retarding by members, 38-39
selflessness, 39
working in Ashram, lessons, 32-33
ashramic, coherence, means, 32
impression by Hierarchy, 82
invocative, training, 85
new, composition and common meeting-ground, 1-2
of disciples, training to invoke Hierarchy, 82
reception of telepathic communications, 42-51
response to mass ideologies, 84
subjective and objective, telepathic work between, 23-24
Guidance, divine, knowledge of, 121
Healing with auras, 174
Health, factor of substitution of ethers, 162
Health-giving energy of Earth, 154
“broken”, cause, 20-21
doctrine, teaching, 195
to-heart telepathic work, 20
insight, development, 56
work, substance, 118, 119
work, true, attitude required, 38
and groups of disciples, telepathic work between, 24
central triangle, 185, 188
centre, planetary, 125-126, 128-129, 133-136, 137, 159, 192
chain, 3, 122, 129, 182, 184
cooperation with, 120
development, 133
direction of energies, 193
distribution of energies, 194
efforts, cooperation with, 120
emanation, 52, 53
energy and activity, 184
energy from, vehicle and utilisation, 190
expression, 125
externalisation, 186
faculty governing, 69
handicapping, 140-141
from Lord Buddha, 44-45
from, sensitivity to, 94, 97, 100, 128
from Shamballa, 43, 67, 131-132, 133
upon world, emanating source, 194
influence, 187
intent, linking with human aspiration, 197
by groups of disciples, 82
of Shamballic impression, 81
lesser members, insensitivity to influence of Shamballa, 70
magnetism, 130
mediating function, 191
member, consulting, means, 72
knowledge of Plan, 70
learning Science of Impression, 42
universal perception, goal, 56
vehicles, 188
work, 118
method, use, results, 40
mind, expression of mind of God, 7
nucleus, 132
origin, 132
personnel, 66
Plan, grasp of, 196
planetary centre, 137
power station in rapport with, 108
radiation and influence, 187, 188
reaction to contact, 64
registration of aspects of divine Purpose, 69
relation to—
Lord of the World, 149
man, 192
repudiation, occult, 69
response to humanity and Shamballa, 133
study of Science of Impression, 42
substance used, 119
tasks, 184
communication, 3, 4, 13, 40
impression by, 46
impression of, 43-46
Triangle, 185, 188
use of abstract mind, 111
work, 113, 188
Higher criticism, achievement, 128
Horses, instinct, 67
House, Colonel Edward M., agency, 5
being, measure and magnitude, 126-127
beings, power, 66
beings, relation to Deity, 131
Centre, relation to hierarchical and Will Centre, 84
creation, 132
creative energy, 130-131
functions, 82, 185
goal, 62
impression, 81-82
karma and destiny, 79
major magnetic centre, 62
as major impressing agent, 128
as prime planetary creative agency, work, 133-134
capacity for freedom, 197
centres, relations, 192-193
characteristic outstanding, 128
common, sharing, 127
consciousness, 150
creativity, results, 133-134
development, point, 196
emanation, 52, 53
energy, vehicle and use, 190-191
evocative call, response to, 108
evolutionary, progress, 127
future Triangle, 185-186, 187, 188
goal of manifested life, 126
impression, 46-51, 67
invocation by, 81, 114
livingness, augmentation, 194
macrocosm of macrocosm, 125
planetary centre, 125-129, 133-137, 159, 192
potentiality, 67
radiation, 188
Ray governing, 135
reaction to revelations, 65-66
reception of impressions, 81-82
relation to—
animal kingdom, 79-80
Lord of the World, 149
responsibility, 67
sensitivity to impression from Hierarchy, 128
sin of separateness, 45
telepathic impression, agencies, 46-47
unfoldment, new phase, 60-61
work, substance, 188, 189
Hylozoism, fundamental concept, 182
apprehension, requirement, 189
development, 47-48
transmission and materialisation, 26
abortive, 190
clothing, 189
from buddhic levels, 21, 189
function, true, comprehension, 66
grasped by intelligentsia, fate, 78
mass, 3
presentation, telepathic, by initiate, 72
sensitivity to, 65
separative, effect upon spiritual impression, 107
spiritual, magnet for, 95
world of, entrance, 6
world of, sensitivity to, 14
Identification, door, passing through, 74
Ideologies, mass, response to, 84
Illumination, spiritual, reception, 108
factor in telepathic impression, 89
great, 138
of separateness, 137-138, 148
Imagination, creative, use, 148
Immortality, energy of, 191, 192
Impact, definition, 59
Impersonality, development, 37, 39
agencies, 75-78
Agents, prime, 119
by disciple, 87, 92
ashramic, 94
astral, 98
by Buddhas of Activity for distribution to Hierarchy, 43
concern, 42, 61
definition, 41
descent into brain, 107
directed, 118
distribution by Lord Buddha, 44-45
etheric or mental, direction, 98
extra-planetary, development, 56
etheric levels, 104
Hierarchy, registration, 103
humanity, registration, 103
mental levels, registration, 104
mental levels to brain, 105
mental-plane aspects, 111-112
own soul, registration, 103
Shamballa, 94, 97, 103
Spiritual Triad, 103, 104, 105-108
subhuman kingdoms, registration, 103
united Ashrams, 46, 104
Venus, 43
hierarchical, 94, 97, 103
horizontal, 103
intelligent, goal, 56<
br />
interpretation, 104-105, 106-108
mass, development, 84
mental registration, 104
occult Science of, basis, 112-113
Buddhas of Activity by Will of God, 45
disciples, effects, 41
Hierarchy by Lord Buddha, 44-45
Hierarchy by great Lives, 44
Hierarchy by Nirmanakayas, 44
Hierarchy by Shamballa, 43
human family in group formation, 86
of humanity by great Lives, 44
of humanity by by Hierarchy, 46
of humanity by by New Group of World Servers, 46
of humanity by highest type, 12
of humanity by interruption, 47
of humanity by results, 81-82
New Group of World Servers by active intelligence of God, 46
Nirmanakayas by Love of God, 45-46
Nirmanakayas by Shamballa, 44
Shamballa by Lodge on Sirius, 42-43
planetary sequence, 80
reception, stages, 41-42
receptivity to, 88
recipients, sensitivity, 119
registration, 97, 98, 101-104, 107
Science of. See Science of Impression.
sensitivity to. See Sensitivity.
source, recognition, 115
sources for conscious disciple, 86-87
sources in planetary life, 42-47
spiritual, 56, 93
telepathic. See Telepathic; Telepathy.
types, 86-91
vertical, 102-103
within Hierarchy, requirement, 70
work, two aspects, 87
Impressionability, human, 90-91
Ashram, sensitivity to, development, 104
Ashram, stages, 105-108
Monad, recording in brain, 104
soul of recipient, 76
Triad or Monad via Antahkarana, recording, 104
heavy physical, 116
highest point of entry, 117
interpretation recognised, 106
mental recording, 105
recorded by planetary Logos, 43
recorded, interpretation, 100
agent, 98
fact, in service, 93
stage, 105
registering, art of, learning, 92
sources, 42-43
Individual protection from group pressure, 39
Infinite, “tuning in on”, 72
becoming centre of living light, 175
consciousness, 71
contact mechanism, 172
definition, 128
fourth-degree, use of nadis, 152
presentation of ideas to Shamballa, 72
response to cosmic ethers, 169
sensing divine purpose, 71
shift in Ray focus, 160-161
ability to contact Member of Hierarchy, 72
awareness, 71
esoteric sense, development, 72-73
impressions, 87
powers, 70, 71, 72-73, 87
training, 128
use of nadis, 152
seventh Ray influence, 137
telepathic work, 3
training, occult, 72
alta major and spleen not counted, 146
cosmic, 80
eighth, 90
fifth, impression, 90
first, etheric results, 161
fourth, monadic impression, 74
number, 163
of Hierarchy by coming Avatars, 134
of humanity by coming Avatars, 134
of planetary Logos, 80-81
preparation for, four requirements, 85-86
processes, work done, 128
purpose, 128
readiness for, requirement, 14, 21
requirements, 85-86, 161
results, 154
second, soul force, activity, 100
seventh, impressibility, 90
sixth, 90, 159, 175-176
Transfiguration, results, 87
ultimate result, 126
five, etheric, substitution, 161, 162
nine, 90, 134-135, 163
Initiatory process, 85-86, 168
Insight, hierarchical, development, 56
carrying, 175
for service, 93
from Shamballa, 91
Instinct of self-preservation, centre, 191-192
Instincts, sublimated and controlled, 112-113
Instinctual telepathy. See Telepathy, instinctual.
Integration of—
group, necessity, 38
personality, etheric control, 168
soul with Spiritual Triad, 21
Intellect, human, power, 66
active, relation to love, 169
in interpretation of contact, 109
Internationalism, attainment, 196
correct, of telepathic communication, 100, 106, 107-108, 115
inspired, 54
Interpretations of recorded truth, 97, 100
awake, perceptions, 197
awakening by inflow, 21
definition, 189
in group formation, 35
in humanity, higher correspondence, 72
nurture of seed, 35
form-taking, 49, 50
means of learning Science of Impression, 42
negation of karma, 64-65
recorded, translation into form and direction, 50
civilisation, future, 35
levels, emanations, 47
receptivity of soul, 35
telepathy. See Telepathy, intuitional.
definition, 48
from Spiritual Triad, formulation, 22
awareness and sensitivity, development, 111
faculty, “seed or germ”, 109, 111
intelligence in interpretation, 115
levels, idea from, 189
ability, demonstration and development, 100-101
and evocation—
art, definition, 61
by initiates, 72-73
capacity, basis, 72
definition, 61
results, 44, 67
teaching, 48
technique, 50, 51
use, 123
disciple, ability, 100-101
groups, 82
Hierarchy, process, 81
humanity, 56-57, 81
Logos, 129
Lord of the World and His Associates, 81
magnetic aura, 96
first great, 129
“From the point of Light . . : “, 138
of cosmic energies by Shamballa, 134
of Hierarchy by groups of disciples, 82
of Hierarchy by humanity, results, 133-134
of Shamballa by Hierarchy, results, 134
producing evocation of impressing energies, 133
resultant, stage, 93
results, 56-57
unconscious and conscious, 81
cry of humanity, 114
response, 97, 100
Involutionary developments, two planetary centres en rapport, 132
Jesus, Master, work, 5
Jewel in the lotus, definitions, 91, 165, 169-171
Jewels, seven, 170-171
Kama-manasic energy, transmission, 147
creation, responsibility for, 64
four aspects, relation to ethers, 168
tion, 80
negation, 64-65
animal kingdom, 79, 80
human kingdom, 79
sub-human kingdoms, 79-80
“Killing out” centres, correction, 170-171
Kingdom of God, presence, 53
in nature, pranic life, source, 153
sub-human, impressions, 78-79
Language, use, abandonment, 33-34
Law of—
Analogy or Correspondences, 131
Cause and Effect, 168
Correspondences, vii, 90, 181
Evolution, 63, 119, 147
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle Page 21