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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

Page 31

by Lane Hart

  “More, please,” I gasp as my fingers grip the sofa, trying to hold on when he finally can’t contain himself any longer.

  I don’t know what I enjoy more, his grunts and groans above me or the amazing way he feels inside of me in this position.

  Miles was the first man to fuck me from behind, and it’s so good when he’s rubbing me at this angle that I’m not sure why anyone would have sex any other way.

  “This pussy was made for me, princess,” Miles says before he bites down on my shoulder between brutal thrusts. “I can’t get enough.”

  “Take it,” I tell him. “It’s yours. I’m yours.”

  “Damn right you are,” he agrees. Letting go of my breasts, Miles leans back and then slaps my ass cheek. “Work that ass on your cock. Show me how bad you want it now that it’s all yours.”

  “I want it so bad,” I tell him as I swivel my hips and push back to force his shaft deeper.

  “You need my hand right here too, don’t you?” he asks when his palm reaches around and grabs my pussy possessively. “I know exactly how to get my wife off. You need my hard cock and a little clit tickle, princess?”

  “God yes, I love it,” I say when his magical fingers send me soaring while he fucks my brains out. He thrusts so deep and hard that my teeth chatter and I almost bite my tongue. I still want more when it’s all over and his cock slips free leaving me slumped over the sofa, unable to move a muscle.

  But apparently Miles isn’t done blowing my mind just yet. I realize he wasn’t lying about eating me afterward when his tongue snakes up the inside of my thigh, licking up the mess we made.

  “You don’t have to –” I start to say before he French kisses my clit, sucking it, licking it, and turning my brains to mush.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I chant over and over in time with my bouncing hips that are racing toward another release.

  God, he’s so good to me. I’m not sure what I did to deserve such an amazing man who takes care of me in every possible way, but I’ll never get enough.

  “Ahh!” I shout when I plummet over the crest and down yet again with the end nowhere in sight. It’s the longest, most intense orgasm I’ve ever had; and by the time my body stops shaking, I can’t hold myself up any longer.

  Miles sweeps me off my feet and into his arms, causing the world to spin. The door to the bedroom shuts. Then, he lowers me to the guest bed and stretches out alongside me so that we’re face to face.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, grabbing his jaw with one weak hand and pulling his lips to my mouth, loving how my flavor mixes with his.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “You have to leave,” I whisper against Kira’s lips while I hold her to me, trying to soak up as much of her warm, tantalizing scent as possible before I have to let her go.

  “What?” she asks, reeling back while the hazy lust fades from her eyes.

  “We’re making plans to ambush the Russians, hopefully before they show up here,” I explain. “All the women and kids are going to stay down in Surfside Beach with the Myrtle Beach Savage Kings charter until it’s safe. I don’t want you to go, but it’s the best thing to make sure you are out of the crossfire if any of them come to town before we pull off our trap.”

  “Okay. When do I have to go?” she asks.

  “Soon,” I reply. “Chase said you could get a ride with Sasha and Mercy. They’ll call when they’re on the way.”

  “What about Blackjack?”

  “I’m sure Eddie will stick around. He can take care of him until you get back.”

  “I’ll miss him,” she says.

  “I know.”

  “I’ll miss you too,” she adds, slipping her palm up the bottom of my shirt and placing it on my side, right on top of the new ink. “Why don’t you ever get undressed when we’re together?” Kira asks.

  “Because I’m not sure if you’re ready to see all of the darkness inside of me,” I reply honestly.

  “I’ve seen most of you,” she says. “You were shirtless when you were mowing the yard. I want to see all of your tattoos.”

  “What if you can’t handle it and run?”

  “I’m not running,” Kira assures me as she pushes my cut down my shoulders. “I just want to see, touch, and kiss every inch of my husband. It’s not fair for you to look like you do and keep your body hidden from me.”

  I’ve never hesitated to show a woman before or tell her about the tally I keep inked on my side, but Kira is different. I care what she thinks about me, and I don’t want to lose her when she sees how many lives I’ve taken.

  Then I catch the fresh ink on my forearm from the corner of my eye.

  The first sentence is, “I will share my life with you.”

  Sharing my life includes the good with the bad, although most of it is bad.

  Here’s hoping she can take it.

  I help her push my shirt up and over my head, and don’t have time to catch my breath before Kira’s head lowers and her lips brush my skin right below my belly button before climbing higher, heading toward the birds.

  Glancing up at my face, she asks, “Will you tell me about them, your tattoos?”

  God, the way she looks at me, I would give her anything she wants. Even all of me. “The birds are how many men I’ve killed,” I blurt out, ready to get the worst over with.

  “Wow,” Kira says, her eyes bulging and mouth gaping at the flock. Then…she starts counting each one with her index finger. “Forty-three?” she asks.


  “Did they deserve it?” she asks, which is the last question I was expecting. I figured she would be appalled, ask me what’s wrong in my sick fucking head that could cause me to take forty-three lives, and if I have any remorse.

  I don’t.

  Except for one.

  “Why is this one red?” she questions, pointing to the one in the middle before I can respond to her last question.

  “Because he’s the only one I didn’t enjoy killing,” I tell her. “And the only one who didn’t deserve to die.”

  “Oh?” she says, and it sounds like a question.

  “Ryan Foster was my spotter, the guy who watched my back, called targets, and helped me line up my shots. He was training to be a sniper, too. We had been working as a team for months. Us against the enemy,” I start to explain.

  “What happened to him?”

  It takes me awhile to find the words to describe the memory that I keep locked up inside of me, one I wish I could forget. I’ve never told any of my MC brothers what happened, why I went to prison. But I want to tell Kira, to finally get it off my chest. Then she’ll know all of my demons and can decide if she can handle them.

  “Our squad was part of an operation to run the Taliban out of a village in Afghanistan,” I start. “Ryan and I were in position on the side of a mountain, up above the tree line, where we could get a clear line-of-sight. Our job was to pick off high priority targets while artillery softened the place up. Anyhow,” I take a deep breath to brace myself for the hollow ache that always forms in my chest when I think about that day.

  “After I picked off a couple of guys, Ryan spotted one dude giving orders and moving some mortars into position to start throwing shells our way. I told him not to worry. Those goat farmers always fired at the trees; they had no idea how we operated. I never fired from that kind of cover.”

  “Why not?” Kira interrupts. “Isn’t it safer than just being out in the open on the mountain?”

  “Huh? Oh, hell no,” I reply. “They couldn’t see us, so they were just firing blindly. If you’re out in the open, the chances of them hitting you are almost zilch. If you’re in the woods, though, they’re going to be blowing up trunks, limbs, knocking shit over on top of you. Taking mortar fire in the woods is a nightmare.”

  “Oh,” she says. “Sounds dangerous.”

  “It was. But we were a damn good team. Ryan helped me line up a clean shot on the officer giving
the orders, and I put a bullet in his mouth while he was still shouting. About five seconds later I realized that bastard had gotten the last laugh on us. It must not have been his first rodeo, because he had his boys firing those mortars way the hell up the side of the mountain, above our position. Next thing I know, Ryan is dragging me to my feet and trying to run while half the damn mountain is sliding down around the two of us.”

  I notice that while I’ve been talking, I’ve wrapped Kira in a one-armed hug and squeezed her tight to my chest. I loosen my grip on her, afraid I’m choking her, but she leans into me reassuringly. “You don’t have to go on, if you don’t want to right now,” she whispers.

  “You need to know,” I reply. “Living with me means living with the things I’ve done. Ryan was smaller than me, and that dude could move. He practically danced across that landslide, leading us to an overhang where we could get some cover. We might have made it, if there hadn’t been a squad of Taliban grunts down in the trees below us. I guess they were sent out to flank our forces coming into the city; but once they spotted us moving, they opened fire. I saw the blood spray when Ryan got hit just ahead of me and grabbed him under the arms before he collapsed. I was trying to drag him into cover when this big-ass boulder came bouncing down on us and crushed his legs.”

  “Jesus,” Kira shudders. “That’s some ‘Final Destination’ level of horror. But how can you blame yourself for your friend dying like that?”

  “Oh, that didn’t kill him,” I say. “That little dude was mean and tough; it was one of the reasons we got along so well together. I managed to drag him out of their line of fire, but he had been shot right above his hip,” I tell her, pointing to a spot on my stomach. “The bullet had gone all the way across, right to left, just under his body armor. You could tell right away from the smell his guts were torn up. Get this, though,” I snorted. “He looks over at me while the mountains coming down around us and bullets are flying by, while he’s bleeding out no less, digs around in his kit for a moment, and throws me a roll of fucking duct tape. I remember just staring at it and starting to laugh, and I asked him if he really thought I was going to be able to put him back together with it.”

  “What did he say?” Kira prompts me gently.

  “He got to laughing a little too, then told me the tape was for my leg. I didn’t even notice how bad my calf was burning until he said something, but a bullet had ripped clean through me,” I explain. I take her hand and place it down on my right calf, rubbing her palm across the tattoos covering the scars until she can feel the hard, puckered skin where the bullet had passed through me.

  Kira grins at me. “You duct taped a bullet wound in your leg?”

  “Yeah, seemed like a good idea at the time. You know I still can’t grow any hair there to this day because of that damn tape? I wrapped my calf tight to close the wound, and by the time I was able to peel that shit off, my leg was smoother than yours.”

  “Hey, no fair, I don’t have my razor with me out here!” Kira laughs. “I’m not willing to try anything as drastic as getting shot and taping myself up for permanent hair control, so I’ll just have to remember to bring my toiletries when we have these ‘outings’ in the future.”

  I draw her close to me again, basking in her warmth and the smell of her hair before I continue. I haven’t given anyone the full story ever since my court-martial, but I want Kira to understand exactly what happened, and hopefully judge me accordingly.

  “I tried to help him,” I finally manage to croak out, “but Ryan wouldn’t let me. He knew he was done and wouldn’t even let me see where he was shot. So instead, I laid down beside him and got my rifle ready. I was going to stay right there and hold those bastards off as long as I could. As soon as he saw what I was doing, though, he elbowed me out of the way and tried to take the rifle. He told me to get the hell out of there while he covered me.”

  “So you left him to save yourself?”

  “Yes and no,” I reply. “Ryan told me to make a break for it but said that he might black out if he moved too much. He told me to watch over him if I made it to the tree line, and if it looked like they were going to capture him…to end him. You didn’t want to let the Taliban capture you, no matter what. The things they would do to American prisoners…well, that’s not the point. Looking back on it, I should’ve thrown that stubborn son-of-a-bitch over my shoulder and just run, but at the time…my leg was on fire, and I was terrified. I wasn’t thinking about anything but myself. So, I fucking did it. Ryan took my rifle, and once he had their attention, I bolted down a little ravine and made it to the trees. I hid there while they exchanged fire and saw when those grunts finally crept up the hill and drug Ryan out. He was groaning when they threw him down, so he definitely wasn’t dead yet.

  “What…what did you do?” Kira whispers.

  “I honored his last request. I still had my pistol, and even at that range, I was able to put a round in his skull. I made sure those bastards wouldn’t torture him or parade him around, and then…then I ran.”

  “Is that why you were dishonorably discharged?” Kira asks softly.

  “How did you know that?” I question.


  “Oh. Yeah,” I say. “I was dishonorably discharged and served five years in prison.”

  “You put him out of his misery. It was a horrible kindness, but it was a kindness,” she says, much to my surprise.

  “That’s not how the Marines work. We’re a team, and you never leave a man behind.”

  “If you had to do it all over again, would you have done anything differently?” she asks.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, I tell her the truth, “No. Probably not. I wouldn’t be here if I had tried to save him.”

  “That’s nothing you should feel guilty about. If he was badly injured, even if you got him to safety, do you think he would have survived?”

  “There’s a chance the medic could’ve stopped the bleeding.”

  “A slim chance maybe. Not as good as the chances of you getting out of there and coming home,” Kira says. “If you had died there, I wouldn’t have ever met you, we wouldn’t have gotten married the day we met, and,” she adds, taking my hand and placing it on her stomach, “we wouldn’t have created a life together.”

  “You took the tests?” I ask in surprise since I thought she was going to wait.

  “I took the tests. All three were positive. They’re in the bathroom if you want to see for yourself.”

  “You’re really pregnant,” I choke out as I cup the side of her face.

  “I’m pregnant,” she repeats with a grin.

  “And you don’t care if you married a monster and are having a kid with him? That I’ve taken the lives of so many men and enjoyed killing all but one?”

  “You’re not a monster. All humans are dangerous in the right situations. If you weren’t a trained killer, Zeno would’ve ended us,” Kira points out. Covering the hand on the side of her face with her own, she says, “I like that you can protect me, that you can stand up to anyone or anything and not back down. You did what my father couldn’t do in thirty years. He was terrified of Zeno and Kozlov. He lived in constant fear because of their bullying.”

  “I’m sure your father did the best he could,” I tell her, inwardly pleased more than words can express that she doesn’t hate me for who and what I am. “He didn’t have the full force of the Savage Kings MC to back him up like I do.”

  Trailing her fingertips down my arm, Kira says, “That’s so incredibly…”

  “What?” I ask.


  “Hot?” I repeat in shock.

  “Oh, yeah,” she says when she throws her leg over my hip and rides me down until I’m flat on my back. She slides down my legs and then kisses my pelvis right above my waistband while her hands get to work unzipping my jeans that I left unbuttoned when I put my dick away before carrying her to bed.

  Kira tugs the material down until my hardening cock pops free
. Looking up at me with her eyes a million shades of blue and her lips inches away from my shaft, she asks, “What’s your plan for the Russians? Are you going to try and kill Boris Kozlov?”

  “Hell yes,” I promise her, and my declaration of murder is rewarded with a swipe of her hot, wet tongue over the crown of my cock. “We’re planning to attack his whole crew when they least expect – oh shit!” I exclaim when her lips part to take more than half my length into her mouth. “Those fuckers will…never bother your…father again,” I assure her while she bobs her head up and down on my hard dick.

  Unable to take any more of her teasing mouth, I grab her underneath her arms and pull her up my body so that her bare pussy is straddling my cock and her lips are on mine. She kisses me hard, her tongue forcing its way against mine. When both my palms reach around to get a handful of her amazing ass, she grabs each of my wrists; and then I let her pin them above my head on the pillow.

  “This time I get to be in control,” she says, smiling against my lips while her slick slit rubs along the length of my shaft and her fingers interlace with mine.

  “Fuck, yes, princess. Take whatever you want from me,” I tell her, giving her hands a squeeze.

  “I need you inside me,” Kira says urgently. With a tilt of her hips, she completely sheathes herself on me in one try. “Oh my god, yes!” she shouts, her eyes closing in bliss while her teeth bite down on her bottom lip.

  My wife is the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen, and I’m so damn lucky to be inside of her.

  I may have paid half a million to marry her, but it feels like I’m the one who played the lottery and won the jackpot.

  Chapter Thirty


  “God, Miles, I’m gonna…come so hard,” I tell him as I ride him furiously. In this position, my clit is getting rubbed in exactly the right way.

  I’ve changed my mind. I think I like being on top, being in charge, better than doggy style.


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