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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

Page 11

by Gigi Birtie

  Once I rake my nails down his back, he brings his mouth to my ear letting out one of the sexiest strangled moans I've ever heard. Though we both came Dane is still slowly pumping into me causing my body to convulse further and make my walls tighter than before.

  “Fuck your tighter than before.”

  This time he collapses on top of me while he remains inside.

  “I'm not sure which one I like more.” I laugh whisper.

  “I have a feeling every time is going to be better than the next babe.”

  Melting underneath him, I know he's right.

  “Dane I have a question?”

  “Shoot ask me anything” He pulls out and rolls to my side again with his hand on my bare hip.

  “How come you didn't ask if I was on birth control? You kinda just took me with no worries at all.”

  He looks at me for a moment before answering.

  “I'm not afraid with you, I've never felt more connected to a woman than I do with you. When I'm with you I'm overwhelmed in just how much you mean to me. It's very irritating.”

  The playful smirk on his face makes me laugh as I throw myself around him while straddling him. I kiss his full lips as I'm about to say I love him but his phone on the night stand comes alive by ringing. We both turn to stare at it.

  Dane rolls taking me with him to answer whoever is on the other line. Apparently Dane doesn't want our bodies to disconnect right yet.

  “Yeah.” He says in a clipped tone.

  Laying there I try to hear what's happening, but I can't hear a word, but Dane's body is tense and ridged.

  “Okay, make sure you find him and deal with the situation he can't be roaming around free.”

  Hanging up, Dane let's out a steady breath and wraps me up in his strong arms as I lay on top of him.


  By the looks of him, I know that had to have been news about Taze.

  “I've got some bad news, but you have nothing to worry about.” His finger traces a hot line along my cheek.

  “I'm not worried Dane, what happened?” I ask quietly.

  “My father’s guys caught up to the car and was able to get them all. Taze was the only one who got away though.” Dane runs his hand over his stubbly hair that seems to have grown since I last saw him. He takes in a steady breath and continues. “They're not sure where he got off too, but they are looking for him. As for the other guys they have been taken care of.”

  “What does that mean taken care of?” I'm not sure I really want to know, but out of morbid curiosity I have to ask.

  “Babe let’s just say you'll never run into them, ever.”

  A shiver runs from my head to my toes, but I'm oddly happy knowing Taze's crew won’t be out there seeking revenge.

  “Now it's only Taze. Those were his main guys, so if he regroups they won't be as scary unless he reaches out to some unknown source, but maybe he ran off and died in a bush?” I ask going for a laugh yet being hopeful at the same time.

  “I doubt it Sloane, but we need to be extra cautious until the guys find him.”

  “Dane,” I take his hand into mine causing him to look me in the eyes. “I will not live in fear anymore as long as you're by my side, but I will be aware of my surroundings at all times. I won't and will not go into hiding because of this. I go on winter break next week and you're already done right?”

  He nods in agreement as I continue.

  “So, we’ll go somewhere once schools out and spend some time together. Besides, it's only three more days not the full week for us, and if they get a hold of Taze then he won't be a problem anytime soon.”

  Dane just stares at me knowing I'm right and nods his head.

  “Okay, you're right I can't keep you locked away while we find him. I will be taking you to and from school every day though, or Reese or Mona, someone has to be with you at all times understand?”

  The look in Dane's eyes was serious and that was nothing I wanted to test.

  “Okay, I don't mind.” And I didn't mind, I was never one who liked being alone to begin with.

  “Also, we will be staying here until schools out for you, but we'll stop and pack a bag of clothes after school on Monday, but for now let's just enjoy the weekend.”

  He grabs the sheet that I had partially covering my breasts and lowers it exposing my body again to him. I try to cover myself, as I felt a bit body shy when it came to him, but he catches my hands before I could.

  “I want you to never cover this beautiful body when you are with me. You are far too gorgeous to hide what's now mine. Understand?” He said ever so soft and sweet with the love that is shining in his eyes.

  I practically melt at his words. I feel my confidence grow, but I still lower my head so my hair falls in front of my face. I have a small smile on my face when Dane sweeps my hair off my face and tilts my head back so he can kiss me.

  “Do you even have any idea how beautiful you are Sloane?” He said between each kiss that he delivers over my lips.

  “Stop that, no one proclaims their beauty, Dane.” I laugh.

  “That just makes you even more desirable.”

  I roll my eyes, but he doesn't see that, as he kisses his way down my body.

  “Don't roll your eyes when I'm telling you the truth.” He says smiling up to me.

  I laugh.


  Chapter 14

  We barley slept last night. If it wasn't him waking me up, it was me waking Dane. It was by far one of the most blissful nights I had ever.

  I was dead asleep when the buzzing of my own phone woke me up.

  Rolling out of Dane's hold and hearing him groan, I pick up my phone to see a message from an unknown number.

  As I scanned the message I wish that I hadn't.

  You're dead Sloane DEAD

  I knew right away it was Taze. A few tears sprung from my eyes as I quickly deleted his text. Nothing good would come from showing Dane this as it would only make him upset further and more protective than he already is.

  Quickly, I get up as Dane still sleeps. I enter the bathroom to where we had sex in the shower last night. I turn on the water and climb in what is probably the largest shower I've ever been in. It almost felt like a car wash with all the shower heads that came at me in every direction. I sink to the shower floor and just cry, just letting my emotions pour out of me from this situation with Taze, using the shower to cover my sobs. After a few minutes, I collect myself and get up to wash my hair. I just got done rinsing the shampoo and conditioner from my hair when I felt him behind me.

  Dane's arms wrapped around my waist as he kisses the side of my neck. I lean into him letting my tension fade away.

  “Why are you up so early, Sloane?”

  He turns me around, but I couldn't look him in the eyes. Instead I let my eyes wander his well sculpted body and I take the soap and begin to wash his chest.

  “I don't know I just felt like getting a shower, that and I'm starving.”

  Daring to look up to him under my hooded gaze I see his eyes turn black. I lick my bottom lip and before I know it Dane picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He has me against the shower wall and his rock-hard erection is slowly sliding into my tight pussy.

  We both moan as if that is where we both need to be. Dane feels so right, we both can't get enough of the other right now. It's almost overwhelming how we need and crave one another.

  Our movements begin to quicken with us both wanting to come. I sigh with pleasure as I feel myself ready to go over the edge. My walls tighten further around Danes massive shaft and then as he really pounds into me and I come undone. Dane groans in my ear and stills as he spills inside of me again.

  Thank fuck for birth control.

  Breathing hard with his forehead pressed to mine I let my legs come down from his waist and his still rather impressive arousal slips from my center. I feel the loss instantly, but Dane holds onto me as I'm unsteady on my shaky legs.

��You're lucky I'm on the birth control shot or we’d definitely be parents right now.” I say laughing.

  “You should think about stop doing that.”

  “Are you serious?” I ask, stunned as my jaw drops.

  What guy says stuff like that at this age, or maybe they do and I've just never heard one speak so openly about starting a family so young.

  “I want it all with you Sloane, that includes having a family one day.”

  Danes hands slide around and explore my breasts as I think how it's way too soon to be even entertaining this. I'm not even out of high school and I have plans for college. At some point I need to decide over break which school I want to attend.

  “Look, I'm not ready for that any time soon stud.” I laugh at my new nickname for him but continue. “I need to finish high school plus college and then establish my career, before I do all that, but yeah I definitely wouldn't mind working towards all of that with you. Besides you have football Dane, once you get picked up by the NFL I'm going to barely see you, that would be unbearable as a new mother. Well, for me it would be unbearable.” I sigh.

  We're still standing under the water and Dane stares at me for a bit as his hands now work their way to the apex of my thighs.

  “I feel you get more perfect the more we talk, Sloane.”

  He leans down and kisses my lips then my nose as his fingers dip into my wet folds and starts to slide them in and out.

  “I'm glad you feel that way. I'm not sure why you said that though.” I pant.

  I seriously was confused, why would me not wanting kids in high school make me perfect. As if sensing my question Dane answers while moving his fingers faster working me up to want to come again.

  “Because you have priorities and dreams and I'm in them even though you're not ready for what I want with you yet.”

  My mouth hangs open as he makes me see stars and I pulsate and tingle with absolute pleasure.

  I realize in that moment I landed the greatest guy, even though he tells me his dreams of a life he wants with me now yet I'm not ready he's content just to wait for me as long as he's by my side.

  I stare at him in disbelief and awe.

  “Dane…I..lo,” before I could say it I hear my brother yelling from outside our bedroom door.

  “Hey, get dressed and come to the kitchen you two.” Reese says.

  We look at each other but it's Dane that answers.

  “Yeah we’ll be right there.” Turning back to me, “we better get dressed.” he pouts.

  I laugh at his cute face, knowing it would be nice to spend days locked away with him.

  It didn't take long for us to get ready. I only had one change of clothes to get dressed in, so there was no deciding on what to wear. I combed my hair and braided it off to the side. I had on a pair of wide leg pants on with a form fitting black T-shirt that said fuck u with a big red rose on my left breast made by my favorite company Kill Yourself or Die Trying. I always enjoyed comfort over style, but my style was pretty stylish for being mostly a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl.

  Dane waited for me, so once I was ready to make my way down to the kitchen we walked down together. Halfway down the hall I could smell bacon and pancakes. It made my stomach growl in response to the delicious aroma that hung heavily in the air.

  We enter the kitchen hand in hand and everyone looks up.

  Mona looked to our hands causing her to blind us with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen.

  I could tell she was happy that I had someone she approves of.

  Reese on the other hand looked a bit reserved, but I think that's just him still coming to terms that this is indeed real. I give him a small smile and Reese's face softens as he returns the same smile.

  Dane and I take a seat next to Riv and Mona, as Reese places food in front of us.

  I dig in right away. I know Reese makes a mean breakfast and since I'm so hungry there's no need to be shy.

  “So, the girls have three more days of school this week before winter break, and since Sloane is insisting on going, we won't be leaving for Tahoe until their last day.” Dane informs them.

  They all look to me like I've lost my mind.

  I talk with my mouth full of pancakes.

  “What? I need to make sure I keep my grades up so I don't lose any of the scholarships.”

  Mona responds first.

  “Are you sure that's a good idea right now Sloane? Considering how crazy Taze is and obviously his determination in getting you is unnerving, shouldn't you lay low until everything settles down or Dane's guys get to him?”

  I hear her concern and with that text it makes sense to lay low like she says, but I really can't miss anymore school. I take a deep steady breath, but before I can respond Riv weighs in as well.

  “Sloane this isn't a time for you to gamble with your life. Hoping for the best right now might not be the smartest thing.” His eyes are soft, and the concern is evident.

  “They're right, Sloane.” Reese adds.

  I've officially been ganged up on, but I can't crumble this time.

  “Look everyone, I know this is a really fucked up situation, but I can't live in fear. Besides, I have a feeling I won't ever be alone for Taze to have the chance to do anything besides our campus is beyond protected so good luck to him getting to me there.” I give a reassuringly smile before I continue, “besides he was hurt pretty good due to Dane's guys, I wouldn't doubt he would use some time to heal and regroup, that and hopefully by that point he will have been nabbed.”

  I think of what they would do to him once they do and a sinister look spreads across my face, wishing already I can be there to see some of the torture that he will endure.

  Looking up, I see them all with different looks on their faces. Some in awe, one like I've lost it, and the one that matters the most, that is a look of being proud. That was Dane's expression. His wonderment only made me feel stronger. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, before I put my head down to finish my breakfast.

  “Alright then, well it's only Saturday what are we doing in the mean time?” Riv asks.

  The guys discuss how they were going to clear out their things from the dorms. They made plans to make the safe house their house for winter break and that Mona needed to pack a bag as well, as she would be staying there also. She didn't seem to mind, because wherever Riv was, Mona wasn't too far away. Reese, on the other hand, seemed a bit irritated but not too much. I know he didn't like being cooped up if there were no women around to pass the time. He would be fine though once we got to Tahoe and people were partying and shredding the slopes.

  Mona doesn’t want to help the guys pack up, since she knows we would be in the way, so it is suggested that it will be faster if they go to take care of that while her and I go and pack some clothes for ourselves.

  Dane was is reluctant at first, but after the guys say that we will be fine, it was agreed and we all will meet back here before dinner, so then we can all go out.

  I caught a wicked grin from Mona. It is only there for a split second, but it is there long enough that I knew she is up to something.

  After the guys all pile in one of the trucks and head out, Mona and I grab our things and hop into my Oldsmobile.

  “Alright spill it Mona, I saw that evil grin of yours, you're up to something”

  She lays that dubious look at me, sending a chill down my back causing me to shiver.

  “I have a plan Sloane, and it's all about baiting that asshole, so we can get this shit show done and over with.”

  Confusion crosses my face.

  “What the hell are you up too, Mona?”

  “Hear me out okay.” She rushes her words, so I don't interrupt. “So, there's a lowrider show today over by Lake Merrit, plus I think there will be some burnout competition happening. I say we go to my house grab my shit, so we aren't completely lying, switch cars to my Impala, go to your house grab your things as well, then go to the show. The guys will be all day
and if we go to this show some of Taze's goons will send word that you and I don't give a damn about his threats, and we are partying it up alone with no guys, but we make him our prey. Have him follow us then turn on him and take care of him once and for all.”

  Her plan floors me. It's a brilliant plan, but I had no idea she was up for something so crazy.

  “Mona, this is so dangerous. Are you even aware of what you're even saying?”

  “Yeah I'm fully aware, and I know he's already sending you texts, threatening you and you haven't said a word about it to Dane.”

  My jaw drops. How does she even know that? As if reading my mind, she answers me.

  “I know Taze and I know you. Plus, your reaction told me I was right. Now say you're in on the plan so we can get done with this fiasco”

  I reluctantly agree to Mona's plan, and we hurry to put the plan in motion.

  Time is of the essence. We speed down the city streets to Mona's house. Once we get to her house we do a mad dash packing some clothes for the week and for the snow. Mona goes to leave a note for her parents, letting them know that we're having a girl’s weekend snowboarding. They never seem to mind as long as she tells them her plans.

  I just get done closing up her bag when my phone alerts me of a text message. Dread fills me as I know it couldn't be one of the guys. Pulling the phone from my back pocket I see it's that unknown blocked number again.

  I know where you are. This isn't going to be pretty once I get ahold of you.

  I stare at the message in disbelief and it becomes blurry as my eyes well with unshed tears.

  “See I told you he's not holed up in some room licking his wounds, Sloane.” Mona says from behind me.

  She startles me causing me to drop my phone.

  “Mona don't do that!” I screech.

  Her face is hard but softens as she puts her hands on my shoulders.

  “This is some scary stuff Sloane, but I think we can do this.”

  Mona reaches to her waistband showing me the handle of a gun that she has tucked away. I'm in shock once I see it.


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