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Case One ~ The Deceit (Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter Book 1)

Page 9

by Lori Zaremba

She reached the foyer and looked up at them with a raised eyebrow. “Good evening, gentlemen,” she said in her well-rehearsed, husky voice.

  “There you are, Vanessa. Gentlemen,” Sheila cooed with Frederick right behind her. Introductions made, the men were business associates of Frederick. Jon DePaul was a portly older man who had recently traveled from his homeland of France.

  He bowed over her hand and said, “Belle femme.”

  Vanessa smiled. “Merci, monsieur.” She curtsied. “Il est agréable de faire votre connaissance,” she replied in her perfect French.

  Jon was taken a bit off guard then bellowed with laughter. “It is nice to make your acquaintance as well,” he replied with his heavily accented English. Vanessa then turned to the man who was staring at her intently while she was speaking with Jon. Her heart did a little tumble as she looked up into stormy gray eyes.

  “Douglas Thorton,” he said with a bow. Like a real English gentleman, he took her offered hand and kissed the back of it, all the while staring intensely into her eyes. Vanessa, after a moment, remembered her manners and made a brief curtsy.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  His ruggedly handsome face broke into a smile that would have melted the snow on the North Pole. Vanessa was thunderstruck. Never had she met a man so commanding and so sexy. He was too rough, too dark, his build too muscular, and his eyes…his eyes made her feel things she shouldn’t and think things she shouldn’t even know about. She felt the heat spread up her cheeks.

  Stick to the plan, Vanessa. You are here to find a fair-haired, blue-eyed lover, everything this man is not. You are looking for a gentleman who will help you create the perfect baby for you and Carlson. The lectures in her mind went on and on. She snapped out of it when she realized everyone was looking at her for an answer.

  Sheila covered for her. “That’s all right, Vanessa. You can tell us all about Chicago while we dine.” She glanced up at the handsome rogue whose eyes flashed with amusement that he quickly concealed by turning away.

  The host and hostess led the group into the dining room, while Vanessa was ushered in by a steady hand on the small of her back. A slight caress from gentle fingers made her forget everything she had just reminded herself about.

  Later, after the men went off to the library to enjoy some of Frederick’s secret cognac and fine cigars, Sheila encouraged Vanessa to sit at the baby grand piano in the music room.

  “Please play, Vanessa.”

  She immediately started playing “The Entertainer,” a favorite ragtime tune. She was so into the fun of it that she didn’t notice her audience had grown until she looked up to bestow a smile on her older cousin after the final chord. Sheila started whooping and applauding.

  Vanessa started to rise, but Frederick stopped her. “Please sit.”

  The group gathered around the piano. Vanessa glanced up, avoiding a pair of curious gray eyes, and asked if there were any requests. Everyone spoke at the same time, announcing a different composition.

  She played Mozart’s “Rondo Alla Turca” at Frederick’s request. She sighed when she started the first few notes of “Fur Elise,” which was Douglas’s. She found she poured her emotion into the song; her fingers skimmed the keys as never before. When done, she was almost in tears. The group exploded with applause and exuberance. Standing shakily and stretching her fingers, Vanessa bowed out of any further requests. She was a little out of practice, and her fingers were tired. Frederick offered her a brandy, and without hesitation, she accepted.

  Sauntering over to the window to get a better view of the New York City skyline, she took a sip of the brandy. Its warmth steadied her nerves.

  “Beautiful,” said a deep voice behind her.

  “Yes, yes, it is,” she responded, turning to take in those gray eyes.

  He chuckled. It was a deep, husky sound that sent shockwaves through her body.

  Stepping closer, he murmured, “I was referring to you.”

  Vanessa felt pulled into his orbit. Her mind screamed danger. Quickly spinning back to the window and intensely aware of his heat so close to her, she tried to take control of the situation and struggled to remember all her flirting lessons with Raul.

  Was that all this was? Flirting?

  “So, what part of England do you call home, sir?”

  He cocked his head back and studied her from under hooded eyes. “I was born and raised in a small town called Luton, about thirty miles north of London. Our home was destroyed during the war, so we moved to a townhome in London. Last year, I inherited our family’s estate in Buckinghamshire, and we have been calling it home ever since.”

  “Hmmm. What’s Buckinghamshire like?” Turning to look once again at the skyline, Vanessa presented him a lovely view of her back.

  “Lots of rolling hills, and the grass is the same beautiful green as your eyes.”

  She knew he was uncomfortable with her questions, but she liked the control it afforded her. “Are you married, Mr. Thorton?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “Does it matter, Mrs. Holland?” His voice was husky, but Vanessa could hear the slight impatience that laced it.

  “Maybe.” Feeling stronger now, she turned and took a step toward him. With her glass of brandy in one hand and her other on the curve of her hip, she thrust it out as Raul taught her. She raised her eyebrow in defiance and took another sip of the fiery brandy.

  His eyes filled with amusement, but it appeared he would play the game her way. “I have a wife in London who hates the sight of me, Mrs. Holland.”

  “Hates you?” She watched him over her glass. “Imagine that!”

  This time, he laughed, drawing the attention of the others in the room.

  Sheila made her way over to them, beaming. “Isn’t my baby cousin swell, Mr. Thorton?”

  She chatted a while about their childhood antics until Jon announced it was time for them to head back to their hotel, and the cab was waiting.

  Vanessa bid the group goodnight, and as she headed up the stairs, she overheard Frederick reminding them about the party tomorrow evening.

  Pausing on the steps as a little secret thrill ran down the length of her, Vanessa mentally shook herself. Sighing, she looked over her shoulder to see the men departing through the large front door, but not before her eyes were captured by Mr. Thorton’s.

  Thank goodness Raul is invited. I am going to need him. Vanessa climbed the last few steps, certain she was in deep trouble.

  Chapter 9

  The evening of the party, Raul plopped himself across the bed from Vanessa as Connie arranged her hair for the party. She spun the weight of it into a bun at the base of Vanessa’s neck.

  When Connie left the room for more hairpins, Vanessa immediately pounced on Raul. “Raul, what am I to do about Mr. Thorton?”

  Setting her back in the chair before her vanity, Raul straightened his evening attire and gave her a cross look. “Mr. who?” He laughed. Vanessa remembered she was supposed to curl the hair around her face with the hot iron while Connie stepped away. Doing so with a shaky hand, she quickly told him about the handsome Mr. Thorton who was going to interfere with all their well-made plans.

  Before explaining who he was, she went on a small rant. “His hair is silky brown, his skin is tanned by the sun, and his eyes are the color of thunderclouds. His body…” Her voice trailed off as she thought about how his jacket fit his broad shoulders.

  Swallowing, she looked up to see the amusement sparkling in Raul’s eyes. “And it was only your first night here!”

  Just as she went to smack the grin off his face, Connie returned with the hairpins. Seeming to sense the two may have been arguing, Connie sent him off to find her mistress a cup of tea. Raul scowled at Vanessa as he exited the room. She knew he would want an explanation as soon as he returned.

  Connie finished her hair, and Vanessa finished dressing in the emerald green dress Raul designed for her. It was splendid. Raul gave her a low whistle when he returned
to the room along with her tea carried by a young maid he had found in the kitchen. Green silk adorned with fantastic beadwork molded her slender silhouette. Bejeweled straps led to the soft, loose neckline that drew attention to the gentle swells hidden underneath. The hand-beaded bodice and delicate stitching accentuated her tiny waist as snug, fitted silk clung to her hips and thighs before gently falling to the floor. The color perfectly matched her eyes and made her creamy skin glow.

  Raul handed her the cup of tea as Connie and the maid left the room. “Tell me about your Mr. Thorton.”

  More composed now, she clasped an emerald and diamond necklace at her throat and clipped matching earrings in place. Speaking softly, she told him about the man in question.

  “I swear, that man is going to ruin everything,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll keep an eye on the situation and make sure your Mr. Thorton doesn’t interfere with the task at hand.”

  It was an hour later when Raul met Douglas Thorton personally and witnessed the chemistry between the man and Vanessa.

  “There you are, Raul. I have been so looking forward to seeing you again,” Sheila interrupted and greeted him cheerfully.

  “Look at you,” he gushed. “You are a thing of beauty.”

  “I am so glad you could make it.” Sheila grabbed his hand and pulled him along to meet some of her best friends on the other side of the room.

  Vanessa watched as they walked away. Some help he is.

  “Are you jealous?” The deep voice was so close to her ear chills shivered down her spine.

  “Huh? I am not jealous, Mr. Thorton.” She turned to gaze up into cloudy gray eyes.

  “You were looking pretty fiercely at your friend, Ralph. I assumed you were envious of the attention he was giving Sheila.”

  “Well, we all know what happens when one assumes something, Mr. Thorton.”

  “Personally, I think you could find a better lover. I don’t understand what you see in him.” He spoke with an edge to his refined accent. “He seems a bit soft.” He looked over to where Raul was laughing with Sheila and then back at her, and when she didn’t offer a reply, he continued. “You traveled here from New York with him. Doesn’t your husband get suspicious about the time you spend with…?”

  “Stop.” She didn’t allow him to finish. “First of all, his name is Raul. He is one of my oldest and dearest friends, nothing more.” Vanessa narrowed her eyes as she continued. “Carlson is also very fond of him, and if I was looking at him fiercely, it is because he is supposed to be over here…beside me, protecting me from you,” she blurted and spun away.

  Vanessa barely took a step when she felt strong fingers wrap around her arm, pulling her back to face him. She was now furious and almost threw a punch but found the strength to keep her free hand to herself.

  “Why would you need protection from me?” His beautiful eyes were intent as they gazed into hers. Watching his eyes soften with realization, Vanessa nearly melted to the ground, her ire forgotten.

  Before she knew what was happening, he was pulling her along past the thick crowd of guests, through the foyer, to the quiet sanctuary of the library. Looking around to make sure it was vacant, he quickly turned and shut the door.

  “What on earth are you doing?” She tried to slip past him, only to find strong hands on her shoulders holding her in place.

  “What are you doing to me?” Douglas demanded, and before she could conjure a retort, his mouth found hers. She struggled and tried to pull away, but he deepened the kiss, and his hands now at the small of her back pulled her even closer. The warm scent of him and the solid strength of his body made her forget why she needed to get away. His lips followed a path down her neck and nuzzled her bare shoulder before finding her mouth again. She was lost, overcome by sensations she had never known existed. Her heart pounded with fear and exhilaration. Her body welcomed his touch like the frozen earth to the rising sun. A low moan escaped her lips.

  “Sweet Vanessa…”

  Vanessa never felt so out of control, never felt so wanted. She felt a sob of emotion rising in her chest.

  He pulled her even closer. They stood like that for a sweet, insane moment and took pleasure in the comfort and connection. His lips once again covered hers, this time with gentleness that brought tears to her eyes. They both heard the soft knock on the door and stepped away from each other, and a few discreet moments ticked by before it opened and Raul entered.

  “Vanessa, dinner is being served.”

  Douglas nudged her onto Raul’s waiting arm.

  “Go on, Vanessa. I will catch up in a bit.”

  She straightened her dress and patted her hair in place. Turning, she took Raul’s arm and allowed him to escort her from the room. She gave one longing look back at Douglas and saw him run a shaky hand through his hair. He met her gaze as Raul pulled her from his sight.

  “You found her,” Sheila chirped as soon as Vanessa and Raul entered.

  “Just a small issue with Vanessa’s dress,” Raul explained to appease the questioning look Sheila was giving her.

  Satisfied by the answer, Sheila ushered them to their seats. Raul signaled the waiter for champagne and handed her a glass. He chuckled as she drank the whole glass in one long swallow. The glass was quickly refilled several more times before the first course arrived.

  Tipsy and giddy, Vanessa leaned over to whisper loudly, “I think I’m in love with that dark bastard!”

  “Shhhh.” Raul chuckled. “You sure move quick, darling.”

  Vanessa looked up at him. “This isn’t normal, is it?”

  Raul looked thoughtfully at her and shrugged. “Nothing about your life is normal, Vanessa. Embrace it!” Reaching for his champagne, he scanned the large dining room. “Look. There’s the love of your life now.”

  Douglas was seated next to a stunning brunette who seemed to have his undivided attention. She whispered something in his ear, and he threw back his head and gave a shout of laughter. Vanessa felt a brand-new emotion. She bristled as jealousy reared its ugly head.

  “That sap!” She started to rise, but Raul pulled her back into her seat.

  “Easy, girl, he’s just trying to act as if nothing happened, for your sake.” He leaned closer to her. “So, what exactly happened in that room, Vanessa?”

  She relaxed and realized she had no business being jealous and gave a little laugh, even though her insides were still full of turmoil. “Don’t worry, darling. I am still a virgin.” She laughed, drawing the attention of the older couple sitting next to her.

  Dinner lasted another two hours and had Vanessa fidgeting as she barely tasted the food on her plate. Raul was engrossed in a conversation with the gentleman sitting next to him, so that left her to chit-chat with the couple on her other side. They were sweet enough, but her focus was on the irritating man at the other end of the table. He barely glanced her way, as he was so engrossed in the woman sitting next to him.

  She excused herself as soon as the dessert plates were whisked away. Needing air, she traipsed across the ballroom where a band was warming up. The sound of their instruments grated on her nerves as she headed out through a pair of French doors to the veranda. Vanessa leaned against a tall pillar and let the chilled New York air wash over her. Hearing the first strains of music coming through the doors behind her, she let out a long breath. There was much laughter as the party moved into the ballroom, and couples lined up to do the foxtrot.

  Enjoying the night sky, it wasn’t long before the guests spilled out onto the veranda seeking the fresh air after getting heated up to the music inside.

  Raul appeared at her side. “Come on, Vanessa. Let’s show these New Yorkers how to do the tango…Chicago style.”

  With a giggle, she followed him inside.

  Sauntering to the center of the ballroom as the band began to play, Vanessa swayed to the sultry music and stepped into Raul’s waiting arms. They moved beautifully together as both loved the cat and mouse pl
ay of this dance. He guided while she followed with a controlled, precise motion that was the tango. Spinning around, she caught sight of Douglas watching her from the crowd with guarded eyes. Raul lifted her and carried her the opposite way. When she looked into the group again, Douglas was gone. The last seconds of the dance, Raul dipped her low then spun her around and lifted her in one fluid motion, letting her slide down his body as the final note played. The ballroom erupted in applause as they smiled at each other.

  Sheila was beside herself. “You have to teach me to tango, Raul!”

  Raul entertained Sheila and her group of friends as Vanessa was pulled away to dance with another fellow, then another, and then three more. She found as the night wore on, the music got livelier and the champagne flowed more freely. It was quite late when she finally excused herself and forced her weary body up the huge flight of stairs to the sanctuary of her bedroom.

  Once alone, Vanessa stripped the delicate dress and restrictive undergarments from her body. She wrapped herself in a silk peignoir and unbound her hair. Brushing out the length, the flaming tresses glowed. Vanessa then secured it away from her face with a thick headband.

  Scrubbing her face and removing all traces of the rouge and powder she had worn, she applied Marie Earle’s Essential Cream to her freshly washed skin. Vanessa stood and allowed a big yawn to escape. Stretching, she heard a quick knock on her door. Figuring it was Raul, drunk and wanting to chat the night away, she opened the door and was stunned to see Douglas standing there.

  “Douglas?” she squeaked, looking down the hall to see who else may be out there.

  He pushed his way past her, collecting her hand. He tugged her with him as he quickly shut the door.

  “What are you doing here?” Vanessa bristled, looking down, and noticed the robe was gaping open. She angrily pulled it close with a snap. “You have to get out of here!”

  He grinned wickedly, his eyes roaming her body. Smugly, he walked into the room. “Aren’t you going to at least offer me a nightcap?” He raised his brow to the crystal decanter filled with brandy that sat on a small bar cart in the corner of the room.


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