much brighter.”

  My hand hits across his chest and I push him back a step. “Shut up and get me my jeans before someone walks in here to find me spread-eagled across your desk.”

  He obliges and as he bends to scoop up my jeans, I jump down from his desk. “I thought you were going to be gone all day,” he says fixing his pants before handing over my jeans.

  I let out a groan. “You just had to go and remind me about that, didn’t you?”


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