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Night Terror & Fialux (Book 3): Villains Don't Train Heroes!

Page 24

by Archer, Mia

  All that light did weird things. Like that hill behind me moved and it cast a few different shadows.

  Shit. That hill behind me moved. Hills weren’t supposed to move. When something as big as a small mountain moved back on earth it usually meant something bad was going down.

  I couldn’t imagine it was much different here.

  I turned around, and I almost didn’t want to look at what was coming at me. I was almost afraid of what I was going to see.

  A giant lizard stared down at me. Yup. I definitely needed to be afraid.

  The thing’s skin was twisted and torn like the radiation on this world had really done a number on it. And the thing was staring down at me like it blamed me personally for everything bad that’d happened to it.

  That Lana bitch was the gift that kept on giving.

  Not that I could blame the thing. I’m sure in its lizard brain one toolmaking hairless monkey looked the same as another, and from the way the thing glared at me it was in the mood for some revenge.

  I took a step back, but I knew it wasn’t going to do me a damn bit of good. I took another step back anyway. And another.

  It was by the third step that I realized there was nothing behind me. My arms cartwheeled a couple of times and I barely managed to catch myself at the last moment.

  That’s when I heard it.

  I mean I heard a lot of things. I heard the giant lizard in front of me breathing. It was a deep bass sound that rattled my insides. Something that big standing so close couldn’t help but rattle my insides just a little.

  That wasn’t what I heard though. No, I heard what sounded like screaming. Even though there was certain death staring down at me I couldn’t help but turn around and have a look.

  I gasped.

  Not only did this strange new world support life even though Natalie said it was irradiated, but it looked like the place was supporting a full on civilization. I stared down at a massive city that looked every bit as big as Starlight City back on earth.

  The resemblance wasn’t just in passing either. No, there was at least one giant lizard down there terrorizing the city. Every once in awhile a strange pinkish flame would shoot up from one of the buildings where presumably one of those lizards was marching through the city raising hell.

  Huh. I guess those things were as much of a nuisance here as they were back home. I wondered if Dr. Lana knew or cared that this world was inhabited when she started introducing new fauna to the place which seemed like a major no-no.

  I mean if Australia was almost overrun by giant toads then it seemed like introducing even more giant lizards to a new planet would be an even worse idea.

  Whatever was going on down there, it was clear these aliens inhabiting this strange new world weren’t having a good time of it. They looked to be enjoying their giant lizard attack about as much as Starlight City had been enjoying it.

  I looked down at that city. Turned and looked up at the giant lizard staring down at me with what I could only describe as a “baleful glare.” That was a term I picked up from one of my literature classes that I’d always liked, and I always tried to use it in conversation even though it got me some weird looks at parties.

  The thing raised its hand, and in that moment I knew I wasn’t going to live long enough for the radiation Natalie was talking about to kill me. No, it looked like that radiation made flesh was going to take a much more direct shot at me in the here and now.

  Damn it. Welcome to the galaxy, Selena. Now it’s time to die.


  Coming soon! I’m Not A Hero!

  I’m about halfway through the next book in the series as of the end of March 2018 and I’m shooting for a release at the end of May or early June 2018!

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  Also by Mia Archer

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