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Maverick (Devil’s Deviants Book 1)

Page 15

by C. M. Allen

  Snuggling him close, I kissed his cheek. “Yes baby, momma’s here. Good mornin՛ my little man.”

  “Cam weef haf Panfayes?” He asked excitedly.

  “You want pancakes?”


  I leaned over and brushed the hair out of his face before I kissed his little cheek again. “You got it. Anythin՛ for you baby.”

  Jumping out of bed, he ran into the kitchen, shouting yay. He didn’t even have a clue how close he came to being taken by some stranger and possibly sold to some fucking human trafficker last night, and I planned to keep it that way. When I thought about how close I came to losing him, it caused me to tremble, and now I had to betray the club. If they ever found out what I was about to do I knew they would kill me for it. I couldn’t say I was going to miss the bitch. Maybe with her out of the way, I could finally take my place next to Maverick where I belonged, not her! I just had to figure out how I was going to pull this off without getting caught.


  Two hours later, I was pulling up to the club, luckily Casey didn’t have any plans today. I didn’t usually need her this early in the afternoon time. Walking in, I saw Chainsaw and Repo’s old ladies, Emma and Darby talking to Bambi. Bambi was one of the other club girls that hung out here like I did. “Hey Ladies, how’s it hangin՛?”

  “Roxy, you’re here early today.” Darby said flatly, with a glare in her eyes that was clearly directed at me.

  Back story on that bitch is she stole Repo from me. He and I were well on our way to having something together, until she showed up. He was sure as hell no Maverick, but until I got the prize I was after there was no harm in having him around when I needed a man.

  “Darby, I wasn’t aware that I was punchin՛ a timeclock with you. How about you mind your own fuckin՛ business and keep your nose out of mine.” I snapped back.

  “You are really__”

  “Come on you two, that’s enough,” Emma interrupted, stepping between the two of us. “It’s too early in the day for this much drama. Roxy, why don’t you just go do whatever it was you were goin՛ to do, and Darby, let’s go out front and see if Chainsaw and Repo want to go into town for lunch.”

  “Fine,” she snapped, throwing me one more dirty look over her shoulder before turning to head out the front door with Emma right behind her.

  “You two think you’ll ever get over this whole battle over Repo? A man you never really wanted that much in the first place I might add.” Bambi asked me.

  I turned to look at her. “That’s not the point and you know it B. He. Was. Mine and that bitch stole him from me.”

  Throwing her hands up in the air, she rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Emma’s right though, it’s too early in the day for this much drama. I’m goin՛ to head out back and find myself a lap to have a beer on, you comin՛?”

  “Ah… yeah, sure. Have you heard if Vulture’s back in town from whatever mysterious trip he was on?”

  “He’s upstairs asleep last I heard. He got back late last night, but no one is sayin՛ where he went, only that it had somethin՛ to do with that chick Maverick brought here that one night. But if I were you, I wouldn’t even mention it. I made the mistake of askin՛ him about his trip and Butch cut me off and told me to mind my fuckin՛ business. I’d never seen him so angry from me just askin՛ a simple question about where Vultch had been. Maverick must have put the hammer down on any information about her leakin՛ out. Everyone’s sayin՛ this chick has really gotten to him.”

  Burning up inside that yet another one of these bitches was trying to take what was mine, I decided that I didn’t give a shit if that suit from the club last night killed her, it would be well worth it to have her gone. I’d just make sure that I’d be the one to swoop in and console Maverick when she was out of the picture. “I’ll be sure not to ask any questions about the subject then.”

  We both started to walk out the door to head out back, but Bambi stopped me. “Oh! And I really need to warn you about the new girl stayin՛ here, Raven, don’t even think of startin՛ any shit with her if you want to stay. Butch is beyond protective of her. I guess he and Gunner went up to New York and saved her from some abusive boyfriend or somethin՛. She doesn’t really come out of her room a lot, but just keep your claws retracted if you see her, ok? I’m one of the few people who would actually miss your ass if you got booted,” she bumped her shoulder to mine.

  “I’ll try.”

  After hanging out back with everyone for about an hour, I finally spotted Vulture walking down the stairs. “Hey there handsome.” I greeted him.

  “Hey, how’s it goin՛, Roxy?”

  Sliding my arms around his neck, I felt his hands rest on my hips. “Heard you been out of town for a while, thought maybe you could use a little female company.”

  Chuckling, he removed my arms before pushing me back. “What I need is a drink. Then maybe later we can revisit that offer of yours,” he winked.

  “Sure thing, honey.” Trying to think of a way to pull the location of that bitch, Harper, from him, I treaded lightly. “So, did you have a long drive back last night?”

  “Long enough,” he answered flatly, giving me a confused look. “Why do you care how long my drive was anyways?”

  Trying to come up with some excuse that isn’t too lame, I said. “I just worry about all of you guys when you take long trips on those bikes of yours is all.”

  Taking down the whiskey in one gulp he just poured, he set the glass down on the table. “Wasn’t on my bike, so nothin՛ to worry about.”

  “Oh, you drove a car? Must have been a really long drive. You go up to the mountains or somethin՛?”

  Leaning down closer to my face, his voice turned deadly cold. “Why the fuck you interrogatin՛ me so fuckin՛ hard about where I went and how long my trip was, Roxy?”

  “I-I’m sorry. I was just__”

  “Vultch!” Butch called out, cutting me off.

  Vulture looked up to where Butch was standing on the stairs. “What’s up VP?”

  “Prez is on the line. I need you in the office, now!” He shouted before turning to walk away. And without another word to me, Vulture left and headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  This is my shot at finding out where they took Harper. If I don’t get caught that is.

  Waiting a few beats after they both disappeared upstairs, I slid my heels off and set them on the floor before tiptoeing my way up the stairs. Looking to make sure the coast was clear, I got as close to the office door as I could.

  “So, how long you plan on stayin՛ up there with her.” I heard Butch ask. “Ok, I’ll have Vultch head back up there on Tuesday then, that way you can come back here and then we can take care of that shit. Ok, yeah, talk to you soon man.”

  “What time on Tuesday should I head out?” Vulture asked.

  “He needs to be back here by four PM, so I would say leave here around nine thirty, ten o’clock. It takes about three hours to get up there still, right?” I heard Butch ask.

  “Yeah, about that. Never much traffic on that highway. Hell, have you seen the place since Maverick had it overhauled?”

  “Nah, not really. It’s hard to think about that cabin without thinkin՛ of all the trips we took up there with our parents. Well, Maverick’s parents and my Pa with whatever chick he was bangin՛ at the time anyway.” Butch chuckled. “Anyhow, I need to go check on Raven and make sure she’s doin՛ ok, so enjoy your weekend and get laid before you have to go back up there and be the perfect gentleman.”

  Hearing them both laugh and the movement of chairs, I turned and practically sprinted back down the stairs. Sitting down, I put my heels back on before standing to grab my purse. Just as I was about two feet from the door, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. “Now, where you runnin՛ off to? I think there was an offer made earlier to help me relax, and I’m here now to take you up on it.”

  Knowing it would look suspicious if I tried to brush him off, I knew my call to the suit would
have to wait until I took care of Vutch. “I was just goin՛ to run to the store, but I’d be happy to help you relax first honey,” I said, taking his arm and kissing him on the lips as he guided me to his room.


  Sneaking out of Vulture’s room two hours later, I headed downstairs and straight out the front door before anyone else could stop me. Getting into my car, I drove just down the road and parked on the side of the highway entrance before I grabbed my phone out and looked for the card with the suits number on it. Punching in the numbers, it began to ring. “Well, that took a lot longer than I thought it should have. Hell, I was five minutes from sending Blake back over to your place to check on that boy of yours.”

  “You fuckin՛ leave my son alone, you hear me?”

  “Did you get what I wanted?”

  “I couldn’t get an exact location.”

  “That’s a shame Miss Sanders. But don’t worry, I’m sure your boy will go to a loving family, hopefully they won’t turn out to be some kind of sex traffickers. You really should ___.”

  “No! I do have information for you, but they are being very tight lipped about her location. I had to eavesdrop outside their office. If they had caught me__.”

  “Enough of the fucking dramatics about your piece of shit life! Do you or don’t you have the information I want?!”

  “I overheard them say that wherever he took her was about three hours away and that Maverick was with her until Tuesday. Butch said they used to go there with their families when they were kids, but neither one of them mentioned where it was or an address.” A scary silence followed my words. Suddenly I’m caught off guard when a motorcycle pulls up alongside my door. “Are you still there?” I asked quickly, knowing this had to be one of the guys from the club outside my window, and was now tapping on it and motioning for me to roll my window down. Holding my finger up to tell him just a minute, I asked again. “Are you there?”

  “I am, good work… for now Miss Sanders.” He simply said before disconnecting the call.

  Hearing the tapping sound on my window again, I rolled my window down and found Axle staring back at me, the last person I ever wanted to see right now, he was always suspicious of women lately ever since that bitch left him. “Hey Rox, what are you doin՛ all the way out here on the side of the road? Your car break down or somethin՛?”

  “No… I… I have to go Ax, I’m on the stage in an hour. Talk to you later,” I quickly got out before I rolled up my window and left so he didn’t have the chance to ask me anymore questions.





  I’m at the bottom of these damn stairs again, standing in a pile of bloody bodies that littered the ground in the clubhouse. I already knew where to find my parents, and as much as it pained me, my feet traveled forward on their own accord. Taking a deep breath, I rounded the corner, knowing the horror that awaited me. But as I stared at the man on the floor, I noticed that he wasn’t my Pa. Leaning down to touch his back, I tried to peer over his shoulder and see what was left of my Ma lying in his lap, but she was just out of view. “Pa?” I called out to the man. When he turned and faced me, that’s when I saw the woman in his lap wasn’t my Ma and stood up with a jolt.

  It was Harper.

  I looked in the man’s direction that was holding her and saw that it was my own eyes reflecting back at me! “No! No! No! This can’t be happenin՛ again! Harper! Harper please wake up!” I shouted at her. Feeling a pair of hands gripping my shoulders as they tried to pull me away, I scrambled to be free of them so I could reach her. “No! I have to help her! Harper!”

  “Maverick! Maverick! Sweetie wake up.” Feeling my body being nudged, I sat straight up with a start. Looking around, it took me a moment to remember where I was in the darkness. “Are you ok?”

  Swinging my head around at the sound of her voice, I pulled her into me and squeezed her as tightly as I could to my body. “Thank God you’re ok. Thank God. I thought I’d lost you.” I said, my voice sounding raspy.

  When she pulled away from me, I reluctantly let her. “It was just a bad dream. I’m right here. I’m fine, ok,” she assured me as she brushed her hand over my hair and down my cheek, cupping it before gently kissing my lips.

  Placing my forehead to hers, I breathed in the scent of honey and vanilla that was her. I knew I was going to need all of her right now to get rid of this fear and know that she was safe and here with me now. Pushing her down onto her back, I settled myself between her spread legs, that always welcomed me. “I need to feel you under me and know that you’re real and here with me now. I need to taste you on my tongue and bury myself in your sweet, wet pussy,” I told her as I claimed her mouth with mine before making my way down her body. The only noise she made was a moaning sound when my tongue found her warm, wet heat, that was always ready for me. I planned on spending the rest of the night right here where I belonged, inside her.

  Waking up the next morning with Harper wrapped in my arms was a feeling of both elation and total fear. Feeling her body draped over mine with her head on my chest, I stroked her hair and just watched her breathe. That dream I had last night seemed so real that it had me feeling like history was destined to repeat itself. I needed to make sure that never happened. I needed to make sure no one could ever take her away from me.

  I never thought I would risk my heart again, but this woman got under my skin the moment I laid my eyes on her. For the first time in a long time, I could see a very different future taking shape for me. It was a future I was willing to do whatever it took to have. But I only wanted that future with her.

  “What ya thinking so hard about this early in the morning?” I heard her ask. “I can practically hear the wheels turning inside that head of yours.”

  Stroking the hair away from her forehead, I leaned down and kissed it. “Just how nice it is to wake up with you in my arms this mornin՛, right where you belong.”

  “Mm, yes, I have to say it does feel good.” Sitting up, she turned to cup my cheek. “You ok this morning?”

  Knowing that she was referring to, my nightmare, I reassured her. “I’m good Sweetheart. Just a real shitty nightmare, nothin՛ for you to worry about.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not really. I’d rather just enjoy the day with you.”

  “I’d like that too. Are you going to be staying here with me from now on?”

  Taking her hand, I kissed her open palm. “I have to go back on Tuesday and handle some things. But I’ll be back up again next weekend.”

  “How long do you expect me to stay here Maverick? I do have a business to run. Add to that the repairs I have to have done to my parents’ home now after what happened. I have to take care of that before I can put it on the market, I can’t just sit up here and hide.”

  “Your business is just fine. Ava knows that you’re with me and she has agreed to run the diner until you get back.”

  “Yeah, I heard you and Roman went to visit her and tell her about what happened to my parents’ place.”

  “Vulture let you use the burner phone I take it?”

  “Yes. I had to talk to her and let her know I was ok Maverick. She would have been terribly worried about me if I just disappeared and then she went to my parents’ home and saw all that damage.”

  “I know. I get it.”

  “I also heard she needed some ice on her hand after you left. She didn’t hurt you too bad, I hope. She’s got a bit of a temper sometimes.”

  Rubbing my jaw where her right hand connected with it, I chuckled at the memory. “Yeah, your friend sure does have a mean right hook. Took me off guard when we walked into your office. I knew she’d be pissed, but damn.”

  Giggling for a second, she got quiet. “I’m really sorry about that. I told her she was wrong for hitting you and demanded that she apologize to you the next time she saw you.”

  “It’s fine, she was just upset about what happened to you.

  “Yeah, well, it was still wrong. Roman made quite the impression though, I heard. She said something about how he must have been dropped on his head as a baby,” she giggled. “But honestly, I think she might secretly have a little crush on him by the way she kept bringing him up when I was talking to her.”

  “Yeah, Roman seems to have quite a thing for your ball violatin՛ friend.” I chuckled. “But it’s his balls if he pisses her off.”

  “She can be a little… hard on people, particularly men.”

  “What’s her story anyway? I can tell she has ties to someone by the way she threatens my ass every time I see her.”

  Rolling away out of my arms, she got out of bed, giving me another view of her gorgeous body. Putting her hands on her hips, she smirked. “That’s Ava’s story to tell. See, just like you and your club we don’t tell each other’s business either. So, you’ll have to ask her that question if you want to know.” Full out laughing at her mimicking our club rules when it comes to each other’s shit, I slid out of bed. As I stood there, I could feel her eyes raking over my body with the same lust and appreciation I felt for her right now. She reached up, cupping her tits and started to massage them while practically eye fucking me.

  God fucking hell, this woman is going to be the end of me.

  “So… you… ah going to join me in the shower and help me clean up this body of mine? Or am I going to have to do it all by my lonesome?” She asked with a pout.

  I moved to round the bed, making my way towards her as she started to giggle and back away from me towards the bathroom. Surprising her, I took off at a full sprint right for her, causing her to let out a squeal as she tried to run from me and into the bathroom. “I’m comin՛ for dat fine ass of yours Sweetheart.”


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