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I Dated a Deadly Auditor

Page 13

by Grace, Viola

Salat hooted with laughter, which was surprising coming from someone who was made of sharp edges. Khytten chuckled.

  The arms that wrapped around her confirmed that he was definitely there. “You are trying to leave me?”

  She looked up at him. “I am trying to go back to where I belong. I have a work contract for the resort, so that is where I am going to have to do any contracting, in or out.”

  “I am transferring back to Aksalla.” He grumbled.

  “You do that. I will be there.” She smiled. “Who knows, we might even be a match.”

  His eyes blazed. “We had better be, or I am going to have to engage in some light abduction.”


  “Well, yes.” He bent and lifted her, cradling her against him.

  She looked around, and Salat’s eyes were narrowed again. “Stop it, Salat.”

  He grinned. “What?”

  “You are drawing something in your head. Khytten, keep his hands busy, please.”

  Khytten saluted, backed up against her mate, grabbed his hands, and put them on her breasts. “Sir, yes, sir!”

  They laughed and headed for the lift. Getting in and having them in close quarters was a lot of pheromones in one small space. They went up to the roof, and Tirra’s mood dropped as she realized that she would have to say goodbye to Gorith for now.

  She cuddled up to him and kissed his neck, nuzzling at him, and he growled. She stopped, looking at him with wide eyes. “Sorry.”

  He looked at her in surprise. “Do I have to start over?”

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  He shifted her into one arm and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Then, I will start over.”


  “I am Gorith. Your jungle gym.”

  She grinned, and the door opened. They left the lift, and the ladies headed for the aircraft. Gorith carried her.

  “You know, I have these great things called legs, and they can take me to all kinds of places. You know... if I can use them.”

  He grinned. “I have many uses for your legs. Wrapped around my head, wrapped around my hips, standing a few feet apart while I enter you from behind. All kinds of things. They will get all the exercise they can handle as soon as I can get to you.”

  It was a good thing that he was holding her because her knees gave way.

  “Um, okay. I keep forgetting that sex is the endgame.”

  He slowly let her legs slide down. “No, angel, it is the opening move. Finding a match is the endgame.”

  “Well, you can do that. You are an Aksalla citizen.”

  He frowned, and understanding dawned. “You don’t have birth records, so you are a resident here and on a work visa there.”

  “Correct. So, as an active here, I don’t have the ability to find a partner who is also an active. Same reason that Zera and Torun haven’t gotten married. Well, there are other reasons, including what Zera does when she has sex, but that is the main one. As the lead on the main team around here, he can’t really be seen to be breaking the law. Until the law changes.”

  Gorith blinked. “Ah, and they have already allowed sexual interactions as long as commerce is the goal.”


  “So, they have to allow casual or romantic liaisons and then unions.”

  “Yup. Should take about ten or twenty years. Maybe less. But she doesn’t want to use mentalist or pushers.”

  “Hm. So a residence in Aksalla for you then.”

  She swallowed. “What? I wasn’t angling for anything. I will work out my contract, and then, if you are still interested, we can discuss things.”

  “What about your interest?”

  “I am sure I will figure it out sometime. Eventually. Maybe.”

  He threaded his hand through her hair. “May I state my case?”

  “Uh. Sure.”

  The kiss was sudden and intense. Electricity shot along her nerve endings, and she was lifted against him while their mouths ate at each other, and she held his face, her leg going up on his outer thigh. She tried to pull him closer to her, and he did the same. When he finally pulled back, she whimpered and kissed him again, sending a surge of luck into him that made him groan.

  He pulled back and panted. “Okay, I think that qualifies as an excellent goodbye kiss.”

  She smiled slightly, feeling her bruised lips. “Just one more thing.”

  She gave him a sweet, chaste kiss that left him stunned. “That was a goodbye kiss. To get more of the other one, you have to get a hello kiss.”

  He grinned. “That is a powerful incentive.”

  A feminine voice cleared her throat. “We have travel clearance. Time to go. Gorith, go audit something. Tirra, come with me. I need to examine you.”

  Tirra kissed Gorith softly one last time. “Torenne, the creepy doctor vibe isn’t flattering.”

  “I know, but it just feels so right now that I have embraced lechery.” Torenne wrapped her arm around Tirra’s waist.

  Khytten was finishing her exterior checks. “Knock it off, Torenne. You get plenty of action without creeping out newbies.”

  “Yeah, but she’s my height, and that opens so many possibilities.”

  “I can also fly away, Torenne; keep that in mind.” Tirra looked at her. “And she has blades in her wrists that she can’t control yet. I don’t even know what they will cut.”

  Torenne winced. “Point taken. Heh. Now, let me strap you down, angel.”

  Tirra groaned and got into the aircraft while Khytten kissed Salat goodbye, and he stood with his hand over her belly for a moment with a foolish smile on his face. He knelt quickly and kissed her abdomen before he stood up and went to join Gorith at a safe distance.

  Khytten got into the pilot’s seat, strapped in, and they lifted off. This time, they went fast.

  Tirra had to admit, Khytten was a helluva pilot.

  Torenne winced during some of the moves, and she said, “Sometimes I regret this present.”

  Khytten grinned. “I don’t. It makes travel so much more comfortable. As much as I love road trips with Salat, one moan, and we nearly end up in the ditch. He is easy to distract, and he does not keep both hands on the controls.”

  Torenne snorted. “I keep telling you, have sex before you leave.”

  “We do! And then it just doesn’t stop. It has a kind of cascade effect. Once you get horny, you stay that way until you fall asleep.” Khytten changed their elevation, and she chuckled. “I think it might be the hormones or the pheromones. That elevator was thick . But, that was partially Gorith.”

  Torenne looked at Tirra, and her gaze moved up and down her body.

  Tirra got nervous. “What are you doing?”

  “Just designing a few outfits for you in my head. After seeing your perching on Gorith, I think skirts in sections would be rather handy. Boots with soft soles for grip, a corset and the top of the outfit with cap sleeves.” Torenne suddenly got a better idea. “Oh, I know what to do instead of boots, but I am going to need some custom work. Gorith will be delighted.”

  Tirra frowned. “Why?”

  Torenne rubbed her hands together. “You will see. Depending on the schedule, it should take less than three weeks.”

  Khytten asked, “Why so long?”

  “You will see. Now, what to do with your colour palette? Dark blue, pewter, or something in baby blue.”

  Khytten chuckled. “Purple and silver. Or ruby. Keep to the jewel tones.”

  Torenne looked over and nodded. “Yeah, it will make the wings really pop.”

  “Uh, they aren’t going to be popping anywhere.”

  Khytten grinned. “I am pretty sure that Gorith is going to Salat’s brother’s wedding. He will need a plus one.”

  “Uh, I am sure his family will arrange someone. He seems like he comes from that kind of family.”

  Torenne snorted. “You have no idea. There are women lined up around the block for Gorith. But they want him to not use his activity. Th
ey find it creepy.”

  “Oh, the tentacles? They are kinda fun. Okay, they are a lot of fun.”

  Khytten laughed. “Yeah, you two are lucky you found each other again.”

  “I suppose. The wings are a bit of a surprise.”

  Torenne smiled. “Your activation is finally finished. You should have looked like this before you turned eighteen if everything had gone normally. But normal is not your thing.”

  That summed it up. “Right. Normal is not my thing.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Stillnar stared at her as she walked toward him. “Sorry for the change, Stillnar. I got an unplanned makeover.”

  “Ms. Argent, you look... Wow.”

  “Now, technically Tirra. Definitely Tirra.” She shrugged. “Or Eighteen. I will answer to either one.”

  “Oh, so that kind of change. Right. You are still manager of the resort?”

  “I am.”

  He nearly collapsed. “Oh, thank god. This way. There are a dozen tangles that I need you to sort out.”

  “Right. Bring up the files in my office, and I will sort them. I also want to make an appointment with Phillon, but that can wait.”

  “Right. I will make you that appointment. Anything else?”

  “Um, a full grooming with Yven.” She chuckled. “Now that my skin is proper skin, I want to give it a really good day.”

  The aircraft took off, and she waved farewell as Khytten and Torenne returned home.

  “So, you and Khytten.” Stillnar.

  “Sort of, not really. Friends.” She saw a few irritated folk heading toward the main building where the office was, and she took a deep breath and headed to beat them to her office. “Right. Manager. Go book that spa appointment, you coward.”

  Stillnar laughed and darted toward the spa and out of the line of fire.

  Tirra strode along and made it to the management office and into her chair three seconds before the first of the patrons came in.

  She smiled at him, and he stopped in his tracks. “Hello, I am Tirra, manager of this resort. How can I help you?”

  He paused and stared at her. “Uh, my escort wasn’t on time today.”

  She brought up his file and nodded. “Of course, she wasn’t. She is nocturnal. You specified that you wanted someone who could stay up all night. She can. She will be rising in four hours. Take yourself to the spa or the gym, book a tour, head into the city, take a run, or watch porn.”

  “I would like to take you for a cup of coffee. If that is allowed.”

  “It is, but I need to get some breakfast after untangling the patron behind you.”

  The second patron walked in and said, “The escorts that I have don’t like each other. I arranged for a threesome, but they won’t talk to each other, let alone anything else.”

  Tirra smiled. “That, I can fix. Take me to them.”

  She got to her feet and came around her desk, grabbing him and pulling him in for a kiss. “For luck.”

  He touched his lips as she gestured for him to lead the way.

  The other patron paused, and she winked at him. “Meet you at the café.”

  He laughed and nodded his head. “I will meet you there.”

  She walked with the other patron to his quarters to find the two escorts sitting at opposite ends of the patio. She whistled sharply and beckoned for them to meet her near the fountain. In their masks, Ten and Fifteen walked toward her, and she smiled. “Now, what seems to be the problem?”

  The man and woman both explained that they wanted to pursue a relationship in their normal daily activities, but the draw of the patrons was just too strong. Being brought in together was a first for both, and they had been shocked.

  “But, you have each had separate threesomes before?”

  Ten nodded. “Yeah. A dozen times.”

  Fifteen nodded and smiled. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Well, do it together. Have fun... together. Enjoy being with the patron... together. He’s upset that you don’t seem to like each other. So, show him that you do and that you enjoy his company as well. I know that you have both been with him separately.”

  Ten nodded, his jaw reddening slightly. “Yup.”

  Fifteen giggled. “Yeah.”

  “And you had no problems with him?”

  They both said, “Nope.”

  “Then, please yourselves and enjoy him. Would either of you enjoy being dispatched as a set?”

  They were vibrating with excitement. “You can do that?”

  “I can try. Don’t hate me if I am wrong, but if I am right, it might help you two get some interesting dates on someone else’s dime.”

  Fifteen squealed and hugged her, kissing her spontaneously. Tirra held her and returned the kiss, giving her luck. Ten pulled her into his arms, and she passed the luck along. The kiss got deeper faster, and she had to stroke his cheek and neck to calm him down. When the kiss broke, she gasped for air and said, “Right, with both of you kickstarted, your patron is feeling very lonely.”

  The couple grinned, and Tirra walked to their patron, patting him on the arm. “Pace yourself. They are a little backed up.”

  “What do you mean?” It was the last thing he said before Fifteen slid her hands up his chest and Ten wrapped around him from behind.

  Tirra had no idea what he was expecting, but he was definitely getting the attention he had craved.

  She grinned and headed over to the café for her coffee with the other patron. She had kissed more people in the last forty-eight hours than she had in her life.

  She grinned at the café staff and ordered her usual breakfast. “Pardon me, but I had some medical treatment earlier, and I wasn’t able to eat. Do you mind?”

  He shook his head. “No, of course not. Are you well?”

  “Yeah, just delayed activation. I was nudged over the last hurdle.” She sipped at the coffee as soon as it landed.

  He blinked. “Delayed... How is that possible?”

  “I have an analytical focus, always have. That was my first activation. My secondary one is a little more visual. The eyes and lips notwithstanding.”

  “So, they are real.”

  “Oh, yeah. I see across a few spectrums now.”

  He grinned. “Nice. I suppose as you are management, you know my activation.”

  She laughed. “I do. If you would like, I can wake your companion.”

  “No. Let her sleep. Just because I don’t sleep doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t.” He smiled. “I think I tired her out.”

  “Nine has always been a little delicate.”

  He sighed. “I am working through the roster, looking for someone to keep up with me.”

  “So, stamina is what you should be looking for.”

  “You know a lot about it?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I am in analytics. I am used to analyzing things. There is a new recruit to the escorts who might be what you are looking for, but she is still in the testing phase.”

  “How long would I have to wait?” His obviously water-breathing body was fit, and he was wearing minimal clothing. There was a strange energy to him. He didn’t look like he had the patience to wait very long.

  “A month, maybe more.”

  He growled, showing some very pointed teeth. “Just tell me who she is, and I will speak with her.”

  Tirra laughed. “Not a chance in hell. She will go through training, she will understand her own body before anyone else has a chance to twist her perceptions, and she will learn to give and receive in equal measure. Then, she has to get used to the mask.”

  He snorted. “I don’t understand why you wear those things.”

  She sipped her coffee and sat back as her breakfast arrived. “To keep folks like you from following them home or keeping them in an underwater bubble with no one to come for them.” She grinned and started eating. “If it wasn’t for the training, they would panic when you first slid your hand up their thigh. And the masks. The masks help as well. They tu
rn you into temperatures, and the textures are up to the escort to discover.”

  He laughed. “So, what is this mystery woman like?”

  “Well, she has Rathnard’s Syndrome.” She smiled as she gave him the hint. It was a common syndrome in those who could breathe water but didn’t have a body of water to swim in.

  He perked up. “She does?”

  “Yup. She signed up here because her workplace doesn’t have any good options for lovers, and she needs someone she can’t crush.” Tirra smiled. “Like many of the escorts, she’s lonely.”

  “How about you? Are you lonely?” There was a lot of suggestion in those three words and a bit of hypnotism.

  She chuckled. “I am not yet on bookable duty, and if I was, I am not in your physical range. Translated, I break too easily.”

  She finished her eggs and was nibbling at her bacon when her com chirped. “Do you mind?”

  He waved his webbed hand for her to proceed.

  She answered and looked at the display of Zera’s face. “Good morning, Zera.”

  “Tirra, holy hell. That look is something. Well, I have the results of your scans, and I am happy to say that you are fully authorized for standard dating now. Your profile is going live as we speak, and anyone up to your current specs can propose a booking. As you are in a specific situation, you are, of course, able to decline anyone you deem unsuitable. Wait. Oh, you have a request.”

  The flag popped up on Tirra’s screen, and she was not shocked to see Gorith’s identification code. “Oh. Right.”

  She bit her lip and hesitated.

  Zera laughed. “Oh, that is a look.”

  “Okay, I have to figure this out. Shit. I think I left my mask in a cave.”

  “A new one can be generated for you. I will have the manufacturing units make one up to suit your new status. By the way, I really want to see the wings.”

  “Buy Salat’s next comic. I am pretty sure they will feature heavily. Okay, I have to see what he’s asking for before I make a decision.”

  Zera laughed uproariously. “Hah. Decision. I talked to Khytten. You are on a first-name basis with his dental work.”

  “Shut up, boss.” She disconnected the call.

  The patron was smiling. “So, seconds on the market, and you already have a patron knocking on your door.”


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