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I Dated a Deadly Auditor

Page 19

by Grace, Viola

  She blinked, and then, she caught on to him wanting to try it on her. “Um, neat thought. Asian foods are easiest to turn to the purpose. They are spicy, sweet, salty, with vinegar and protein as well as starch, then the vegetable compounds are just plant-based hormones. Analyzing the components of the food match what I need to give to the target.”

  He nodded and looked across the table. “Angel, give me your hand.”

  She looked at him suspiciously. “Why?”

  “Just let me try to assemble something, then tell me if your analysis is telling you it would work.”

  She frowned and took his hand. “Fine, but I am not going to eat it.”

  “Why?” He ran his analysis, and his eyes flickered through a myriad of colours before returning to blue. He kissed her knuckles and released her fingers before he started to pull things together. She looked at the recipe he was assembling, and she smiled.

  He pulled items together, and they sat in the bowl, looking strangely like they didn’t match.

  He looked at it. “It isn’t right. What is wrong with it?”

  She pressed a kiss to Torenne’s forehead and stood up, coming around next to Gorith.

  “First thing, make sure that your target isn’t touching someone with different needs.”

  She took his chopsticks and removed the items that were for Torenne.

  He blinked and looked at the dazed and satisfied healer. “Ah.”

  She slid her hand along his. “Try the analysis again.”

  He held her hand and did the audit of the situation again. He looked down and went. “Oh, that won’t work.”

  She chuckled and stood with her arms around his neck. This time, it was much more accurate. There was honey, plum sauce, and hoisin sauce. Lots of chili and mustard, with a single leaf of bitter green.

  “There. Is that it?”

  She chuckled. “That’s it. Today. It changes every day.”

  He looked at her. “Will you try it to see if I got it right?”

  She bit her lip. She looked at the others and the table. “I think we are getting ready to leave, so that wouldn’t be good. It would take a few minutes for me to recover.”

  “I will get you back to the resort after we go for dessert.”

  She looked at him. “Dessert?”

  “But, this is a bit rude that I have put the toppings on this dumpling, and it is getting cold.”

  She grimaced and reached for it. “Fine.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap. “I believe you said delivery was important.”

  He kissed her hand, palm, and inner wrist. He kissed her lips sweetly until she sighed against him, and then, he held up the food with the precise amount of assembled dumpling.

  He stroked his left thumb along her lower lip and smiled. “Open.”

  She muttered, “If I had a nickel..mmfff.”

  She chewed slowly, and the slow riot began to flex inside her. She breathed a little more deeply, leaned against Gorith’s shoulder, and held his hand, weaving her fingers with his while her body pulsed.

  She held his hand and squeezed as the waves cascaded through her. She looked up at his eyes, and he smiled back before kissing her, which triggered a moan. She tried to throttle her reactions back, but his mouth was persuasive. Her hand flexed on his, squeezing and grabbing, holding tight as the waves spiked and her channel slowly fluttered, seeking something that wasn’t there but feeling like it just had been.

  Absently, she saw Salat taking care of the bill, and the scandalized server had a wistful expression on his face. The gathered off-duty peacekeepers were a fairly sturdy block for the rest of the restaurant. The make-out session wasn’t going to offend anyone who wasn’t really trying to look.

  Gorith continued the kiss with his left hand behind her head, and she slid her thighs together in a slow motion while the waves decreased. She felt something and saw that she had twisted his hand between her thighs. She blushed and tried to separate their hands, but he held on and used his knuckles in a deliberate motion against her.

  She murmured into his mouth, “Goddamnit!”

  He laughed, and she jerked as another burn of release rippled through her. She whimpered into his mouth, and he took it, waiting for her to finish the waves of release.

  When he finally lifted his head, she slumped against him. Her breathing slowly steadied, and she knew she was blushing furiously.

  He grinned. “A new use for my talent, and I do enjoy the aspect of the slow release.”

  Khytten corrected him. “It isn’t slow; it is endless. I am still twitching. That bite of food turned my body into the best lover it had ever had. Sorry, Salat.”

  “As long as I always come second, I am happy with it.” He chuckled. “Gorith, you will get Tirra back to the resort?”

  “Of course.” He smiled. “As soon as we get some dessert.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tirra looked at Gorith. “Actually, I would rather head to the resort. My legs are a little wobbly right now, and I am not feeling like being in public anymore. Especially not dressed like this.”

  Gorith sighed. “Fine.”

  Salat smiled. “We’ll take her home. Thanks for coming out.”

  Gorith grinned. “It was fun.”

  He stood up and had her in his arms. “I will bring her to your vehicle in a minute or two.”

  He walked out with her tucked against him. “Don’t worry, Salat paid the tab.”

  She chuckled. “I noticed.”

  He dropped the back of his cargo vehicle and sat her on the tailgate. “Now, Tirra, I am going to be booking you for Saturday through Sunday. It’s Emmer’s wedding, and it starts at two in the afternoon. I will send you a few items that I want you to wear.”

  “Um, okay. So don’t lose whatever it is.”

  “Correct. And I am keeping you overnight, so bring a bag with a change of clothing. I am not letting you go until the sun is up. No sneaking out at dawn like you did this morning.”

  She blinked. “Yes, Patron.”

  “Call me Gorith at the wedding.”

  She smiled. “Like a date?”

  He snorted. “Yes, like a date.”

  “Oh. I can do that. That is what I trained for.”

  He pulled her hips against his and pressed against her while she wrapped her arms around his neck and met his gaze as their bodies mimicked what they wanted to be doing at that moment.

  She sighed when the other three were around their vehicle, and she looked to Gorith. “I have to go. The two horn dogs and the voyeur are waiting.”

  He grinned. “Salat can hear you.”

  “With those ears, I hope so.” She kissed Gorith quickly and wiggled away from him. He caught her hand, and she sprouted her wings, standing on the tailgate. He held out his hand, and she stepped onto his palm and balanced easily. “You are giving him too much fodder.”

  He lifted her high. “I am not doing anything.”

  “Farewell, Gorith. See you Saturday.” She beat her wings and glided over to Salat’s car. The wings vanished, and she was tucked into the back with Khytten, and they cuddled together as Salat drove them back to the resort. She had two days before Saturday, and the weekend was the busiest time at the resort. It was the only time that a lot of the escorts had off, and the patrons went where the escorts were.

  Khytten pressed against her as much as was possible with the harnesses on. Tirra chuckled. “Why do you want to touch me?”

  Salat swerved slightly, and Khytten murmured, “Did you want me to drive?”

  He chuckled. “No. Tirra’s question just surprised me.”

  Khytten stroked Tirra’s arm. “Certain actives have an attraction component. Their voice, skin, scent, broadcast energy, you have it in a visual spectrum. You give off light. It comes out of your skin, your eyes, your mouth. It isn’t on a visible spectrum; it is something that is felt.”

  Salat chimed in. “I can see it. You are a silver light.”

; She snorted. “I guess Khytten would qualify as scent and skin. Zera is energy.”

  Khytten chuckled and tried to burrow into Tirra’s arm. Tirra sighed and leaned over. “I think it is counterintuitive for folks with those factors to be attracted to each other. Especially considering that you and I can’t make babies directly.”

  The vehicle swerved again.

  Tirra leaned forward and murmured, “If I see that drawn in any one of the comics, you are the one getting the spanking, Salat.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  She chuckled and sat back, leaning her head on Khytten’s. Torenne glanced back and smiled at them both. “You two are adorable. So, what are you wearing to the wedding?”

  Tirra shrugged. “Don’t know. Gorith says he is having something sent, and he will be picking out something for me.”

  “Huh. I wonder if he has told his family about you?”

  Salat made a hiss noise, and Torenne blinked. “Fine. Fine. I will table that for later. Maybe Saturday night. Save me a dance?”


  Salat asked, “Me too?”

  “Uh, sure.”

  “And me, please. I am a pretty good dancer.”

  “Fine. Everybody can dance with me. Will it bother your brother that I am there and have not been invited?”

  Khytten chuckled. “No, Emmer is cool. His fiancée is a bit on the nervous side, but since he opted for Salat as the best man, you can guess how uptight he is.”

  “So, not very.”

  “Nope. All of Salmet and Riko’s kids are nice and level-headed. Even Torenne’s parents, Jennela and Halko, are super nice and encouraging.”

  She was a little surprised. “You met them all?”

  “I did. Then, they both pressed their suit for a breeder. So, now, I am three months in with Salat’s triplets, and Torenne’s eggs are ready for me to surrogate when I am ready after the first set are born.”

  Torenne chirped, “My family is content with one. To complete the creepy circle, Salat is going to provide the masculine contribution. Though... Gorith is from a good family, and his family might like an heir.”

  Khytten snorted. “Leave it, Torenne. You can’t just donate ten eggs and spread them throughout Aksalla.”

  Torenne grinned. “Sure, I can. And I can be trashy about it with all different fathers. After you do the live birth, I can just find donors for the others and have the children incubated.”

  “Where will the babies go?”

  Khytten raised her hand. “I like children. So does Salat. The lake house is huge, but Salat’s kids are not going to be outnumbered by Torenne’s.”

  “Plus, we are adopting, so Cira and Ciro are our first babies.” Salat smiled, and there was a settle and happy bit of radiance coming out of his expression.

  Khytten chuckled.

  “Wait, how can you adopt if you aren’t married? Heck, she is still on the books, so she is still technically an escort.”

  Khytten smiled. “His mother is helping us push through a number of legal hurdles. We are registered partners, more or less.”

  Salat sighed. “Less, but once the triplets are born, she is the mother of three citizens, which will push through her citizenship as well. Right now, she has voting resident status.”

  They chatted about the legalities of working in Aksalla, and when they got to the resort, Tirra remembered something. “Do you want to come and see the statue that was set up in the new park?”

  Khytten undid Tirra’s harness before undoing her own. “Yes, but the price is a hug.”

  Tirra got out of the vehicle and let her wings out. “Fine. A hug it will be but at the park. Come on.”

  She walked down the path made of crushed seashells. The other three followed her, and she widened the span of her wings as they approached the statuary that was even more detailed than Tirra remembered. The Khytten figure was nearly transparent, and the infamous cock that Salat was known for was visible deep in her belly.

  “Can you see it?”

  Salat snorted. “No.”

  “Good. Three. Two. One.” She lowered her wings, and Khytten squeaked in shock. Salat gasped.

  Torenne muttered, “Holy shit. I want to meet that sculptor.”

  “You can touch it, examine it. Lick it if you like. There is a tiny plaque that explains you two, your activation, and your officially registered manifestations.”

  The couple moved together, and they looked at the larger-than-life depiction of them having sex, executed in stone.

  Khytten touched the thigh of the stone Khytten, and Salat winced when he looked through her. “Geez, you can see my cock inside you.”

  She looked, covered her mouth, and giggled. “Yeah, that is what it feels like.”

  Tirra watched them circle the statue, admiring the details. She glanced at Torenne. “I have seen the sketches for your statue with Khytten.”

  “My? Me? I am in an erotic statue with Khytten?”

  “Yup. She is bending forward, hands on a rock, and you are inside her from behind with your hand wrapped around her, cupping her breast while your other hand is on the stone next to hers.”

  Torenne shuddered. “That sounds... lovely.”

  “Yes, now we just have to wait. Our sculptor is only available every three weeks.”

  “What? Why?”

  “She’s a heavy lifter from Uradda. She gets two days off every three weeks.”

  Torenne winced. “Ouch.”

  “The sculpting gives her an emotional outlet. She was cheerful when she left to return home. The authorizations for her travel are still in place. She will be back.”

  “Good. So, Zera and Torun’s team are on the roster as well?”

  “Of course. The stone is sourced to generally match the people, so finding that much purple stone is tricky.”

  Torenne chuckled. “You know they are going to re-enact that in front of the statue at some point.”

  “On the off chance that now is that time, I am going to my office to get some tea. Care to join me?”

  Torenne nodded. “I have seen this program. It’s a rerun.”

  They linked arms and headed to the office, where a relieved Stillnar smiled at her. “Oh, Tirra, I am so happy to see you. One of the patrons has arrived early, and he is a little aggravated.”

  She nodded and said, “I would like a pot of tea and two cups. Send his file to my com. Torenne, I will try and calm him down.”

  Torenne snorted. “What are you going to do, jerk him off?”

  She looked at Torenne silently as she brought up the file. “Oh, got it. He has contact deprivation and sensitive skin. Seven is here right now, and they have gotten along before. So, I will just send a message to Seven and see if he is willing to help out.”

  “So, most of the escorts will work with both sexes?”

  “Sure. You are a prime example of being hooked on a face-first appearance changing with a little investigation. We tell the escorts what they are going in for and how it will work based on what the client has requested.”

  There was a ping, and Seven was willing to pinch-hit until Twenty-six arrived. She smiled. “I will just speak with the client and be right back.”

  Torenne grinned. “This, I want to watch.”

  Tirra walked to the bungalow that the patron had booked, and she knocked gently at the door. There was a set of thudding footsteps, and then, the door was flung open, exposing the patron who was wearing a black towel around his hips and nothing else. “What?”

  “Patron, I am management here at the resort. Your escort is en route, but as you have arrived early, she is neither here nor ready.”

  He looked at her, and he inhaled through his canine face. “You smell compatible.”

  She chuckled. “I probably am, but I have an actual escort to offer you if you would care to take the edge off. Seven is here.”

  He grunted and shook his head. “Not in the mood for a male, not today. I will wait, but I will not wait happily.”
  She took his hand and kissed the palm before stroking her hand up his jaw and digging her fingers into the ruff of black fur. He bent his head and sniffed her neck, then he started licking.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up, pressing her against him.

  “Uh, Tirra, Gorith isn’t going to like that.”

  The patron lifted his head, and his canine eyes were amused. “You are Gorith’s woman, and you still offer me this?”

  She cocked her head. “You just need to buy yourself some time. What would ease you most effectively for about four hours?”

  He chuckled. “Tasting you would do it.”

  “Torenne, do you want to watch to make sure that nothing gets out of control?”

  “You are counting on me as a chaperone?” Torenne walked toward them. “This I have got to see.”

  The patron backed into his bungalow, and he asked, “How is it that you weigh so little?”

  “Activation and alteration.”

  He chuckled and carried her to the centre of the living area. “What is your activation?”

  She flared out her wings, and he nearly dropped her. “And I am an analyst.”

  He asked her. “Do you need anything?”

  She blushed and nodded, whispering what she needed in his ear. He grinned and walked into the other room, returning with a length of soft rope. He pressed the controls on the wall, and a hook dropped from the ceiling. She extended her wrists to him, and he carefully created a loop and tied her wrists together. She felt the heat starting between her thighs the moment she felt the slight tugging as he raised her arms up over her head and onto the hook.

  Her breathing came faster, and he had an appreciative gleam in his eyes as he knelt and lifted the front of the tabard up and out of the way, tucking it into the belt around her hips. His clawed fingers eased the boy shorts down, and he shuddered as he inhaled. His muzzle investigated the crotch of her panties before he nosed her and lapped at her, cupping her butt and lifting her up and to his mouth.

  There was no slow build-up. Once he caught her scent, he lapped at her frantically, his tongue coiling up inside her and his nose rubbing against her clit. She cycled up rapidly, her body going hot before she put her legs on his shoulders and whined as her body tensed around him before she arched into his muzzle and moaned low as she shook.


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