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Page 20

by Blake, Remy

  A long moan escapes my lips as my pussy begins to clench his cock with my release. Connor holds on until every wave of my orgasm is done. He slams into me a few more times before pulling out. Peering over my shoulder, I watch as he leans over me. He strokes his dick with a tight grasp, releasing with a loud groan. He paints my ass and back with his come. Smirking, he writes on my skin in the warm fluid with his index finger. He holds his finger up in front of my face. “Suck it.”

  My lips close around his digit and I swallow down the flavor of his come, humming my enjoyment. “I always did love the taste of you,” I tell him. “What did you write on my ass?”

  He smirks. “My name.”

  His answer is hot and a massive turn on for me. I want to be his in any way I can.

  “Time to get your sexy self in the shower. I want to wash you clean so I can dirty you up all over again.”

  * * *

  Connor’s fingers slowly stroke through my hair and I feel more content than I’ve ever been before. I can’t believe he’s here with me. I want to pinch myself just to make sure this is really happening. I didn’t think we’d ever get to this point when I left King. And every day without him solidified that feeling.

  “So, what’s next for us?” I rest my chin on his chest, staring up at him. His fingers continue to comb through my hair calming me even as my heart anxiously races as I wait for his reply.

  “You’re stuck with me until I have to return to school for my final semester.”

  “And then what?”

  “I’ll be back during spring break and until then we can have long talks on the phone and FaceTime as much as we can. It will suck not seeing each other in person, but it’s only for a short time.”

  “You have graduate school and I don’t want to ruin your plans. Maybe we should take a step back,” I offer, but that’s the last thing I want. I’ll do whatever we have to for us to be together, but it needs to be his choice. He’s only twenty-two and I won’t be the reason he gives up on his dreams.

  “No.” His eyes flash angrily. “If you think I’m going to let you get away you’re crazy. We’ve been through too much and come too far to let anything get in our way.”

  “I know and I want us to make it through this long distance stuff, but I don’t want to change your vision of your future. You had it all mapped out and here I am throwing a huge wrench in your plans.” Staring at his chest, my fingertips scroll along his skin tracing over the tiger tattoo. How many more times will we be together like this before the distance becomes too hard to bear?

  “No, my father screwed with our plans, not you. And there’s an easy solution to the long distance issue.” He cups my chin in his palm and tilts my face until I meet his eyes. “I’m going to apply to graduate schools out here. It doesn’t matter what school I go to. You’re the most important person in my life and you take precedence over everything else.” His serious blue eyes and solemn expression clearly reveal how heartfelt his words are. “You say you don’t want to change my vision of the future, but what you don’t realize is without you nothing else matters. My needs have changed. You’re the future I want. You and me together, getting married and raising a family. The where isn’t as important because my home will always be where you are.”

  “What about Tank?” I tease, smiling through my happy tears.

  “Tank is our first son. Of course he’ll be with us.” He grins.

  “I love you, Junior and I love your vision for the future. I want everything you mentioned. And you’re right; our home will be wherever we are together.”

  * * *

  Sitting around the dinner table with my entire family is chaotic, especially on the holidays. The noise level alone has to have Connor cringing. I’m sure it’s a big adjustment for him coming from a family where he’s the only child. Returning from the months I spent in D.C., I noticed how crazy it really is and I still haven’t gotten accustomed to it. As much as I love my family, I came to enjoy the tranquility that living alone provides.

  “So, Connor. How did you and Harper meet?” Ceasar asks.

  Connor opens his mouth and then closes it again as he struggles for an answer.

  “Cut it out. You know how we met.” I jump in.

  “Harper, I’ve got this.” Connor winks at me.

  I place a hand on his leg under the table. “No, you don’t need to explain anything. Cruz came back here from his trip visiting me and sang all the details of our sordid relationship to you all like a little bitch bird.”

  “Hey.” Cruz scowls. “I ain’t no bitch bird. If I was a bird I’d be a majestic eagle.”

  “You don’t think too highly of yourself do you?” I roll my eyes.

  “You can’t love anyone else unless you love yourself, Harps.” He points his fork at me before taking another bite of Mama’s homemade enchiladas.

  “Why don’t you guys get over yourselves?” I eye each one of my brothers one at a time. “I don’t think any of you are in a position to question my love life. You guys can’t even keep a girl for more than one night. That doesn’t say much about your ability to please a woman.” I grin and do an imaginary fist pump.

  “That just means we’re bored easily,” Manny offers.

  “Or it means the girls are and you just cut your losses so no one will know.”

  Will laughs. “No way. Do you think women would try to get away from this face?”

  “Oh. Mi. Dios. Connor you’ll have to forgive my children. They have some unorthodox dinner conversations.” She narrows her eyes, glaring at each of us one at a time. We all fall silent, but we grin at each other. I love being with my family. And having Connor here, makes my family complete. Even my stepfather sitting at the other end of the table can’t put a damper on my mood.

  Life is funny. Sometimes when you’re in your lowest moments and everything feels bleak, you’ll find the courage to take the ultimate risk. And if you’re lucky like me, you just might meet the person who flips your world off its axis and makes you live again. Connor is that person for me. I can breathe deeper when he’s near. With him, my worries fade away because even in those challenging times, we have to enjoy each day. And together that’s the only way we know how to live life—to the fullest.




  “Okay, everybody be quiet,” Harper’s mom hisses. “It’s a surprise.”

  Lights turn off and everybody gets into position. It’s Harper’s birthday, and unfortunately with the amount of family members she has surprises always get ruined.

  So while everybody is fussing over the fact she knows, I’ve managed to keep a little surprise of my own.

  Last month I finished law school and Gramps gave me the go ahead to open a McAdam Law here in San Diego. We hired a whole new and reputable team, and I’m finally getting to live my dream away from my father, and with the support of those who really do love me.

  “Connor,” Cruz whispers. “She’s coming up the stairs with Ceaser. Are you ready?”

  I stand up and make my way to the center of the room. With only the torch off my phone guiding me, I try not to stumble through the dark. This is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in my life, and fucking it up is not an option.

  I’d never been in love before I met Harper. And even when we were together, it took me a while to take note and understand what love was. I grew up in a home where my parents were all about what I could do for them, and not what they could do for me.

  That made our relationship much more like a never ending business transaction. Until three years ago, I treated everything and everyone almost exactly the same.

  I would take and they would give. They would give and I would take.

  That’s how Harper and I started. Sex and orgasms was the only language we spoke.

  Now it’s sex, orgasms, and a whole lot of love.

  It’s a world I didn’t know, and one I now couldn’t live without.

eaving D.C. was much easier than I anticipated, because without Harper in it, it was pointless for me to stay. And after everything that went down between Harper and my father, it felt like I was given an opportunity to see what my life would always be like under his thumb.

  And I wanted to stay as far away from that as possible. Harper and I both did, and once I came to San Diego and got her back, it was here that I knew I would stay.

  The good thing about the move is the list of schools within our reach was endless. Dad’s threats were empty once Gramps stepped in, and for once a connection with Billings got us something we earned. With Oscar winning recommendations doors opened up for both Harper and I. I finished Law School at the University of San Diego and Harper resumed her role as the Head of Languages at San Diego State University.

  Cruz shoves me out of my daze, and I get into position just as we discussed. Bending down on one knee, I pull the velvet covered black box out of my pocket.

  The proposal has been a long time coming, but Harper insisted we were not allowed to engage in any life changing events until after law school.

  So, I’m finished, and there’s nothing I want more than to make her my wife.

  The people beside me quiet down, as Harper’s mom moves to the door and prepares to open it.

  My heart beats at a rapid pace, the mixture of excitement and anticipation making me nervous. When the door opens, the lights turn on flooding the room. Everyone shouts in excitement, while I’m kneeling with my heart in my throat waiting for Harper to come into view. Except she doesn’t. Ceaser’s in front of me, uncharacteristically laughing his ass off.

  “I’m sorry toyboy,” he says, using the nickname all Harper’s brothers use for me. “I’m flattered, but I can’t hurt my sister like that.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I try to look around and work out where Harper is.

  “Oh my god.” Her loud shriek is unmissable, and I’m no longer concerned about her welfare but more with how I’m going to recreate this special moment. “What are you all doing here?”

  Her eyes scan the room, excitement at all the people who have flown in for her special day. Finally her brown eyes land on mine, her smile so wide it could light up the world.

  Everyone around us finally starts to quiet down, eventually noticing the man in the middle of the room trying to propose to his girlfriend.

  “Hey,” I greet when she finally reaches me.


  “Happy Birthday.” A slow flush creeps up her neck and settles on to her cheeks, all the attention clearly making her feel nervous. I hold my hand out for her, and she eagerly takes it. “While it’s very obvious what I’m about to do, I really need to tell you how much I love you first.”

  Squeezing my hand, she mouths ‘I love you,’ back. “Harper, when I think of our journey here the words unconventional and impossible are probably the best way to describe us. Against all odds we’ve managed to find each other, stay together, and love one another.” Harper’s free hand quickly swipes at her newly formed tears, and a little voice inside my head tells me maybe I’m doing this thing right. “Not only have you given me more than I deserve, but you’ve shown me a world of love, family and friends, that I would have never ever experienced if I hadn’t followed you. Followed my heart.”

  “I can’t do life without you by my side. I won’t do life without you by my side. You’re my Alkaid.” I take the ring out of the box and raise it toward her. “Harper Guadalupe Martínez, will you marry me?”

  Her tears become a steady stream, and the seconds pass as they continue to fall. My heart stops, and I wonder if this is the moment where she tells me it’s not going to happen. “Harper, honey,” her mom calls out. “Stop crying those happy tears and put the man out of his misery. Otherwise he’ll have to marry Ceaser.”

  “They’re happy tears?” I ask, hopeful.

  “Yes,” she cries through a smile. “So, so, happy.”

  Rising up off my knee, I grab her hand, and stare into her endless chocolate colored eyes. “So, what do you say, bombón? Marry me?”

  She nods, and I slide the ring down her finger, making it official. “I love you, Harper.”

  “I love you, too. Guapo”

  * * *

  Did you enjoy Debauchery?

  Want more forbidden romances?

  Purchase Depravity and Devilry, Book One and Two of the King University Series By Jacob Chance and Marley Valentine


  When I was asked to babysit for a single father, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Two months with Mr. tall, dark, and broody didn’t seem like a bad trade-off for the money he would pay me.

  As the weeks go by, our attraction grows and I realize what a concerned and caring father he is. And he learns that not every woman is untrustworthy like his ex-wife.

  We both agree to walk away from our fling when I leave for college at the end of summer.

  And reluctantly, we do.

  Until my first day of classes when he crashes back into my world.

  “I’m Professor Decker. Welcome to King University.”

  * * *

  Click HERE to purchase Depravity By Jacob Chance





  Arms crossed, I lean against the door jamb admiring my beautiful wife. A small smile teases my lips as I remember the many ways we’ve made use of the giant bed and every other surface in this room with Sandy’s throaty moans resonating in my ears and the sweet taste of her pussy on my tongue. Maybe with a little persuasion I can have her naked beneath me, reenacting some of my favorite memories.

  “What are you doing?” I push off the wooden frame, my feet silent on the carpet as I move toward her.

  “I’m packing my things.” She gives an indifferent half shrug, sending her low cut sweater slipping down one slender shoulder.

  “Where are you going?”

  Does she have plans with her mother and she forgot to tell me?

  A long, drawn out sigh slips from her shiny, red lips, “I’m leaving you, Miles.”

  “What?” I gasp.

  My feet freeze in place as my lungs tighten painfully. Barely able to draw any air inward, I panic. Rubbing my hand over my chest to soothe the ache, my heart bucks into a wild gallop beneath my palm.

  Fuck. Is this what an anxiety attack feels like?

  My nostrils pinch as I eagerly drag air in. “What happened to giving our marriage another shot? Things have been better. Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “No, they haven’t been better. You just refuse to see the truth.”

  “What can I do to fix this? There has to be something.”

  “There’s nothing to be done. We’ve tried and it’s not working.”

  “Are you still seeing that bastard?”

  “What does it matter at this point? You and I had a good run, but now we’re through.”

  Walking toward Sandy, I poke my chest indignantly. “It matters to me. You had no intention of making this work. Why did you bother acting like you wanted to stay?” I stop at the other side of the bed. We face off like offensive and defensive lines battling on the football field and not like the partners we’ve been since we met nine years ago.

  Sandy’s gaze callously sweeps to mine. “You only see what you want to, Miles. It’s probably your biggest flaw.” Her attention returns to the pile of clothes she’s adding to the large suitcase. The same one we’ve packed for the numerous vacations we’ve taken together.

  Anger sizzles through every inch of me. I can practically hear my blood bubbling beneath my skin. She wants to point out my flaws, does she?

  “Don’t you dare blame me for the fact that it’s you ending this. That it’s you who’s doing the leaving. I’m not the one who fucked around.”

  An ironic chuckle slips from her shiny lips. “No, that would be me and you
’ll never get over it. Ending things now is better for both of us. The resentment you have toward me would only destroy us in the long run. Why bother dragging this out any longer?”

  “What about Joey? You’re not taking my son from me. Try and you’ll have a fucking battle on your hands.”

  “I have no intention of keeping him from you. He’s staying here and I’m walking away.”

  “When do you plan on visiting with him?”

  “I don’t. I rescind my claim. Joey is all yours.”

  “What does that mean? You don’t want him to stay with you at all? You don’t want to visit with him?”

  “No, Miles. It means I no longer want to be a mother. I’m not sure I ever did.” She adds the second part softly, as if it’s an afterthought. But to me it’s a detonated bomb, shattering my entire world.

  Sinking down, I sit on the bed, my palms scrubbing up and down my face. Who is this woman I’ve built a life with and created a family with?

  I’ve loved her almost since the day we met, but in this moment, I’m doubting our entire relationship. Was she only a figment of my imagination? Did I place her on a pedestal and convince myself she was perfect? Or has she changed that much?

  She adds one more shirt to the growing stack and tucks a long, platinum strand of hair behind her ear. “Miles.”

  I’ve always appreciated the way my name sounded in her husky, sex-filled tone. My body has always reacted on a primal level; until now. Sickened by every word she utters, my stomach churns uneasily. Sandy’s a stranger to me; if it’s possible that someone you’ve loved and lived with can be one. The last five minutes have me questioning everything I know.


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