Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle
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2. The attractive magnetic solar energy to which we give the quite unsuitable name of Love. It is this energy which constitutes the cohering, unifying force which holds the manifested universe or planetary form together and is responsible for all relationships; it is this energy which is the soul of all things or of all forms, beginning with the anima mundi and reaching its highest point of expression in the human soul which is the constituent factor in the fifth kingdom in nature, the Kingdom of God or of Souls. An understanding of this human potency comes as a man makes contact with his own soul and sets up a stable relationship with that soul; then he becomes a soul-infused personality. As you well know, the threefold personality is to the soul what the Spiritual Triad is to the Monad: a clear medium of expression. Most students are or should be today occupied with this attractive energy, for until they have mastered the desire nature and have transmuted it into aspiration and soul control, they cannot hope to comprehend the dynamic energy of electric fire. This attractive magnetism is the energy dominating and controlling the Hierarchy.
3. The intelligent activity of fire by friction. Students would be well advised to re-read A Treatise on Cosmic Fire where I deal at length with these three conditioning energies. This third energy is the basic energy expressing itself in the three worlds and in the four kingdoms in nature, climaxing its expression in the creative energy of the human kingdom. [131] This energy emanated originally (as far as our solar system and our planetary scheme are concerned) in the first solar system and is the best proven and the best known energy in manifestation. It is the medium for activity in all forms through which the planetary Logos expresses Himself; it is the result of the activity of the divine Mind, as that peculiar type of divine energy plays upon and through all atoms and upon all atomic forms. The fission of the nucleus of the atom in the past few years is the outer sign or demonstration that humanity has “encompassed” the divine Mind and can now move on to “encompass” the love or the attractive nature of divinity. Ponder upon this statement. I know not what word to use but encompass and it is entirely inadequate. A new and deeper esoteric terminology is badly needed.
If you will work with and reflect upon these three fundamental energies and search for their expression within yourself, you will greatly simplify your occult thinking. Let me here make a few more statements which you have perforce to accept hypothetically, but which can nevertheless be substantiated by you if you arrive at an understanding of the Law of Analogy or of Correspondences, and if you will also accept the truism that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm and, therefore, each human being is related to Deity through essential similarity.
Seven Statements Depicting the Pattern of the Present Planetary Work
Statement One.
Dynamic electric energy entered into our planetary sphere from extra-planetary sources and from a point of definite focus upon the cosmic mental plane; this energy was paralleled by a secondary energy from the sun Sirius, thus accounting for the dualism of manifestation.
Statement Two.
This energy expanded outward from its central focus (the centre called Shamballa) and in this expansion became [132] the agency which impressed the Plan upon the serving Hierarchy. The Plan is that measure of possibility of immediate importance which the divine Purpose can present at any given moment in time and space.
Statement Three.
This process of expansion set up another focal point of energy, and the heart centre of the planet, the Hierarchy came into being; thus two centres were created and en rapport, which constitutes a major event upon the involutionary arc; to this, little attention has hitherto been paid. It coincided with” the advent or the arrival of the Lords of Flame from the alter ego of our Earth, the planet Venus. They created the nucleus of the Hierarchy which—in that far, very distant time—consisted of only forty-nine members; these were advanced human beings and not souls awaiting incarnation in human form on Earth, as was the case with the vast majority of these visiting Solar Angels.
Statement Four.
Alignment between the head centre and the heart centre upon the involutionary arc was thus set up; another expansion took place which resulted, as you know well, in the creation of a new kingdom in nature, the fourth or human kingdom. This kingdom was destined to become and is today the third major centre in the planetary life. Then another alignment, but one which is still contained upon the involutionary arc, took place.
Statement Five.
Today, an evolutionary alignment is taking place. The planetary centre which we call Humanity is active and vibrant, and it is now possible to “progress along the Upward Way and create the line which links the lesser with the higher, permitting thus an interplay.” Men are rapidly moving out of the human centre into [133] the hierarchical centre; the mass of men are responding to spiritual impression.
Statement Six.
At the same time, the heart centre of the planetary Logos, the Hierarchy, whilst it is being responsive to the invocation of the throat centre, Humanity, is becoming increasingly evocative and is itself attaining a much higher contact and alignment with the head centre of the planetary Logos; it is, therefore, capable of receiving a constantly developing dynamic impression from Shamballa.
Statement Seven.
Thus a great alignment is being achieved through the relationship and the interplay going on between these three major planetary centres; this produces a constant inflow of energies from several different sources, and these energies galvanise these three centres into a new and increased activity. Invocation is arising all the time between these centres and producing a consequent evocation of impressing energies.
In these seven statements, you have depicted a PATTERN of the present planetary work or the present logoic thesis. An involutionary alignment (the guarantee of future successful alignments) constitutes most ancient history; an evolutionary alignment in which all three centres are involved is constantly producing an interplay of energies as well as a constantly successful impression of one centre upon another. Humanity, as the throat centre of the planetary Logos and the prime planetary creative agency (which modern science demonstrates), invokes the heart centre, the Hierarchy, and then receives the needed impression which will result in the developing civilisations and cultures as well as the eventual appearance on Earth of the fifth or spiritual [134] kingdom. The Hierarchy or the planetary heart centre invokes Shamballa, the planetary head centre, and the Plan—as an expression of the Purpose—is impressed upon the hierarchical consciousness. If there is redundancy in these various comments of mine, it is entirely intentional; repetition serves the purposes of accurate presentation where esotericism is concerned.
As the invocative system spreads and a greater alignment is attained, Shamballa—the planetary head centre—invokes energies outside the planetary life and the inflow of cosmic and solar energies will be very much greater; for this the esotericists of the world must be prepared. It will also produce the advent or appearance of many AVATARS, bringing with Them many and very different kinds of energies to those which hitherto have controlled human affairs and the events and evolution of the other, the subhuman kingdoms in nature. With the reappearance of the Christ as the focal point or the supreme Agent of the planetary heart centre, a new era or “divine epoch” will be instituted. The Avatar of Synthesis will draw very close to humanity and He will inaugurate the “reign of Avatars” Who will be embodied Purpose and spiritual Will; They will initiate both the Hierarchy and Humanity into phases of the divine character of which, at present, nothing is known and for which we have no terminology that could convey the exact facts and nature. All that I am attempting to do here is to give you a general outline of events which may lie centuries ahead but which will inevitably occur—once the Christ is again in physical Presence and recognition on Earth.
H.P.B. speaks in The Secret Doctrine of the “three periodical vehicles,” referring as he does so to the Monad, the Soul and the Personality; he is dealing, therefore, w
ith the nine aspects of divinity which connote the nine major initiations and those divine characteristics through which [135] the three major aspects of divinity reflect themselves. In this connection, it is well known to students that the Monad expresses itself through the Spiritual Triad, the Soul through the three aspects of the Egoic Lotus, and the Personality through the three mechanical vehicles. It will be obvious to you surely that these three periodical vehicles are under the influence or impression of the three major planetary centres and are, therefore, finally conditioned by the three major energies to which I referred earlier in this section. I do not feel it to be necessary to enlarge upon this basic relation; it is that which integrates the human soul into the vast general whole and makes the individual an intrinsic part of the sum total.
The Centres and the Ray Energies
There is one aspect of the Science of Impression upon which I have not yet touched and that is the place of the centres as focal points, as transmitters or as agencies for the seven ray energies. It is known to esotericists that each of the seven centres comes under the influence or is the recipient of some ray energy, and there is a general acceptance of the fact that the head centre is the agent of the first Ray of Will or Power, the heart centre is the custodian of second Ray energy of Love-Wisdom, whilst the third Ray of active creative Intelligence passes through and energises the throat centre. These Rays of Aspect do find expression through the three centres above the diaphragm, and—on the larger scale—through Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity. It is, however, equally true that Shamballa is primarily second ray as it is expressed, because that is the ray of the present solar system of which Shamballa is a part; and that the first ray, or its dynamic life aspect, is focused in the heart, for the heart is the centre of life. The great centre which we call Humanity is predominantly governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence. This ray energy arrives at the throat centre via the head and the heart centres. I [136] am pointing this out for two reasons which must form part of your thinking as you study this science:
1. All the centres come under the influence of all the rays, and this must surely be obvious in relation to average and undeveloped human beings. Were this not so, such human beings would he unable to respond to first ray, second ray and third ray energy, for the centres above the diaphragm are, in their case, inactive.
2. In time and space and during the evolutionary process, it is not possible to say which centre is expressing the energy of any particular ray, for there is a constant movement and activity. The centre at the base of the spine is frequently the expression of first ray energies. This is apt to be confusing. The human mind seeks to make everything precise, stable, to bracket certain relations or to assign certain centres to certain ray energies. This cannot be done.
At the end of the world cycle, when divine purpose is fulfilled and the evolutionary process has brought about the changes and adjustments needed for the full expression of the Will of Sanat Kumara, then the situation will be different and men will know (as the Members of the Hierarchy know) which centres express the seven ray energies. It must be remembered also that the Rays of Attribute shift and change constantly; for instance, humanity as the planetary throat centre is under the constant influence of the seventh ray, as is the solar plexus centre of the planet. To that sub-diaphragmatic centre I give no name. Though the human throat centre is primarily expressing the third ray, there is an interesting situation to be noted in this connection: two ray energies control this centre at this time.
[137] The throat centre of the average integrated personality is governed by the third ray and is strongly energised by third ray energies (again seven in number), whilst the throat centre of the spiritual aspirant, of disciples and initiates below the third initiation is responding primarily to seventh ray influence, and this is peculiarly the case now as the seventh ray is in incarnation. The rays which are manifesting at any particular time affect powerfully all the other centres as well as the one through which they are normally expressing. This is a point oft forgotten.
It is needless for me to point out that—as man progresses upon the Path of Return—he consistently comes under the impression of the centre of which he is an integral part: that is, first of all, the planetary throat centre, the human family; then, as a soul, he comes under the impression of the Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre, and at that point he begins to express the combined energies of the intelligence and of love; finally, on the Path of Initiation, he comes under the impression of Shamballa, the planetary head centre, and becomes a participant in the divine Purpose and an Agent of the divine Plan.
Separateness: the Great Illusion
It is therefore literally and eternally true that the same energetic Life pours through the planetary centres, into and through the three periodical vehicles of the incarnated Monad, and finally into and through the three centres in the human etheric body which correspond to the three major centres of the planetary Logos. There is, therefore, nowhere to be found any basis for separation or any possible point of separation or of essential division. Any sense of separateness is due simply to ignorance and to the fact that certain energies are as yet unable to make adequate impression upon the human consciousness, functioning in time and space. The essential synthesis exists and the end is sure and [138] inevitable; unity is attainable because unity exists and the sense of separateness is simply the Great Illusion.
It was in order to hasten the dispelling of this great illusion of separateness in the minds of men, and to bring about the emergence of the basic existing unity, that the new world prayer was given to men and its use on a world-wide scale inaugurated. Elsewhere (The Reapperarance of the Christ) I have told you of the origin and the impulsing of the Great Invocation. Here I am simply placing it before you as a fitting conclusion to this portion of my labour of love in the presentation of truth, and as a possible starting point in yours.
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men—
The Purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
(See Chart Evolution of a Solar Logos)
[139] Much that I may say here may be familiar to a certain extent, because there is a vast amount of information anent the etheric body scattered throughout my various books. It will have its value however if students can receive in a few pages a general idea and the basic concepts which underlie the teaching—or should I say, the fact? If they have the time, students would find it of profit to re-read what I said; run their eyes rapidly through the books and papers in search of the word “etheric.” They will never regret it. Life itself, the training to be given in the future, the conclusions of science and a new mode of civilisation will all increasingly be focussed on this unique substance which is the true form to which all physical bodies in every kingdom in nature conform. Note that phraseology.
The attitude of occultism is, at this time, relatively negative to the fact and the nature of the etheric body. People are ready to admit its existence, but the dominant factors in their consciousness are the fact of the physical body (around whose comfort, security and care all life seems woven) and the fact of the astral or emotional nature. Not one among them, or among occult students generally, pays any attention to the etheric body, and there is a great hiatus or gap in consciousness today (only
this time normally and rightly) between the personality and the Spiritual Triad. This gap will be bridged by the building of the antahkarana, and this can only be built by advanced students. There is no such planned bridge for the gap in [140] consciousness between the physical body and the etheric counterpart. The etheric body exists in subtle etheric matter, and factually there is no true gap; there is simply the ignoring by humanity of an aspect of the physical body which is of far more importance than is the dense physical vehicle. The consciousness of men today is physical-astral, and the factor of conditioning energies is ignored, overlooked, and—from the angle of consciousness—non-existent.
One of the main obligations of occult students today is to testify to the fact of the etheric body; modern science is already thus testifying because its researches have now landed it in the realm of energy. Electro-therapy, the growing recognition that man is electrical in nature, and the realisation that even the atom in apparently inanimate objects is a living vibrant entity substantiate this occult point of view. Generally speaking, science has preceded esotericism in its recognition of energy as a dominant factor in all form expression. Theosophists and others pride themselves on being ahead of human thinking, but such is not the case. H.P.B., an initiate of high standing, presented views ahead of science, but that does not apply to the exponents of the theosophical teaching. The fact of all manifested forms being forms of energy, and that the true human form is no exception, is the gift of science to humanity and not the gift of occultism. The demonstration that light and matter are synonymous terms is also a scientific conclusion. Esotericists have always known this, but their aggressive and foolish presentations of the truth have greatly handicapped the Hierarchy. Frequently the Masters have deplored the technique of the theosophists and other occult groups. When the new presentation of the occult teaching made its appearance through the inspired activity of H.P.B., a number (an increasing number as the years slipped by) of theosophical members presented the occult [141] teaching in such a manner that it travestied the true teaching and outraged the intellectual perception of the mass of enquiring and intelligent men. The teaching on the etheric body is an instance of this. H.P.B. was largely responsible, because of utilising the word “astral” to cover a mass of information anent the etheric as well as the astral. This was due to the realisation of the fact that the astral body was doomed in a few generations (relatively speaking) to disappear, and for H.P.B. in particular was already nonexistent, owing to the advanced point in evolution reached by this disciple.