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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

Page 9

by Gigi Birtie

Fuck it's like it's happening for the first time all over again, my heart is racing and my body can't stop trembling.

  “So, my instincts kicked in, I knew I had to get out of the house if I wanted to survive as I knew they were coming in to put me into a life of the sex trade slash slave world. As I made it to my back door I heard two shots fired opening the front door. I had to call the cops. This was bigger than Reese and had to be dealt with right way, or I would never be left alone. I was at my back door as they were just entering they saw me and came at me full speed, but I was faster and knew my neighbors were home and could help. I ran through their backyard throwing them off my trail and ducked up an alley way to my neighbor’s front door and banged on it as my life depended on it. I was lucky, since they heard the gun shots. They let me in right away and already had the police on the phone. Once I heard the sirens I knew I'd be safe and threw up on my poor neighbor’s floor. The cops apprehended Taze, but not his friend. He drove off without him. Reese came home when they had Taze in hand cuffs and lost it. The cops let him get a few good hits in, before putting Taze in the squad car, but once Reese heard why this all happened I'm not sure who he wanted to kill more, me or Taze. Plus, with the look of disappointment from him only made me feel a million times worse. I still to this day feel like he deserves a better sister and one that wasn't so stupid and gullible. Reese made me press charges and get a restraining order, but that will expire once I turn 18, in two months. My order of protection will be over, and I'll be a sitting target. There had been a few times he had sent me a letter from county saying this wasn't over, but it's been a long time since he's made any other kinds of contact.”

  I sit there realizing those gentle circles had stopped and Dane's hands were resting to his side he was just sitting there speechless.

  Fearing the worst, I push his shoulder. “Say something please.” I beg.

  He snaps out of whatever thoughts he's having and looks at me as his breath becomes jagged, his eyes darken, and he wraps his arms around me pulling me back into his chest, still not saying a word but holding onto me as if life depended on it.

  Chapter 11

  I laid in Dane's protective arms for an immeasurable amount of time before he can say anything. He kept his hold on me firm as the tension grew causing him to visibly shake.

  “Sloane, when I was told something bad happened to you, I never in my wildest imagination would have thought it was something like this.”

  His tone was steady, without any emotion. I was becoming worried that he would get up at any moment and just leave me without a second glance. Sadly, I wouldn't blame him. Being someone who is beyond wealthy and could have any girl he ever wanted, why would he want to be with someone like me, someone who lives in fear of retaliation from a crazy ex-boyfriend.

  Just then Reese comes to my bedroom door as it was open, so he walks right in.

  “Hey, you two, hate to break up your love fest here but dad sent me to take Dane back to school so you can rest.”

  Reese looks worn out. He must have had a pretty long discussion with our father about all that happened, and I don't blame him for wanting to go.

  I go to sit up and Dane helps me.

  “Okay Reese, thanks.” I smile at him to let him know that I still love him, and that everything is good between us. “Are you okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I'm fine it was just some things I needed to hear though I didn't want too, but it's all good, Sloane. Nothing as bad as you're thinking sweet girl.” His tone was sad. “Are you alright Dane? It looks like you're about to lose your shit man. You gonna puke?”

  Just then Dane snapped out of his stupor, gently letting me go, I felt the loss of his protective embrace as he stood next to my bed

  “No, I'm fine I just…. let’s go so Sloane can rest and your dad won't trip.” He smiles weakly.

  My face falls, but Reese comes over kissing my cheek and says he’ll call me later tonight.

  Dane continues to just stare at me in shock.

  “All right let's hit it.” Reese says to Dane.

  “I'll talk to you later Sloane I just need some time right now.” Dane says tightly.

  That's all he says as he walks away from me and Reese looks to me then to Dane retreating out the door. I mouth to Reese that I told him and right away he knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “You going to be okay?”

  All I could do is nod my head because if I try to talk my tears would start to flow again and this time they wouldn't stop. I didn't need to cry over this again, so I swallow over the lump in my throat and rebuild that wall that was there, before I even met Dane.

  Reese comes back to my side and leans in to give me another hug, after letting me go he walks out closing my door behind him, leaving me alone in my room.

  Sitting there I look back knowing I should have always kept this information to myself. The reaction I got from Dane was not what I was expecting.

  He left me.


  I must have fell asleep for a few hours. When I woke my eyelids were still heavy from sleep and crying. Rolling over I grab my phone to see only two messages, one from Reese and the other from my dad.

  It seems my dad was tired of sitting around the house, so he went out with some friends for dinner, but would be back and to text him if I got hungry for food.

  I was far from wanting to eat but I was thirsty, so I made my way to the kitchen. Sitting at the counter with my glass of juice I read Reese's text. He said Dane was asking him questions about Taze. That he also seemed upset and was texting someone for the last hour.

  I can only assume he needed to talk to someone about the information that I just laid on him, so I fully understood. It doesn't mean that it didn't hurt though.

  Deciding that I couldn't just lay around alone, I text Mona. I need to see how she was anyway. Of course, I also wanted to know her version of what happened with Kat, as it would be more accurate as well as highly detailed.

  Me: Hey Mona I heard you kicked some ass and I missed it.

  I text following up with a ton of emojis.

  Mona: Hahahha damn right Sloane no one messes with my girl and gets away with it!! Where are you?!

  Me: Home, I'm bored come over.

  Mona: Fuck it's about time I'm coming over and I'm bringing Tala. Order a pizza I'm starving!!

  Me: Slumber party!!!

  Mona: Haha okay see you in twenty Sloane.

  Mona always knows how to put a smile on my face and always could lighten any situation. Tala was always my voice of reason making me make better decisions on the daily. Right now, I could use both of them.

  Thirty minutes later I have taken a shower and put some clean sweats and a T-shirt on and ordered the pizza, before they made it over. I still smell like hospital soap and it keeps reminding me of too much bullshit that I don’t want to think about anymore.

  Just as I made my way to the living room, Mona and Tala come bouncing in. I look up a bit startled even though I knew they were coming. A wide grin breaks over our faces and we all rush to each other. I wrap them both in my arms as if I were never going to see them again. Tears fill my eyes as my emotions spill over.

  “Oh, Sloane, everything happened so fast! I can't believe Reese's hookup stabbed you!” Tala cries.

  I hold onto them just a bit tighter as my side stings, then I feel some blood trickle down my side soaking into my sweats.

  Shit, I'm going to need another bandage, before I take care of that I respond.

  “I'm okay nothing more than a flesh wound.” I lean back so I can see them both. “I already physically feel better and when I get this cast off next week life will be back to normal.”

  All I can think about is going back to showing off at the next side show and having my life back to normal. This week was too much for me. I will always prefer adrenaline over drama any day!

  That night with my girls was just what I needed. Things were said that needed to be heard and our connection, though
already strong, was made even stronger.

  I spent the rest of the week at Mona's, as my dad got called away. He apologized a hundred times for having to leave me, but I let him know that I understood and that he didn’t need to worry.

  Sadly, I hadn't heard from Reese or Dane all week. When Mona and I went to their game on Saturday it was so crazy that I couldn't even make my way over to say hello, though somehow Mona was able to see Riv. I tried not to be sad, so I just enjoyed the game. The Bears won by a landslide, so I knew they would be partying hard tonight, something I just wasn't feeling these days. I've been more into the solitude Mona's house gave me, along with feeling safe and secure. I know I should go home at some point, but Mona and her family really didn't mind having me there, They have even set up a room for me along with giving me a spare key to the house, though I never need it, as Mona and I were glued at the hip more than usual. Except at night, when she would meet up with Riv at whatever club or party they wanted to go to.

  The other good thing is I finally got that hideous orange cast off and in its place is a somewhat soft black cast. My wrist was a bit stiff, but I knew it would be fine in time. I could now drive and go back to work, which Mr. Cutter was happy to hear. I would be starting again next week. He also informed me that someone viewed all my pictures in his store and bought them all. Which I was astounded by the news. He also has someone who wants to hire me for some freelance work. Along, with that information, he asks if I could bring in more of my work and price it higher so that his walls weren't so bare. I laughed at his joke, but agreed with a smile.

  After I was done talking to him I turned my phone back off. I was enjoying not being able to be so accessible. After I hadn't heard from Dane for a few days I was over trying, so I shut the world out, except Mona and Tala who were the only ones I talked to everyday. I didn't even talk to Reese if there was an off chance that Dane could be heard in the background. I heard him once laughing with whoever they were with and all I felt was gutted afterwards. I went back to my new room and just cried for hours. So, shutting the rest out was easier than I thought.

  Now that it was finally my first night back at work, Maisely was there to retrain me, but since I hadn't forgotten how to make what she taught me, she decided to leave early. Which I was more than fine with. All the talking she was doing about some guy she was seeing was driving me nuts. Her new crush couldn't get here soon enough to pick her up! The whole time I’ve just wanted to take some Kentucky chrome and wrap it all around her whole damn head not just her mouth.

  As she got ready to go, I started the clean-up process for the night. I didn't mind, as it kept my mind busy and since no one was in there I turned up the music that I put on. I knew Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers could either rock me right out of my funk or keep me in my melancholy state but singing along to the song Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory was definitely not cheering me up.

  As I cleaned the counter I clumsily knocked over some napkins by the cash register as I go down to pick them up with Maisely behind me it was as if the world had darkened back into a terrifying nightmare.

  Taze just walked into The Java Pit, right away I duck under the counter where I was and Masiely was looking at me like I lost my mind, but as the tears welled in my eyes she knew this wasn't good.

  “Hi what can I get you tonight?” Maisely asked sounding her peppy self, but I can see her jaw was clenched.

  “I need an espresso latte to go.”

  His voice sent a shiver down my spine, and bile up into my mouth.

  “Coming right up”

  Maisely goes to work on his order as quickly as she can. I see that she's rushing to get him out of here.

  “Excuse me Miss is there a Sloane Cates that works here? We’re old friends and I was told I could find her here.” Taze asked.

  Without missing a beat Maisely shuts him down.

  “No, we have some of her photography work for sale, but that's it. To be honest the owner bought some of her photos, but none have sold so I think that will be the last of that.” She laughs out. “Here's your espresso latte to goooo.”

  “Why do I feel you're lying to me.” Taze asks.

  “Well take it how you want that's how it is, but if you want you can call back during nine to five business hours to talk to the owner, but I promise he’ll just tell you the same thing I just did, buuuut suit yourself.”

  “Well let me leave a message for Miss Sloane if I may.” Taze snarls.

  “Yeah, I guess but not sure if it will get to her, you know like I said.” Maisely spits out.

  I'm starting to shake with sweat rolling down my face.

  “You can tell her I know that you're lying, that I know that she's here right now and if she's smart she'll come with me willingly, so we can finish what we started the first time. Also, tell her that her brother and boyfriend done fucked up and I'll be waiting outside when she's done here.” He seethes.

  Just then I hear a crowd of guys come in. Maisely looks down to me and I'm full on crying. I have no idea what to do, but I'm frozen in fear. I refuse to come out from under the counter.

  I hear Maisely talking to the guys that just came in and it sounds like they know her. She asks them to give her a moment and to wait at a table.

  She crouches down in front of me.

  “Hey…hey.” She says gently.

  “Who was that piece of shit? Should I call anyone or the cops?” Her voice was getting high.

  Just then we hear the front door bang open and my body jumps at the sound.


  Thank fuck it's Reese.

  Maisely pops up and obviously sees my brother. The next thing I knew Reese and Dane are in front of me and Reese sweeps me up and hugs me tightly as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “What the hell is he doing here?!” I whisper.

  “We’ll explain, but first we have to get you out.” Reese turns to Maisely. “Shut this place down you're leaving too with your friends here.”

  “It's only 8 o'clock we don't close till 10pm.” She says.

  “I promise you Mr. Cutter will not be mad, I'll call him later and tell him why.”

  “Ooookay,” She stammers out.

  Maisely rushes around and locks up the till and the back door. I haven't left Reese's side, but all I feel is Dane's eyes on me. Which makes me begin to shake worse than I already am. I haven't seen or heard from my supposed boyfriend or hell not even my brother for weeks. I understand with Reese but not with Dane. Who treats their new girlfriend like a stranger. Suddenly, the tears come sliding down my cheeks again and just like that I'm in Dane's arms while he whispers, “I had to break communication with you, I'm so sorry.” He breaths as he kisses my tears.

  With hearing that my bitterness falls away and my curiosity peaks. Now I want to know what these two have been up to, and why they had to leave me in the dark.

  Dane picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he tightens his arms around my waist. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and he begin to walk us out.

  I hear Maisely with her group of friends sounding a bit confused, but Reese gets her number and says he’ll talk with her later. With that they get into a car that's right in front of the shop as we get into Reese's car. Dane sits me on his lap as we both sit in the front seat. Of course, there is no backseat on a 1956 Fully restored 356 Porsche. Reese was lucky that his car from our grandparent’s collection was already fully restored. Somehow this was the most comfortable I ever was sitting on this side though.

  I took a deep breath and began to relax as we all sped off, but that relaxation was short lived as I felt the acceleration of the car. Dane puts the seatbelt around us both and I knew we weren't going to be going straight home.

  Chapter 12

  “Okay someone needs to start doing some explaining and spit it out now.” I demand.

  Even though it's dark I still see Dane and Reese exchange a look however it's Dane that starts to do all the talking.r />
  “Babe I'm sorry we haven't been communicating with you, but that night when you told me what happened I couldn't go another hour knowing you live your everyday in fear of that piece of shit.” Dane seethes, “so I decided it was time to call in a few favors from a few associates of my fathers. I just couldn't have you around when I was dealing with them. I never wanted them to know who you are, as it would have put you at risk of a retaliation.”

  Dane smooths my hair and runs his hands down the length of my back, causing a shiver to go up my spine, he kisses my forehead but continues with his explanation.

  “You have to know I was never far from you Sloane, I checked in on you every day, if not myself Reese or Mona or Tala, just no one could tell you because we all know how hard headed you can be, and I just couldn't risk your life like that. Though in hindsight now, this hadn't worked out too well and now I have nothing, but lost time between us.”

  His face looks hard, yet Dane's eyes are sad with emotion. He lowers his voice and leans to my ear whispering so softly almost I can't hear him “I promise I will be making up every day we lost.” Then he kisses me by my ear ever so softly and tender again sending a shiver this time through my whole body. Making me jolt forward to kiss him on the lips. Dane takes my lower lip and sucks gently before sliding his tongue into my mouth. His arms pull me in closer feeling as if we needed to be as close as possible. Reese clearing his throat has us pull slowly apart, and I just hide my face in Dane's chest as his hands come up to the back of my head holding me in place.

  “Hey, you two I hate to break up the little reunion you have going on, but we have someone following us.” Reese says rather calmly.

  “Fuck I wonder if that's Taze?” I say absentmindedly.

  “WHAT?” They both say in unison.

  “Isn't that why you both came in The Java Pit like you did, because you saw him leaving?” I ask.

  Reese answers first. “No, we came there to get you to a safe place, as things on our end have gotten a bit fucked up. What did he do? What did he say, Sloane?”


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