Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet

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Side Show: Lust & Chrome duet Page 12

by Gigi Birtie

  “Mona do you even know how to shoot one of those things?” Before she can answer I ask, “wait where did you get that?”

  She rolls her eyes at me then proceeds to answer.

  “Yes, I know how and I'm an excellent shot. You forget I have a hood side to my family and they've taught me many ways that I can defend myself. This is one of the guns they gave me. I hide it in one of the spare rooms just in case I ever need it.”

  “Oh Mona, you don't want to get caught with that, plus what are you planning on doing, shooting him in the head in front of a huge crowd at the show?”

  I couldn't keep my fear contained, the last thing I wanted to do was have my best friend, my sister, get in trouble for the mess that I got myself into.

  “Well if I have to, Sloane, yes I will shoot him in front of everyone. If I didn't make you go to that party with me you wouldn't even be in this mess. So really, I owe you one and I am going to take care of it.”

  My best friend is an absolute badass. I just stare at her completely amazed. I'm utterly at a loss of words. I stare at her for a moment longer, before I use my voice of reason.

  “This is getting out of control Mona, I can't let you do this. I love you too much to have you get into anything that could land you in jail.”

  I sag to her bed to just take a minute and sit.

  “Listen here Sloane, get your shit together, grab those chesticles and woman up!”

  She grabs my shoulders and gives me a stern shake. I look at her and feel her determination.

  “Okay, okay. Let's see how this goes.”

  “There's my girl! Come on let’s get your shit and get this show on the road. I'm not worried about what will happen if we take action, I'm worried about what happens if we don't.”

  I take a deep breath grab my tits and say let's go.

  We put her bags in the Impala and now we're a moving target. Her lowrider is a big bright sparkly bullseye, that's black/sliver and pink/purple with blue strips, all with flake and pearl throughout on her custom paint job. This ride is a definite attention getter. There is absolutely no hiding in this car.

  We make our way to my house, gather my things quicker than we did at Mona's, and hop back in her car. Mona doesn't take us straight to the show though. She drives us through the neighborhoods where she knows Taze would be hiding. We both know he's on high alert and if we pass one of his hideaways he'll follow for sure.

  Of course, as we cruise those spots people unintentionally help us out by yelling out things like.

  “Daaaaamn ladies let me ride.”


  “Fox alert, hide your boyfriends ladies.”

  That last one made me laugh, as Mona hits the hydraulics to make the car bounce up and down enough to be a show off. She's purposely drawing as much attention as she can, before we make our way to the show. Even though we're on a mission and I am on guard, I'm still having a good time just being with Mona in her badass lowrider. It's that moment where I just enjoy my best friend, before anything gets too serious.

  “You know you're crazy right?” I say as we're bouncing around down the street.

  “Hell yeah, I am but I got to learn all that from watching you! You use to be this nuts, live a little in these in between moments girl.”

  Mona turns up the song that she has playing, and I hear some people on the streets call out saying that's their jam. I laugh and throw my hands in the air and dance in my seat taking her advice as we make our way to the lowriders show.

  Chapter 15

  Pulling in view, the show cars are lined up on both sides of the street, as people walk around checking them out and admire all the hard work that goes into these builds. Most of the cars are parked with a few just cruising the street. At the end is a huge parking lot where everyone parks to talk shit, do their designated burnouts or make their rides hop. Every car is gleaming, most cars are hopping around like you would if you were walking on a hot sidewalk barefoot.

  This is one of my favorite scenes. Mona and I know almost everyone who comes to these shows, and once we put out that Taze is a dead man, they'll all be on high alert as well. He will be entering enemy territory, whether he knows it or not.

  We cruise to the end where the main crowd and cars are. Mona says she wants to be safe even though we're acting impulsively.

  Right then Mona sees some of her cousins and we see they saved a spot for her to pull right in to park.

  As we get out, Mona is engulfed by family and friends. I can tell she's telling them what's going on as a few turn to look at me, giving me a mixed looks of sadness and anger. All I can do is look down, so I don't see their emotions.

  “Don't worry girl we got your back.” One of her cousin’s yells to me.

  I give a sincere yet weak smile and mouth a thank you. Tears well in my eyes, just from knowing they wouldn't let anything happen to me.

  Mona gives a few of them a hug and then rounds the back of her car to my side linking arms and plants a kiss on my cheek.

  “Alright, you ready to draw this piece of shit out?” Mona asks.

  “No.” I whisper.

  “Yes, you are, come on stop this being scared shit we have way too many people here, ready to fuck that shithead up for you to be nervous.”

  I see the determination, pride, and will to make this all end in her eyes.

  “Okay, okay, I'm ready.”

  I take in a steady breath as she gives me a curt nod, and we walk around arm in arm.

  Nothing has happened yet, and we've been here an hour now. We haven't unlinked arms and the way we're dressed is only getting guys coming up to us trying to get our attention in some form or another. I knew we should have dressed a bit more conservative, but I opted to wear some low-slung wide leg pants and a belly shirt while Mona is wearing some bell bottoms with a halter top that has her back exposed as well as some serious cleavage on display. We both have doc martens on, or as Mona calls them, our shit kickers. Sexy yet ready to kick ass.

  After we got done watching a few people do a burnout match, I turn to Mona.

  “I'm getting thirsty and have to go to the bathroom Mona. How about we have a drink and if nothing happens we head over to the safe house?”

  A thoughtful look crosses Mona's face.

  “Yeah okay sounds like a good idea. You go use the bathroom in the brewery and I'll grab us some beers at the bar and order some food too. Migs should be working the bar so he'll be alright with our fake ID’s.”

  Migs was one of my brother’s friends that was a few years older than all of us.

  I nod as we head inside. Mona and I spilt, and I head down the long hallway. It's a bit crowded, but not as packed as it could be for a Saturday afternoon.

  Pushing the heavy door open to the bathroom I notice no one is in there. I go into the first clean stall and pee. A wave of relief hits me as I knew I had been too tense to relive myself earlier. I come out almost feeling relaxed and wash my hands. Of course, I check my hair and makeup in the dirty graffitied mirror. I look in my purse for my lipstick, so I can do a touch up.

  I hear someone enter but I don't turn to see who has come in, but I feel a quick rush of warm air sweep around me. Before I can turn I have a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. I instantly struggled against this hold.

  “Stay still and if you scream I'll slit your throat right here”

  My blood runs cold as I'd know that voice anywhere, it's Taze. He was watching us the whole time waiting to make his move. Still not wanting to be hurt, I look in the mirror to see his face and it's bruised and swollen from what Dane's people have done. A small smile spreads across my face just seeing his pain.

  He spins me around to where we're face to face. I take a long stuttering breathe. My heart is beating twice as fast and I can hear the rush of blood rush through my ears. This is the closest I've been to Taze in years and it's unnerving.

  “Taze this is beyond crazy. I don't understand why you're now chasing me after all these years.”
  I felt the rawness in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. Searching his face, I saw no emotions to indicate why he was doing this.

  Suddenly, he grabs my good arm and pushes up my sleeve. His grasp is tight, hurting my wrist. Once he exposes what he was looking for, something he left on my arm many years ago, he stops moving my sleeve. It's a faint white cigarette burn that he gave me marking me as his.

  “You see this, Sloane?” He says with pure distain, as his grip tightens further. “This wasn't just a burn I left to see how strong you were, no it was a mark to show you no matter how much time goes by, you'll always be mine to do as I please, when I please with you.”

  His words cut me, the reality of all this is almost crushing. He'll never let me go. I'll always have a reminder of him permanently on my skin. My tears spill over as I look at his mark on my arm.

  “You will make me rich, Sloane. I plan to pimp you out to anything with cash in hand and the funny part of it is, I don't care what they do to you, as long as they pay me first. Do you have any idea what type of money pussy like yours fetches?”

  My stomach begins to twist and turn of the thoughts of what will become of me and who I'll lose once I'm locked away.

  “I won't be able to bring you the clientele you think I can Taze.” My words are weak, as my body trembles, as I try to reason with him.

  “That's where you're wrong. You may be older now, but I still can get those men wanting you and count on them to pay a premium price to have you.” He pulls me close, our noses touch as he continues, “but first I will have you for old times’ sake. Just to test the merchandise, then you will meet me outside once I'm done with you. You'll tell your idiot friend out there that you have to step outside, and I'll be waiting at the curb. If you don't follow my directions someone close to you will die.”

  “No.” I practically scream.

  Taze clamps his hand over my mouth quickly.

  “Do that again I dare you.” He seethes.

  Staring into my eyes I see he is dead serious. Quickly he turns me around and presses me against the sink counter while pushing my upper body forcefully down. He works fast unbuckling my belt and opening my pants he rips my pants down along with my panties. I gasp as I feel the cool air hit my hot skin as his rough hands run over my center. Panic starts to fill me I can't let this happen. I don't want him anywhere near what is only meant for Dane now. I buck against his hand causing him to shift and lose enough balance for me to straighten and turn around kick him in the balls. Taze doubles over as I'm able to pull my pants up a bit, before the door burst open and a gang of guys with Mona hot on their heels come rushing through.

  I feel Dane before I see him, his arm wraps around me as his other pulls my pants up the rest of the way. He kisses me on the forehead and shutter a sigh of relief, but he turns me and puts me in Mona's arms and she holds me in a hug as I whimper at the loss of Dane's protective embrace.

  Just as fast as he leaves my side, I see Mona's cousins already beating up Taze. Dane is on Taze so fast the other guys barely have enough time to get out of the way to let him have at him. I notice Reese and Riv there holding Taze up so that he can take the beating. The sound or bones crushing with every hit is deafening, making my skin crawl. I bury my face in Mona's neck as I cry, and she holds me tighter.

  “It's ok Sloane, you're safe now. You're safe.” Mona says, as she runs her hand at a soothing pace up and down my back.

  It got eerily quiet, as her words catches everyone's attention but it's Dane who turns to us. I look up to see Dane's chest breathing hard, his eye filled with wild raw emotions.

  A man I've never seen before speaks up. “Let's get him out of here and deal with him in a private setting, without so many people outside this room, and we can be done with this piece of shit.” He says to Dane.

  Mona responds. “If you go out this door and to the right there is the exit to the ally way.”

  The man makes a quick call telling whoever that answers where to meet and to be ready.

  My eyes never leave Dane and his never leave mine. He steps forward and takes me back in his arms and I crumble. The adrenaline drains from my body making my legs give way. Dane's strong arms wrap around me so tightly I feel he's putting me back together.

  He leans down to my cheek kissing it but asks.

  “Babe what did he do to you?”

  I shake my head not wanting to say aloud in front of everyone what had just happened.

  “You have to tell me.”

  “I can't.” I choke out.

  Dane's muscles tense up. He holds me to him tighter, and I wrap my arms around his neck harder as I continue to cry.

  “Did he rape you.” Dane pushes.

  “I don't want you to look at me different.” I mumble through my tears and into his chest.

  “I promise I won't Sloane, I just want to make sure I see him suffer for what he just did as well.”

  Taking a deep steady breath, I look up through my tears to Dane. Even though the undercurrent of rage is barely being contained, his eyes are soft for me, which makes my tears come faster.

  “He just threatened me like before and pressed me against the counter and ripped my pants down as he..”

  I pause as my throat closes not wanting to say the words.

  “As he what Sloane.”

  I bury my face in his chest, and close my eyes I can't look at Dane's face as I tell him what Taze did.

  “He slid his fingers in me as he was getting ready to rape me, but I was to dry.” It's the quietest I've ever spoke.

  A sharp inhale came from a few people in the room, and I realized we weren't alone, but I chose not to look to see who else heard.

  “It's okay baby there is nothing for you to be ashamed of here, ok.” He bends closer to my ear, “you did nothing wrong. I'm not leaving you, we’ll make it through this together understand?”

  I knew Dane wouldn't blame me and would help me heal from this trauma, but it was still not easy to admit. Though it wasn't rape I was still violated and as of right now it's weighing heavy on my soul.

  “Baby, I have to take care of something, but give me a minute and I'll be right back.”

  Dane transfers me back to Mona's arms and she kisses the side of my temple.

  I hear a scuffle on the floor with a few more crunches

  It's then I know Taze will never bother me again.


  The guys work quick, though the brewery is full they have cleared the hall where we are. They carried Taze out and put him in a waiting van. He didn’t make any pleas for help, as he was knocked out cold. At least that's what I told myself, I don't think I could handle knowing that he may already be dead.

  I take a deep steady breath as Mona and I walk out the side door holding each other. She is my life line right now and I feel the strength that she's giving me.

  In the background I hear Dane giving instructions to these other guys in where to take Taze. The leader gives a curt nod and rounds the van hoping into the driver side.

  Just as the van leaves, Riv pulls up in Mona's Impala.

  Reese, Dane and I get into the back seat and Mona gets in the passenger seat. We pull out of the alley way and my tears begin to fall silently. My brother pulls me sideways onto his lap and whispers in my ear as my forehead rests on his shoulder. My body felt depleted of all its energy making me feel lifeless.

  “It’s all over Sloane, that douchebag will never hurt you again.” He whispers.

  At those words I cry a bit harder and Reese holds me tighter.

  He has always been the one to look after me in everything we've gone through in life. He was there in the beginning of this mess with Taze, though this year he has been distant with school, I knew he just needed a break from being my parent. It's sad how our dad thought it was ok to let us raise each other, but Reese did a good job with me. I held on to him a bit tighter, because I know he’ll go back to his life in college and I'll go back to my life in high school
. In the end I couldn't have asked for a better brother and friend.

  Chapter 16

  Once we got back to the safe house, though we really didn't need to be there anymore, I ask to go lie down for a bit. I fell exhausted, my eyes were puffy from crying and a nap was what was in order.

  Mona, Riv, and Reese decided to barbeque out by the pool. Dane joins me in the bedroom in what seems like just a few minutes after my head touches the pillow.

  Dane wraps his arms around my naked body. I was too tired after my shower to get dressed. He is so gentle and caring. Even though I feel how much he enjoys caressing my skin, he didn't try to progress into anything more. I let out a soft sigh and wiggle back, pressing myself further into him. My body was responding to Dane's touch, but Dane softly said; “not today, not after what happened to you with Taze.”

  My body stiffens, as those words felt like ice water being thrown on me. I thought about what he was saying a bit more and I decided that Dane was right, I need to deal with that before anything. Though I know Dane's touch would erase it all. Being lost in him would make all the hurt and sickening feelings inside me vanish. I would wait though, maybe Dane needs the time, also. I could only imagine how he truly felt, knowing another man just tried to violate his…girlfriend?

  We never did reclassify our relationship.

  “Dane?” I said through a raspy voice.

  His hand continued to slide up and down my side at a soothing pace as he grunts out a yeah.

  “Are we…” I stop, I don’t even know how to ask this without feeling foolish.

  “Are we what, Sloane?”

  “Never mind. It's nothing.”

  I knew he wouldn't let it go, so Dane rolls me over so that we were nose to nose.

  He stared at my face searching for what question I started but didn't have the guts to ask. I could only hope my face wouldn't betray me, but it did.

  “Yes, we so are, Sloane. You're mine.” He leans in to kiss my lips ever so softly and I melted against them. “I'll be showing you every day just how much you are mine…. Oh, and just so you know we are all still leaving for Tahoe in the morning. I left for a bit and Taze is done, he’ll never bother you again. So, it's time for us all to celebrate, because that was some fucked up shit these last couple of days.”


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