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Scandalous Prince

Page 21

by Rachel Van Dyken

Serena gave her a genuine smile. “Hey Annie, I miss you. You should come hang out.”

  Annie smiled back, the curve of her lips taking her from nice-looking to strikingly pretty. Now, if only she would stop wearing super tight buns. They made me uncomfortable; they looked too perfect, not one piece of dark hair out of place. “I’d like that,” she said.

  Ash cleared his throat. “No offense, but we aren’t here to plan a slumber party. Two girls.” He snapped his fingers. “Now.”

  Two blondes in tight dresses—one red, one black—laughed and walked forward.

  I looked the other direction because I was ninety-nine percent sure I’d made out with both of them—at the same time—at a party last year.

  But when you’re drunk so that you don’t think about the girl that you’re in love with—you tend to forget the faces and focus only on the feeling.

  Ash eyed them up and down for a bit before shrugging. “They’ll do.”

  I was pretty sure Chase would burn his house down before letting those girls get their talons into him.

  Hurt flashed across Annie’s face. “Wait, I could… I mean,” She licked her nude lips. “I mean I don’t mind I know your—”

  “I’m going to stop you right there.” Ash took a predatory step toward her. “I take these girls who, full disclosure, I’ll probably call blonde one and blonde two, and my dad thinks I’ve been spending hours in debauchery.” The girls giggled. “I take you,” he said, drawing out the word as his eyes went from her head down to her toes and back up again, “and he’s going to ask who my new tutor is.”

  Students around us started laughing to themselves.

  Her chin wobbled.


  “Knew this was a bad idea,” Junior said under his breath. “He’s not okay and hasn’t been okay, just pretending to be okay, and he’s mean when he’s like this.”

  “I’ll grab him.” I moved past Junior and Serena to the scene Ash was making. “Let’s go, man, it’s late, you’re tired, and you have two sluts to please.”

  “Hey!” One of the girls snapped her gum and then blew a bubble.

  I just shuddered. “And I rest my case.”

  The other girl just smiled like, yup I’m easy, but according to every girl on campus, Ash was the hottest thing to land there since forever.

  But he was too mean to be pretty.

  I imagined they saw a guy they could tame.

  And he saw someone he could control.

  Annie still hadn’t said anything.

  And Ash still wasn’t budging.

  “Ash,” I jerked his arm. “Come on.”

  “I can be slutty,” Annie finally said, and with shaking fingers, she took her hair out of her bun, letting it spill in gorgeous waves past her shoulders.

  Ash’s eyes flared to life like he’d just been given water after forty nights baking in the desert heat.

  “You think having your hair down’s going to convince him?” His eyes narrowed. “Hmmm, maybe you do have it in you, Annie…” He reached out and slowly started unbuttoning her cardigan.

  I was close enough to notice, though.

  His hands had a slight tremble.

  The hell.

  Did he like her?

  She stiffened, then whispered. “Not them, please…”

  Ash’s nostrils flared before he grabbed Annie by the hand and jerked her toward him. “You better be fucking convincing.”

  She gave him one solid nod.

  And then he was practically dragging her toward the door.

  “Sorry, girls.” Junior shoved past the two girls who looked ready to plot Annie’s death, and I followed while Serena said goodbye to Tank.

  When we were back in the hall, I gave her hand a tug pulling her back. “Care to fill me in on the drama that I missed while I was away?”

  Her shoulders slumped a bit. “She likes him.”

  “Everyone likes him until they find out he’s a jackass most the time,” I said. “What makes this different?”

  “He pretends he can’t stand her,” Serena whispered under her breath. “Remind you of another couple?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “Because Annie is nothing like you or Junior.”

  “No, but I think she’s exactly what my cousin needs.”

  “Or—” We were catching up with them. “—he’s going to eat her alive and ruin her life, but sure, let’s be optimistic about this.”

  Rolling her eyes, she pushed open the door to the garage. “She’s tougher than she looks.”

  Junior was already starting the car.

  I got in the front while Serena sat in back with Ash and Annie. Even with Serena’s constant advice—I mean, if explaining how slutty she had to act was actual advice—it was tense, really tense.

  The closer we got to Ash’s house, the more I felt his rising temper and my own panic that I wouldn’t make it, that I wouldn’t be able to touch her.



  Junior pulled up to the gate and, after waving at one of the security guards, was let in. They’d just assume we were all going to hang out, only I wouldn’t be leaving, I would stay.

  “Showtime.” Serena rubbed her hands together in excitement, and Annie, well Annie looked seconds away from throwing up.

  The things we do for family.

  The things we do for love.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  My love was still drowning with him in that car—my heart was in pieces—and yet there he stood demanding I hand them over. —Violet Petrov


  I couldn’t look away from her khaki skirt. I mean, khaki? Really? Serena’s tight leather leggings and crop top looked absolutely scandalous next to her.

  God, even her fingernails were bare.

  I shuddered. The last thing I wanted was her blunt nails digging into my skin while she straddled me with a khaki skirt and white Keds on.

  Her hair was nice, though.

  If you liked naturally bouncy, thick, luscious jet black hair that shined like a conditioner commercial.

  We’d been waiting for Serena to “fix” Annie for the last hour; Valerian wouldn’t stop pacing a hole in the hardwood. He was different in so many ways that it really did seem like Breaker had died.

  Everyone leaves.

  My chest ached at the thought. He was still my best friend, but his hair was different, and I don’t know why the hell it bothered me; it just did. He stood taller, looked more mature. It was like he shed his easy-going party boy attitude and came back a man.

  And it shamed me to admit that he’d done the right thing and was still fighting when I was constantly contemplating running my own car off a cliff.

  My fight had gone.

  I looked away toward the house.

  Violet was on the second level in the far east bedroom. Getting by the suits was one thing, getting into her actual room without my dad seeing something else entirely.

  But as long as Annie was a willing participant, I could make it work. I had a plan that would most definitely make my dad come stomping outside.

  Finally, the stairs creaked as Serena and Annie descended.

  I saw the khaki skirt first and shook my head then did a double-take when I realized that Serena was the one wearing it. In fact, she was wearing all of Annie’s clothes.

  Even her hair was in a tight bun.

  “Fuck me. I think every single hot librarian fantasy just came to life.” Junior shoved me out of the way, reached for Serena, then jerked her into his arms, lifting her by the ass, literally grinding all over her in front of us all before Serena pulled back and bit down on his neck then waved over at Annie as if to say my job here is done, and now my just reward.

  Junior smacked her on the ass then called over his shoulder, “Be right back, bro.”

  Valerian smirked over at me. “He’s totally going to have sex either in your bed or against one of your walls.” Serena let out a little scream. “If they make it that far.”

  I sighed as jealousy flared to life, not of my own cousin but of all the sex, all the love, the fact that they would get married soon. “I’ll bleach the house.”

  Annie finally appeared.

  Her hair was hanging past her shoulders in soft waves that made my hands clench; the white crop top fit her perfectly. I nearly swallowed too much air and choked when I saw how nice Annie’s tits looked in it. I always had her pegged as a B cup—not that I often looked or tried to figure it out—but she was all D, and I had a sudden vision of pressing my face between the valley of them.

  The rest of her, unbelievable. She was small but packed a punch in a way that had my eyes burning.

  “So?” She gave us a shy smile.

  Valerian sighed and walked over to her. “You’re going to have to let him touch you without flinching, you know that, right?”

  She literally flinched as he said it.

  He sighed and went over to my kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Jack that I’d been saving for later that night, handed it to her, and said. “Chug your bravery.”

  After a bit of hesitation, she grabbed it, unscrewed the cap with her perfect little hands, and tilted the bottle back.

  A groan made it past my lips before I could stop myself. Her throat, working that whiskey down. Fuck me. Imagine if it was something else she was sucking.

  And then I couldn’t get the image out of my head.

  And then I hated her for it.

  Claire would be so ashamed of me.

  Of my behavior.

  My heart pounded with rage.

  “Enough!” I barked. “I don’t want you completely wasted, and you’re a quarter of my size.”

  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  Valerian grinned at her. “I’m impressed. You didn’t even choke.”

  “I just swallowed.” She shrugged.

  I groaned into my hands. Why the hell was I shaking? “Swallowing is good.”

  “You okay?” She asked in her sweet innocent little voice.

  “Yup.” Nope. “Perfect.” I stood, “Let’s get this over with so he can go sleep with my sister.” I just shook my head. I would never get over it.

  I snapped my fingers at her. Didn’t she know that meant to come?

  She put her hands on her hips.

  “What?” I growled. “You. Here. Now.”

  “Say, please.” Her voice trembled.

  I squeezed my eyes shut for a brief second, then stomped over to her, wrapped my hand around her hair, and tugged her against my chest. “Please.”

  Her lips parted.

  I pulled her hair a bit harder.

  Her lips parted more, her eyes grew hooded.

  I kissed her.

  It wasn’t a nice kiss. It wasn’t a kiss you tell your friends about. It was dominant. Mean. It was a kiss that bad men give bad women because they know that the kiss means nothing.

  It wasn’t a kiss she deserved.

  But I did it anyway.

  Because I was pissed that she looked pretty.

  I was enraged that I couldn’t stop looking at the innocent sparkle in her eyes when I might as well have blood on my mouth like my hands.

  She tasted like the light I used to have.

  And I hated her more for it than she would ever know.

  The fire in my soul fanned into an inferno of need for something I no longer experienced—something that felt good.

  “Well.” Valerian cleared his throat. “Maybe be less angry, Ash, or at least look less angry. And, Annie, I’m pretty sure that’s not your first kiss.”

  I almost shoved her away. My fingers shook with the need for violence as I dropped her hair and stole the bottle of whiskey from Valerian, then downed a few shots.

  I slammed the bottle back on the table, grabbed my phone, and texted my dad.

  Me: I may be drunk and making bad choices. Is Mom cooking dinner? I stole one of “Valerian’s” old whores.

  Scary Dad: Son. I’m home in ten minutes. If you as much as let one of those women into this house, I’m waterboarding you… because I can and because Mom is cooking, and I would kill you for more helpings. I’m a good dad like that.

  Me: Oh Dad, I’m not an idiot… she’s not in YOUR house.

  Scary Dad: Nine minutes. I know you’re… I know you’re upset, but fucking random girls who want you for your money—not a good call.

  Me: Dad, don’t be ridiculous. They want me for my cock.

  Scary Dad: If she’s there when I’m there, I’m going to do more than waterboard you. I’m going to turn you over to Mom. Now, who’s cocky?

  I actually shook a bit as I typed my response. “Valerian, you owe me more than you will ever know.”

  Me: Okay byeeeeeeee

  Scary Dad: Ash?

  I grinned at the phone but made no move to answer.

  Scary Dad: ASH!

  And then.

  Scary Dad: Seven minutes, I decided to speed.

  “Shit!” I dropped my phone on the table and grabbed Annie’s hand. “Okay, man, he’s going to come out here from the garage. Sneak in through the kitchen. If my mom sees you, just give her the eyes and beg—if you must, on your knees. Run up the stairs and let Violet do the rest.” My heart was racing. Why the hell was my heart racing? “Oh, and hide in the bushes by the sliding glass door. He hates those bushes a spider that lived in them bit him once—”

  “If a spider bites my ass…” Valerian jabbed a finger at me.

  “You’ll live,” I bit out. “Now go, he’s probably almost here!”

  “And you.” I tugged Annie toward the door with me. “I hope you’re ready to get wet.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wh-what? Wet? Why would I?”

  I turned, slowly, and licked my lips. “The real question is, why wouldn’t you when you’re with me?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I thought—”

  “That’s the problem.” I pulled us outside; she stumbled behind me. My grip on her wrist was probably too hard, but I was too frustrated to care, too confused, and not as numb as before.

  I hated it.

  “Stay.” I put her right next to the pool, ran behind the wet bar we had there, grabbed another full bottle of Jack Daniels, popped it open and took another swig, handed it to her, and made a hurry motion.

  She took a swig, and I honestly thought I could watch that smooth throat swallow all night long.

  She handed it back, and then I took another swig, then pulled her into my arms and licked her up and down her neck, making her smell like me, like whiskey, like my tongue.

  She stood still.

  I set the whiskey down. Her blue eyes focused on me completely. She didn’t even look terrified that my dad, the scariest man alive, was talking about torturing his favorite son for letting a girl on his property.

  “You ready?” I gripped her wrist as we faced the deep end of the pool.

  “Uh, for what—”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into the pool, taking her down with me, down into the deep, down into my darkness, I baptized her in it, and I wasn’t sorry when she came up for air and shrieked at me. If anything, that made me want to pull her deeper, beg her to drown with me. Maybe it wouldn’t be so lonely if I had someone dying with me.

  “Come.” I gritted my teeth.

  She shook her head and started to swim away, which was when I lost my fucking mind, swam after her, grabbed her by the arm, and with a giant splash, pushed her up against the tile wall, my hands bracing on either side of her head. “You don’t get to run when you volunteer.”

  “You’re angry,” she whispered.

  “I’m fucking furious!” I roared right in her face.

  I hadn’t expected to yell.

  And I didn’t expect her to slap me.

  But she did.


  It stung like heaven.

  So, I decided I needed more.

  I shoved my body up against hers, and then I stole a kiss and another, and th
en I couldn’t tell who was pushing who, or who was moaning, or who was dying.

  Both of us, maybe?

  She captured my tongue with her lips.

  And I gripped her thigh with one hand as I shoved my tongue farther into her mouth, needing more of her taste needing to feel anything but like myself.

  She wrapped an arm around me, then her legs followed.

  I groaned against her lips. “Told you, you would get wet.”

  “This is cheating,” she panted back.

  “And this is you.” I slid my hand up her shirt and cupped a heavy breast. “Not complaining.”

  She rocked her hips against me.

  What was happening?

  In the back of my mind, I was screaming to let her go, but in the forefront, it translated wrong; it translated to a scream of desperation for the exact opposite, for her not to let me go.

  “Come on.” I pulled her with me toward the shallow end, and when I could actually touch, I sat on one of the side steps and pulled her on top of me, her legs on either side as I basically dry—or wet—humped her where I’d first learned how to swim.

  “You’re huge.” She squeezed her thighs around me. I winced from the pain of it, from knowing nothing would be the same, none of this, not even sex.

  Not even meaningless sex with a person who I barely tolerated.

  I captured her mouth again, biting down in a painful kiss that reminded both of us what this was.

  What it would never be.

  She rocked her hips even harder into me, pinning me against the side like she liked it like she wanted me to bleed.

  I tugged her hair back, already addicted to the way her lips parted like she wanted more.

  And then a throat cleared from overhead, and I got the distinct eerie feeling you get when you know multiple guns are trained on you.

  I kissed down her neck, murmuring, “Kinda busy, Dad.”

  He sighed. “I can see that. Hello, Annie. I take it he lied about you being one of Breaker—or sorry, Valerian’s old sluts.”

  “Breaker?” She said in a confused voice.


  “Shit.” He looked away and then looked back at me, his expression unreadable, like he was doing really hard math and needed a little bit of extra help with the last equation. His smile wasn’t cruel; it was damn calculating as he nodded at me. “Annie’s been vetted a while, so you two… just clean up when you’re done…”


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