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Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1)

Page 3

by C. M. Allen

  As I watched him talk it became clear to me that this man had much more to him than meets the eye. “It’s ok. Really. You couldn’t have known.”

  “Well, we still need to fix that issue with your car, so hop on the back of my bike.”

  “Um, I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before. Can’t I just walk back to my car and meet you there?” Getting on one of those things was the last thing I wanted to do right now, especially with him.

  Chuckling to himself, he swung his leg back over his bike and patted the small backseat. “We’re not goin՛ back to your car, Sweetheart.”

  “W-where are we going then?”

  “Back to my clubhouse so we can get some radiator fluid for your radiator.”

  This is one of those moments like you see on the ID tv channel; a woman’s car was found on the side of the road abandoned, she hasn’t been seen since and is feared dead.

  “I don’t know. Can’t I just wait for you by my car while you go?”

  “I’m not goin՛ to leave you out here alone on the freeway, Harper. The next guy that comes along may not be so nice.”

  Something about the way he said my name almost sounded familiar to me, like he’d said it for years? Déjà vu maybe? Not sure. But what I did know was that I had most definitely found myself between what was called a rock and a hard place. If I stayed out here, something bad could happen to me. But if I went with Maverick to his clubhouse, something bad could happen to me. God, what to do?

  I could really use some guidance here mom and dad.

  I thought to myself as I tried to decide what the right decision here was.

  But then suddenly the decision was taken out of my hands when Maverick grabbed a hold of my elbow and pulled me closer. “Just swing your leg over and put your feet on these posts here on either side. Then put this on,” he said, showing me the posts as he pulled me onto the back of his bike and handed me a helmet. Once I got on, I pulled the helmet on and looked at him as I tried to figure out how to buckle it. “Here, let me.” Getting off the bike, he grabbed the strip under my chin to buckle it.

  God, he’s so close to me right now.

  Staring up at his beautiful face, I was snapped out of my trance when I heard him say. “Now, hold on.” Getting back on the bike he took a hold of both of my hands and wrapped them around his waist before starting it up. “Remember, hold on tight!” he shouted over the roaring engine just before he looked over his shoulder and we jetted off down the road.

  When we took off, the sudden jolt of speed had me gripping him even tighter. As we drove along, I could feel all of his muscles working and flexing under my hands, and it had one of them drifting slowly upward towards his chest where the other one seemed to follow along. I tried to move them as slowly as possible over his body, so not to be obvious as to what I was really up to, and I gotta say, I was loving all the bumps and curves my fingers were hitting along the way. Feeling his muscles tense under my touch, I panicked that he was on to what I was doing, so I froze them in place.

  Peeking out from behind his wide back, the wind rushed over my face and through the rest of my hair, that stuck outside the helmet, giving me a feeling of freedom and giddiness. That was until we turned down a long stretch of road with nothing and no one around for miles. The further along we rode, I could see a building in the far-off distance come into view.

  God, please don’t let this be the worst decision of my life.




  After she told me that her father was dead and stormed off, the pain that she felt cut through me like an old familiar rusty blade. That feeling of wishing that they were still here with us, it was a longing that I had been all too familiar with. And now I felt like a total prick. Pacing back and forth, I tried to decide whether it’d be better that I just go and leave her be or be the man my Ma raised me to be.

  I think we all knew who won out in this argument. “Fuck!”

  Once I had her on the back of my bike, where no woman had ever ridden, I barreled down the road, knowing just how much shit was going to be stuffed down my throat when Butch and everyone else got a load of her on the back of my bike.

  As we rode along, I suddenly felt the slight movement of her hands as they moved up towards my chest and began to slowly roam over my pecks.

  Is this chick seriously feeling me up right now?

  I asked myself as the idea of her sliding her hands in the southern direction, where I would have preferred them to drift towards, wormed its way into my mind.


  My whole body stiffened when I realized I started to get hard just thinking about her hands on my dick, rubbing me and—.


  I tried and think of anything else that I could to tame the beast; who always wanted what he shouldn’t and knew he couldn’t have.

  This chick is off limits.

  When we pulled up to the clubhouse, I spotted Axel messing with his bike and when he got a look at me riding up he had to do a double take to really believe what he was seeing right now. Cutting the engine, I waited for Harper to dismount the bike. The instant her hands were off of me, I felt like grabbing them and putting them right back on, but where I wanted them to roam to this time. Hearing Axle’s voice broke through my thoughts and snapped me out of my fantasy about the little firecracker. “What the hell is this shit? You feelin՛ all right there Mav?” Axle chuckled to himself, the first of many loads of shit to come.

  “I’m just helpin՛ Harper here out with her car problem so she can get back on the road. We got any radiator fluid lyin՛ around?”

  “Harper, huh?” he brushed his thumb over his lips when he looked her over, and knowing Axle, I shut him down even before he could get started.

  “She’s off limits Ax.”

  “The good ones always are, aren’t they Mav,” his eyes roamed over her body once more before they flicked back to me with a knowing look. Yeah, he was shoving my own shit in my face right now about not dragging the good ones into our world. They were just better off that way.

  And so was I.

  “Exactly.” Getting off my bike, I turned back to face him. “Can you keep an eye on her? I just need to run inside and let Butch know I’m runnin՛ late.”

  Swiping his thumb over the corner of his mouth as he took all of her in… yet again, he looked at me with a smirk. “Yeah, sure. I’ll keep an eye on her… two even.”

  Looking over at Harper, I could see by the way she was clenching her purse to her chest, as if it was her only protection, that she was scared of Ax, and for whatever reason it pissed me the fuck off seeing her like that. “Brother!” I slapped my hand on his cheek, drawing his attention back to me as I got into his face and said in a low growl. “Don’t fuckin՛ touch her and stop lookin՛ at her like you’re about to devour her whole where she stands, got it?”

  Seeing that I was seriously getting pissed off right now, he backed down, knowing I would fuck his shit up if he crossed me, brother or not. “Yeah Mav, she’s good with me, you have my word.”

  Looking back at Harper again, she looked a little less terrified and that calmed the beast that was rising inside of me, begging to be set free. “I’ll be right back. Stay with Axle here and he’ll keep you safe, all right?”

  “Ok,” she nodded her head quickly.

  The need I had to reach out and touch her pulled at me so hard, that the only thing I could do was turn from her and walk away quickly, I needed to brush this shit off. I didn’t get feelings over any chick.


  Entering the clubhouse, the first person I came across was Roxy all decked out and ready to fuck. “Hey Mav, you look tense. You need Roxy to massage and rub some of that tension away?”

  Irritated that she knew better than to approach me when I was in a fucked-up mood, I blew her off. “Not now Roxy.”

  Heading upstairs to my room, I grabbed my extra helmet before heading to the office to look for Butch. Opening the door
, I found him at the desk looking at his laptop. “Hey, you ready to call church?”

  “No. That’s what I came to tell you. We’re goin՛ to have to push it back about an hour, I’ve got to run an errand.”

  Leaning back in the chair, he laced his fingers together with a raised brow. The smirk that slowly took over his face flashed like a God damn neon sign. He knew exactly what I was up to and about to go to fuckin՛ town on my ass. “An errand, huh?” Leaning forward, he put his elbows on the desk before resting his face on his hands and batting his fucking eyelashes at me playfully. “This wouldn’t have anythin՛ to do with a certain hot chick from the gas station, now would it?”

  “Yeah, asshole, it does. She needs radiator fluid and we came here to grab some and take it back to her car.”

  When he stood up quickly with a look of disbelief etched on his face, he slammed his hands down on the desk. “Wait. We? You mean you had that chick riddin՛ bitch on the back of your bike where no woman is ever allowed to sit? You’ve got to be shittin՛ me right now? Oh man, I need to get a load of this chick,” he said, rounding the desk to pass me by, heading straight for the doorway.

  But before he could make it out the door, I reached out and grabbed a hold of his cut. “Just fuckin՛ remember I will fuck you up if you embarrass my ass.” I warned him, trying to sound serious, but when it came to my best friend, he could always spot my bullshit.

  “Better quit actin՛ like some possessive prick or I’m goin՛ to think you’re sweet on this chick.”

  “You know I don’t catch feelin՛s. I’m just helpin՛ her get her car fixed so she can be on her way.”

  Staring at me for a moment, he smiled before he charged out of the office with me hot on his heels, ready to kick the shit out of him if he dicked me over in front of her. “Just remember, I am still your fuckin՛ Prez!”

  Chuckling, he looked over his shoulder. “Oh, don’t worry brother, I remember.” As we made our way down the stairs Roxy was there again, trying to get her hands on one of our dicks. This time it was Butch that shut her ass down before we made our way out of the clubhouse to the front. The sight I spotted before me had me pushing Butch aside and eating up the ground between me and her in five quick strides. “What the fuck is goin՛ on out here?!”




  When we pulled up to the clubhouse, the first thing I saw was a largely built man working on a motorcycle. And he was actually good looking, but he wasn’t your typical handsome like say Maverick was. He had got longer hair that hit the top of his shoulders, something that never turned me on where a man had been concerned. But with the way this man wore it with the chiseled features on his face, it had me willing to reevaluate that choice. When I got off the bike, he walked over and practically stripped my clothes from my body with his heated stare. But when he looked at me it didn’t ignite the same feelings in me that I got when Maverick looked at me, which is why my purse was currently hugged tightly to my chest with the strong need to cover myself up. Maverick noticed that his friend was making me uncomfortable and he warned him that I was off limits and not to mess with me. I was hoping I could go into the clubhouse with him, but it was probably better that I didn’t step foot inside, who knew what went on in there. I’d heard many stories about how these guys lived, but I’d never experienced it firsthand, nor did I want to. Looking up, I saw Maverick’s intense eyes on me again and it caused a heated fluttering action to ripple through my body in waves. He assured me that I was safe with the towering man in front of me he called Axle, and then turned and went into the clubhouse, leaving me alone with his friend who continued to stare at me.

  Watching as Maverick walked away, a grunt drew my attention back to his friend. “So.”

  Not knowing what I’m supposed to say to that, I just stayed quiet.

  “You sketchin՛ on me or somethin՛?”

  Not really understanding what he was asking me, I tried to get him clarify it for me. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what sketchin՛ on you means.”

  “It means you’re freakin՛ the fuck out right now Sweet Cheeks.”

  “Oh-.” And that’s all the words I got out before a loud booming voice broke in.

  Turning in the direction the voice came from, I saw the same guy who was the first to approach my car at the gas station and scared the ever-loving hell out of me.

  Oh shit!

  “Well, holy shittin՛ hell and fuck me sideways! You stalkin՛ me Sweetness?” he asked, chuckling and still moving closer to me as my feet began their own retreat.

  “I-I.” Again, is all I’m able to get out as the sight of him grew in size and closeness.

  “Well, hell, all you had to do was give me your number pretty thing. I would have gladly met that fine ass of yours wherever or whenever,” he said, looking me over. “You didn’t have to go all detective on my ass and track me down.” Wiggling his brows at me, I began to look around in a panic for any sign of Maverick.

  “Button that shit up Vultch. Mav said she’s off limits.” Axle informed him, sticking his arm out to block him from coming any closer to me.

  Which I was utterly grateful for right now.

  Looking at Axle, the guy he called Vultch asked. “You have to be shittin՛ me right now. How the hell did she get here anyways?” Looking past me before zeroing back in on me with that same clothes stripping stare the other guy, Axle had, he cocked his head to the side. “Where’s your car Sweetness? I don’t see it.”

  “She came here with the Prez.” Axle announced flatly, filling him in.

  Swinging his stare back in my direction, he wore a look of surprise. “You fuckin՛ with me right now Ax? No chick rides bitch on the Prez’ bike. Ever.”

  “Not shittin՛ you. They rolled up about five minutes ago. Just be smart and leave her be. You don’t need to be pissin՛ the Prez off,” he looked at me sideways with an up and down glance. “He seems to be a little… protective over this one.”

  When Axle turned to grab a tool off the ground he was using, the guy named Vultch used that moment to advance on me, causing me to move away until the back of my legs hit a car bumper behind me. Practically falling back onto the hood, he towered over me, glaring down violently now. “You a cop?”

  “W-what?” I stuttered.

  “Ah shit!” Is all I heard Axle mumble before Maverick’s thunderous voice rose over all of ours.

  “What the fuck is goin՛ on out here?!”

  Flinching at the sound of his voice, Vultch turned to look over his shoulder at Maverick, but he made no move to back away. “Just makin՛ sure we don’t have an undercover cop tryin՛ to worm her way into this club, again.”

  “Vulture! I’m only goin՛ to ask you this once nicely. Move your ass the fuck away from her, right now.”

  “His face twisted up in a sneer when he looked back at me. Next thing I knew he was leaning forward, to get closer. “You better not be some snitch bitch tryin՛ to work your way under his skin Sweetness. You don’t want to know what we do to narcs around here.” He practically growled in my ear, causing a shiver of fear to burrow itself deep into my heart.

  Shaking my head, I tried to tell him that I wasn’t some cop like he thought I was, but his looming figure was ripped away before I could even utter a word. The next thing I knew, Maverick had him strung up by his cut as he pulled him closer to his face. “I fuckin՛ told you I was only goin՛ to ask you once nicely, Vultch. When I give you an order you fuckin՛ follow it! Got me?!”

  Shaking himself out of Maverick’s hold, he looked back at me before turning back to face Maverick again. “Yeah, I got ya Prez.”

  Looking around, I noticed a few more bikers had emerged from the side of the clubhouse, and it made me a little nervous. “She owns a diner for fucks sake. She’s not an undercover cop. Saw the supplies in the back of her car myself.” Maverick informed him.

  Wiping a hand down his face, he seemed to relax. “Shit, I’m sorry Mav. Just didn’t want anyone ma
kin՛ the same mistake I did; bringin՛ a stray into this club.”

  Putting a hand on Vulture’s shoulder, he shook him a bit. “You gotta let that shit go brother. I have. We all get blindsided sometimes tryin՛ to do what we think is the right thing to do.”

  When Vulture looked over at me again, it was like everyone was suddenly aware that I still stood here. “I owe you an apology Sweetness. Didn’t mean to go all mental on you.”

  When he moved to walk towards me, Maverick put an arm, out stopping him. “Ok, let’s just call this shit quits so I can get her back to her car and get her on her way, that way we can get back to business around here.”

  Vulture nodded in agreement before he walked back into the clubhouse. The others followed behind, seeing that the show was over now, but I had noticed a few lingering stares still on me. “Hi, I’m Butch.” The blond man next to Maverick said, stepping forward with an outstretched hand. He had the deepest green set of eyes. It seemed as though they pierced you straight down to your soul. But unlike the others, he didn’t look at me like he’d never seen a woman before, he actually looked me in the eyes.

  Placing my hand in his, I moved away from the car. “Hi, I’m Harper.”

  “Nice to meet you Harper. Don’t mind Vultch, he gets a little wound up at times, but he’s a good guy.”

  Yeah, ok, whatever.

  I thought to myself. “No worries. Um, I-I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I really do need to be getting back to the diner with my supplies.”


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