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Page 10

by Jaci Burton

  Sophie was in awe of his words and near tears from the sincerity in his voice. What he’d said felt to her as if he’d spoken from his heart.

  Was he acting, or did he truly believe in the power of love? He certainly hadn’t yet demonstrated a profound belief in love.

  At least not with her.

  Maybe that was the problem. Maybe she was the problem. Was she beating her head against an icy, impenetrable wall?

  “You’re second-guessing yourself again,” Angelina whispered when she hugged her.

  “Probably. I just don’t know, Angelina. He’s so…angry.”

  She shook her head. “A defense mechanism. He’s trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need you, and to do that he has to find some kind of fault with you. Be patient.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Try harder. Go talk to him. You look beautiful tonight.”

  She grinned. “Thank you. Okay, I’ll give it a shot.”

  Logan didn’t see her approach as he listened to Max and Brett engaged in conversation.

  She stopped behind him, not sure how to begin or what she’d even say to him.

  This was a really bad idea, and she felt stupid.

  But then Max and Brett moved away and he turned to her, arching a brow.

  “Hey,” she said, then mentally kicked herself. Brilliant opening line, Sophie.

  “Hey. You look…nice.”

  “Thanks. So do you.”

  Okay, now they were reduced to polite pleasantries. She had to think of something, and fast.

  “I’m surprised you aren’t hanging out with Brett. You two seemed to hit it off tonight.”

  She tilted her head, unsure of what her next move should be. She decided to go with honesty. “Would it matter to you if I did?”

  “Do you want to?”

  “I asked you first. Would it matter if I did?”

  He opened his mouth to speak, then shut it quickly. Finally, he said, “I don’t know. Maybe. Brett’s not for you, anyway.”

  “You don’t get to decide who’s for me and who isn’t.”

  “Trust me, Sophie. He isn’t ready for a woman in his life.”

  “Why not?”

  “I can’t say. Just trust me. Brett isn’t the right man for you.”

  “Then who is, Logan? Or do you just want me away from everyone you know?”

  “Frankly I don’t care who you go out with. Just leave Brett alone.”

  Really, the man was insufferable. “I’m not stalking Brett. I only met him tonight and I was being friendly. Which doesn’t mean I want to sleep with him.” She stuck her finger in his chest, growing more and more frustrated by her inability to reach him. “But, if I so chose to sleep with him or any other man, it’s none of your business.”

  “Bullshit. I’ll make it my business.”

  Appalled that he’d raised his voice, she quickly glanced around wondering if anyone had heard.

  No one had, because they were alone.

  Not good. And this was going nowhere fast. She grabbed her purse and coat and headed for the door.

  “We’re not finished,” he said, walking after her.

  “Oh yes we are. I’m not going to stay and listen to you insult me, ignore me, then tell me you have a say-so in what men I have in my life.”

  “I just told you to stay away from Brett.”

  She stopped and glared at him. “Something you have no right to do.”

  “I don’t want to see any of my friends hurt.”

  “Do you really think so little of me? Oh, what’s the point? You go live your life, Logan, and I’ll go live mine. Just stay the hell away from me.”

  She’d never been so insulted, or so angry. Logan really thought she could do harm to one of his friends. And the whole topic was ridiculous anyway, since she had no attraction or interest in Brett, anyway.

  Logan went after her and grabbed her arm, then pulled her toward the elevators. She tugged away from him, but he reached for her again, determination evident in the steely strength of his hold on her upper arm.

  Anxious to avoid a scene, she allowed herself to be led along, but whispered her displeasure. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “There are a few things I want to get straight with you before you leave tonight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Logan slipped a key into one of the private elevators and pulled her inside, pressing the button for the penthouse suite.

  “I’d really just like to leave now.”


  She tapped her foot and crossed her arms, waiting silently while the elevator made it to the penthouse floor. He got out, she didn’t.

  “Get out, Sophie.”

  “No. I’m going home.” She pressed the button for the lobby, but he stepped back inside and stopped the door from closing. Grabbing her hand, he dragged her off the elevator, his fingers like a steel band around her wrist as he led her inside his suite.

  She stood just inside the door as he flipped on the light, then inhaled sharply as she surveyed his apartment.


  It was huge, and opulent. Fully furnished with antiques of dark cherry wood and rich carpeting like a blanket under her feet.

  She was way out of her league here. She couldn’t even make herself step out of the foyer and into the living room.

  “Quit standing there like you’ve never seen a penthouse before. It’s just a place where I stay because it’s in the hotel.”

  He stepped to the bar and fixed them both a drink, handing one to her as he took a long swallow of his.

  Forcing her feet to move, she took the drink from his hand and sipped the brandy, letting it weave a trail of fire into her belly.

  “Why am I here?” she asked, desperately trying to understand what he was doing.

  He removed his tie and shrugged out of his jacket, tossing them both onto the couch as they stepped into the sunken living room.

  She sat on a well-cushioned sofa. Logan positioned himself next to her. Close. So close, in fact, she could smell him, her senses recalling the feel of his skin as he moved against her, the taste of sweat beading on his lip as he took her mouth during a hot, passionate coupling. Her heart began to pound like a driving ocean wave crashing against the shore.

  “I just think we need to…finalize things between us. Make sure there’s no misunderstanding.”

  “I agree.” She shifted and crossed her leg, then noticed Logan frowning as he watched the movement.

  Quickly looking into her eyes, he said, “I want to clear the air between us. I think there are a lot of things that haven’t been said, that need to. Especially by me.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.” She inhaled deeply and braced herself, knowing that whatever was coming wasn’t going to be pleasant.

  Logan’s gaze flitted to her breasts, where the deep vee of the halter revealed her cleavage.

  This time, his gaze left her breasts slowly, lingered on her neck before meeting her eyes. And this time, his eyes had gone a dark, stormy blue.

  In turn, her body began to heat from the inside out. She felt the connection, his growing arousal, and her desire flared to life.

  He may not want to be with her, but he did want her. That much he couldn’t lie to her about. Not when it was so obvious. His erection was outlined clearly against his pants, and she couldn’t help the slight smile that curled her lips.

  There was nothing more arousing to a woman than a man who clearly desired her. She had no power to make him love her, but she wielded a considerable amount of power as it related to sex.

  It wasn’t everything she wanted, but it was a start. A very good start.

  “Okay, granted, we have chemistry,” he said, draining the brandy from his glass. “But…”

  She waited, giving him her complete attention. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple jutting out as he struggled with the function.

  “But, as I was saying…”

  “Yes?” She inched closer, cl
osed her eyes, and inhaled his scent. It flowed over her like a warm summer shower. Cool, refreshing, and utterly intoxicating.

  “Stop that, Sophie.”

  Quickly opening her eyes, she asked, “Stop what?”

  “Stop doing…that.”

  “That what?” She’d moved close enough now that their legs brushed. The bottom of her skirt had risen to her thighs. She made no move to adjust it.

  He noticed, and swallowed again. Hard.

  “Stop…stop…oh, hell.” He gathered her in his arms, his movements jerky and rough and filled with desperate passion. A passion he poured into her mouth when his lips ground over hers.

  She whimpered and leaned into him, her breasts crushed against his chest, her raging heartbeat keeping time with his.

  Sophie moved her arms up over his biceps, feeling the tension, the hesitation, that held him removed from her.

  But why? Was he afraid of letting go?

  “Don’t…hold…back,” she murmured against his lips, repositioning herself so that she straddled him.

  His eyes had turned dark, icy, filled with a tempestuous storm of emotions as he looked his fill of her. He gripped her hips and thrust upward, driving his erection against her wet pussy.

  He shoved the dress over her thighs, over her hips, exposing her naked sex.

  “God, I love the way you smell when you’re turned on,” he said, untying the halter and pulling the dress down. He let his eyes drink in her breasts before taking one hard nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue over the inflamed peak, licking at her furiously until she was moaning and tangling her fingers in his hair to draw him closer.

  And yet, she still sensed a tension about him.

  Her gaze met his. “Logan, give it all to me. I can take it. I need it. Please.”

  “Anything?” he asked, the heat and promise in his husky voice nearly making her insane.

  “Yes. Anything.”

  With a low growl he lifted her and stood. She wrapped her legs around him and held on tight, breathing him in as he strolled down a long hallway and kicked open a door.

  The light came on automatically, soft and muted from the wall sconces.

  The bedroom was decorated in golden creamy colors, the bed huge and inviting.

  But he didn’t deposit her on the bed. Instead, he went into the bathroom and sat her on the expansive marble counter, then flipped on a light.

  The room was bathed in mirrors, and she saw herself in various angles.

  Logan cast her a hot grin. “I want to watch my cock slide in and out of your pussy. I want everything, Sophie. Are you ready?”

  She nodded, her throat gone dry with the thought of what “everything” would encompass. Whatever it was, she’d gladly give it to him.

  He stripped the dress from her body, then quickly removed his suit. When he pulled her off the counter, her feet slid into soft, warm carpeting.

  Logan took her into his arms and kissed her deeply, his hands roaming over her back. He grabbed her buttocks and drew her against his erection, rubbing his cock against her throbbing clit.

  “Logan, please.”

  “Not yet,” he said gruffly. “Watch.”

  Dropping to his knees, he spread her legs, reaching between them to stroke her slit. Juices poured from her, wetting his questing fingers. He slipped them into his mouth and tasted her, then looked up and smiled.

  “Watch me eat you, Sophie.”

  She glanced at the mirrors, her gaze transfixed as his tongue snaked out and licked her bare sex. When he took her clit in his mouth, she couldn’t hold back the whimper of need that filled her.

  Being able to see what he was doing took her arousal even higher. Her womb clenched with the need to feel him inside her, to sail over the edge of reason with him.

  She stroked his hair, caressing it softly, gently, as his tongue caressed her clit. Resting her feet on his shoulders, she gave him complete access to the most intimate part of her, spreading her legs wide and lifting her hips to feed her pussy to him.

  Then she couldn’t think any longer, could only watch in rapture as he thrust his tongue inside her slit and lapped up her juices. When she thought she couldn’t take any more, he moved to her clit, enclosing his lips around it and sucking the nub into his mouth, at the same time slipping two fingers into her cunt.

  “Oh, God, Logan. Oh, God.” The first tremors of orgasm built. He thrust his fingers faster and deeper. Her pussy grabbed and held, squeezing them as she fell into oblivion.

  She cried out her pleasure and ground her sex against his mouth, offering him her release, which he lapped up greedily.

  Before the spasms had completely settled, he flipped her around to face the mirror of the bathroom counter.

  Bending forward, she braced her palms on the cool marble, still feeling the aftereffects of her climax pulsing through her.

  “Watch,” he whispered, then settled between her outstretched legs and plunged his hard cock inside her.

  She whimpered, tensed, cried out, then came again at his first thrust.

  Snow began to fall. Lightly at first, then harder, cool wind swirling around them as the bathroom became a wintry spectacle of snow, ice and sleet.

  Yet she felt no cold, only a blissful relief from the heat surrounding her.

  She gasped as Logan filled her, the walls of her cunt clamping down around his shaft.

  If she looked to the mirrored side of the wall, she could watch his long cock sliding in and out of her. When he withdrew, his shaft was covered with her slick juices, making it easier to slip back inside, burying himself to the hilt.

  Her belly clenched in a spasm of painfully sweet need, the visuals intensifying her pleasure. To be able to see what she felt was an amazing experience. She’d never watched herself get fucked before. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen.

  Logan reached for her breasts, pinching her nipples, drawing out need that racked her body with spasms so powerful they made her legs quiver.

  Who was that woman in the mirror? Her face was flushed, her hair mussed. Snowflakes lay like sparkling glitter in her hair and on her body. It was like being fucked outside.

  His face was tight, drawn with intense passion and heat as he drove harder each time. He moved one hand over her hips and lower, teasing between her legs.

  His cock filled her, and yet he still slid two fingers inside, pistoning them alongside his shaft, something she’d never felt before.

  It felt like two men were fucking her at the same time. She’d never been so filled before, never experienced the heady sensation of having a man’s fingers tunnel inside next to his shaft, completely stretching her until she thought she would scream from the exquisite sensations. Her cunt squeezed, her vaginal walls clamping down around his cock and his fingers, readying for a burst of orgasm.

  Just as she was primed to fly over the edge, he withdrew his fingers and moistened her anus with her fluids. She glanced at his face, his expression concentrated, determined. He met her gaze and one side of his mouth curled in a wicked grin.

  His fingers poised at the entrance to her anus, he asked, “You want this?”

  Without hesitation she answered. “Yes.”

  Logan gently probed the rosette, pushing one finger inside her. She was tight, yet well lubricated with her own juices as he worked his finger in and out, stretching her, readying her. Not once did he stop the thrusting movements of his cock.

  The sensation was indescribable as he buried his finger to the hilt in her ass while powering his cock against her in forceful thrusts.

  She panted, gripped the sink edge and pushed back against his finger, rewarded with his guttural groan of pleasure.

  “Yes, Sophie, I think you like this. Have you ever been fucked in the ass before?”


  “You like my finger in there?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered, showing him how much she liked it by pushing her ass against his probing finger.

�How about two?”

  He withdrew from her anus and reached inside a nearby drawer, fumbling around the condoms until he found the rarely used bottle of lubricant. He spread it on two of his fingers and around her anus, then slipped gently inside her again.

  She shrieked and he drove his cock deep. Her legs trembled and she could barely stand.

  Still she watched, unable to tear her gaze away from the sight of his cock plunging in and out of her pussy and his fingers disappearing inside her ass.

  Snow began to fill the room, creating mini-mountains and slopes along the wall and around them. Thankful for the blissful relief from the burning pleasure scorching her, she scooped a handful and spread it over her breasts, shivering when her nipples puckered.

  Logan laughed and did the same, covering his cock with a handful of the white cooling flakes. When he reentered her cunt, she nearly died from the sensations of his cold shaft inside her steaming pussy. She could imagine steam pouring from her as the icicle melted inside her volcano.

  Lord, the man made her hotter than she’d ever thought possible.

  Now she was filled completely. He pulled his fingers back then thrust again, pushing further and further until he’d slid past the tight barrier, and began to fuck her ass in earnest, rearing back with both his cock and his fingers and driving harder and harder each time.

  “Touch yourself for me, Sophie. Let me feel you come.”

  She reached between her legs and found her clit, circling the bud, swirling her fingers around the tortured button as Logan continued to pummel her with his thrusts.

  The tightening began low and intense, then spiraled out of control.

  “I’m coming, Logan,” she warned, sparks shooting off in her womb as the exquisite sensation burst inside her, flooding his cock and squeezing his fingers as contraction after contraction sent her into a climaxing frenzy.

  Tears filled her eyes at the amazing sensations. Logan stopped for a moment, then groaned and spilled shot after shot of hot come into her cunt.

  Sophie’s legs were shaking, the enormity of what Logan had made her feel washing over her. He withdrew and pulled her into the shower with him, turning on the multiple spraying heads and soaking them both.


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