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Spectral Arena: A Dark Fantasy LitRPG Light Novel

Page 10

by Wolfe Locke

  Edd thought for a moment on Crixa’s words. As a Necromancer, he knew the dangers of a Necrophage. The wild and uncontrolled spread of undeath and monsters spawned from all things. I do not desire the end of all life.

  For one of the first times, Edd had the thought that maybe a higher purpose had driven his reincarnation. The Skeleton’s resolve hardened. “Then those of us who are damned must keep preparing, and if the revenant tries again to interfere with our purpose, I’ll kill him,” Edd said stiffly. “No matter what. Even if it interferes with the rules of this place.”

  “I am aware,” Crixa said as its appendages moved around anxiously. “I cannot condone this, but I will not stand in your way if it is to be done.”

  “Where were you during the fight?” Edd asked. “I tried to avoid it. I didn’t seek conflict with him. Though, I would never run away when confronted.”

  The spider-monster sighed. “The revenant has made unwilling allies of the few humans the Dark Lord has placed in our realm. One of those fools came to me, screaming out of breath about an illicit fight taking place in one of the larders. Like fools, we believed them. When we moved to the storage area, the sphinx used her glass magic to barricade us in. I am not a battle mage by nature. I had to engineer a solution out of the skills I have. It was draining. The Dark Lord has been very amused by this development. My request to kill the sphinx for her transgressions against me was also denied.”

  “Really?” Edd asked. “That seems brazen of them, and the Dark Lord did nothing?”

  “It was. Though, I would never assume the Dark Lord does nothing. He has his reasons even when I cannot fathom them,” Crixa responded with a sharpness, reminding Edd of the difference in their positions. “But never forget Edd, those who hold power do so with a grip like steel. You would do well to remember that if you were to seize it again. We are not like our master.”

  The mood grew somber. As for Edd, he thought of Crixa’s story and couldn’t help it. He laughed. His bones cracked and clattered. The image of Crixa trying to figure out how to break down a magical glass barrier. “I wish I had seen it.”

  Crixa grinned crookedly to himself. “No, you do not. It was not pleasant. Unfortunately, our larder may be without fresh meat for some time as a result.”

  As suddenly as it had appeared, the creature’s smile vanished. “I am here to tell you you’ll be returning to the Arena tomorrow. The Dark Lord has plans for you. Be prepared.”

  “So soon?” Edd asked, caught off guard by the surprise announcement. Edd had half-expected the inner voice of the Dark Lord to provide an answer, but none came. The Dark Lord had been quiet towards him as of late.

  “So soon, indeed,” Crixa responded regretfully as the monster left his cell. It turned around once more to say, “I have overstayed. You have potential, Edd. Do not die tomorrow. Prove your worth to our master, and you can join the ranks of the Cadre.”

  Crixa left, and the cell door slammed shut behind him. Edd was alone again. He hadn’t expected to go back into the Arena so quickly, but he was ready for it. Anything to take his mind off what had happened with the revenant earlier.

  Once Crixa was gone, doubt began to set in. Edd questioned. I have found a measure of peace in this new world. I had thought it a fitting rebirth. But was Yarrl right? Edd had believed that the Arena was his chance to start over, to turn his back on who he had been in life. But what if that wasn’t the case? What if he could never leave Xanthus behind? I would love to have full access to my necromantic powers, but when I think of the man I was— weak and pathetic with flesh— I cringe.

  He shook his head, trying to dislodge the thoughts from his brain. Whatever happened, he would deal with it as it came. Edd turned his thoughts towards the animated flesh in his arm and how with the arena sealed, it had not answered his call. I will need another option, a thing of last resort.

  Edd reached out through his magic to the minion he had set loose to consume. Once the link between them was established, Edd sent his command. Vilerend, the time is soon. I will maintain a more active bond between us, though for how long I cannot say. If this bond should be severed for any reason, come immediately to my aid.

  The Skeleton smiled when an answer in a language none but him and other necromancers came in reply. More sound than words in a language that meant, “As you will, it master.”

  Chapter 17: The Animal

  The mood was subdued the next morning as his cohort gathered at the Arena platform.

  “Edd,” Colubra said in greeting, but Edd shook his skull to dissuade further conversation. He didn’t feel like discussing his fight with Yarrl.

  Get focused. This is not the time to be distracted by things you cannot control, Edd scolded himself. He needed to remain firmly planted in the present. Only surviving and defeating my opponents matters right now.

  The Dark Lord stood to greet them when they reached the Arena level, and he was not alone. A man with crisscrossed scars across his body was also there. Judging from the aura of power radiating from the box seats, Edd surmised other Lords of Pandemonium were present.

  “Welcome, my minions… my Champions,” Zekant’s voice boomed, and Edd felt a familiar flash of irritation. Had they not done everything Zekant had asked up to that point? Had they not passed all his tests with flying colors? Why does he mock us this way?

  “Easy now, Edd,” Selesius muttered. “That is not a fight you can win. Only your life will be lost with your temper. Nothing will change. We all have our parts to play.”

  “We have prepared a new challenge for you today in honor of my fellow Lords of Pandemonium in attendance,” Zekant went on. “This battle will have three phases, and you will face three very different sets of enemies. You will have to adapt your strategy for each. This will be a test of both your skills and ability to overcome.”

  The Dark Lord gestured with a black-gloved hand, and the elevators on the other side of the Arena began to descend.

  “Be warned,” he said. “Some of your opponents may be… very familiar. Do not allow that familiarity to be your downfall.”

  Edd frowned. What did that mean? Was he going to have to face Yarrl again? That’s what Crixa was telling me, wasn’t it?

  Notification: Arena Battle “Three Waves”

  Details: Deadly foes have been arranged to test your mettle and your worth in the Spectral Arena. You must survive each round. You will not be allowed to leave the Arena to rest or heal.

  Reward: Favor of a Lord of Pandemonium

  The Dark Lord sat back down, a serious and grim look on his face as the other lift arrived from the Arena level.

  On it paced the werewolf from the revenant’s cohort of Champions.

  The werewolf was not the same as it had been the previous day during the fight with Yarrl. Where it had once been just a bit taller than the others, Edd could see it now towered. The monster’s eyes were bloodshot and rabid-looking. Fresh blood and yellow foam dripped from its mouth. It lumbered around on four legs like a bear, pulling at its chains and snarling. The spider-monsters holding its bonds struggled to keep it back. Edd shook his head. Whatever shred of humanity was left in the werewolf is gone. How easily could that happen to the rest of us?

  “The wolf was the weakest of my Champions,” the Dark Lord announced, “and its antics yesterday did not amuse me. Only animals fail to heed their master, so an animal it has become. I have changed it. It may now be an opponent worthy of you.”

  Edd remembered its snickering face in the stands during his fight with the revenant. It had indeed been unimpressive. It did not seem particularly challenging now either. Edd made a promise to end it.

  Zekant gestured, and the wolf opened its mouth, and from its mouth, green fire spread across the Arena.

  “I have also given this animal additional powers,” the Dark Lord said. “Others may reveal themselves in time. May you succeed in this first and easiest battle.”

  The Dark Lord nodded to the spider-monsters, and they released th
e werewolf and scuttled away through their escape doors. The Champions were alone with the beast in the Arena. Edd looked to Selesius.

  “All right, centaur,” he said. “The manticore devised much of our strategy last time, but with her gone, it falls on you. What do you see?”

  Selesius narrowed his eyes. “We need to know what that green fire does. What it’s limits are and any secondary effects. Let’s see if we can draw it out. Did everyone upgrade their speed after the last group battle?”

  Everyone nodded. I’ll need to upgrade again after this.

  “Good,” Selesius said. “Let’s use that speed.”

  The Champions split up, each running toward a corner of the Arena. Edd’ bones cracked as he smiled when he took off. He took a measure of joy every time he entered the ring. Was I always like that, or did changing into this monster make it so?

  Edd was as fast as a carrion beast and felt like he could run for miles.

  Each of them sent a ranged attack towards the werewolf. The three of them vying for its attention while also peeling for each other. The monster stopped and sniffed the air, growling. Then, it turned toward Colubra with a wild howl and dropped to all fours. The werewolf lunged forward, and in its frenzied state, its movements were awkward and clumsy. Its hind legs are far longer than the arms.That’s why it's not as fast or agile as it should be. That could be useful to us.

  Colubra pelted the beast with a barrage of stone. Fist-sized rocks bounced off the werewolf, and the monster lurched to a halt. Not out of pain but from raw anger. The gorgon’s stone magic had torn open some of the skin on its face. Small droplets of blood dripped onto the sand.

  The werewolf tried to move forward, and Colubra hit the monster again with a second volley of stone. Edd watched in approval. She’s reduced the amount of magical energy it takes to summon a volley by at least half. This used to exhaust her. She would have no need for the centaur’s assistance this time around.

  The wolf sat back on its haunches, panting and furious at its inability to get to its intended prey. Then, it opened its mouth wide and shot a bolt of green fire at Colubra. With her malleable snake body, she twisted out of the way easily.

  “It has ice powers!” Colubra shouted, gesturing at the rapidly-melting line of frost where the green fire had hit the ground. “Frozen Flame. Be careful! Edd, can you counter it?”

  Before Colubra could attack again, Selesius sent a barrage of arrows flying at the werewolf, drawing its attention. “We don’t know what its powers are yet,” the centaur replied. “Remember, the Dark Lord said its abilities would reveal themselves!”

  The gorgon scowled as the snake woman moved toward Selesius. She had wanted to take the lead among their cohort by destroying the werewolf.

  The centaur sent out another volley of arrows. Each arrow was enchanted with a bit of the centaur’s magic to do an extra bit of damage as it tried to provoke the werewolf into using its magic again. The werewolf growled, and a haze of crimson energy seemed to overtake it, giving the monster a second wind and renewed power. It easily swatted away the rest of the arrows and renewed its advancement, this time heading straight to the centaur.

  It’s not undamaged. The werewolf can’t keep this pace up forever, Edd noted. Blood and sweat are still dripping from its hide.

  “Selesius!” Colubra shouted. “Aim for the exposed skin on its face. The gash!”

  Selesius nodded, acknowledging the gorgon’s suggestion. The centaur ran, putting some distance between itself and the werewolf while still carefully aiming its bow in a way only centaurs were capable of. Then, it launched a single enchanted arrow right at the werewolf’s vulnerable spot. The arrow sunk into the werewolf’s face, and the monster roared with pain as the raw magic of the enchanted arrow was unleashed.

  The werewolf reared back on its hind legs with a terrible scream of rage and ripped the arrow out of its face. Free of annoyances, it unleashed a series of fireballs at the centaur.

  The centaur dodged the magical fire easily enough. With his augmented speed, the centaur was never really in true danger from the spell. When the firestorm died down, Selesius looked down and inspected the burn marks left behind.

  “Electrical,” he said. “I think maybe it’s lightning magic this time.”

  “So it’s different every time?” Colubra asked.

  Edd shook his head from over at his vantage point, where he waited to intervene directly if any of his allies seemed like they might be overtaken. “No, I don’t think so. The effects of its magic must be random. There’s no way to predict what the fire will do. Selesius, if it hits us, you’ll have to figure it out and be ready to heal whatever happens.”

  The centaur stamped a powerful hoof, a strange smile plastered on its face, likely from his performance so far in the Arena. Selesius nodded, “I can do that.”

  Edd moved from where he was and joined Colubra in spreading out from the werewolf while Selesius hung back with his bow. The beast spun in circles, trying to figure out which of them to attack first. The magical feedback from Selesius’ arrows had left it befuddled and slow to act.

  Edd turned towards the werewolf and sent a shard of ice magic rippling toward the wolf. It hit, and a blade of ice buried itself deep in the creature’s meaty thigh. Roaring, the werewolf turned toward him and launched a fireball seeking to destroy the skeleton.

  “Pathetic!” Edd jeered as he easily ducked the werewolf’s attack. “You failed to stop Crixa yesterday from interfering. You failed to help the revenant kill me, and now, even with this new power of yours, you’re still failing.”

  The werewolf red eyes stared back at him blankly. He doesn’t understand speech anymore. He truly is gone. Edd found it unsettling that the Dark Lord’s gifts could be so easily retracted.

  Colubra and Selesius both launched magical attacks simultaneously, and the beast turned away from him with a growl, its attention called elsewhere. It turned and began running towards the centaur, but seemed to change its mind, switching once again and bringing its full attention down on the gorgon.

  Colubra lashed out to her left and then her right with the spear, trying to aim for kill shots and wounding points as she tried to maintain distance between them, knowing that close combat with the werewolf would turn deadly.

  Limping as it was from the ice shard lodged in its thigh, the werewolf remained relentless and advanced on the gorgon without pause. Something changed, and the werewolf opened its mouth. From inside, a massive ball of fire glowed brightly as the werewolf began to unleash the essence of fire sealed within it as bolts of fire were unleashed from its maw. Colubra did her best to dodge the fireballs, but there were too many, and they were coming too fast. She went down with a scream as the fire began to spread all around her.

  “Colubra!” Edd shouted, sprinting toward her. This round of fire seemed to have earth properties. The ground around the gorgon had turned to quicksand, and she was sinking fast. The newly created quicksand had deadly synergy with her snakelike body, and already half of it had become submerged.

  I’m not letting you die today. Edd froze the ground around the gorgon, and she stopped sinking momentarily. Edd knew the spell wouldn’t last long, especially if he had to maintain it while also fighting the werewolf. Or if the werewolf ignores me and decides to kill her while she’s vulnerable and suspended in place. Freezing the sane was the only option Edd had. Once it wore off, the earth would swallow her up.

  “Selesius!” he shouted. “A little help!”

  “On it!” Selesius said, beginning to braid his magic together, thinking of the time when he was alive and had worked to cancel out the nature of a hostile magic spell. “I think I can neutralize it.”

  “Don’t talk about it, do it!” Edd commanded as he turned back to face the werewolf.

  With a burst of power, he summoned Ice Blades with himself as the target. Jagged ice began to flow around his skeletal body. He and the werewolf became locked with each other in open combat.

werewolf’s flames against his ice.

  Edd was doing well. Despite the werewolf’s best efforts, Edd had managed to score additional hits with blades of ice to its vulnerable points. The frost's effect in its veins was causing the werewolf to slow down, its breathing becoming ragged.

  Gathering more of his power, Edd reached into his core and sent another Storm of Swords towards the werewolf. Two of the ice blades lodged themselves in the werewolf’s back, and it lunged at him with its massive jaws.

  He sidestepped the fangs and struck out with his sword, slicing deftly through the muscles of the creature’s shoulder. When it stood up again, the werewolf’s arm hung limp at its side. Blood dripped freely to the sand below.

  Pleased and excited, Edd tried to execute the same move again as Selesius, freed from his efforts to remove the quicksand enchantment that bound Colubra, began supporting the skeleton with covering fire.


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