Imminence, 69
Necessity, 194
Triple Response, 60
Laya Yoga, key, 181
League of Nations, concept, development, 4-5
Lemuria, instinctive telepathy, 16
all, unity of, 2, 137-138, 148-149, 180, 182
distribution and circulation on Earth, 183
energy, dynamic electrical, 129-130
fourfold, expression, macrocosmic, 156
light, radiation, 195
manifestation, requirement, 66
manifested, basic synthesis, 128
of man, nature of, determination, 155
of planetary Logos, manifestations, 154-155
planetary, dualistic nature, 52-53
planetary, planes, emanations, 142-143
principle of transient vehicles, 169
Life-awareness. See Atma-buddhi; Life-reason.
Life-giving energy of Earth, 154
displacement in consciousness, 65
fundamental, 180
response to initiation of Logos, 78
blending and expression, 66
effect in manifestation, 67
production, 65
See also Atma-buddhi.
definitions, 28, 140
living, centre, initiate, 175
of life, radiation, 195
of soul, indication, 98
point within a greater Light, mantram, 197
steady in, mentally, 28
great, telepathic impression of Hierarchy and humanity, 44
progressing toward human stage, 127
Living, mode, factors recommended, 192-193
Logoic energy, control of centre, 167
Logos, planetary—
aim, 56
awareness, 54
basic thought and fundamental proposition, disclosure, 126
body, sevenfold, 119
centres, 125-129, 132-138, 159-160, 192-193
definition, 182-183
etheric body, 7, 114, 161
expression, 129, 131
initial thought, synthesis, 120
initiation, 80-81
invocation, 129
Life, 124, 154
Love, nature of, 130, 135
mind, 43
potency, symbol, 91
projects, 56
purpose and plans, comprehension, 90
sutratma, 155
tasks, 56
thesis, present, 133
Will, direction, 7
Will, focus, potency, and knowledge of, 129-130
Logos, Solar, Purpose, 124
Lord of Civilisation, department, 186
Lord of the World—
centres, three major, 149
functions, 42, 43
Great Council, 42-43
invocation by, 81
keynote, 126
agencies, 78
expression, 65
vehicle, 149
Will, acclaimed in Council Chamber, 81
Will, aspect, 69
See also Sanat Kumara.
Lords of the Flame, advent, 132
aura, sphere of influence in, 165
knowledge petals, 111
love petals, radiation, 99
three aspects, 135
appearance, factors affecting, 172
condition, 174
energies, 171-173
point at centre, 165, 167, 169-171, 174
thousand-petalled, 190
Lotuses, petals, triangles and jewels, 165-166
creation of substitute for astral aura, 98
divine, expression, 125, 190
energy. See Energy of love.
force, attraction, 25
group, necessity for, 38-39
increase today, 26
magnetic power, pressure, effect on prana, 27
nature of divinity, 131
relation to pure reason, 69-70
Magic, black, of group, 39
Magnet for spiritual ideas, becoming, 95
Magnetic aura. See Aura, magnetic.
Mahachohan, work, 3, 185, 186
capacities already developed, guarantee of achievement, 54-55
electrical in nature, 140
responsiveness to environment, 90-91
spirit of, goal, 82
spiritual, endocrine system, 152
telepathic, responsiveness, 35
See also Human; Humanity.
Mantram, esoteric, 197
Manu, work, 3, 185, 186
and disciple, telepathic work between, 22-23, 77, 89
and His group, telepathic work, 23
inspiration from Shamballa, 91
observance of aura of disciple, 98
etheric body, 159
hierarchical work, 160, 163
link with one another, 1
training of disciples, 85
dense, “attracted response”, production, 146-147
mental, work in, 3
spiritual, 189
true, fruit, 19, 49
upon words to be used in telepathy, 31-32
Medium, centre used, 8, 9, 88, 116
Mediumistic phenomena, 88
Mediums, impressions received, sources, 104
development and control, importance, 26
levels, impressions received, types of men receiving, 104
matter, work in, 3, 188
planes, cosmic, prototypes upon, 90
pressure, warning against, 39
principle, universality, discovery, 6
radiation, control of astral aura, 99
release, clear, importance, 94
telepathy. See Telepathy, mental.
Messages emanating from subconscious of recipient, 75-76
factor in impression, 70, 71
impression, 94, 111-112, 189
relation to atmic substance, 112
alignment with soul and brain, 7, 12, 21-22
aspects, emphasis on in evolutionary process, 71
content, reflection in brain registration, 29-30
directing evolutionary process, 7
divine, encompassed, 131
dual action, 49
expression of soul consciousness, 32
force, importance, 26
held steady in light, 6, 51, 100
lower, use, correct, 50, 51, 52
of God, inspiration from, 91
open, necessary, 107
three aspects, 112
contact with, 71
hierarchical expression, 72
insight of, 56, 71
Purpose, 74
rulings, response to, 3
tapping, 4, 72
Minds, functioning as, necessity for, 49
Mineral, form, spiritual life, 78
contact with, results, 56
energies, 176
expression, 130, 135, 171
functions, 176
level, 160, 161
Ray, one of three, 160-161
Monad-personality dualism, established, 157-158
contact, 71
impression, definition, 74
life, indication, 165, 167, 169
Ray, seven sub-rays, 170
definition, 145, 162
relation to antahkarana, 152
relation to centres, 146, 147
system, use, 147, 152, 154
Nature, forms, etheric bodies, int
errelation, 2
Nerves, physical system, 162
Nervous system—
energy controlling, 145-146
relation to etheric counterpart, 145
two-fold, 152-153
Network of—
channels, 151
circles, 163, 164
etheric body, 145
light, 157
nadis, 145, 146
squares, 163, 164
triangles, 163, 164
tubes, 151, 162
New Age, new occultism coming, 173
New Group of World Servers—
experiment, 24
impression of humanity by, 13, 46, 68
impression upon, 46, 121-122
media, 189
task, 45, 46, 68, 197
Nine, number of initiation, 163
impression upon, 44, 45
work, 44, 45, 119, 121, 122
Numerical progression, 90
Observer, detachment, 101, 102
basis, 2
significance of telepathy, 5-8
Omniscience possible, 7
Eternal, expression, 171
in Whom we live and move and have our being, 182-183
Life, expression, 124, 126, 148, 180, 182
Opinion, public. See Public opinion.
“Overshadowing cloud of knowable things”, registration, 49
Password at door of identification, 74
Path of—
Discipleship, development on, 19
Discipleship, energies, expression, 168, 169
Initiation, energies, expression, 168
Initiation, impression on, 137
Return, progress on, 99, 137
Pattern of present planetary work, 131-133
Perception, mechanism, development, 53-54
and Spiritual Triad, hiatus between, 139
conditioning, 34-35, 165, 166
expression, 135
integrated, 12, 137, 190-191
life, controlling factors, 167-181
polarisation, 97
soul-infused, 130, 152, 190
Petals. See Lotus.
definitions, 94, 118-119, 132
details, known only to senior members of Hierarchy, 70-71
divine, concern of telepathy, 113
glimpse, first real, 73
hierarchical, 71, 95, 121
impression upon Hierarchy, 132
atmic, energy, 167
relation to abstract mind, 112
buddhic, energy, 167
buddhic, focus of attention, 111-112
cosmic physical, life-essence, 154-155
logoic, energy, 167
monadic, energy, 167, 168
planetary physical, four ethers, 167, 168
energies, reception in man, 192-193
interrelationship, expression, 128
system, nature of, 83
in astral nature, 99
of personality on mental plane, 97, 99
point, offsetting, 172
Power, love of, avoidance, 39, 40
definition, 154-155
energy, activity in telepathic process, 27
energy of aura, 97
entrance into human mechanism, 16
planetary, 154
Pranic life of four kingdoms, sources, 153-154
Prevision, occult, 69
Prophecies, regarding—
animals, 79
antahkarana, 139
Aquarian Age, 33, 35, 48
central Triangle functioning, 185-186, 187
end of Age, 187
etheric body, 139
growth of omniscience, 7
human kingdom, 62
love, 26
mental polarisation, 33
rulership of world, 7
Science of Impression, 48-49
Will-to-Good, 47
Protection in meditation, 49
distortions, 106
lower, contact with delusions, 54
Psychics, astral, impressions received, sources, 104
Psychology, mass, 24
Public opinion, 3, 14, 24, 46
Pure reason, relation of love to, 69-70
Purity of life, 40
definition, 129-130
expression, 126
factors engineering and stepping-down, 71
manifestation, 3
primary and major aspect, 126
promotion, 91
synthesis, 126
extra-planetary, dynamic agent, 125
of Sanat Kumara, 120-121
awareness of, 95
definition, 120
Will, implementing, 94
source and focus, 129-130
Radiation, sphere, 173-176, 180, 181, 187
between humanity and animals, 68
group, cultivation, 37-38
of mind and brain, 12
telepathic, training in, 85
telepathic, true, relations, 83
energies, power to use, 92
energies, relation to centres, 136-137
factor in discriminatory registration, 89
focus, shifts, changes, 160-161
Active Intelligence, function, 185
Love-Wisdom, function, 184
present solar system, 161
Will or Power, function, 183
impact upon etheric body, 146
knowledge of, usefulness, 144
relation to centres, 135-137, 146
Receiving stations, 6
brain, stage, 105
correct telepathic, stages, 41
of energies from three centres, organs, 192
of impression and ideas, 84
registration and recording impressions, 47-48
telepathic, correct stages, 41
telepathic energies used, 28
Receptive and distributive agents, 191
active, energy in, 29
conscious, of mind, 88
to impression, groups, 87-93
unconscious, 88
Recipient and agent of impression combined, 122-123
impressed, at atmic level, 120
of Plan, 121-122
Recognised, interpretation, stage, 106
agent of all impressions, 98
and reducing into concepts, data registered, 93
interpretations, processes, 97, 100
of impression, clear and correct, 104-105
Registering, art, 92
of higher impressions, 41-42, 107
of impression, first stage, 41
of impressions, agent, 98
processes, 97, 100, 101-108
between fourth and fifth kingdoms, 194
theme, 193-194
Religion, Invocative and Evocative, 47
Reservoirs of—
force, creation, 146
thought substance, 92-95, 96, 97
apparatus, true, 152
extra-planetary, to invocation, 68
invocative, resultant, processes, 97, 100
telepathic, 27
to impact, 58, 59
Responsibility of impressionability, registration and appeal, 82, 86
brain, 27
conscious, development, 100
finition, 56
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle Page 22