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I Dated a Deadly Auditor

Page 4

by Grace, Viola

  She nodded and took long strides to get her legs into the mood, but they were soon warm and humming as she took them through a narrow path and into the woods. She loved this hike. Tirra remained silent as she climbed the gradual path, and then, it became not so gradual. They climbed up a steep incline for fifteen minutes, and then, Gorith said, “Stop.”

  She turned and didn’t know what she expected to see, but the wonder-filled expression on his features was not it. He looked out over the hillside and the single home beneath them in the distance.

  “What is that?”

  “The only private home in the area. It belongs to a member of the Aksallan prefect’s family.”

  “So, high security?”

  She thought about the people who lived there. “It is well protected.”

  “Good. Is that where you were this morning?”

  She paused. “We should get going. Half an hour to the glacial lake.”

  “The brief said no sex, but it did mention I was allowed to ask questions.”

  Tirra looked at the genuine curiosity in his eyes. “Yes. Fine. That is where I went. I had to see a friend.”

  She started walking on the trail again.

  “Which friend? Male or female?”

  “Yes, yes, and both. And babies.” She chuckled and hiked onward. He was silent for a long time. She glanced over her shoulder, and he was still there.

  “Who did you visit?” He finally got the right question.

  “Two patrons and their escort and her foster kids.”

  He chuckled. “Khytten and Salat. That is their place.”

  She turned and looked at him. “Ah, you have met Khytten.”

  “Yes. How did you meet her?”

  “Thirteen took me over, and we had tea.”

  “Ah, you are friends with Thirteen.”

  “She is fun and friendly.” She smiled and kept climbing the rocky path.

  “That she is. And creative.”

  “I do not doubt it.” She felt the pang of wistfulness that Thirteen could have what she couldn’t.

  She finished the climb and walked into the cave, moving through the tunnels with the ease of practice.

  She heard him call out. “Uh, Tirra?”

  She turned and walked back to him. She found him looking between four entrances. She extended her hand to him. “Come along.”

  He put his hand in hers, and she pulled him through the tunnels until they were out on a stone ledge that overlooked the glacial lake. She let go of his hand and took a seat on one of the large rocks that a patron had placed there for her.

  “This is where we rest, and then, we head back.”

  She wiggled out of her pack and pulled out a flask of water then reached in for a pack of jerky. She pulled her legs up to her chest and perched, tearing at the meat while he watched.

  “I did not know you ate meat.”

  She smiled. “I wasn’t allowed to eat meat. It turns out that things that would alter my hormones were off my diet. Some plants as well. Since getting free, I have worked to expand my palate.”

  “How did you get free?”

  “Do you remember the enforcer Wilmerson?”


  “I convinced him that it would be best for his luck if he were to help me out when the sting happened. He got me out by simply hauling me out and telling any guards who wanted to stop us that the boss wanted me with him in his car before going out that night. So, he got me into the car while your lot came through, and we headed through the north corridor to the emergency exit to his sedan. The moment he stopped for a second, I bailed.”

  “What did he do then?” Gorith sat close to her but not within grabbing range. He got his water and something to eat out of his pack.

  “Not a clue. I ran as far and as fast as I could.” She chuckled.

  “What happened next?”

  “It isn’t for the faint of heart and, frankly, is none of your business.”

  He blinked. “I suppose that you are right. In my mind, I thought we were friends.”

  “Oh, no. Never that. You didn’t even know me. You still don’t, but that’s fine.”

  “I would like to.”

  “To what purpose. Your tastes run to slight women who appear helpless. I am neither, nor would I wish to stress myself out knowing that you would always be looking for someone else as for a match at BDC. I really don’t foresee a change that would create a proper match. Just ask Zera; I am unmatchable.”

  “Wait. You said you had been on over a hundred dates.”

  She nodded and closed her water bottle. “I have. I am the analyst that determines what hotels and venues are suitable to work with BDC. I watch for signs of unwholesome interest in the parties. One of the patrons makes himself available to act as my companion for the venues.”

  “You are dating one of the patrons?”

  “For this purpose, yes.”


  “It is not your business, nor would it be discreet for me to mention it.”

  He growled and grabbed her hand. “Tell me who? Please?”

  “No. I am bound by contract. Nice try though.” She wiggled her fingers. “You don’t need to touch me.”

  He looked at his hand on hers. “This is hardly touching.”

  “I do not require analysis, and that is the only reason you touch me, so I am just letting you know you can forego the contact.”

  “You held my hand in the cave.”

  “You needed to find your way through. I helped.”

  He sighed. “No woman has ever spoken to me the way you do after they have seen what I can do.”

  She blushed until she realized that he was referring to the energy tentacles that emerged from his back. “Oh. That. I have seen freakier things than that in my time with BDC. It is excellent for desensitization.”

  He smiled. “Thirteen often comments on her training.”

  “Yeah, it took me a while to design a good program to get folks used to what their bodies could and couldn’t do. I am proud of what I was able to create. Working it out for both primary genders was tricky. I had to ask a lot of awkward questions.”

  He chuckled and then paused. “Wait, so you have taken all those courses, experienced all of that?”

  “Of course.”

  “So, what is the sexiest thing you can do with someone else?”

  “Give or receive a massage. Touching is important, and intimacy without contact is obscene. Cold. A reflex action like hitting your knee. A massage gives me the illusion of intimacy without the end result of sex. So, it’s the best option. I can handle the rest myself.”

  Gorith’s expression was shocked and a bit appalled. “You pay someone to touch you?”

  She smiled. “You are here through BDC. You do as well. I, at least, get an employee discount. Well, we should be heading back before the sun goes down.”

  “Yeah, but you... Men would be lined up to touch you.”

  “And some women.” She put her gear back in her pack. “That came as a surprise to me, but Khytten is rather enamoured with me, her female patron likes to look, but I think Khytten is her primary focus.”

  “What about Salat?”

  “Ah, I think he was drawing us.” She looked at him. “Are you ready to go?”

  He frowned. “Drawing you?”


  He nodded and then seemed to realize that there had been something worthy of observation. “Wait. What were you doing?”

  She smiled softly. “She kissed me.”

  He blinked. “Whoa. What else did she do?”

  Tirra chuckled. “Nothing. It was a kiss given just to be a kiss. Nothing more.”

  He put his supplies away. “Why was it so special to you?”

  He got his pack on and looked at her. “You have kissed hundreds.”

  “Yes, but no one had kissed me before, not until today.” She headed back to the cavern entrance, and he followed her. Well, she thought he was following
. She turned and looked at him. He was rooted to the ground, and his face showed a deeply stunned expression.

  “Patron, are you coming? I warn you, it gets very cold at night. We have four hours before sundown, and you have a reservation for dinner. You might want a hot soak or massage or something when you get back.”

  “Your first kiss?” He blinked slowly.

  “Oh dear, I broke you. Come on.” She reached out and took his hand. His hand clenched on hers, and he pulled her close to look into her eyes. The blue lashed with gold showed her that he was on the edge of control.

  “Your first kiss was given to you by a woman—”

  “Pregnant woman, in front of her mate.”

  “Yes, that. That not once in your time with the Barnacorns did anyone kiss you?”

  “No. That wasn’t my purpose there. My kiss had one focus, and it was to pass on luck.” She shrugged. “No one else was allowed near me and certainly not for any kind of intimate contact. You were only encouraged as an experiment, and then, later, you became my primary source of punishment. Humiliation is so much more effective than the whip.”

  He looked like he was in pain. “May I kiss you?”

  She was surprised. “What? Why?”

  “Please. If you don’t respond to me, I will leave you alone. Deal?”

  Part of her echoed in depression, but she nodded. “If it will get this weird torture you are putting us through over with, yes.”

  He slowly pulled her against him, wrapping her in his arms. “This is a hug. You never said hug.”

  “I never said far too much.”

  She was staring at the mesh of the fabric across his chest, and when he caressed her cheek and eased her chin up, she kept her inner shiver down where he couldn’t see. Or, at least, she hoped he couldn’t.

  He bent down to her, and when she would have gone up on her toes, he stopped. “I am to give you a kiss. You are to do nothing.”

  She sank down onto her heels. “I just thought to get it over with.”

  He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. She knew her eyes were wide in surprise. The files she had read on his sexual habits indicated that he was normally very direct.

  He brushed his lips across hers, and she stood still as her body flared bright and hot when they touched. Again, breaking habit, he kept his hands to the sides of her head and merely brushed his mouth across hers until he lifted his head slightly. “Did Khytten use her tongue?”

  She nodded.

  “May I?”

  She hesitated and then nodded.

  He smiled and returned to her lips, kissing her lightly, and then, his tongue came into play. He flicked his tongue along her lips, and she parted them in permission for him to delve deeper. He did, but it was a slow foray, coaxing her into meeting him halfway.

  Her pulse started the same slow throb that she had experienced that morning with Khytten. He had eaten one of the fruit bars in his pack, and she tasted it as he tilted his head and teased her tongue with his.

  She held back her moan as his kiss went on and on. When he finally lifted his head, his eyes were glittering, pupils dilated, and his chest was moving rapidly.

  She felt like she was standing in the centre of a thunderstorm. She scrambled around, and she came upon something she could do. “We need to get back to the resort.”

  “Why?” His hand was still gently cupping the back of her head.

  “Because there is rain coming in, and it makes the path slippery.” She swallowed. “We need to go.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Okay. Lead the way.”

  She pulled the hand from her face and led the way through the caves. They walked down the path in silence. On the last turn, before they were visible to the gate, she stopped him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For the kiss.”

  He snorted. “You don’t have to thank someone for a kiss.”

  She scowled. “I really do. It isn’t something I would have had otherwise, and I don’t get things given freely normally, so thank you.”

  He cocked his head. “Why?”


  “Why do you feel the need to thank me?”

  “Because it was out of the ordinary and is unlikely to happen again. Therefore, thank you for the moment.” Tirra smiled at him. “Now, let’s get you back in time for your date.”

  She walked around the corner, and the guard was standing there. As he should be. They stepped through the archway, and fat drops of rain began to fall. She turned her face up to the rain, and she felt something tickle her cheek. She touched her skin, and the artificial layer slipped off at her touch. Oh, dear.

  She kept a hand on her cheek and skipped her normal enjoyment of the rain as she headed to the outfitting centre.

  “Tirra, is something wrong?”

  She blushed. “No, Patron. I just need to get you back to where we started, and I can deal with this. It is a side effect to something that happened at Khytten’s today.”

  He caught her and looked at her jaw, inhaling. “You are healing from something.”

  “Yeah. I am. Khytten helped, and I guess my body is far enough along to remove the synthetic skin. I am glad we use automatic scrubbers on the suits. The inside of this thing is going to be a mess.”

  “Those are burn marks. When were you burned?”

  She smiled as they entered the outfitting centre. “And that concludes our date. Thank you for joining me on the adventure, Patron.”

  He blinked, and she returned to the changing rooms. She winced at the outer layer of skin that was missing as she pulled the suit off. She must look horrifying. The glance in the mirror showed the hot pink skin that was very slowly turning to her normal tone. Even her ear was fixing itself. Khytten did excellent work.

  She took her clothing out of the locker and got dressed again. Oh, not a good look for now.

  She came out of the change room and said, “Yerro, there is a lot of synthetic tissue left over in my suit, so make sure to go over it twice.”

  Yerro blinked. “Are you all right?”

  “Sure. All middle management sloughs twice a year.” She winked and turned to walk out. “I am just going to stay in my office for the rest of the day.”

  She took two steps outside the centre and slammed into a wall dressed in a button-down shirt. “Oh, please, excuse me.”

  A very familiar voice said. “Tirra, what has happened to you?”

  “Oh, Patron. I didn’t know you were expected.” She looked at Harmik and tried to smile.

  “Zera asked me to help you with the dancing in the evening, but I don’t think you will be up for much tonight. Healing?” He ran his fingers across her cheek in a very paternal move. That was his preferred role with her. Her guardian.

  “Yeah, that old burn that I told you about. A new friend offered her assistance, so I jumped at it.”

  “What did this friend make you do?”

  She chuckled. “I had to drink some milk, and then, I offered her a kiss.”

  “Well, where are you headed now, pet?”

  “Back to my office. I have to talk to Zera about her interference.” She sighed. “And get her to stop Torun from giving hints to Gorith.”

  “Gorith? Your Gorith? He’s here?”

  She regretted the night they got drunk, and he had quizzed her. It had also been the night they knew that nothing romantic was brewing between them. “He isn’t my anything, but yes, he is here.”

  Harmik laughed, and they started to walk outside in the steady rain. No water touched them as Harmik walked her to her office.

  “That explains why Zera sent me here. I am to defend your honour.”

  She snorted. “I don’t need you to defend me.”

  “And yet, it is how I get my enjoyment. I love squiring you around.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. She hadn’t even realized she had taken his hand out of habit.

  “And I find great comfort in it, but I am fine. You need
to be spending more time looking for an escort that suits you.”

  He chuckled. “I can’t be bothered. You act as my companion when we are out and about, so why would I need someone else?”

  “I am hardly a companion. I am a work acquaintance. A buddy.”

  “A rare flower in need of protection.” He kissed her hand again. “Strong but very precious.”

  She frowned. “Why are you doing... he’s watching, isn’t he?”

  “Yes, indeed. Does he glow gold when irritated?”

  “Yes, and then, he starts tearing folks apart.”

  Harmik chuckled. “Excellent. I haven’t had a proper fight in quite some time.”

  Tirra looked at him sideways. “You are goading him.”

  “Yes. Yes, I am, precious.” Harmik eased her through the main building doors. “Now, will you be at the dancing this evening?”

  “I don’t know if I have enough makeup to cover my new skin.”

  “So, don’t cover it. Show it off as long as it doesn’t hurt you.”

  She sighed and spoke to him from the doorway, the rain beating down behind him. “You are really trying to pick a fight.”

  He laughed. “You have no idea what I have up my sleeve. So, may I book you for dinner?”

  She groaned. “Fine, but if the mask irritates the new skin, I am going to take it off.”

  “Fair enough. I look forward to seeing you in something scandalous.”

  Tirra chuckled. “You are very bad for a national hero.”

  “Retired. I am free to do as I wish now.”

  She snorted. “See you later, Harmik.”

  “You will indeed, Tirra.”

  They parted ways, and she went in through the main area while Harmik headed for the café. The booking came through while she worked, and she had to pause to accept it. Harmik was in the mood to taunt Gorith, and she had no objection to it. If he could be driven off by one of the greatest heroes in modern history, he wasn’t made of stern stuff.

  She paused when she realized her thought processes. She was not going to taunt Gorith into doing anything. That was a dangerous hobby and a worse career.


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