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Page 27

by Kenya Wright

  “It’s been a long day. I don’t know where your head is at. I’m losing it.”

  “Just open the damn door.”

  I gritted my teeth and did it.

  If Rafael wanted to bring Shalimar’s corpse with us, there wasn’t much I could do about it. None of it mattered anymore. Eden was with Kazimir. Not the best thing, but better than the Devil.

  Gwen was in front with the driver.

  Catching my breath, I pulled out the phone and called his number back. “Kazimir, I’ve got her.”

  Humor hit his words. “Are you sure?”

  “Where’s the exchange?”

  And then the humor left, and his voice went deadly. “Put her on the phone, Jean-Pierre.”

  I took it over to her. “Say something.”

  She grabbed it. “Kazimir?”

  Her face brightened. “Yes. I know, but. . .I took the chance. No. I’m fine. No one—”

  I snatched the phone away. “Finish the conversation in person. It’s always better that way. Don’t you agree?”

  “I do.” Kazimir kept that deadly edge. “Have you considered how you will give her back to me?”

  No. I hadn’t had the time. You’d been chasing after us, and I’d been worried about Eden.

  “Let’s meet at the airport.” I thought of the first place that came to mind that would be the most secure. “Once we exchange, you can get on the plane and go home.”

  “That does sound lovely, but I don’t trust you. I would like to ask a favor and get the chance to decide the location. While this is your city, I’ve spent a lot of time here today. I have some places in mind.”


  “I’ll call you with the location soon.”

  “There’s no need to prolong this.”

  “The stakes are high, Jean-Pierre, one can’t half-ass this.” He hung up.

  Emily stared at me. I doubt she heard the conversation.

  Louis got inside, stared at Shalimar’s dead body in Rafael’s lap, and sat by me. “What are we doing?”

  “The Lion has his eyes on us. He knows where we are. He’s being cocky, seeing if he can grab her.”

  “We’ll lose him.”

  “We will, but we need eyes on him. He has Eden.”

  Louis exhaled. “And what about the Devil? He wasn’t a part of the bodies.”

  “Doesn’t matter. Let’s lose the Bratva’s eyes on us and get to somewhere safe.”

  Louis instructed the driver to go in the tunnel and called people to set a diversion plan in motion. We’d been followed and watched before. There were simple tactics to this game. We’d hit the tunnel, make sure other men waited inside in other vehicles. We’d switch cars there and leave the tunnel in another ride, while the men continued to follow our limo.

  We just had to make sure no one else entered the tunnel.

  I ran my fingers through my hair. “Get the cops in on this.”

  Louis whispered to me, “What about Shalimar and Rafael?”

  “Give Rafael his space for now.”

  We all drove off as Rafael kept his eyes closed and held Shalimar’s dead body in his arms.

  I can’t wait until this day ends.

  Chapter 20



  We were definitely out of the building, but I was still inside the couch.

  We’re in a truck.

  The engine hummed on the bottom of the couch. Every now and then I bounced inside.

  Probably a moving truck, since they have the moving uniforms.

  We drove for at least ten minutes. I assumed we were heading to Shalimar’s so that they could get the other code. I’d been counting seconds, so I wouldn’t lose it and scream.

  At least there’s no dead body in here. Be thankful for the little things.

  I didn’t know how far Shalimar was away from us. My heart boomed in my chest, when the truck stooped. I waited, hoping they would at least take me out of the compartment.

  Silence remained.

  More than ten minutes passed. I had no idea what they were doing. In the meantime, I banged at the wall. Like with the other couch, I searched for a crack or an opening. There was nothing. Not even a button or latch. Nothing to help me open it up.

  It became harder and harder to hold on to hope.

  I’m going to die today.

  Finally, the top of the couch opened.

  The Devil peeked in. “You’re Celina’s niece, too?”

  Squinting from the new light, I whispered, “Yes.”

  He reached in and yanked me out.

  Where are we going now?

  I stumbled to get to my feet.

  Is Aunt Celina around?

  He dragged me forward.

  I took in my surroundings as he led the way. We’d been in a big moving truck with seats and several types of guns, rope, and gear. As I climbed off the truck with the Devil, I looked around, searching for the other men. None were near.

  I can run as soon as I get my balance. I’ll just run.

  The Devil said nothing as he sighed, dug into his pocket, and took out cigarettes.

  Where are we?

  We stood in a peaceful neighborhood. Perhaps families lived here. No cars were around now.

  He’s about to light a cigarette. This could be the moment.

  I raced off.

  “You stupid bitch!” He grabbed me and shoved me down to the ground. “Didn’t I train you already.”

  He slapped me. The pain burned my cheek, but I had no regrets.


  He raised his large fist in the air. “Scream again.”

  I swallowed.

  “Get up.” He slung the cigarette down. “Let’s go.”

  He yanked me forward.

  Dehydrated and high, I struggled to keep his pace. Quiet. Everything around us was silent.

  Where the hell is everybody at? I can’t get someone walking a dog, or anything? Someone I can scream to for help.

  We rounded the corner and went down a walkway. There was nothing much about the house as we entered. No one had stood outside.

  Where are Jean-Pierre’s men? Weren’t they guarding Shalimar?

  The Devil opened the door, female screams came out.


  My heart hammered. My body shook. He dragged me forward, as terror battered my heart.

  “Fuck! You!” Shalimar screamed. “Celina, tell him!”

  My aunt? Is she here?

  I had hoped I’d lured the Devil into a trap, or at least made things difficult, but my answer about Shalimar’s guards came as we went deeper into the house. A pile of bodies lay to the side.

  My stomach punched itself. I doubled over and vomited a little. I’d barely had anything in my stomach.

  “Eh!” The Devil tightened his grip and pulled me back up. “That’s enough out of you. Close your eyes, if you can’t take it.”

  I wiped my mouth with my shaking fingers.

  “Keep it together, princess.”

  I hated when he said princess. I hated the nasty word on his tongue.

  I’m going to kill you.

  I forced myself to stand up.

  Yes. Somehow, I’m going to do it. One day, you piece of shit. You and me.

  He glared at me. “You’ve got something to say to me, princess?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer as he shoved me forward. “Go to the bedroom and stand in front of the camera.”

  I hurried inside and wish I hadn’t. My legs lost their balance. I leaned against the wall, unable to stand from the sight before me. My eyes watered.

  No! Shalimar. I’m so sorry!

  “Eden?” Shalimar turned to me. Blood dripped down her face. Her right arm had been hacked off. “Run, Eden! Run!”

  My head went dizzy.

  No! No!

  I ran to her. I needed to help us both. I’d brought them to her doorstep. While she may have gotten me involved too, I hadn’t wanted her to get injured.
  “Get over here!” Someone grabbed me, dragging me toward a camera that was mounted on a tripod in front of Shalimar.

  “Eden!” My Aunt’s voice filled the air.

  I searched for the voice. Another man held a phone to my ear.

  “No, Eden.” Aunt Celina’s voice held sadness. “You’re not supposed to be there—”

  “Time to end this family reunion.” The Devil waved his hand in front of the camera and took the phone from me. “Where’s the other part of the codes, Celina? You don’t care if we cut off Shalimar’s arm. How about your niece?”

  What? No!

  I tried to rush away. Two other guys had to grab and pull me back in front of the camera. The Devil went to what must’ve been Shalimar’s cut off foot and picked up the bloody saw next to it.

  Please. No. Please. No.

  I had no voice. Terror had ripped it out of me. All I could do was stare at Shalimar. She’d passed out or. . .maybe she’d. . .

  No. She’s just. . .

  Uni the Unicorn chose that time to appear. “She’s dead.”

  I ignored him as tears left my eyes.

  The Devil took his time walking over to me with the saw. “I’m tired of playing with you Celina.”

  Nothing else mattered. All control had left me. My fate sat on my aunt’s words. And that wasn’t even a guarantee. Aunt Celina could give the information and the Devil could still kill me.

  He pressed the sharp edge on my shoulder. “Hmmm. Should I use the saw?”

  “No. No.” I doubted he was asking me, but I responded anyway. My body spasmed in terror. A fourth guy came over to keep me down.

  Aunt Celina’s voice shifted to calm, as she spoke over the line. “If you touch my niece, the codes are the last thing you’ll have to worry about.”

  “Hmmm.” He threw the saw down. “So, don’t kill her?”

  “I’ve already told you,” Aunt Celina said. “Kenji has possession of the second half. If anything, I can get you a better deal than Misha is offering.”

  “So Kenji, the Dragon has the codes?” The Devil pulled out a knife from his pants.


  “Interesting. Celina is saying that the other codes are in Tokyo with the Yakuza.” The Devil grabbed my chin hard and pressed the blade against my cheek. “You swear on your niece’s face, Celina?”

  Her voice came out a little shaky. “Yes. I swear to you. I gave them to Kenji—”

  The Devil sliced into my cheek. It burned. Pain ate at my flesh. I screamed. Warm blood spilled down, dripping on the dingy top of my gown. Others held me. I screamed. He drew more lines on my cheek. Celina said something, but all I could hear was my screams as that sharp blade tore into my flesh.

  Blood ran down my face wherever the Devil’s knife danced.

  How many times did he cut? How many lines did he make? It was more than one or two. And there was so much pain. How many times did the bite of the blade make me scream?

  I lost count.

  “Please! Stop!”

  “Stand straight,” he growled.

  “Grigor! Grigor!” Celina yelled. “Stop it! Let’s talk!”

  He paused.

  Inhaling and exhaling, I leaned into the Devil at his mercy. Thankful he’d taken away the knife. My heart was close to exploding. Blood dripped down the right side of my face. It streamed in little lines along my neck and dotted the top right part my dingy gown.

  “So, you want to talk, Celina?” the Devil asked. “I’d been trying to talk to you, since I put Shalimar on camera. You’ve been toying with me.”

  “I swear to you that the other part of the codes are in Japan! Why did you cut her?!” Celina yelled. “I would never lie when it comes to my niece. Kenji the Dragon has the codes—”

  “You’re lying, Celina. That’s why I cut her.” He held my chin harder and put the blade near where he’d already cut. “Look at these lines. They’ll be perfect scars on her face. Should I draw a little rose at each end of the line? They already look like stems with tiny thorns. Should I make her bloom?”

  “Why would I lie to you?” Celina asked. “You have my niece—”

  “The Dragon doesn’t have the codes.” The Devil laughed. “I know this, because he’s joined a long list of employers in this mission. The Dragon is the one who helped me get your niece in the first place.”

  Dead silence hit the line.

  Really, Aunt Celina? You lied, even when it came to me? Why didn’t you just give him the information earlier. Shalimar didn’t have to die.

  Aunt Celina cleared her throat. “But you work for Misha. . .not the Dragon.”

  “I do.” The Devil turned to me. “But Misha wants me to give back something, and I would like to keep it.”

  This Misha guy wants you to give me back. Jean-Pierre must’ve gotten to the Russians somehow.

  My heart warmed a tiny bit. Hope returned.

  Jean-Pierre has an idea of who I’m with. That’s good. Everything is going to be okay. I just have to survive.

  Silence remained on the line.

  The Devil let out a long breath. “Then, I guess we’ll cut a few petals in her face.”

  I shook in his grip. “Aunt Celina. Tell them. Please.”

  “Yes, Celina. Tell us.”

  “Okay.” Her voice weakened. “I have the other part of the codes with me.”

  Jesus Christ! Was it all worth it? Leo’s dead. Shalimar and Vibrato. And all over codes that weren’t yours in the first place.

  I shut my eyes, knowing she would see my disappointment on my face as she watched me in the camera.

  The Devil spoke, “And you’re in Paris?”


  “Come here. You have ten minutes.” He hung up and slung the knife on the floor.

  Another man shut off the camera. “What do we do now?”

  “We wait.” The Devil pointed to the other side of the room. “You go over there for now.”

  I hugged myself, walked that way, and didn’t turn back to where Shalimar sat. Don’t look. The whole room stank of decay. Breathe. I looked to the right and more bodies lay in the corner. Don’t look. I sat down and kept my eyes on the wall.

  Nothing about me would ever be the same.

  Not one part of me.

  Shalimar is sleeping. They’re sleeping. It’s okay.

  I rocked in the chair.

  Uni the Unicorn’s voice trembled behind me. “Your friends are not nice at all.”

  That’s not real. I’m drugged up. It’s okay.

  I blinked away the tears and blew out a long breath.

  The Devil barked at another person. “Put the princess back on the couch. We have to stay on our toes with Celina. Who knows what she has under her sleeve? Men might be coming our way.”

  For once, I didn’t argue about going into the couch. There was no reason to care about anything else. My head rattled. The exhaustion and hunger drowned me into doom and dread. If I could grab something to kill myself, I would have.

  The Devil watched me for several seconds and smiled under his mask. “I’m almost done with this situation. Once I am, then you and I will have fun.”

  We won’t. I’ll kill myself first. I’ll jump out a window. I’ll find a way.

  A knock came from the front door.

  Everyone turned that way, except Uni and me.

  “That can’t be Celina.” The Devil gestured for someone to check the window.

  We just stared sad at each other. I realized in that moment, that even Uni was rotting like the bodies in the room. His colors had faded. His cone appeared chewed on at the tip. And before he’d seemed genderless, now a large penis dangled near his hind legs.

  I shut my eyes.

  When will these drugs wear off?

  “See who that is.” The Devil took out his gun.

  Others followed.

  One man walked over to the window and gazed out. “I think we have a problem.”

  The Devil frowned. “What?

  The man was about to speak, when a shot came through the window and hit the center of his forehead.

  “Fuck!” The Devil ducked to the ground.

  Jean-Pierre? Police? Somebody?!

  Another shot came.

  Everyone scrambled.

  I fell to the ground with Uni.

  Someone crashed down the door, shoving it off the hinges. More bullets came next. Guys in black entered with huge guns. Several of the Devil’s men were shot before they could lift their weapons to aim.

  Yes! Kill them! Kill them all! Every last fucking one!

  “Wait!” The Devil dropped his gun and raised his hand. “Hey! I’m on your side!”

  The new men kept their guns pointed at him, as they moved further into the house, scanning the space.

  Who are they?

  “Hey?!” The Devil kept his hands in the air. “I work for Misha. Call him up.”

  And then, the men parted the way for someone to walk through.

  Who’s this?

  A huge man in a suit appeared. He was bulky. Almost the size of a monster, if not for a handsome face. But then, I’d just been staring at the Devil’s chopped up face all day, so maybe I was just happy that there was shape and form to the new man’s head.

  Is this real?

  The man wore an impeccable suit, but he also wore wings. Large black ones pushed out and spread from his back.

  Yes. . .he’s real, but the wings aren’t.

  Either way, he looked like an angel, and I hoped he would be my savior.

  Please help me.

  Whoever this was, I had to get their help. I couldn’t stay anymore.

  Those huge, black wings spread out more as the angel stepped right to the Devil, looked him up and down from head to toe. A Russian accent rode the angel’s dark voice. “Are you the man they call the Devil?”

  “Yes.” The Devil had humbled himself a lot with this new person. He looked damn near close to dramatically bowing in front of the angel like royalty, or maybe even shitting his pants. In fact, the Devil seemed close to doing both.

  The angel gestured to me. “And that is Eden?”

  I widened my eyes and bobbed. “Y-yes, I’m Eden.”

  The Devil nervously turned to me. “Uh, yes. But as I explained to Misha. The girl is linked to an old enemy that I—”

  “Be quiet.” The angel placed his hands in his pocket, walked around the room, and gestured to his men. “Where are the codes?”


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