Return to Earth

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Return to Earth Page 11

by Brad Stucki

  A form began to materialize in front of Sauros. It coalesced defining into a human form, looking much like Javin, though with gold colored hair, dressed in white robes and looking somewhat slender and delicate. “Yes, I am a bit delicate. I’m also very old,” the being spoke, “older than you can truly imagine.”

  “Are we alone?” Sauros asked.

  “For now.”

  “What is this place?”

  “It is a way station of sorts,” the Light Guardian said, using his voice now. Sauros still felt the caress in his mind along with words of a different language he found he could understand. Of course he could understand the language, he had arrived here through a Portal. He would have been changed so he could understand the language of those on this side.

  “You cannot come directly into our realm. And it is hard for us to appear in yours. If we undergo the Sharing as you intend, you probably will understand why. I really don’t want to try and explain it.” Sauros didn’t answer. He didn't know what to say.

  “About this information you said would save our lives?” the Guardian prodded.

  “Yes,” Sauros said. “We, my friends and I, want to Share all our memories and knowledge with you. In return we will ‘receive’ all your memories and knowledge. In this way, you will come to know of something called The Great Dark which is coming to destroy everything in its path.”

  “We already know of it. But I sense you know more about it than we do. I don’t know how this is possible, yet I can see you are in earnest. And I also see this Sharing is not harmful. How is it done?”

  “I will open my thoughts to you and you will open to me. I can form a bond between us where we will Share our knowledge and memories. I will not force it upon you as that is rather painful. As I said before, it will save your lives if you let it. Our knowledge contains a Grand Plan of the Ancients where all races can be saved from the Great Dark if we work together.”

  Chapter 27

  There was silence between Sauros and the Light Guardian for a time.

  “I sense there is something else. A question you wish to ask,” the Light Guardian said.

  This took Sauros a back. He had been trying to mask this portion of his intent, at least until after the Sharing had been accomplished. It was personal to him. Yet it also partially addressed their mission.

  “Ask it” the Light Guardian said. “I desire to know all. And if we do this Sharing I will know all anyway. I desire that there be no deception between us.”

  Sauros chuckled at that. “That is a very refreshing change from your brethren, where everything they do is covered in secrecy and deception.

  “I shall be direct," Sauros said. "And yes, you shall have it all with the Sharing. It concerns my betrothed. I wonder whether your people took her? Mouhra’Lah was killed on my world. Killed by an agent of the Dark Guardians who is called Nemesis. Shortly after, her body disappeared in a bright glow.

  “I was shocked. At the time I believed she had been honored by you Guardians because of her bravery. I also saw the same thing happen to another who also died saving his people. Then just recently I saw my friend, Javin, killed by that same agent of the Dark Guardians. He too, disappeared in a bright glow, only to learn he had been taken by the Dark Guardians -- and is still alive.

  “So my question remains, where is my beloved? Who has her? Is she still alive? And along with this question is, where is Chahzuu? Is he alive? He was a Keeper for his people. He has a Gestalt Stone which is critical to saving your race as well as mine — indeed all races in the Galaxy.”

  Sauros found his heart was filled with a combination of hope, anxiousness, and anger. If these Guardians had taken his beloved, what business did they have playing around with their lives? Then there was Nemesis, and his killing those whom Sauros loved with no pang of conscience, and for nothing save selfish ambition.

  Then back to hope. A hope that Mouhra’Lah and Chahzuu were both alive. A hope he could be reunited with his beloved. And hope Chahzuu, with his Gestalt Stone, could be restored to them. They would be one part closer to being able to succeed in their mission.

  The Light Guardian held up his hands. “You are very intense my friend. You broadcast deeply and far. Someone else may sense you even from this far-removed place.”

  Sauros was about to give an angry retort then got himself under control. He was here for a purpose and had to serve that purpose. He also remembered he was carrying the Third Article of Power. Nemesis must not know where it is.

  Calming his mind and making sure his shielding was in place he continued. “I am sorry. I am here to Share so you may know all we know. You will then know regarding a plan of the Ancients. Those who created the Portals. Those who created the Articles of Power.”

  At mention of the Articles of Power the Light Guardian bristled and took a step back.

  “We know you have been looking for them. Do you realize the danger?"

  "We have more than looked.” Sauros began. “All three been found. We possess the Third. Nemesis, a former agent of the Dark Guardians, has the other two, and knows how to use them.”

  “You mustn't! You don't realize what could happen. It could be the destruction of everything!"

  "Or the salvation of everything,” Sauros argued, “We must Share so you have our knowledge, and we have yours. That is the only way we can forestall the destruction which is coming.”

  The Light Guardian was silent again, clearly debating within himself. Sauros tried reaching out to sense his thoughts, but found a shield which he could not penetrate unless he pushed harder. He pulled back not wanting to force. He had seen the damage that had already created. Instead, he spoke.

  "There is nothing your people have to lose . . . save knowledge. Even now my friend Javin is with your brethren, the Dark Guardians, making this same offer. It is his hope they will Share, will you be left behind?” Again, the Light Guardian seemed hesitant.

  Then he finally nodded. “Yes I will Share for my people. I sense no hostile intent though you have been tempted.” The Light Guardian's mouth turned up in a smile, his sapphire blue eyes dancing with humor.

  “My brother was my people’s Keeper as you have put it. I have no, what you refer to as a Gestalt Stone, the Gift. My brother also lost his when . . ." he drifted off to silence. "Well, you will learn when we Share. Can this be done without me having the Gift?"

  "My friend Javin thinks he knows a way. He has imparted it to me. If you are willing, we can try it now. You must willingly let down your shielding. Open to me completely and I will to you. I promise to cause you no harm or pain."

  "That is a big promise from a warrior such as you.” The Light Guardian said his eyes filled with humor.

  "Then my word as a warrior I give you. Does that help?”

  “As much as anything can” the Light Guardian said.

  “Shall we proceed while here in this place?" Sauros asked.

  "Yes, here.” The Light Guardian said. "In this place I can be most physically present. You will understand after the Sharing - if it succeeds.” Sauros nodded and stepped forward closing the distance between them.

  "May I touch your brow?" Sauros held out a tentative hand.

  "Yes,” the Light Guardian said, and stood still as Sauros reached up to place the tips of two fingers lightly against the side of the Light Guardian’s head, then closed his eyes, focusing on opening himself and reaching out through the Crystal. His physical touch created a conduit. At the same time, he felt the presence of Rolla, Kokos, and yes, very faintly, Javin. They would all Share.

  Chapter 28

  The Sharing began. The 'touch' of the Light Guardian was strange, like, he was there - and not there. Yet enough of the contact existed Sauros could initiate the flow.

  At first, the Light Guardian instinctively threw up a barrier. Sauros was patient, waited, and soothingly re-touched. The barrier started to dissolve. Then disappear. Still Sauros waited at the barrier, waiting for an invitation. And it came subtlety, th
e essence of the Light Guardian reaching out and touching the essence that was Sauros. Not only Sauros but Rolla, Kokos and Javin. There was a bit of surprise, hesitancy then acceptance and invitation to all of them.

  Sauros gently moved forward. First, giving only as the Light Guardian accepted, then as the Light Guardian opened, more and more.

  The pace quickened, and the volume grew larger till the sharing was flowing back and forth with full cooperation of the Light Guardian, and all those joined.

  Sauros saw in his mind's eye the memories, the knowledge, flickering past his inner eye, flowing both ways, occasionally, comprehending snippets that amazed . . . and then the Sharing was over.

  Sauros didn't know how long it had taken. It was always that way with the Sharing. Time sense completely vanished for all involved. And as before with voluntary Sharing, there was a feeling of exhilaration, of refreshment. The same feeling in unity with all who had Shared.

  Sauros stepped back and dropped his hand.

  “Interesting. I never knew the Crystals were capable of such.” The Light Guardian’s name was Darzeen. It had surfaced in all their minds the moment he spoke. Such was the nature of Sharing.

  “Given time there is much more you will realize as you assimilate it all,” Sauros said. It was echoed by the others still in the bond. Sauros could see the Light Guardian - Darzeen - felt the contact as well.

  They had brought him within the circle bond even though he no longer had a Crystal. Sauros didn't know whether that was permanent or whether it was a residual effect of the Sharing. Maybe he had been physically changed by the Sharing and could now communicate mentally and emotionally even though he hadn’t been through a Portal to Rolla’s world. Then Sauros realized the curiosity of these things was coming from what he had shared with Javin. Javin, by nature, was very curious. He smiled inwardly and Sauros could hear Javin chuckle in his mind.

  Darzeen tilted his head as if hearing something he hadn't expected.

  “What an amazing effect,” Darzeen said aloud. The Sharing was always a bit jarring until the memories and knowledge had been assimilated. “And I believe I agree,” Darzeen said, responding to the unspoken question Sauros was thinking. “I'm not sure the bond will exist much longer as I can even now feel it fading. It must exist only between those who have a Gestalt Stone. However, my race is able to communicate without speaking if we are in each other's presence. We have never been able to communicate over vast distances like Rolla’s people, or those of you with Gestalt Stones.”

  “I believe we should take some time and counsel together,” Sauros said changing the subject and getting to the heart of things. He had quickly been perusing the new information he had gained from the Sharing. The first thing he had searched in Darzeen’s memories was whether or not the Light Guardians had taken Mouhra’ Lah and Chahzuu. They had not.

  Sauros realized it was selfish of him to focus on this, but it was also necessary as Chahzuu had held a Crystal which was needed for the overall plan to succeed. And since the Light Guardians hadn’t taken them, and their disappearance was the same as what had happened to Javin, Sauros now concluded that the Dark Guardians must have taken them. He was anxious to get to the rescuing.

  “Right to the point, as usual,” Javin ‘thought’ to the group. Darzeen cocked his head, still listening with his mind, though needing to focus more closely.

  “I agree, though,” Javin continued. “We should first see if what we have Shared makes any changes to our planning or helps us move those plans forward.”

  “I am starting to lose the ability to hear you all,” Darzeen said. He sounded a bit anxious, like he didn’t want to be left out of something he had just joined - and liked.

  “Why don’t we all meet at the Archive,” Kokos suggested. “Rolla can come through the Portal. Sauros can bring Darzeen with him.”

  “I’ll stay here,” Javin said. “We need to stay in contact with the Dark Guardian faction. Hopefully they’ll agree to the Sharing as well, and it'll sway them to join us. Then we’ll also know about Mouhra’ Lah and Chahzuu.” Javin sounded hopeful through the bond. Sauros knew Javin felt responsible for Mourha’ Lah’s sacrifice, saving Javin at the cost of her own life. Now there was hope she was alive!

  “There’s only one problem,” Sauros said aloud for the benefit of Darzeen who was now struggling to ‘hear’ the others. “The Portal on this side vanished after I came through.”

  “That’s not going to be a problem,” Darzeen said. “From here, we can ‘Move’ to wherever you want to go. As long as you know where you’re going, we can get there.”

  Sauros paused a moment, then the knowledge of how Nemesis had Traveled came into his mind and he realized it was true. He could ‘attune’ the resonance of his body to that of the Archive, and he could ‘Move’ himself there. Apparently, the Guardians had mastered this mode of travel and taught it to Nemesis.

  “I stand corrected,” Sauros said. “We will ‘Move’ there now.” Using that particular word caused all the others to quickly understand what Sauros was saying. They had Nemesis’ memories too. The sudden realization that they ‘knew’ things they hadn’t learned in a normal fashion was still a bit disorienting. And then when coupled with Javin’s sudden bursts of knowledge and memory coming out of nowhere, added more confusion.

  Sauros lifted his hand so he could join it with Darzeen’s. If there was physical contact Sauros could ‘guide’ him to the Archive.

  Darzeen nodded and took hold of his proffered hand, realizing what Sauros meant to do.

  With his eyes closed, Sauros focused on stilling his mind and ‘attuning’ his thoughts and his body to the ‘resonance’ of the Archive. He had only been there a couple of times, but the memory was bolstered from Kokos, who had taken to living there. It was easy as he directed his body to assume that same resonance ,and felt Darzeen following his lead.

  When harmony had been achieved, Sauros opened his eyes. He was standing in the middle of the Archive common room, looking directly into the smiling face of Kokos.

  Chapter 29

  “Welcome!” Kokos said, embracing a startled Sauros. “And you, too, Darzeen.” She hugged the Light Guardian as well, though she drew back a bit shocked at what she’d felt. Touching Darzeen was a unique experience, like he was half in, half out of being solid.

  “Come and get refreshment. I know you both must be tired and hungry.” Kokos regained her composure, smiling up at Darzeen who nodded his head in gratitude.

  “My thanks, Lady. But I cannot eat when I’m away from the realm where we now live. Though I’m not hungry at the moment, our discussion will feed my soul.” He bowed.

  Kokos smiled again and bowed stiffly as her shell constrained her movement. “I sense Rolla coming through the portal. I must go greet her. Please, find a couch and then we will begin.” She left the room, walking down the hallway to the Portal room.

  Sauros could sense Rolla’s coming also. Since they would be all be in the same room, save Javin, they would be able to communicate non-verbally as well as verbally.

  Sauros had noticed the language spoken by Darzeen had not been that of Kokos' people, though she could understand it because Darzeen was speaking ‘mentally’ as well. It had been a bit jarring to him to hear both with his ears and with his mind. And only now did he remember Darzeen hadn’t gone through a Portal, so his language ability had not been altered. But that didn’t matter as long as they could continue to communicate non-verbally. And it would be good for all of them - save Javin - to be in the same room to facilitate that.

  Sauros gestured for Darzeen to follow him over to a grouping of cushioned chairs set around a small table. This would be a good place for them to gather. They would be able to see and hear each other. But Sauros wasn’t quite sure how they would be able to bring Javin into anything which Darzeen may convey, since he wouldn’t be in the same room.

  “Sit here,” Sauros said. “Are you sure you cannot partake of any refreshment?” Sauros wa
s planning to get water and cups for all and didn’t want to offend Darzeen.

  “Oh, I’m sure,” Darzeen said. “I am sufficiently out of phase in your realm it would cause severe harm if I were to try and imbibe anything. The food or drink would not stay fully confined to my digestive tract.”

  Sauros thought about that for a moment and nodded. “I will get refreshment for the others. I mean no disrespect in this.”

  “None will be assumed, I assure you. This is really quite fascinating!” Sauros smiled and could sense Darzeen starting to delve into the knowledge he had gained in the Sharing. Sauros felt Darzeen going through Javin’s recent history, and something about it had caught his attention. it was Javin’s earliest memories when he awoke on Sauros’ planet. But even before that. A flash . . . A flash of an earlier memory that was a place filled with white . . . All around . . . Then Sauros recognized it. It was just like the place where he had met Darzeen. And there was something in Javin’s memory that was blocked, though there was an impression of . . . Of seeing Darzeen and one other! But Darzeen had never met Javin before! How could this be?

  “Are you seeing this?” Darzeen turned to Sauros, sensing that Sauros had been re-living the memories with him. “How can this be? I haven’t met Javin yet. What he is remembering hasn’t happened yet!”

  It was Sauros turn to be confused. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying you and Javin have traveled back in time and didn’t know it. I hadn’t realized that until just now. This could ruin everything!”

  Chapter 30

  "We must talk, all of us, and I must see - be able to assimilate - all that has happened. Javin is on the verge of remembering something which hasn’t happened yet.”

  Sauros gestured for Darzeen to have a seat on one of the cushioned chairs arranged in the center of the large room. Others of Kokos’ people were seated at their workstations on the side wall from where they sat. They were earnestly working, manipulating the Crystals inset into the desktop where they sat, gazing at the screen as further information flashed on each screen overhead. They were seemingly enrapt in their work and pointedly ignoring the new arrivals.


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