expansion in trained sensitivity, 59
expression of petals, 171
germ, latency, 184
expansion due to “impulsive energies” of Ashrams, 194
of forms, 150
of relationship and ideas, 65
shift, great, in future, 49
types, 102
latent in forms, 184
mind, functioning in, untrammelled by brain or emotions, 6
nature, sevenfold, expression, 170
of animal kingdom, unfoldment, 79
of centres, quality, 181
origin, 182
planetary, unfoldment, 149-150
production, 182
progress in future, key to development, 55
relation to energy of nadis, 145
relation to life, 65
relation to Science of Contact, 54
shift of attention necessary, 144
first exoteric expression, 6, 32
focus in, 12
of future World Rulers, 7
unfolding, of Earth, 184
unfoldment, regulation and effects, 63
within forms, reaction impulsed from etheric levels, results, 150
definition, 59
development, 58, 60
mechanism, essentials, 172
Contemplatives, divine. See Nirmanakayas.
Coordination of soul, mind, and brain, 8
levels, four, energy transmission, 157
levels used by Masters, 159
matter, 189
planes, effect upon centres, 167, 168
substance, substitution for human etheric substance, 160
four, control of centres, 167, 168
effects, 169
physical, etheric levels, 154, 155
Council Chamber of—
Sanat Kumara, 74, 81, 119
Shamballa, contacts and relationships, 125
processes, aspect, 189
definition, 51
medium, 18, 19
process, 117, 189-191
Creativity, problem, clue, 153
Creators in mental matter, 49
Critical faculty, development and correct expression, 66
Cross of humanity, true significance, 104
Delusion, factor in telepathic impression, 89
Desire, relationship, 192
Desire-mind energy, transmission, 147
Destroyer of Forms, work, 187-188
attainment, 101
value in telepathic communication, 10, 11
Devas, effect on vegetable kingdom, 78-79
“Diamond-souled” initiates, 91
Diaphragm, symbolism, 155-156
accepted, objective, 38
becoming accepted, 103
learning, 101
affirmation, 197
challenge to, 196
communications from Master, 77
energies controlling daily expression, 144
etheric body, training, 115
function, 5
impression, sources, 90-92, 94, 96
life, factor of major importance, 98
mental release, 94
more advanced, teachings from, 76
new, delaying action, 195
orientation, change, 108
procedure needed, 196
progressing to perceptions of subjective realm, 53-54
protection through meditation, 49
receptivity, development, 115
relationship to centres, 159-160, 192-193
reservoir of thought, creation, 94-95, 96, 97
sensitivity. See Impression; Sensitivity.
soul quality, demonstration, 95
subordination of personal affairs, 196
teachings to disciple under training, 76
advanced, training, 72-73
group. See Group.
impression with Plan, 122-123
insensitivity to influence of Shamballa, 70
learning telepathic sensitivity, problem, 11-12
need to function as minds, 49
telepathic communication, 3-4, 11-13, 22
throat centres, Ray influence, 137
training by Masters, 58, 59
training, occult, results, 72
substance used, 119
telepathic, 3
upon astral plane, 117
Discrimination between sources of impressions, 88-89
Disease, causes, 47
Distributing agency in body, 146
Distributor of soul force and spiritual energy, 191
Divine expression, 170
approach, freedom in, 197
attractive nature, encompassing, 131
Dogs, instinct, 67
identification, passage through, results, 56, 74
individualisation, passage through, results, 56
initiation, cosmic, 80
initiation, passage through, results, 56, 73
to higher cosmic etheric energies, 157
of manifestation, source, 131
of manifested Life, constitution, 121
phases of unfoldment for humanity, 60-61
superseding triplicity in man, 157-158
in the body, consciousness, 143, 145
on the Threshold, planetary, 79, 80
alter ego, 132
etheric body, 114
evolutionary history, 45
life, 182, 183
lives, consciousness, 183
seventh Ray, 136
Egoic energies, channels, 154
Electric fire, dynamic energy, 130, 135
activity, substitution for, 99
emanations, 9
channels, 154
conveyance, 176
glands, relation to centres, 147, 163
glandular system, creation, 147, 152
carried by etheric body, 154, 176
central triangle of, 175-176, 181
chosen by man to govern his activities, 143
circulating, distribution, 192, 193
distribution, 191, 193-195
from three planetary centres, reception in man, 192
fusing and blending, focal points, 154
“killing out”, 170
new, united channel for, 195
ocean, sumtotal, 2, 119
of Rays, focal points, transmitters or agencies, 135
seven great, of material expression, 121
thought-directed, interplay, 6
transference, 167-168
types using etheric channels, 154
See also under specific kinds.
atmic, transmission, 154
atmic-buddhic, transmission, 147
buddhic, entrance after first initiation, 161
causation, 7
changes, 150
channels, 151-152
circulation, 2-3, 146
conscious organized use in telepathic work, 28
controlling daily expression, determination, 144
creative, of human kingdom, 130-131
currents, nature of, comprehension, need, 11
definition, 25, 118, 122
direction, change by thought, 172
distribution, focal points, 172-173
divine, free flow, 47
divine, 122
electric, entrance from cosmi
c plane, 131
etheric, three types, 97
evocative and invocative center, becoming, 108
factual nature, 177
focal points, reservoirs of force, creation, 146
focussing and use in service, 172-173, 174
form, 142
four cosmic etheric levels, transmission, 157
Hierarchy, centre used, 190
humanity, centre used, 190-191
Shamballa, centre used, 190
Sirius, secondary, 131
importance, 144
impulses, reception, 2
inflow, powerful, results, 146-147
kama-manasic, transmission, 147,
life, focus, self-knowledge, 12
lines, 143
mental, use in telepathic work, 28
nature of, 122
ajna center, use in telepathy, 28
etheric body, types, 2-3
first solar system, 131
life, 129-130
love, description, 130
love, use, three ways, 27-29
mind, materialisation, 26
nadis, types, 145
synthesis of planetary Logos, 125
planetary, expansion from central focus, 131-132
present attitude toward, 177
recognition by science, 140
solar, attractive magnetic, 130, 135
spiritual, distributor, 191
stream, focus as centre of force, 5
studies, 168
subject, importance, 144
substantial, sensitivity to, 119
receiver, 6-7
source, 6
type controlling, relation to centres, 145-146
carried by nadis, 145
three, in telepathic work, 25-30
two major, 25
use in service, 173
awakening to, 53, 55
new, 92
Esoteric sense—
development, 72
use in occult training, 23, 72
Esotericists, handicapping of Hierarchy, 140-141
definition, 2
power to communicate, 5
area, cosmic, 178
contact, instinctual response to, 16
energy, three types, 97
levels, four, transmission of cosmic etheric energies, 157
levels of awareness, shift of attention to, 144
mechanism, creation, 147
network of light, brilliance, achievement, 157
substance substanding forms, type, factors, 153-154
substitution, 161
types, prophecy regarding, 153-154
See also Body, etheric.
channel, 156
control of centres, 167
names, 157
vehicles, 169
four, destiny, 156
of personality, conflict with higher ethers, 161-162
physical and cosmic, relationship, 168, 169
planetary physical, 167
of contents of magnetic aura, 96
upon physical plane, 108
See also Invocation and evocation.
agency of impression, 92
attainments, 61-62, 170
close, condition of centres, 170
definition, 63
direction, awareness of, 7
effects, 168
consciousness, 64, 67
form, 150
glands and centres, 146-147
life within form, 180
science of communication, 12
sight, 56
plan, Agent, 125
processes leading to initiation, 161
relation to Purpose, 121
revelation in, 91
seven planes, 120
stage, indication, 98
termination, 120
See also Law of Evolution.
creative, 81
emphasis, 71
goals, 54, 56
mind directing, 7
scheme, entire, aim, 126
unfoldment, 193-194
uniformity of experience, 127
by friction, intelligent activity, 130-131, 135
electric, dynamic energy, 130, 135
lines, 142-143
seven reservoirs, 143-144, 145-146
streams, 142-143
three in telepathic work, 25-30
world of, work in, 11
definition, 179-181
evolution, 150
knowledge of, development, 128
life within, point of evolution, 180
planetary, cohesive force, 130
world of, 155
activity, medium, 131, 178-180
animation with electric fire, 130
coherence, 148-149
energy, 142
ensouling life, 182
Formulators of the Plan, group, 71
capacity for, increase, 197
of the Ashram, 89
factor delaying liberation of planet, 80
human, 90
Full Moon period; importance, 44
energies, focal points, 154
of life within living substance, 182
of soul and personality, 130, 152, 190
Geometrical pattern, 54, 90
factor in telepathic impression, 89
interference in interpretation, 106
of devotees, 102
of vertical impression, 102-103
Glands. See Endocrine glands.
active intelligence, impression of New Group of World Servers, 46
definition, 2
form, substantial, 2
intelligence, telepathic impression by, 46
love, impression of Nirmanakayas, 45-46
mind, 43, 44, 62
substantial form, 2
Thinker, 119
Will, impression on Buddhas of Activity, 45
men and women of, work, 195-196
origin, 46
source, 46, 47
Gospel story, keynote, 127-128
Great Illusion, definition, 138
Great Invocation, experiment, 85
ability to work as unit, development, 38
activity, good and bad, 23-24
coherence, agency, 174
awakening, indication, 68
in Hierarchy, 184
Formulators of the Plan, 71
impression, sensitivity to, 96
individual within, sensitivity, 84-85
initiation, processes, institution, 85
invocation of Hierarchy, 82
life of soul, 21
love, cultivation, 37-38
functioning in mind-consciousness, result, 6
telepathic inter-relation, 25
mind, training, 85
minds and brains telepathically related, 7
of disciples—
activities, 34-35
functioning as one, 23
working in Ashram, telepathic knowledge necessary, 32-33
of Master—
admission to, 22-23
and group of disciples, telepathic work between, 24
telepathic work with individual, 23
purpose, training, 85
qualities of Hierarchical Triangle, 185
> rapport, cultivation, 37-38
rapport of individual with, 6
responsiveness to, learning, 8
sensitivity, cultivation, 38
spirit, source, 23
telepathy. See Telepathy, group. will, training, 85
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle Page 20