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Crave Her Curves

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Locking our fingers together, he takes his time, slowly, inch by inch, working his length within me, making sure I can take all of him before he pulls out, and then proceeds to slide back inside me.

  Each time, he goes deeper and deeper. His cock is branding me, but I have never felt closer to him than I do in this very second.

  It’s consuming.

  It’s needy.

  It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

  When he growls my name against my flesh, it makes me feel so alive, so loved. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and he continues to give. Before he finds his own release, he makes sure I find mine, coming all over his length before he picks up speed, working himself inside me, until I feel the pulse and spill of his cum.

  This isn’t cold, hard fucking.

  Mitch has just made love to me.

  It is the first time we’ve done it so passionately, and now I don’t know if he loves me, or if he’s just showing me what he wants.

  Chapter Six


  Ava hates the penthouse apartment, but she’s making it work, especially because on the rarest of the rare occasions, I’ve had to go into my office. Now that we’ve come away from the cabin, and she actually gets to see my life, she’s a little … perplexed.

  She tries to hide it in her sweet smiles, but when she thinks no one is looking, I see the fear in her eyes. She doesn’t know what to do. If she thinks for a single moment I’m not looking or paying attention to her, she is so wrong.

  I’ve wanted this woman for so long, and the month we’ve spent at the cabin is just the start of forever. Ava still thinks she’s going back to her father, as I’ve not told her yet that I’m never giving her back.

  My only wish right now is to tell her the truth of how I feel.

  I’m getting tired of her worrying for no good reason.

  Like right now, I know there are a couple of receptionists in my building who want to fuck me and find any excuse to see me in person. Each time they arrive, Ava gets even quieter and seems to sink down even more into the sofa. She’s not reading one of her favorite authors though, no, she’s spending her time reading several different college applications. There are so many places she can choose from.

  Once the receptionist, whose name I don’t remember, leaves, I look toward the woman I do love.

  She’s staring at the door.

  Pressing the intercom, I tell my PA to hold all visitors and not to disturb me until I say otherwise.

  “Ava, come here,” I say.

  She’s a little startled when I say her name.

  Closing her booklet, she puts it down on the sofa and walks toward me. I’ve purchased her many different items of clothing, and this blue dress has a nice, flowing skirt, which if she was to spin around would flow out and showcase her thighs. I hold my hand out for her to take, which she does, and I pull her toward me, making her straddle my lap. Pressing my cock against her pussy, I feel her moan, and watch her eyes close as I rub against her sensitive area.

  She’s been with me a month and a half, and I know she has already skipped a period, but I wonder if she has even realized it yet. I want to know if she’s carrying my child so I can take the next step of owning her and showing her for the rest of our lives, just how much I love her.

  Gripping her ass, I rub her against me, loving how her eyes close and her head tilts back as I hit the right spot, the spot I know she loves.

  She doesn’t hold back as I give her what I want. My dick hardens even more.

  She straightens up, her hands going to my shoulders.

  “You want me?” I ask.


  “Beg me for it.”

  “Please, Mitch, I want you. I need you. Please. I’ll do anything. Please.”

  I love it when I get her like this, when her need overrides everything else. It’s hypnotic, and what makes it even better is she’s all fucking mine.

  I don’t share. I hate sharing, and with Ava, I can be as selfish as I need to be.

  Lifting up her skirt, I trace my finger across the seam of her panties. They’re wet from her arousal, and it makes me even harder to know my girl can be just as dirty as I am.

  “Take out my cock.”

  She lowers the zipper of my pants, her hand sliding in to touch me.

  I’m so hard and already slick with my pre-cum. I grip the edge of her panties and yank hard, feeling them tear, and I shove them into my pocket. Holding her hips, I lift her up, and she grasps my cock.

  We work together, and as I sink inside her, we both moan our pleasure.

  Even though I’ve been fucking her for a month straight, she’s still too tight. Each time I fuck her, it’s like a vise is wrapped around my dick, and there’s no way of stopping it. I love how tight she is, and I want her. I want her so fucking much.

  Every waking moment is filled with my need for her, and it doesn’t stop, not even for a moment. I want to give her the world. I’m obsessed with her, and there’s no mistaking my feelings for her.

  She means everything to me.

  My entire world is surrounded by her.

  I love her.

  I want to claim and own every part of her.

  When I think she is pregnant with my child, I can’t help but feel … happy, thrilled, excited. I want to go and get a test, but I also don’t want to freak her out.

  I love her more than anything else in the world. There’s no one I want more, and I can see us having a life together.

  A happy, fun-filled life.

  Gripping her hips tighter, I rock into her, going as deep as I can, lifting her up and pulling her back down onto my cock. Over and over, I fuck her, going deeper inside her, watching her eyes as they dilate.

  The pleasure is building between the two of us.

  I don’t want to come without her.

  Moving her skirt out of the way, I finger her pussy, working her over and over until I feel the flutters of her cunt as she comes over my cock. With the tightness of her pussy, and the feel of her cum, I fill her up again, hoping my seed has already filled her, wanting to keep her as mine, and not let anyone else touch her.

  She belongs to me.

  Only to me.

  Sinking my fingers into her hair, I pull her close, and slam her lips against mine, nipping at her flesh.

  She is mine.



  When I walk around his country home, I feel like this is where I’m meant to be. The end of summer is fast closing in, and I’m worried about what waits for me when I go home. I’ve got no job for me, and I love being here. I love being with him. Mitch has gone out to run some errands, and promised to return soon as he wanted to talk. Biting my lip, I stare into one of the spare bedrooms. His country home has over six rooms, three of which have always been designed for guests. This one is different though. As I stare into the room, I can see it changing, becoming a nursery, and without thinking, my hand goes to my stomach. More than anything I want to have this baby.

  Mitch doesn’t know. When he was in a meeting the other day, I snuck out of the building to the pharmacy and purchased a test. I took it in the bathroom, and I wasn’t surprised when the blue lines confirmed I was indeed pregnant. I wonder how Mitch will feel knowing we’ve made a child together.

  I’ve never felt so terrified in my life.

  I’m in love with a man who hasn’t even said how he feels about me.

  I know he desires me, but can that ever go to love? Can it ever be more?

  I doubt it.

  I hate being a pessimist. All my life I’ve only known sadness and betrayal until Mitch. He’s the only man who has ever given me hope.

  I could see a small crib in the center of the room with an animal dial hanging down and a nightlight casting stars around the darkened room.

  Each thought makes me yearn for more.

  I’ve known Mitch for a couple of years, and he’s been my lover now for several weeks. I can’t imagine my
life with anyone else, but what if he doesn’t want to be with me?

  When his arms wrap around my waist and his lips brush my neck, I close my eyes.

  “Should I be worried you’re staring into an empty room?” he asks.


  “I’ve made reservations for tonight. It’s the French place you love so much.”

  “Yes, you want to talk, right?”


  He kisses my neck again. “Come on, baby. Let’s go and get ready.”

  I follow him out of the room, taking the cowardly way out.

  Tucking my hair behind my ear, I cut off my self-doubts and focus on the man in front of me. The way he takes charge. Showering together is a dream come true with how he devotes so much time to caressing my body. Each touch, caress, and stroke only serve to enhance my need for him.

  Tonight is different though. Mitch doesn’t press me up against the tiled walls and fuck me. He turns the water off, and I’m shocked.

  I follow him out of the shower and dry myself off before going into our shared closet. All the new clothes I own were picked out by Mitch. I don’t mind. He’s got exquisite taste in clothes.

  Running my fingers over the fabric, I pick out the perfect red dress. It’s the kind that molds against every single curve of my body. I won’t be able to wear this soon as my pregnancy starts to show.

  Once I’m done, I turn to Mitch, and his gaze travels down the length of my body. There’s no mistaking the heat in his gaze. It lingers on my hips, and I wonder if he can see the evidence of what we’ve made together.

  It takes every single ounce of control not to touch my stomach, but I do it.

  “You look stunning.”

  “Thank you.”

  Holding his hand, we make our way down to his car. He opens the door for me, always the perfect gentleman. I can never complain about his treatment of me because he always makes me feel cared for and loved.

  On the way to the restaurant, he turns on the radio, and I can’t help but feel nervous. We usually talk about our days, and he tells me about how annoying he found his latest meeting. I like how he shares his life with me, but now, something is different, and I wish we could go back.

  There’s no going back though.

  No matter how much I want it.

  We can’t change what we’ve done.

  I fist my hand at my side, stopping myself from touching my stomach. All in good time. I’ve got to be patient and wait.

  I’ll tell him later tonight, after he’s talked about whatever it is he wishes to discuss. I hate that I’m taking the cowardly way out, but my nerves are shot.

  Arriving at the restaurant, Mitch gets out of the car and stops the valet from helping me. He still doesn’t like the idea of any other man touching me.

  I find it so sweet. It gives me hope.

  With his hand at my back, we walk into the restaurant. Aware of the stairs, I hold onto Mitch’s arm as the maître d’ shows us to our table.

  Mitch only gets the best. He told me how he built his company from the ground up, learning from his past mistakes, to become the man he is now. He doesn’t have to spend every waking moment at work, but there are rare occasions he’s called in to handle certain matters. I don’t mind. I happen to enjoy watching him work. He’s a commanding presence in any domain he enters.

  My love for him hasn’t wavered, not once.

  “We’ll have a glass of wine,” Mitch says.

  “Can I just have water? I’m not in a drinking mood.” I need to see a doctor to go through all of the pregnancy dos and don’ts. I’m so far out of my depth, but Mitch nods toward the waiter.


  “I hope that’s okay. Unless this is a celebration?” I can fake drink the wine until I tell him the truth.

  “It’s fine. Water, pop, wine, drink whatever you want.”

  Is this so he can break up with me? I hate how my heart seems to break. Tears fill my eyes, and I quickly look down so he doesn’t see.

  Chapter Seven


  I can’t stand to see her cry, and the moment she bowed her head, I knew she was trying to ward off tears.

  Reaching across the table, I hold her hands and will her to look at me.

  When that doesn’t work, I beg her to.

  “Baby, look at me. Don’t do this. I want to see your pretty eyes.” So far tonight, it’s not going well. First, I screw up by being late home. Then I catch her staring at the spare bedroom with no furniture, and I worry she wants to leave me. Then, because I’m late, I can’t take my time in the shower with her.

  My dick is in desperate need to be inside her, and instead of enjoying the fun, I’m stuck having to rush her along.

  Then to make matters worse, her dress molds to every curve, which only serves to scream at me for making these stupid reservations. I could cook for us or order out. Only, I wanted this to perfect.

  I should have known anything perfect for us, would be with just the two of us.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “You look like you’re going to cry. That’s not nothing. It’s something.”

  “I’ve got something to tell you, and I’m afraid.”

  My heart trips over. I can’t believe how quickly this woman unravels me.

  “Tell me after I ask you something,” I say. I need to do this now, as otherwise I’ll lose my nerve.

  Keeping hold of one of her hands, I reach into my pocket and grab the ring.

  “Ava, I love you. I know I’ve not told you, but I do. The truth is, I paid off your father’s debts to make sure he didn’t interfere with us. I want you all to myself, and I have for some time now. I know you’re only nineteen, but there’s no one else I could ever want. I’ll give you everything, if you just say yes.”

  The tears that were in her eyes start to fall, and I feel like the biggest fucking loser around.


  “I want you to marry me, Ava. I want you to be my wife.” I’m aware of people staring at us, but I couldn’t give two shits. The only person I care about is the woman staring at me in shock. “I kind of need you to speak.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Okay, I wasn’t expecting that. “You are?”

  She nods, sniffles, and glances around the room to see we’re being watched.

  “Hey, hey, ignore them. We have every right to be here as well.” I hold her hand a little tighter. She only needs to focus on me. “I love you. I want to marry you.”

  “But I’m pregnant.”

  “Look at me, I don’t mind. I think that’s fucking brilliant.” I pick her hand up and kiss her knuckles. “I want to have a family with you. I want to have it all with you. Every single moment of my life I want it to be with you, not with anyone else.” Getting up from my chair, I crouch down beside her, wiping away her tears. I can’t bear to see my baby cry. “I love you more than anything else in the world.”

  “You do?”

  Placing my hand over her stomach, I smile. “Yes. We’re going to have a baby?”

  “Yes, I took a test. We’re going to have a son or daughter. I don’t know which.”

  “That’s why you didn’t want the wine?”

  “Yes. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  Gripping the back of her neck, I pull her close, kissing her lips. “We’re going to be doing this together, that’s what. You, me, and our child.”

  Kissing her again, I once again wish we were at home, only we’re surrounded by people.

  I sit opposite her as the waiter comes to take our orders. I let Ava order first before giving him my own. I don’t care about the food.

  “You’ve not answered my question,” I say. I’ve still got the ring, and she gasps.

  “Yes. I want to marry you. I want to be your wife.”

  I slide the ring onto her finger, and I’m not surprised to find it fits perfectly. Exactly how I knew it would.

re is no backing out now.

  She is my wife.

  Around the restaurant there are rounds of applause, and I bask in them as I lean over the table to cup my fiancée’s face. She kisses me back with an equal passion, and my dick hardens. I don’t even care where we are anymore. There’s only one woman for me, and it will always be her.

  The waiter brings us out our food, and I hold Ava’s hand as I eat. It’s awkward, but right now, knowing she’s pregnant, I don’t want to let her go, not for a single second.

  “You wanted to propose? That’s what you wanted to talk to me about?” she asks.

  “Yes. I wanted it to be the perfect setting even though now, I feel our bedroom would have been the perfect place.”

  She chuckles. “You’re having to be on your best behavior.”

  “Yes. Can I ask you a question?” I ask.

  She nods.

  “Are you angry with me about your dad?”

  “No. My dad and I have never really seen eye to eye. I can imagine he was more than happy to get rid of me.” She squeezes my hand. “I’m sorry if he caused you any trouble.”

  “He means nothing to me. I stuck around for you. You needed someone, and he proved time and again, he wasn’t worth my time.”

  We finish our meal and forgo dessert. I get the check, and with her hand in mine, I lead her back out to the car.

  Home is the only place I want to be.

  For now until eternity.


  I giggle as Mitch turns the instructions over again and again. We had our pregnancy confirmed today at the doctor. It is too soon to tell the sex, but seeing as we now have a baby on the way, he is going crazy over getting the nursery set up.

  He loves the same room as I do. It’s close to our bedroom and has the perfect view of the garden.

  Resting my head against the doorframe, I place a hand on my stomach.

  “Are you reading the instructions right?” We’re going to get married this weekend. I don’t want a large wedding, and neither does Mitch. We’re flying out to Vegas to make it official. Some women want huge church weddings. Me, I just want to marry him. I don’t need anything else attached to it, just Mitch.

  He looks up at me, and the glare disappears.


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