Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle
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point, fifth, 120
points, 56
ultimate, to final root-race, 120
Rhythm of soul’s endeavour, 38-39
Right human relations, 48-49
Rod of initiation, function, 162
Sanat Kumara—
acclaimed, response to, 81
force carried by Buddha, 187
heart of sea of energies, 183-193
manifestation, composition, causation, 81
purpose, 119, 120, 126, 136
role at end of Age, 187
task, 68
triangle formed, 164
will, 69, 119, 136, 183
work, 164, 183, 186-187
See also Lord of the world.
Saviour, world, embryo, 6
modern, limitation and hope, 142
recognition of energy, 140
work, 128
Science of—
communication, origin and development, 12
basic concepts, 114-123
result, 54
group telepathic communication, 12-13
concern, primary, 40, 113
connections, 52-53
definitions, 47-48, 50, 59-60, 62-63, 87, 91, 92
establishment of invocative sensitivity, 50
mastery, 87
relation to invocation and. evocation, 48, 53
relation to subjective world, 47
requirements and attendant circumstances, 112-113
status, 42
study, 42, 47-51
triads, 50
Invocation and Evocation—
basis, 71-72
connections, 52-53
development, 128-129
functions, 53
origin, 85
utilisation and basic concepts, 113-123
Life, 184
Relationships, 184
Sensitivity, definition, 59-60
relations and functions, 52-53
See also Telepathic; Telepathy.
thoughtform making, vitalisation and direction, 87
Scientists, occult, 142
Scriptures, world, origin and purpose, 77
Seance, spiritualistic, type of telepathy used, 8, 9
Self-consciousness of disciple, development, 102
Self-knowledge, growing, 92
Self-preservation, instinct, 191
Selflessness in group endeavour, 39
awareness, astral, 111
reactions, cultivation, 34-35
Sensitives, spiritual, work, 119
abstract, 112
areas, stages, 96-97
astral, centre involved, 16-17
astral, fall below threshold of consciousness, 112
astral, nature of, 110
between Triad and concrete mind, establishment, 50
discriminative, development, 81
group, cultivation, 38
higher, 94, 95
intuitive, 111
invocative, establishment, 50
of humanity, 128
of love, substitution for emotional sensitivity, 100
safeguarded, 49
telepathic, 11-12, 14, 94, 95
to call of human beings, 100
true, instrument, 157
utilisation in service, 58
non-existent, 148-149
sense of, 137-138
Serapis, Master, work, 4
Servers, needs, 195-197
expansion, 89-90, 93
human, goal, 62
implements, 173-175
instrumentality of sphere of radiation, 174-175
occult, first stage, 93
related to seventh, eighth, ninth initiations, 90
use of sensitivity, 58
Seven Spirits before the Throne, 161
activity, basic mode, 184
and Hierarchy, antahkarana between, uses, 70
Beings controlling and dominating, 129-130
central Triangle, 185, 188
centre, true, protection, 70
Council Chamber, 125
definition, 183
emanation from, 52, 81
energy, expansion, 131-132
energy from, vehicle and utilisation, 190
focus of Will, 125
impression upon, sources, 42-43, 68
impressions from, 68-69, 97, 103, 128, 133
informing Lives, 155
invocation of, 71-72
major activity, 183
work, 131-132, 187-188
Sight, human and initiate, 56
Sin of separateness, 45
Sirius, energy from, 131
Angels, visiting, 132
energy, attractive magnetic, 130
system, portrayal, 183
system, present, gift to mankind, 91-92
agent in man, 52
alignment of brain with, 107
body. See Body, causal.
consciousness. See Consciousness, soul.
contact, 56, 68, 95, 190
control by, requirement, 23
definition and functions, 157
effect on lotus, 165
expression, vehicle, 135
force, distributor, 191
impression from, 103, 111
inspiration and destruction, 165
integration with Spiritual Triad, 21
intuitional receptivity, 35
light, mind held steady in, influence, 100
light within aura, indications, 98
mental perception, 71
messages from, 88
mind and brain—
alignment, 7, 12, 21-22
coordinated and functioning as unit, 8
telepathic work between, 21-22
no longer needed, 157
overshadowing, fragment, 97
power, bring in, 11
radiation, 99
rapport with, 96
relation to heart centre, 192
threefold, no longer needed, 157
to mind, telepathy, 21
to soul, telepathy, 21
Soul-infused personality. See Personality, soul-infused.
Souls, Kingdom, 125
Space, nature of, 178-181
energy, distributor, 191
life, scientific approach to, 123
perception, 73
recognition, unfoldment and direction, 59
Spiritualistic seance, type of telepathy used, 8-9
Stabilisation of higher ethers in personality, 162
Star, nine-pointed, 187
Subconscious, messages from, 88, 89
realm, experiencing, 53-57
world, life, mode, 47
worlds, achievement in, guarantee, 55
active, 25
astral, 111
atmic, 112
buddhic, 111, 160
cosmic etheric, 160, 189
definition, 189
dynamic energised, work with, 122
etheric, four types, 151
etheric, substanding form, type, 153-154
form-making, 2
knowledge of, development, 128
liberation from, 173
living, fusion of life with, 182
medium of relationship and contact, 125
mental, 110, 111-112
nature, 5
planetary, use, 119
work with, 188
Sun, symbol in mankind, 23
Supreme Science of Contact—
consideration, importance of subject of etheric body, 124
expression, three modes, 52-57
functioning, 64-74, 83-84
> phases, 110-114
Sutratma of planetary Logos, 155
Symbols, use in interpretation, 106
basic, underlying all planetary manifestation, 128
energy, 125
final, 120
in creative work, 18
planetary, 124
production, 26
Task, hierarchical, 87
Teachings, telepathic, from more advanced disciple, 76-77
Technique of—
energising etheric centres, 50
Invocation and Evocation, definition, 50
Invocation and Evocation, three aspects, 51
bridging work, recommendations, 34-35
laws, 5-8
medium, 1-2, 5, 14, 16
techniques and process, knowledge, need for, 33-34
communications from Master to disciple, 77
contact, right receptivity, 115
contact, true, between minds, 115
effort, results, 85
faculty, unfoldment, premature, 75
instinct, development, 35
intercommunication in past, 3
interplay, 18, 33
inter-relation between group members, growth factors, 25
man, definition, 35
medium of inter-relation, 1-2
messages, sources, 75-82
process, elementary mechanics, 14
reception, See Reception, telepathic.
relationship set up, 67-68
relationships possible, 32-33
response, 27
sensitivity. See Sensitivity.
tuning-in, requirements, 37-38
unfoldment, premature, danger, 75, 94
between soul and mind, 21
between soul, mind, and brain, 21-22
directed, 11
energy, three types, 25-29
forms, ten, 20-24
group; united, 37-40
heart to heart, 20
hindrance, 10-11
mind to mind, 20
solar plexus to solar plexus, 16-17, 20
soul to soul, 21
successful, clue, 26
successful, requirements, 10, 11, 19, 28, 29-30, 33
Aryan, 17-18
factors to be considered, 14
group, 1, 13, 23-24
heart-to-heart, 20
Hierarchy and groups, 13, 24
Hierarchy to New Group of World Servers, 13
higher, infallibility, 110
instinctual, 8-9, 13-14, 16-17, 18
intuitional, development, 19, 21, 68
Master to disciple, 13, 22-23
Master to group, 13, 23
definition, 109-110
higher forms, 113
instruments, 17-19
medium, 111-112
straight, nature, 110
mind-to-mind, 9-10, 13, 20
new Science, study by disciples, 33-35
practice, foundation, 34-35, 87
relation to expression, 42
Science of, relations and functions, 52-53
significance in omnipresence, 5
solar plexus to solar plexus, 13, 20
and mind, 13, 21
mind and brain, 13, 21-22
to soul, 12, 13, 21
sympathetic, 109
thinker to world server, 6-7
types, 13, 16-24, 109-114
understanding, 11
use of words, 31-32
Tension, points, recognition, 96
Theosophists, technique, 140-141
inspired, to mind of aligned world server, 6-7
originating, 119
Thinkers, inner Group, 3
currents, 5, 114-115
inner structure, link, 1
unity, production, 5-8
unity, recognition, 5
in telepathic impression, 41
of planetary Logos, 7
of telepathic work, 36
one synthetic, functioning, 23
creation, 49, 51, 87, 115
distortion of true interpretation, 106
formulated, power, 4
Thoughts, geometrical, 54
Tibetan Master, statement, 1934, extract, vi-vii
Time, responsibility for, 81
by Masters in Ashrams, objective, 58
in telepathic rapport, 85
Transference of energies, 150-154, 168
Transfiguration initiate to be trusted, 87
Translation of recorded intuition into form, 50
Transmitter and recipient, linking, 25
Transmission, active outgoing energy in, 28-29
of energy from four cosmic etheric levels, 157
of seven Ray energies, 135-137
in telepathic work, 28
purified energies, 191
Transmutation of energies, 117, 191
Triad, Spiritual—
control of student, 130
effect on triangle, 165, 166
function, 61, 190
impressions from, stages, 87, 90, 103, 105-106
influence, 122
integration with, 21
intuitions from, 22
rapport with concrete mind, 50
relation of soul-infused personality to, 152
substitution for soul, 107
conditioned by Spiritual Triad, 165, 166
of energies, Central, 175-176
of energies working through Sanat Kumara, 183-193
governing, 185-186
in etheric body, 165, 166
essential, distorter, great, 105
recorded, interpretations, 100
Unfoldment of telepathic faculty, premature, 75
Universal Mind. See Mind, Universal.
Universe, nature of, 178-179
Vegetable kingdom, work of devas, 78-79
Vehicles, three periodical, 61, 134-135, 137, 175, 192
Venus, Lords from, 132
Vibration rates, stepping clown, process, 3
Vicarious atonement, 100
Virtues, major, cultivation, effects, 175
importance, 44
work of Lord Buddha, 44-45
Whole, divine, realisation, 91
as dynamic energy, 122
agents, 91, 190
area energised by, 120
expression, 129
planetary, focus, 125
energy available to Hierarchy, 69
implementing planetary Purpose, 94
of planetary Logoi, 68
of Sanat Kumara, 69, 81, 119, 136
Will-to-be, energy, 191
and goodwill, 46, 47
expression, 190
externalisation, 46
Will-to-live, demonstration, 191
Wilson, Woodrow, presentation of concept, 5
Word forms, hazardous nature, 106
Words, use telepathically, 31-32
World of forces, work in, 11
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