Return to Earth

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Return to Earth Page 10

by Brad Stucki

  He strode from the Portal room down the hallway to the large room holding the Archive interface. All these strange new words he was using seemed odd, but he understood them in the context in which they were used. He understood them via the connection he had with Javin and the others, through their Crystals. It was odd, as if he were an observer who understood from inside someone else’s perspective. Of course, that’s exactly what was happening. It didn’t make it any less disorienting. Still, the knowledge it imparted gave Sauros a strange feeling every time it happened.

  The Archive room was about 100 paces across in all directions with assorted cushioned furniture in the middle which could be moved and arranged in any way the occupants desired. Along the left wall was a small counter top running most of the length of the wall. At various intervals were seats with a view screen mounted above the counter about the height of where an average person would be able to look directly into it while seated. At each workstation was a small palm-sized Crystal inset into the counter top. An operator, who had to be one of the natives of this planet, would rest their hands over the Crystal and ‘think’ what it was they wanted to find. The Crystal would respond to their ‘query’ (another of those words Sauros had learned), and the information would flash onto the screen above.

  After a bit of experimentation, they had learned natives of this planet had access to most of the information stored. However, access to all the information, and to actually have it ‘downloaded’ (another word from Javin’s world) had to be not only a native of this planet, but also had to have a ‘Gift,’ a Crystal embedded within their breast, or a Gestalt Stone as the Ancients had called them. This left only the Keeper who was able to access everything in the Archive. Or at least, they thought it was everything. How could they know for sure what they were missing?

  The back side of the room was comprised of cabinets and a small kitchen area where food and water dispensed through an appliance which one held a bowl under a nozzle of sorts, touched a combination of buttons and various flavors and colors of paste would come out.

  They had learned it was nourishing and filling. Some combinations where quite tasty, some not. Next to the food nozzle was another where water was dispensed. And there was a sink where dishes and glasses could be cleaned and returned to their respective cabinets.

  The right side wall was completely blank. Javin had commented earlier that the decorator had definitely been lacking (another sarcastic reference to his home world - of which he had no direct memory). He had been right, though. The design of the Archive was completely functional, if not at all aesthetic. It served its purpose and did that well.

  One could live at the Archive for an extended period of time. Down the hallway from where Sauros had just come were a number of rooms with fresher facilities, a bed and storage for additional clothing. Another room acted as a laundry and utility area which could also act as an infirmary.

  Sauros noted several of this world’s native people sitting at the workstations. Kokos, this world’s Keeper, Sauros and Javin’s friend, was sitting at the first workstation and looked up as Sauros walked in. She stood, concern crossing her features.

  “Is something wrong?” She asked.

  Kokos was a good example of her race. In Javin’s terms they appeared like a cross between armadillos of his home world and humans. Kokos was about medium height for her species, which came to about chest height to Sauros who was considered rather large in stature. Her skin was hairless and smooth except for the slight wisps of whiskers about her elongated and pointed snout. The color of her skin was a golden tinged tan that reminded Sauros of the leathery lizard skin of the Birta’ fah on his home planet, though that creature’s skin was more mottled green to blend in with the jungles it inhabited.

  Kokos' world was subterranean, the entire population existing below the surface of the planet they called home. When Sauros and Javin had first arrived here, they had been on the surface of the planet which was barren and lifeless, being lit dimly by what Javin had called a Red Dwarf star.

  They’d found their way below the surface and encountered Kokos and her people, and eventually to the Archive where they finally found an explanation of the Grand Plan the Ancients had established to save all the races in this galaxy from extinction.

  “All is fine,” Sauros reassured her. “Where is Manos? He is not standing guard?”

  “We saw no more need. Nemesis cannot access the Archive directly, and since we want him to know the plan, there’s no need to block him from Sharing with any of us.” Kokos looked at Sauros. “He also cannot find the 3rd Article of Power since I do not know where it is. I have given it to a chain of people to hide. And only that chain can retrieve it. Nemesis would find it difficult to obtain and take a long time, which would leave him vulnerable.”

  “Javin has shared with Nemesis.” Sauros said. “Because of that, he knows that we gave the 3rd Article of Power to you to hide. This leaves you vulnerable. We thought it good that I retrieve it, and then shield myself as I move around. That way, the location will have changed and he will not know where it is. I have also come to Share so you have the latest information and know the plan for proceeding.”

  Kokos was silent for a bit. Sauros reached out and could sense what she was thinking. She was worried about retrieving the 3rd Article of Power. The change Sauros and Javin had experienced when passing through the Portal allowed him to have a heightened ability to sense other’s feelings and thoughts, it seemed. Not just the people on Rolla’s planet, but all. Sauros put a hand on Kokos’s shoulder.

  “We do not want to put you or your people in any more danger. And if you think about it, I will be moving around and be shielded. My carrying the Article will make it even more protected.”

  “Or more vulnerable, since you are likely to come in contact with Nemesis again,” Kokos countered. “Yet either way, Nemesis will be looking for it. Your way seems as safe as mine. Then you will have it with you when it is needed.”

  Sauros could tell she was still worried about the dangers, but couldn’t think of a better solution. She admitted to herself that her having hid the Article protected it, perhaps even better than what Sauros could do, but if they needed it quickly, it could become a problem.

  “Let me start the chain to retrieve it. It will be good to see how fast it can be retrieved before we decide finally what to do. I still have my doubts.” Kokos strode over to one of her people sitting at a work station, bent over and whispered in his ear. He turned to look at her, questioned her and she nodded and put her hand on his shoulder to emphasize her request. Finally, he nodded, got up from his station and strode out of the room. Kokos came back to stand with Sauros.

  “Come to my room. It will give us the privacy we need.” She led him back into the corridor, down a short way and turned into the first room on the right. The door whisked open as they approached, and whisked shut behind them as they entered. Sauros shook his head at the newness of it all. He hadn’t spent much time in the Archive previously, so it was still foreign to him.

  “Sit. We can begin the Sharing now. the Article should be here when we are done. We will not be disturbed.” Kokos had seated herself at one end of her bed and patted a spot beside her. Sauros sat, and they immediately opened themselves up to each other to begin. The Sharing was getting much easier with practice, at least for Sauros. He took the lead and directed the contact, the opening and transfer of information. He was surprised at the amount of new information he was also getting in return. Kokos had been very busy at the Archive, and he would need to pass this information on to Javin as soon as possible.

  Then an idea occurred to him and he reached out through his Crystal, searching . . . and found Javin. Javin noticed the contact and strengthened it, opening himself up as well, so the Sharing was going three ways. It was a strange, wonderful and exhilarating experience. What used to be difficult and tiring, had now grown to be an event which enlivened, inspired and uplifted. Sauros realized it was because of
the close bond between the three of them. Then he felt another — Rolla had joined them! Sauros hadn’t even realized the delicate contact she had been maintaining with him.

  Sauros, Javin and then Kokos, who had hesitated slightly, then welcomed Rolla and broadened the Sharing. It was a beautiful experience to see such immediate trust of a total stranger, and realized how special Kokos and Rolla both were, and how dedicated they were to their callings as Keepers.

  Time passed and the Sharing was completed. With brief mental contacts and assurances, Javin and Rolla got back to their tasks, leaving Sauros and Kokos alone.

  Kokos was silent for a time, eyes closed and head bowed as she assimilated what she had received and tried to understand and categorize it. To do it completely would take several days, and would happen automatically - because of the Crystals in their breasts. Doing that was part of their function.

  Sauros was doing much the same, though he kept his eyes open, watching Kokos, the expressions crossing her face as she concentrated. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked at Sauros. Rather than speak, she just looked at him and Sauros ‘felt’ her questions, her acceptance of Rolla and of their plan, as well as her worry for Javin being in the hands of the Dark Guardians, though she implicitly agreed with the reasoning and the attempt to get them to cooperate. Almost instinctively, she was using the empathic and telepathic communication of Rolla’s people - the Aquarians. That had been passed on too, apparently. Sauros was startled at first, then realized the Sharing went even deeper than he’d initially supposed. Not only did it impart memories and knowledge, but it also subtly imparted changes made to the body. Sauros, just now thinking about the changes to his body, held up his hands and spread his fingers, careful to keep his claws retracted. He knew it disturbed other races to see his personal weapons extended unless he was ready to fight.

  The webs between his fingers had disappeared. He reached up and felt his neck. The gills were gone also. His body had been changed back when stepping through the portal. Kokos laughed, realizing what he was doing. And also realizing what had happened to her and her ability to communicate more fully without words, but by ‘thinking’ and her expressions and gestures.

  Sauros smiled. “Is it okay if I speak? Communicating through the bond does cover much more ground, especially as Rolla’s people do it. You are very adept at it already. I find I still have to speak to order my thoughts.”

  Kokos laughed. “I thought I would give it a try. It is so beautiful, open and honest. But I agree. It takes a great deal of effort when you aren’t used to it. Though it will be very good since apparently, we can all communicate over vast differences. I wonder how this is done?”

  Immediately a thought came into Sauros’ mind of a hyper spatial link between the Crystals allowing for instantaneous communication. The words were all so much gibberish to him, realizing the words came from Javin’s hidden treasure trove of knowledge, which the Crystal was helping him access since he had ‘thought’ of it. He chuckled and shook his head. “Did you get that too?”

  Kokos nodded and rubbed her temples. “This is so strange and new to me. Has this been happening to you all this time?”

  “Only since we went through the last Portal. Javin and I were changed to allow us to communicate as Rolla’s people do. But since we’ve Shared, it seems we all have that ability now. The thing which worries me is that I’m starting to accept and even enjoy it.”

  Kokos laughed, realizing through the bond that Sauros was only half kidding.

  “Well, one thing I realize through the bond is that you haven’t eaten in a while, and although you are anxious to continue, you need nourishment to maintain your strength. We’ll also need to see if the 3rd Article of Power has arrived. If it has, I know you will want to leave soon so it is not here for any length of time.”

  Sauros was just realizing how hungry he was and nodded. He was also glad Kokos had accepted their plan to move the 3rd Article of Power. He understood her concern, and shared it - literally, as had Javin and Rolla. But in the Sharing, no better idea had surfaced.

  Kokos stood, rested a hand on the bed to steady herself after the Sharing then led the way back to the main Archive room so Sauros could get some food.

  Chapter 26

  It didn’t take long for Sauros to get food and drink and as he was finishing, the Third Article of Power was returned. Kokos handed it to him in a small leather pouch which he tied to his belt next to his knife.

  Together they went to the Portal room.

  “Are you sure this will work?” Kokos asked.

  “Only one way to find out,” Sauros said. “But first I need to return to the main pyramid chamber below. From there I will be able to make the transfer. Apparently, I need to be at a place where there are the slabs of stone which move to form the proper circuit coordinates for the Portal to send me where I desire. Again, this comes from Javin’s jumbled suppositions, but I find I am beginning to understand a bit of it, if only through the context.”

  Kokos laughed again, but through the bond, understood and shared Sauros’ chagrin.

  The Portal activated. Kokos embraced Sauros in farewell, and then Sauros stepped through. He stepped out in the Portal room in the pyramid chamber. From there he thought about his desire to be taken to the Light Guardians. It was simple enough in its broadness. Sauros only hoped it would actually work. It was the only avenue he could think of. The Portals had shown themselves remarkably accurate so far.

  His musings were interrupted by the stone slabs behind him shifting and moving. When they came to rest, the Portal activated. Without waiting, Sauros stepped through.

  Sauros stepped out of the Portal. He quickly glanced around at his surroundings. It was completely white. There was no contrast, no vista, no depth to anything. He couldn't tell if he was in a small room or a vast expanse. There was nothing but white. He looked down. The ground underneath his feet was the same except he felt solid ground. He could have been floating and gazing at a vast expanse beneath for all his eyes told him. He cocked his head and stepped forward carefully, making sure of his footing with each step. He turned a glance at the Portal and his eyes widened. It was gone! He stepped back, arms outstretched, trying to feel where it had been. It was no longer there. Sauros stilled his mind and reached out. He could still feel the faint contact, the bond with Rolla, Kokos and yes, there was Javin. He could feel their curiosity even though he hadn't strengthened the bond sufficient that they could see what he was seeing. They could merely feel in a distant way what he was experiencing. He didn’t want to be distracted nor did he want to distract Javin from what he was doing, which was also critical.

  Sauros turned back, again gazing out into the white expanse. The Portal had brought him here. He had been seeking the Light Guardians. So, if this is where he was brought, this is where they must be, but how to find them?

  “You have found us -- or rather me.” Sauros didn't hear the words physically. He felt them in his mind.

  “This is interesting,” Sauros thought, looking around still not seeing anyone.

  “Where are you?” Sauros spoke aloud but also consciously thought the words in his mind. In the same way he had heard the words earlier.

  “Why are you here?” Again, the words were spoken in his mind, a gentle caress, though clear and piercing. It was subtly different than the way they had learned to communicate with Rolla’s people. It seemed . . . deeper somehow.

  “Can you read my mind?” Sauros thought without speaking aloud. There was silence.

  Then, “Yes, we can, though only what you are thinking on the surface. Only what you are wanting to communicate.”

  Sauros thought about this. It fit with what Javin was experiencing also. A limited ability, much the same as they already had with Rolla, and now between them all. What was the difference?

  “I don’t know what the difference is,” the voice in his mind sounded gently. “It is odd I find I can communicate with you in this way. It is new for me to be
able to communicate to one such as you in this way.”

  Sauros considered carefully. He needed to quickly and succinctly capture the Light Guardians’ interest and their desire to hear more. “I am here to save your lives,” Sauros said / thought.

  There was silence for a time but Sauros felt a tinge of curiosity. Finally, a thought/caress entered his mind.

  “And just how will you save us?”

  “By giving you information your brethren will be receiving shortly as well.”

  Sauros kept a tight rein on his thoughts, focusing only on what he was communicating. It occurred to him the if the Light Guardians could read his mind, he didn't want to give anything away until they had agreed to the Sharing. Then he realized, it didn’t really matter. He wanted them to know everything, and he relaxed his guard, chuckling to himself.

  “Our brethren?” the voice caressed in his mind.

  “You know who they are,” Sauros said dropping all his mental guards and completely opening up, hoping, actually the Light Guarding would pick up on everything.

  “We call them Dark Guardians. We refer to you as Light Guardians. Will you show us you are truly enlightened?” Into Sauros’ mind, obviously from the Crystal in his breast, came the memory from Chahzuu who had experienced an encounter with a Light Guardian as well as Nemesis’ memory of his Dark Guardian Masters.

  Sauros allowed these thoughts to play across his mind. He figured it wouldn't hurt if this Light Guardian saw how others viewed them. He thought about his own people's legends of the Guardians who are supposed to offer protection and grow, which Sauros now knew was far from the truth.

  “Such a mixed jumble of thoughts,” he heard/felt the words in his mind. “You have been changed. This makes it easier to discern your intent and certain concepts, though not necessarily word for word. Close enough though.”

  “I can't tell any difference,” Sauros thought.

  “Just so,” the Light Guardian spoke into his mind, “It is not the full depth of Sharing and openness I believe you intend.


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