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Case One ~ The Deceit (Trudy Hicks Ghost Hunter Book 1)

Page 11

by Lori Zaremba

  She shrugged nonchalantly with a smile and allowed her eyes to feast upon him. She hid the tiny shiver of nervous excitement that ran the length of her body.

  “This is convenient.” Vanessa brushed past him, collecting some of the moisture from his torso with a bold caress of her hand.

  “What is?” She heard him catch his breath before he shut and locked the door behind her.

  She stopped in the center of the room, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. She spun slowly around.

  Douglas waited, watching her with a raised eyebrow. Unbuttoning the fur cape and letting it slide slowly down her arms to fall to the floor, Vanessa stood still, breathing heavily.

  Douglas stood there frozen. Allowing his towel to drop, he growled as he walked toward her. He picked her up a bit roughly and carried her to the bed. “You’re right. This is very convenient.”

  Her fingers traced the grin on his face. Rolling her so she was on top of him, he nudged her thigh so she sat astride him.

  “Let me get a better look at this little piece of fabric you’re wearing.” She giggled as his lips found hers again, and the garment in question was swiftly removed.

  Let the baby making begin, she thought wickedly.

  They did so…for hours.


  The next few weeks were blissful for Vanessa, the days filled with shopping, socializing, and sightseeing with Raul, Connie, and some new friends she made.

  Evenings were for dining, shows, and dancing, but her nights were devoted only to Douglas.

  He didn’t seem to mind at all. She felt the same thrill every time their eyes met across the room, every time he pulled her into his arms, and every time he took her to his bed.

  Vanessa also knew she had slid into dangerous territory and fallen head over heels in love with him.

  Knowing in her heart that he had deep feelings for her as well, they never spoke of it. One night when buried deep inside of her and after reaching a climax together, he gripped her hands above her head and whispered, “I love you,” almost with agony, into her unsuspecting ear before burrowing his head in her neck.

  She felt the warmth of his tears there as hers settled on her own cheeks and later wondered if she had only imagined that he spoke those words, because if he had, her plans could be in jeopardy.


  Shopping one unusually warm fall morning with Raul, they visited the many boutiques in Midtown Manhattan and finally stumbled into a little shop that had souvenirs of a finer quality.

  Vanessa was drawn to a little flask of sterling silver that had what was supposed to be an etching of the Statue of Liberty, but instead the artist who crafted it made the Lady Liberty much shapelier. Her beautiful face and long tresses resembled Vanessa’s own. Raul gave a hoot of laughter. She quickly purchased it as a gift for Douglas, thinking it would be a perfect reminder of this visit, and Vanessa knew he did not own a flask.

  Chuckling, Vanessa would be sure to fill it with their favorite brandy.

  That evening when Vanessa walked into Douglas’s room, she knew everything had changed.

  His bags were packed, and with tears in his eyes, he showed her the letter from Abigail, who begged his forgiveness and pleaded for him to come home so the family could heal.

  Crying, Vanessa hugged him. She knew this was what he wanted, what he needed. She handed him the little wrapped flask and pressed her lips to his one last time. Without another word, she slipped from the room and his life.

  She sobbed herself to sleep that night and awoke in the morning to emptiness. She rolled over in her bed and immediately became nauseated. Every morning was the same, until it finally dawned on her that she was pregnant.

  She knew it was time to go home.


  Vanessa, chilled to the bone, looked up at the bright sun and knew she had been sitting on that bench a good while. Wiping the tears that had gathered on her cheek and clearing her mind, she pressed her hand over the familiar ache in her chest. Picking up her packages and hailing a passing taxi cab, Vanessa paid the cabbie extra so she could bring Caesar on board.

  She was in a hurry now to get home to her sweet son.

  Chapter 11


  “Are you back?” Trudy called from the door, when she noticed that Dana opened her eyes. She handed the psychic a crumpled napkin to wipe the tears from her cheeks and sat down on the wing chair adjacent to where Dana sat. “What happened?” Trudy asked before reaching out to comfort Dana when she started sobbing.

  “No, it’s okay. I’m fine,” Dana said, running her fingers through her hair. “Where’s the hat?”

  Trudy looked around. “Oh no, where did it go?” She got down on all fours and looked under the chair.

  Dana said softly, “Trudy, I have so much to tell you.”

  Trudy stopped searching and sat back up on her heels to look at Dana. “Did you learn why Vanessa is still haunting here?”

  Dana wore a tender smile that widened into a broad grin. “No, but I do know that she had a very lusty affair and got knocked up.” Rising too quickly, she swayed a little.

  Trudy grabbed Dana by her elbow. “An affair?” she asked while helping the psychic stumble to the sofa so she could lie down. Dana’s face was pale under her tawny skin, and her usually lively hazel eyes looked exhausted.

  “Rest up, Dana. You can tell me all about it later.” Trudy pulled a soft blanket over Dana and tread lightly to the door. Curiosity had her turning to ask, “Dana, who was the…?”

  Her voice trailed off as she realized her friend was already fast asleep.

  “We’ll talk later,” she whispered and slipped quietly out the door.

  Later that afternoon, they all gathered around the kitchen table, the Johnsons, Jason, Ryan, and her team. The group sat there riveted as Dana told Vanessa’s emotional story. When Dana finished with a slight catch in her voice, both Beverly and Patrick were softly crying.

  Blowing his nose loudly, Patrick stood and excused himself. “I need air.”

  “What a story.” Beverly reached for another tissue. “No wonder Vanessa is hanging around. That kind of love, such joy…and what sorrow.” She let out a long, shaky breath. “That poor little angel.”

  Jason raised his brow. “Poor angel?” He stole a quick look at Ryan. “Did I hear the same story?” He smiled into a tall glass of lemonade and took a sip, grimacing slightly at its tartness.

  Ryan chuckled and agreed. “Yeah, I’m not feeling too sorry for her. It sounds like she got exactly what she asked for.”

  They continued joking and laughing. “I mean, she didn’t figure it out until her wedding night?” Ryan boomed.

  “The guy’s sashaying around in a…what?” Throwing back his head and laughing loudly, Ryan then let out a shout when a half-full glass of lemonade spilled into his lap.

  Beverly quickly jumped up to grab a dish towel, wiping up the table before tossing it at Ryan’s face so he could wipe the crotch of his jeans.

  “Way to piss Vanessa off, boys.” Trudy leaned back in her chair as laughter wracked her body.

  “Dana, was that Vanessa?” asked a now-meek Ryan, still in disbelief.

  Dana just scowled at him.

  Trudy turned to a very quiet Leslie, who appeared to be still shaken from the investigation. “Do you have any questions about the people you’ll be researching?” Trudy reached out to cover Leslie’s hand with her own.

  “Douglas Thorton and Abigail, Raul Dupree, John DePaul, Sheila, Frederick…” Leslie pulled her hand away and checked off the long list of names before standing to excuse herself. Paul stood too and walked out with Leslie.

  Trudy covered her eyes with her hands before running them through her curls. She knew the research would help Leslie sort out the raging emotions that were racing through her. Taking a deep breath, Trudy hoped Leslie would be her organized, practical self in a day or two.

  “What time do you want me back here tonight?” Ryan asked as he stood fro
m his chair.

  They all agreed to another nine p.m. start. Trudy looked at the time on her cell phone. She had plenty of time to take a walk with Jasmine and then nap before tonight’s investigation.

  She headed out the front door and down the long steps. Making a left on Calumet Street, she tightened Jasmine’s lead to make room for joggers who passed by on the narrow sidewalk. Navigating the afternoon crowd, she eventually found her way to the lakefront trail. Here, she and Jasmine could spread out as the foot traffic became minimal.

  Inhaling the fresh lake air and admiring the many boats of all sizes docked in Burnham Harbor, Trudy ignored the cold that nipped her nose.

  Finding a small bench, she sat down and thought of Vanessa, wondering if she too had sat here and enjoyed the view of the sun twinkling on the water.

  Her quizzical brain began analyzing all the possible ways Vanessa’s story would end.

  Did Douglas push her down those steps? Did Douglas find out about the baby? Maybe he tried to take the baby from Vanessa, and the custody battle turned violent?

  Sighing, Trudy murmured to herself, “Vanessa, we will get to the bottom of this.”

  She heard footsteps behind her and caught a whiff of familiar cologne. Without turning and trusting her instincts, she called out, “Jason, have a seat.”

  Laughing because Jasmine was now doing her happy dance, Jason shrugged and stepped closer.

  Trudy watched with a slight smile as he reached down to pet the dog. Cradling her head in his capable hands, his lips brushed the dog’s snout.

  Kissing a dog just endeared Jason to her even more. Sitting down heavily next to Trudy, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and reached inside his jacket and pulled out a brown sack of roasted cashews and offered them to her.

  Thinking to herself how well he already knew her and her love of food, Trudy reached into the bag and grabbed a few, delighted to find they were still warm.

  Jason pulled her closer. “Well, Trudy, what do you make of that story Dana told?” Trudy could tell by his tone that he wasn’t sure what to believe.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve come up with several scenarios of how I believe this story will end. I guess we’ll have to just follow the evidence.”

  “Evidence?” Jason almost shouted then sighed and rubbed his hand over his eyes. “Whispers, psychics, the unseen, and things I wish I had never seen…ghost dogs, slamming doors, phantom gunshots, and whatever the hell that was in the basement.”

  He let out a long, exasperated breath.

  “Trudy, it’s just not the kind of evidence I’m used to.”

  She gave him a quick look from under her lashes as he once again wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her close. He rested his chin on the thick cushion of her hair.

  “The only thing that keeps me from packing up my crew and getting the hell out of town is you.”

  With a flicker of surprise, she tried to steal another look at his expression but instead found herself drowning in his turbulent blue-green eyes.

  “I’m in way over my head, Gertrude Hicks.” Jason looked at her thoughtfully before touching his lips gently to hers then deepening the kiss when he heard her slight moan. Trudy’s heart was doing jumping jacks in her chest.

  She was trying to figure out her own feelings for Jason. At first blush, she thought he would be just a handsome diversion, but these past few days, she realized she sincerely liked who he was. Now in his embrace, she loved the way he made her feel…beautiful and vital. He pulled her half onto his lap while his lips blazed a trail along her jawline to that sweet place behind her ear, and his hands sought warmth under her heavy coat.

  Jasmine’s bark broke the spell.

  Trudy stood suddenly and felt a bit awkward, like she had kissed a boy during class. Taking a deep breath for control, she offered him her hand. “Come on, let’s walk.”

  They walked along the pier, enjoying the soft lake air, cotton candy, and a few more stolen kisses. They spoke about the investigation and if either had had a chance to review the evidence. Jason’s crew was going over footage currently. Trudy and Patrick would review their data over the course of the next few days.

  Jason’s cell phone rang from his pocket, and he checked to see who it was. He signaled to Trudy that he needed to answer.

  Nodding, Trudy led Jasmine away a few steps and heard him say, “Hi, honey.”

  Whoever was on the other end must have been very talkative because other than one or two comments, Jason didn’t seem to contribute much to the conversation. Trudy watched him thoughtfully, enjoying the sunlight shimmering in his golden hair. He wore a pained expression on his handsome face, keeping his eyes closed while he concentrated on the person on the other end of the line. About ten minutes later, Jason strolled over to where she stood. He chuckled when he noticed the now-empty bag that had held the cashews crumpled in her hand.

  “Sorry, that was Katelyn, my oldest.” He smiled fondly. “She just finished nursing school, and she is very talkative.”

  “How many children do you have? Wait, you’re not married, are you?”

  Laughing, Jason quipped, “Now you ask?”

  “Katelyn is twenty-four and a real go-getter, and Jessica just turned eighteen.” He sighed heavily. “Jessica has no idea of what path in life she should take. She’s very creative and can build just about anything you need.” He scanned through his cell phone and produced pictures of a bathroom remodel Jessica did, and several more of his daughters.

  Trudy was impressed. She enlarged the last photo to get a better look at his daughters, both very striking in their own way. Katelyn, the eldest, was tall and slender with her father’s vivid eyes and long, silky, brown hair. Jessica was petite and blonde with bright blue eyes that were brimming with attitude.

  “What happened?” Trudy asked, referring to his marriage.

  “It failed,” Jason replied, tucking the cell phone back in his pocket. “Lisa, my ex-wife, found someone who had a lot of time and attention to give her. I’ll be honest, the divorce blindsided me.” He paused for a moment before glancing down at Trudy.

  He took a deep breath. “Lisa and I had been childhood sweethearts. We started dating in our sophomore year in high school. When we graduated, she went off to college for business, and I joined the Army.” Jason closed his eyes at the memory. “I paid my dues, got in the thick of things in the Middle East.” He stopped walking and looked down at her.

  “I guess I’m lucky. I don’t bear the scars that some of my Army brothers have, but God, the blood and the death.”

  Trudy reached out to smooth his hair back from his forehead when he fell silent.

  “The Army educated me in surveillance and security. Lisa and I married but struggled financially on my military salary, and then with one young daughter, money was tight.” They started off walking again. Jason nodded to a young couple as they passed.

  “When I was offered a job with the FBI, we felt like we won the lottery, especially with Lisa eight months pregnant with our youngest.” He blew out a long breath and smiled at her.

  “Damn, I was so grateful for the opportunity that I worked like a jackass. I took on harder cases and more hours than any other agent.” He shook his head. “I jumped at every opportunity to move up through the chain of command and provide a better life for my family.” He once again looked sideways down at her, and Trudy nodded in understanding.

  “My ambition caused me to miss birthdays, anniversaries, dance recitals, and soccer games.”

  Jason tossed his head back and looked up toward the sky.

  “I really thought I was doing right by my family, but instead, I was losing them.” His voice lowered as he hissed, “I came home from an assignment one day, and Lisa told me not to bother anymore, she had found someone else.”

  Jason slid his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and stepped away, appearing to control his emotions. He turned back to Trudy, and when he spoke, she could hear the anger and outrage in his vo

  “I could understand why she would turn to someone else, but when I learned the affair had been going on for four years, I lost it. I didn’t know who I was anymore. I did some things I’m not proud of.”

  “Whatever you did, I’m sure it was justified,” Trudy murmured, studying his profile.

  “I drove my new F-150 through the sunroom addition that Lisa’s boyfriend put on our house.”

  A bark of laughter escaped Trudy’s mouth. “What?”

  Jason grimaced and tugged on Jasmine’s leash so joggers could run past them. “Yeah, like I said, it wasn’t one of my finer moments.”

  “So Lisa had an affair with your contractor?” Trudy asked, incredulous.

  “Yeah, and then she married him a year after our divorce was final.”

  “Really?” Trudy asked, but she knew he was telling the truth.

  Jason’s face split in a grin. “The sad thing is for the life of me, I can’t dislike the guy.”

  When Trudy raised her brow in disbelief, Jason explained.

  “He fixed the damage I did to the house, free of charge. He encouraged Lisa to work with me through the divorce, and he’s good to my daughters. I had to rebuild my life, took out my pension and started this business, bought some real estate, and right now, life is good.” He pressed his lips to Trudy’s forehead. “So, enough about me.” He turned her to face him and held her hand. “What about you and Michael?”

  “It didn’t work out,” was all she said. Unbuttoning her jacket, she showed him her scar. “A bullet, just inches from my heart, was my wake-up call.” Trudy felt her eyes fill with tears, saddened by the memory.

  Jason noticed as well, pulling her into his arms, and he dropped the subject.

  They strolled a little while longer before grudgingly retracing their steps and heading back to the mansion.

  Once they arrived, they were surprised to see Ryan walking with a man in handcuffs.

  “Trudy, we found him sleeping in the back seat of your van. I’m taking him to the tank so he can sober up.”


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